package de.bse.prgm.cmd.control; import de.bse.prgm.cmd.ICommand; import; import de.bse.vm.Machine; import de.bse.vm.var.Bit; import de.bse.vm.var.ConglomerateVariable; public class Return implements ICommand { public void execute(Machine machine, IConsole console) { Bit[] gosubs = ((ConglomerateVariable) machine.parseIVariable("W6")) .getBits(); int jumpTo = machine.getProgram().getCommands().size() - 1; search: for (int id = gosubs.length - 1; id >= 0; id--) { if (gosubs[id].getValue() == 1) { gosubs[id].setValue(0); for (int i = 0; i < machine.getProgram().getCommands().size(); i++) { ICommand cmd = machine.getProgram().getCommands().get(i); if ((cmd instanceof Gosub) && (((Gosub) cmd).getId() == id)) { jumpTo = i; break search; } } } } machine.setExecutionIndex(jumpTo); } public String infoMsg() { return "[Info]Return to last executed gosub or to end if there is none"; } public String toString() { return "RETURN"; } }