package com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.pool; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.HealthCheckResult; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.HealthCheckResults; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.HostDiscovery; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.LoadBalanceAlgorithm; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.PartitionContext; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.PartitionContextBuilder; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.RetryPolicy; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.ServiceCallback; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.ServiceEndPoint; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.ServiceFactory; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.ServicePoolStatistics; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.exceptions.MaxRetriesException; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.exceptions.NoAvailableHostsException; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.exceptions.NoCachedInstancesAvailableException; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.exceptions.NoSuitableHostsException; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.exceptions.OnlyBadHostsException; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.healthcheck.DefaultHealthCheckResults; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.healthcheck.HealthCheckRetryDelay; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.metrics.Metrics; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.partition.PartitionFilter; import com.codahale.metrics.Gauge; import com.codahale.metrics.Meter; import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import static; class ServicePool<S> implements com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.ServicePool<S> { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServicePool.class); /** * Number of seconds between bad endpoint health check verification runs. */ private static final int HEALTH_CHECK_VERIFY_SECS = 30; private final Ticker _ticker; private final HostDiscovery _hostDiscovery; private final boolean _cleanupHostDiscoveryOnClose; private final HostDiscovery.EndPointListener _hostDiscoveryListener; private final ServiceFactory<S> _serviceFactory; private final ScheduledExecutorService _healthCheckExecutor; private final boolean _shutdownHealthCheckExecutorOnClose; private final PartitionFilter _partitionFilter; private final LoadBalanceAlgorithm _loadBalanceAlgorithm; private final ServicePoolStatistics _servicePoolStatistics; private final ConcurrentMap<ServiceEndPoint, HealthCheck> _badEndPoints; private final Predicate<ServiceEndPoint> _badEndPointFilter; private final Set<ServiceEndPoint> _recentlyRemovedEndPoints; private final ServiceCache<S> _serviceCache; private final Metrics.InstanceMetrics _metrics; private final Timer _callbackExecutionTime; private final Timer _healthCheckTime; private final Meter _numExecuteSuccesses; private final Meter _numExecuteAttemptFailures; private final HealthCheckRetryDelay _healthCheckRetryDelay; ServicePool(Ticker ticker, HostDiscovery hostDiscovery, boolean cleanupHostDiscoveryOnClose, ServiceFactory<S> serviceFactory, ServiceCachingPolicy cachingPolicy, PartitionFilter partitionFilter, LoadBalanceAlgorithm loadBalanceAlgorithm, ScheduledExecutorService healthCheckExecutor, boolean shutdownHealthCheckExecutorOnClose, HealthCheckRetryDelay healthCheckRetryDelay, MetricRegistry metrics) { _healthCheckRetryDelay = checkNotNull(healthCheckRetryDelay); _ticker = checkNotNull(ticker); _hostDiscovery = checkNotNull(hostDiscovery); _cleanupHostDiscoveryOnClose = cleanupHostDiscoveryOnClose; _serviceFactory = checkNotNull(serviceFactory); _healthCheckExecutor = checkNotNull(healthCheckExecutor); _shutdownHealthCheckExecutorOnClose = shutdownHealthCheckExecutorOnClose; _badEndPoints = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); _badEndPointFilter = Predicates.not(; _recentlyRemovedEndPoints = Sets.newSetFromMap(CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .ticker(_ticker) .expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES) // TODO: Make this a constant .<ServiceEndPoint, Boolean>build() .asMap()); checkNotNull(cachingPolicy); _serviceCache = new ServiceCacheBuilder<S>() .withServiceFactory(serviceFactory) .withCachingPolicy(cachingPolicy) .withMetricRegistry(metrics) .build(); _partitionFilter = checkNotNull(partitionFilter); _loadBalanceAlgorithm = checkNotNull(loadBalanceAlgorithm); _servicePoolStatistics = new ServicePoolStatistics() { @Override public int getNumIdleCachedInstances(ServiceEndPoint endPoint) { return _serviceCache.getNumIdleInstances(endPoint); } @Override public int getNumActiveInstances(ServiceEndPoint endPoint) { return _serviceCache.getNumActiveInstances(endPoint); } }; // Watch end points as they are removed from host discovery so that we can remove them from our set of bad // end points as well. This will prevent the bad end points set from growing in an unbounded fashion. // There is a minor race condition that could happen here, but it's not anything to be concerned about. The // HostDiscovery component could lose its connection to its backing data store and then immediately regain it // right afterwards. If that happens it could remove all of its end points only to re-add them right back again // and we will "forget" that an end point was bad and try to use it again. This isn't fatal though because // we'll just rediscover that it's a bad end point again in the future. Also in the future it might be useful // to measure how long an end point has been considered bad and potentially take action for end points that are // bad for long periods of time. _hostDiscoveryListener = new HostDiscovery.EndPointListener() { @Override public void onEndPointAdded(ServiceEndPoint endPoint) { addEndPoint(endPoint); } @Override public void onEndPointRemoved(ServiceEndPoint endPoint) { removeEndPoint(endPoint); } }; _hostDiscovery.addListener(_hostDiscoveryListener); _metrics = Metrics.forInstance(metrics, this, _serviceFactory.getServiceName()); _callbackExecutionTime = _metrics.timer("callback-execution-time"); _healthCheckTime = _metrics.timer("health-check-time"); _numExecuteSuccesses = _metrics.meter("num-execute-successes"); _numExecuteAttemptFailures = _metrics.meter("num-execute-attempt-failures"); _metrics.gauge("num-valid-end-points", new Gauge<Integer>() { @Override public Integer getValue() { return getNumValidEndPoints(); } }); _metrics.gauge("num-bad-end-points", new Gauge<Integer>() { @Override public Integer getValue() { return getNumBadEndPoints(); } }); // Periodically ensure that health checks for unhealthy endpoints are still running _healthCheckExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate( new HealthCheckVerifier(), HEALTH_CHECK_VERIFY_SECS, HEALTH_CHECK_VERIFY_SECS, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } @Override public void close() { for (HealthCheck healthCheck : _badEndPoints.values()) { healthCheck.cancel(true); } _hostDiscovery.removeListener(_hostDiscoveryListener); if (_cleanupHostDiscoveryOnClose) { try { _hostDiscovery.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // NOP } } _serviceCache.close(); _metrics.close(); if (_shutdownHealthCheckExecutorOnClose) { _healthCheckExecutor.shutdownNow(); } } @Override public <R> R execute(RetryPolicy retry, ServiceCallback<S, R> callback) { return execute(PartitionContextBuilder.empty(), retry, callback); } @Override public <R> R execute(PartitionContext partitionContext, RetryPolicy retry, ServiceCallback<S, R> callback) { final long start =; int numAttempts = 0; Exception lastException = null; do { Iterable<ServiceEndPoint> allEndPoints = getAllEndPoints(); if (Iterables.isEmpty(allEndPoints)) { throw (lastException == null) ? new NoAvailableHostsException(String.format("No endpoints discovered for service %s", getServiceName())) : new NoAvailableHostsException(lastException.getMessage(), lastException); } Iterable<ServiceEndPoint> validEndPoints = getValidEndPoints(allEndPoints); if (Iterables.isEmpty(validEndPoints)) { throw (lastException == null) ? new OnlyBadHostsException(String.format("No valid endpoints discovered for service %s, all endpoints: %s", getServiceName(), allEndPoints)) : new OnlyBadHostsException(lastException.getMessage(), lastException); } ServiceEndPoint endPoint = chooseEndPoint(validEndPoints, partitionContext); if (endPoint == null) { throw (lastException == null) ? new NoSuitableHostsException(String.format("No suitable endpoint discovered for service %s from valid endpoints %s", getServiceName(), validEndPoints)) : new NoSuitableHostsException(lastException); } try { R result = executeOnEndPoint(endPoint, callback); _numExecuteSuccesses.mark(); return result; } catch (Exception e) { _numExecuteAttemptFailures.mark(); // Don't retry if exception is too severe. if (!isRetriableException(e)) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); }"Retriable exception from end point: {}, {}", endPoint, e.toString()); LOG.debug("Exception", e); lastException = e; } } while (retry.allowRetry(++numAttempts, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis( - start))); throw new MaxRetriesException(lastException); } @Override public int getNumValidEndPoints() { return Iterables.size(_hostDiscovery.getHosts()) - _badEndPoints.size(); } @Override public int getNumBadEndPoints() { return _badEndPoints.size(); } /** * Determine the set of all {@link ServiceEndPoint}s. * <p/> * NOTE: This method is package private specifically so that {@link AsyncServicePool} can call it. */ Iterable<ServiceEndPoint> getAllEndPoints() { return _hostDiscovery.getHosts(); } /** * Determine the set of usable {@link ServiceEndPoint}s. */ private Iterable<ServiceEndPoint> getValidEndPoints(Iterable<ServiceEndPoint> endPoints) { return Iterables.filter(endPoints, _badEndPointFilter); } private ServiceEndPoint chooseEndPoint(Iterable<ServiceEndPoint> endPoints, PartitionContext partitionContext) { endPoints = _partitionFilter.filter(endPoints, partitionContext); if (endPoints == null || Iterables.isEmpty(endPoints)) { return null; } ServiceEndPoint endPoint = _loadBalanceAlgorithm.choose(endPoints, _servicePoolStatistics); if (endPoint == null) { return null; } return endPoint; } /** * Execute a callback on a specific end point. * <p/> * NOTE: This method is package private specifically so that {@link AsyncServicePool} can call it. */ <R> R executeOnEndPoint(ServiceEndPoint endPoint, ServiceCallback<S, R> callback) throws Exception { ServiceHandle<S> handle = null; try { handle = _serviceCache.checkOut(endPoint); Timer.Context timer = _callbackExecutionTime.time(); try { return; } finally { timer.stop(); } } catch (NoCachedInstancesAvailableException e) {"Service cache exhausted. End point: {}", endPoint, e); // Don't mark an end point as bad just because there are no cached end points for it. throw e; } catch (Exception e) { if (_serviceFactory.isRetriableException(e)) { // This is a known and supported exception indicating that something went wrong somewhere in the service // layer while trying to communicate with the end point. These errors are often transient, so we // enqueue a health check for the end point and mark it as unavailable for the time being. markEndPointAsBad(endPoint);"Bad end point discovered. End point: {}", endPoint, e); } throw e; } finally { if (handle != null) { try { _serviceCache.checkIn(handle); } catch (Exception e) { // This should never happen, but log just in case. LOG.warn("Error returning end point to cache. End point: {}, {}", endPoint, e.toString()); LOG.debug("Exception", e); } } } } /** * Check if an exception is retriable. * </p> * NOTE: This method is package private specifically so that {@link AsyncServicePool} can call it. */ boolean isRetriableException(Exception exception) { return _serviceFactory.isRetriableException(exception); } /** * NOTE: This method is package private specifically so that {@link AsyncServicePool} can call it. * * @return The name of the service for this pool. */ String getServiceName() { return _serviceFactory.getServiceName(); } @VisibleForTesting HostDiscovery getHostDiscovery() { return _hostDiscovery; } @VisibleForTesting PartitionFilter getPartitionFilter() { return _partitionFilter; } @VisibleForTesting LoadBalanceAlgorithm getLoadBalanceAlgorithm() { return _loadBalanceAlgorithm; } @VisibleForTesting ServicePoolStatistics getServicePoolStatistics() { return _servicePoolStatistics; } @VisibleForTesting Set<ServiceEndPoint> getBadEndPoints() { return ImmutableSet.copyOf(_badEndPoints.keySet()); } @Override public HealthCheckResults checkForHealthyEndPoint() { DefaultHealthCheckResults aggregate = new DefaultHealthCheckResults(); Iterable<ServiceEndPoint> allEndPoints = getAllEndPoints(); if (Iterables.isEmpty(allEndPoints)) { // There were no end points return aggregate; } Iterable<ServiceEndPoint> validEndPoints = getValidEndPoints(allEndPoints); if (Iterables.isEmpty(validEndPoints)) { // There were no valid end points return aggregate; } Set<ServiceEndPoint> endPoints = Sets.newHashSet(validEndPoints); while (!endPoints.isEmpty()) { // Prefer end points in the order the load balancer recommends. ServiceEndPoint endPoint = chooseEndPoint(endPoints, PartitionContextBuilder.empty()); if (endPoint == null) { // Load balancer didn't like our end points, so just go sequentially. endPoint = endPoints.iterator().next(); } HealthCheckResult result = checkHealth(endPoint); aggregate.addHealthCheckResult(result); if (!result.isHealthy()) { Exception exception = ((FailedHealthCheckResult) result).getException(); if (exception == null || isRetriableException(exception)) {"Unhealthy end point discovered. End point {}", endPoint); endPoints.remove(endPoint); markEndPointAsBad(endPoint); continue; } } break; } return aggregate; } /** * Run the health checks on all current unhealthy end points. This method blocks until the * health checks have completed. */ @VisibleForTesting void forceHealthChecks() { for (HealthCheck healthCheck : _badEndPoints.values()) {; } } private synchronized void addEndPoint(ServiceEndPoint endPoint) { _recentlyRemovedEndPoints.remove(endPoint); markEndPointAsBad(endPoint); LOG.debug("End point added to service pool. End point: {}", endPoint); } private synchronized void removeEndPoint(ServiceEndPoint endPoint) { // Mark this end point as recently removed. We do this in order to keep a positive set of removed // end points so that we avoid a potential race condition where someone was using this end point while // we noticed it disappeared from host discovery. In that case there is the potential that they // would add it to the bad end points set after we've already processed the removal, thus leading to a // memory leak in the bad end points set. Having this time-limited view of the recently removed // end points ensures that this memory leak doesn't happen. _recentlyRemovedEndPoints.add(endPoint); _badEndPoints.remove(endPoint); _serviceCache.evict(endPoint); LOG.debug("End point removed from service pool. End point: {}", endPoint); } private synchronized void markEndPointAsBad(ServiceEndPoint endPoint) { if (_recentlyRemovedEndPoints.contains(endPoint)) { // Nothing to do, we've already removed this end point return; } _serviceCache.evict(endPoint); // Only schedule a health check if this is the first time we've seen this end point as bad... HealthCheck healthCheck = new HealthCheck(endPoint); if (_badEndPoints.putIfAbsent(endPoint, healthCheck) == null) { healthCheck.start(); } } @VisibleForTesting HealthCheckResult checkHealth(ServiceEndPoint endPoint) { // We have to be very careful to not allow any exceptions to make it out of of this method, if they do then // subsequent scheduled invocations of the Runnable may not happen, and we could stop checking health checks // completely. So we intentionally handle all possible exceptions here. final long start =; boolean isHealthy; Exception exception = null; try { isHealthy = _serviceFactory.isHealthy(endPoint); } catch (Exception e) { isHealthy = false; exception = e; } final long duration = - start; _healthCheckTime.update(duration, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); return isHealthy ? new SuccessfulHealthCheckResult(endPoint.getId(), duration) : new FailedHealthCheckResult(endPoint.getId(), duration, exception); } @VisibleForTesting final class HealthCheckVerifier implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { try { for (HealthCheck healthCheck : _badEndPoints.values()) { healthCheck.verifyScheduling(); } } catch (Throwable ex) { LOG.warn("Error rescheduling health checks", ex); } } } @VisibleForTesting final class HealthCheck implements Runnable { private final ServiceEndPoint _endPoint; private final Lock _lock = new ReentrantLock(); private int _count = 0; private Future _future; private boolean _cancelled; private boolean _scheduled; private boolean _running; public HealthCheck(ServiceEndPoint endPoint) { _endPoint = endPoint; } public void start() { _lock.lock(); try { assert _future == null && !_cancelled; _future = _healthCheckExecutor.submit(this); _scheduled = true; } finally { _lock.unlock(); } } public void cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { _lock.lock(); try { if (_future != null) { _future.cancel(mayInterruptIfRunning); _future = null; } _cancelled = true; } finally { _lock.unlock(); } } public void verifyScheduling() { _lock.lock(); try { if (!_cancelled && !_running && !_scheduled) { _healthCheckExecutor.submit(this); _scheduled = true; } } finally { _lock.unlock(); } } @Override public void run() { _lock.lock(); try { if (_cancelled || _badEndPoints.get(_endPoint) != this) { return; } _scheduled = false; _running = true; // Don't perform health check operation in lock as it could cause deadlock on cancel if // health check stalls. HealthCheckResult result; _lock.unlock(); try { result = checkHealth(_endPoint); } finally { _lock.lock(); } _count += 1; if (result.isHealthy()) { _serviceCache.register(_endPoint); _badEndPoints.remove(_endPoint, this); this.cancel(false); } else { long delayMillis = _healthCheckRetryDelay.getDelay(_count, result); if (_future != null) { _future.cancel(false); // In case this Runnable was invoked directly and not by scheduler } _future = _healthCheckExecutor.schedule(this, Math.max(0, delayMillis), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); _scheduled = true; } } finally { _running = false; _lock.unlock(); } } } private static final class SuccessfulHealthCheckResult implements HealthCheckResult { private final String _endPointId; private final long _responseTimeInNanos; public SuccessfulHealthCheckResult(String endPointId, long responseTimeInNanos) { _endPointId = endPointId; _responseTimeInNanos = responseTimeInNanos; } @Override public boolean isHealthy() { return true; } @Override public String getEndPointId() { return _endPointId; } @Override public long getResponseTime(TimeUnit unit) { return unit.convert(_responseTimeInNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } @Override public String toString() { return Objects.toStringHelper(this) .add("endPointId", _endPointId) .toString(); } } private static final class FailedHealthCheckResult implements HealthCheckResult { private final String _endPointId; private final long _responseTimeInNanos; private final Exception _exception; public FailedHealthCheckResult(String endPointId, long responseTimeInNanos, Exception exception) { _endPointId = endPointId; _responseTimeInNanos = responseTimeInNanos; _exception = exception; } public FailedHealthCheckResult(String endPointId, long responseTimeInNanos) { this(endPointId, responseTimeInNanos, null); } @Override public boolean isHealthy() { return false; } @Override public String getEndPointId() { return _endPointId; } @Override public long getResponseTime(TimeUnit unit) { return unit.convert(_responseTimeInNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } public Exception getException() { return _exception; } @Override public String toString() { return Objects.toStringHelper(this) .add("endPointId", _endPointId) .add("exception", _exception) .toString(); } } }