package com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.pool; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.PartitionContext; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.PartitionContextBuilder; import com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.partition.PartitionKey; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Map; import static; import static; import static; /** * Builds {@link PartitionContext} objects for service pool calls based on {@link PartitionKey} annotations. This is * designed for use by the {@link ServicePoolProxy} if/when the proxy invocation handler can determine the partition * context from method arguments. */ class AnnotationPartitionContextSupplier implements PartitionContextSupplier { private final Map<Method, String[]> _keyMappings; /** * Introspects the specified service interface and client implementation class, looking for {@link PartitionKey} * annotations on the implementation class. * <p> * At runtime the {@code Method} passed to the {@link #forCall(java.lang.reflect.Method, Object[])} method is * expected to belong to the interface class. But the interface shouldn't have {@link PartitionKey} annotations * since that's an implementation concern. As a result, this constructor expects the annotations to be found on the * implementation class. */ <S> AnnotationPartitionContextSupplier(Class<S> ifc, Class<? extends S> impl) { checkArgument(ifc.isAssignableFrom(impl)); ImmutableMap.Builder<Method, String[]> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Method ifcMethod : ifc.getMethods()) { Method implMethod; try { implMethod = impl.getMethod(ifcMethod.getName(), ifcMethod.getParameterTypes()); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); // Should never happen if impl implements ifc. } String[] keyMappings = collectPartitionKeyAnnotations(implMethod); if (keyMappings == null) { continue; // Not annotated } // Index by the ifcMethod because that's the method provided when a dynamic proxy method is invoked. builder.put(ifcMethod, keyMappings); } _keyMappings =; } @Override public PartitionContext forCall(Method method, Object... args) { String[] mappings = _keyMappings.get(method); if (mappings == null) { return PartitionContextBuilder.empty(); } PartitionContextBuilder builder = new PartitionContextBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) { if (mappings[i] != null && args[i] != null) { builder.put(mappings[i], args[i]); } } return; } /** * Returns an array indexed by argument index with the value of the @PartitionKey annotation for each argument, * or null if no arguments are annotated with @PartitionKey. */ private String[] collectPartitionKeyAnnotations(Method method) { Annotation[][] annotations = method.getParameterAnnotations(); String[] keyMappings = new String[annotations.length]; boolean keyMappingFound = false; Map<String, Integer> unique = Maps.newHashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { PartitionKey annotation = findPartitionKeyAnnotation(annotations[i]); if (annotation == null) { continue; } String key = checkNotNull(annotation.value()); Integer prev = unique.put(key, i); checkState(prev == null, "Method '%s' has multiple arguments annotated with the same @PartitionKey " + "value '%s': arguments %s and %s", method, key, prev, i); keyMappings[i] = key; keyMappingFound = true; } return keyMappingFound ? keyMappings : null; } private static PartitionKey findPartitionKeyAnnotation(Annotation[] annotations) { for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annotation instanceof PartitionKey) { return (PartitionKey) annotation; } } return null; } }