package com.bazaarvoice.ostrich.metrics; import com.codahale.metrics.Counter; import com.codahale.metrics.Gauge; import com.codahale.metrics.Histogram; import com.codahale.metrics.Meter; import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Set; import static; import static; /** * A thin wrapper implementation around Yammer Metrics for use by SOA. This wrapper adds the following functionality: * <p/> * The ability to control what {@link MetricRegistry} instance is used for SOA metrics via the constructor. This gives * us the ability in the future to isolate the SOA metrics from the end user's application metrics as well as publish * them somewhere differently from the end user's application metrics. */ public abstract class Metrics implements Closeable { /** * Create a metrics instance that corresponds to a class. This is useful for cases where a single instance handles * many different services at the same time. For example a ServiceRegistry. */ public static ClassMetrics forClass(MetricRegistry metrics, Class<?> cls) { return new ClassMetrics(metrics, cls); } /** * Create a metrics instance that corresponds to a single instance of a class. This is useful for cases where there * exists one instance per service. For example in a ServicePool. */ public static InstanceMetrics forInstance(MetricRegistry metrics, Object instance, String serviceName) { return new InstanceMetrics(metrics, instance, serviceName); } public static final class ClassMetrics implements Closeable { private final MetricRegistry _metrics; private final Class<?> _class; private final String _prefix; private final Set<String> _names = Sets.newHashSet(); ClassMetrics(MetricRegistry metrics, Class<?> cls) { _metrics = checkNotNull(metrics); _class = checkNotNull(cls); _prefix =; } public synchronized <T> Gauge<T> gauge(String serviceName, String name, Gauge<T> metric) { checkNotNullOrEmpty(serviceName); checkNotNullOrEmpty(name); checkNotNull(metric); return _metrics.register(name(serviceName, name), metric); } public synchronized Counter counter(String serviceName, String name) { checkNotNullOrEmpty(serviceName); checkNotNullOrEmpty(name); return _metrics.counter(name(serviceName, name)); } public synchronized Histogram histogram(String serviceName, String name) { checkNotNullOrEmpty(serviceName); checkNotNullOrEmpty(name); return _metrics.histogram(name(serviceName, name)); } public synchronized Meter meter(String serviceName, String name) { checkNotNullOrEmpty(serviceName); checkNotNullOrEmpty(name); return _metrics.meter(name(serviceName, name)); } public synchronized Timer timer(String serviceName, String name) { checkNotNullOrEmpty(serviceName); checkNotNullOrEmpty(name); return _metrics.timer(name(serviceName, name)); } @Override public synchronized void close() { for (String name : _names) { _metrics.remove(name); } _names.clear(); } @VisibleForTesting String name(String serviceName, String name) { String fullName =, serviceName, name); _names.add(fullName); return fullName; } } public static class InstanceMetrics implements Closeable { private final MetricRegistry _metrics; private final Object _instance; private final String _serviceName; private final String _prefix; private final String _instanceCounterName; private final Counter _instanceCounter; private final Set<String> _names = Sets.newHashSet(); InstanceMetrics(MetricRegistry metrics, Object instance, String serviceName) { _metrics = checkNotNull(metrics); _instance = checkNotNull(instance); _serviceName = checkNotNullOrEmpty(serviceName); _prefix =; _instanceCounterName = name("num-instances"); _instanceCounter = counter("num-instances");; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public synchronized <T> Gauge<T> gauge(String name, Gauge<T> gauge) { checkNotNullOrEmpty(name); checkNotNull(gauge); // Unfortunately register doesn't call getOrAdd (probably a bug in metrics), and instead goes through // a code path that throws an exception if this metric already exists. String fullName = name(name); Gauge<T> metric = (Gauge<T>) _metrics.getMetrics().get(fullName); if (metric == null) { metric = _metrics.register(fullName, gauge); } return metric; } public synchronized Counter counter(String name) { checkNotNullOrEmpty(name); return _metrics.counter(name(name)); } public synchronized Histogram histogram(String name) { checkNotNullOrEmpty(name); return _metrics.histogram(name(name)); } public synchronized Meter meter(String name) { checkNotNullOrEmpty(name); return _metrics.meter(name(name)); } public synchronized Timer timer(String name) { checkNotNullOrEmpty(name); return _metrics.timer(name(name)); } @Override public synchronized void close() { _instanceCounter.dec(); if (_instanceCounter.getCount() == 0) { _metrics.remove(_instanceCounterName); } for (String name : _names) { _metrics.remove(name); } _names.clear(); } @VisibleForTesting Counter getInstanceCounter() { return _instanceCounter; } @VisibleForTesting String name(String name) { String fullName =, _serviceName, name); _names.add(fullName); return fullName; } } private static String checkNotNullOrEmpty(String string) { checkNotNull(string); checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(string)); return string; } }