package; import; import de.bse.prgm.war.IWarning; import; import de.bse.vm.Machine; import de.bse.vm.Speaker; /** * Sound class which uses vm.Speaker to give out sounds * similar to the BS1 sounds whilst using the same syntax. * @author Elias Groll, Jonas Reichmann * @version 2.15 */ public class Sound extends IOCommand { /** * Constructor of the Sound class used to create sounds * similar to the BS1 * @param num pin on which the sound shall be played on (only virtual) * @param note to be played (freq = 1 / 0.000095 + ((127-note) * 0,000083)) * @param duration of the note to be played */ public Sound(String num, String note, String duration) { super(num); this.noteString = note; this.durationString = duration; } private String noteString; private String durationString; private int duration; private int frequency; public void execute(Machine machine, IConsole console) { super.execute(machine, console); initVars(machine); if (dir != null) { machine.parseIVariable("DIR" + num).setValue(1); try { Speaker.tone(frequency, duration * 12); } catch (Exception e) { try { Thread.sleep(duration * 12); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { machine.getProgram().addWarning(new IWarning() { public String warningMsg() { return "[Warn]The audio output could have been interrupted"; } }); } } } } private void initVars(Machine machine) { this.duration = (int) machine.parseIVariable(durationString).getValue(); int note = (int) machine.parseIVariable(noteString).getValue(); this.frequency = (int) (1 / (0.000095 + ((127 - note) * 0.000083))); } public String infoMsg() { return "[Info]Sound(" + frequency + "hz) on P" + num + " for " + duration * 12 + " milliseconds"; } public String toString() { return "SOUND"; } }