package org.handwerkszeug.riak.op; import static org.handwerkszeug.riak.mapreduce.MapReduceQuerySupport.equal; import static org.handwerkszeug.riak.mapreduce.MapReduceQuerySupport.lessThanEq; import static org.handwerkszeug.riak.mapreduce.MapReduceQuerySupport.stringToInt; import static org.handwerkszeug.riak.mapreduce.MapReduceQuerySupport.tokenize; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ArrayNode; import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.RiakException; import org.handwerkszeug.riak._; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.mapreduce.MapReduceQueryBuilder; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.mapreduce.MapReduceResponse; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.Bucket; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.DefaultGetOptions; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.DefaultPostOptions; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.DefaultPutOptions; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.DefaultRiakObject; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.Erlang; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.JavaScript; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.KeyResponse; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.Link; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.Location; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.PostOptions; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.Quorum; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.RiakContentsResponse; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.RiakFuture; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.RiakObject; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.RiakResponse; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.transport.internal.DefaultCompletionChannelHandler; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.transport.protobuf.ProtoBufRiakOperationsTest; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.util.JsonUtil; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.util.LogbackUtil; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.util.Streams; import org.jboss.netty.bootstrap.ClientBootstrap; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; /** * @author taichi */ public abstract class RiakOperationsTest<TGT extends RiakOperations> { ClientBootstrap bootstrap; Channel channel; protected TGT target; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { this.bootstrap = new ClientBootstrap(new NioClientSocketChannelFactory( Executors.newCachedThreadPool(), Executors.newCachedThreadPool())); this.bootstrap.setPipelineFactory(newChannelPipelineFactory()); ChannelFuture future = this.bootstrap.connect(connectTo()); = future.awaitUninterruptibly().getChannel(); = newTarget(; } protected abstract ChannelPipelineFactory newChannelPipelineFactory(); protected abstract SocketAddress connectTo(); protected abstract TGT newTarget(Channel channel); @After public void tearDown() throws Exception {; this.bootstrap.releaseExternalResources(); } @Test public void testPing() throws Exception { final String[] actual = new String[1]; RiakFuture waiter = TestingHandler<String>() { @Override public void handle(RiakContentsResponse<String> response) throws RiakException { actual[0] = response.getContents(); } }); waitFor(waiter); assertEquals("pong", actual[0]); } @Test public void testListBuckets() throws Exception { final List<String> actual = new ArrayList<String>(); RiakFuture waiter = .listBuckets(new TestingHandler<List<String>>() { @Override public void handle( RiakContentsResponse<List<String>> response) throws RiakException { List<String> keys = response.getContents(); actual.addAll(keys); } }); waitFor(waiter); assertTrue(0 < actual.size()); } @Test public void testListKeys() throws Exception { String bucket = "testListKeys"; String testdata = new SimpleDateFormat().format(new Date()) + "\n"; try { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Location l = new Location(bucket, String.valueOf(i)); testPut(l, testdata); } testListKeys(bucket, 20); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Location l = new Location(bucket, String.valueOf(i)); testDelete(l); } } } void testListKeys(String bucket, int expected) throws Exception { final boolean[] is = { false }; final int[] actual = { 0 }; RiakFuture waiter =, new TestingHandler<KeyResponse>() { @Override public void handle( RiakContentsResponse<KeyResponse> response) throws RiakException { KeyResponse kr = response.getContents(); List<String> list = kr.getKeys(); actual[0] += list.size(); if (kr.getDone()) { is[0] = true; } } }); waitFor(waiter); assertEquals(expected, actual[0]); assertTrue(is[0]); } @Test public void testBucket() throws Exception { Location location = new Location("bucketSetGet", "1"); String testdata = new SimpleDateFormat().format(new Date()) + "\n"; try { testPut(location, testdata); Bucket exp = testBucketGet(location.getBucket()); testBucketSet(exp); Bucket act = testBucketGet(location.getBucket()); assertEquals(exp.getNumberOfReplicas(), act.getNumberOfReplicas()); assertEquals(exp.getAllowMulti(), act.getAllowMulti()); } finally { testDelete(location); } } void testBucketSet(Bucket bucket) throws Exception { final boolean[] is = { false }; bucket.setAllowMulti(true); bucket.setNumberOfReplicas(1); RiakFuture waiter =, new TestingHandler<_>() { @Override public void handle(RiakContentsResponse<_> response) throws RiakException { is[0] = true; } }); waitFor(waiter); assertTrue(is[0]); } Bucket testBucketGet(String bucket) throws Exception { final Bucket[] bu = new Bucket[1]; RiakFuture waiter =, new TestingHandler<Bucket>() { @Override public void handle(RiakContentsResponse<Bucket> response) throws RiakException { assertNotNull(response.getContents()); bu[0] = response.getContents(); } }); waitFor(waiter); return bu[0]; } @Test public void testPutGetDel() throws Exception { Location location = new Location("testBucket", "testKey"); String testdata = new SimpleDateFormat().format(new Date()) + "\n"; testPut(location, testdata); testGet(location, testdata); testDelete(location); } void testGet(Location location, final String testdata) throws Exception { final String[] actual = new String[1]; RiakFuture waiter =, new TestingHandler<RiakObject<byte[]>>() { @Override public void handle( RiakContentsResponse<RiakObject<byte[]>> response) throws RiakException { RiakObject<byte[]> content = response.getContents(); actual[0] = new String(content.getContent()); } }); waitFor(waiter); assertEquals(testdata, actual[0]); } void testPut(Location location, final String testdata) throws Exception { DefaultRiakObject ro = new DefaultRiakObject(location); ro.setContent(testdata.getBytes()); ro.setCharset("UTF-8"); List<Link> links = new ArrayList<Link>(); links.add(new Link(new Location(location.getBucket(), "tag"), "foo")); links.add(new Link(new Location(location.getBucket(), "tag"), "bar")); ro.setLinks(links); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put("mmm", "ddd"); map.put("nn", "eee"); map.put("o", "fff"); ro.setUserMetadata(map); final boolean[] is = { false }; RiakFuture waiter =, new TestingHandler<_>() { @Override public void handle(RiakContentsResponse<_> response) throws RiakException { is[0] = true; } }); waitFor(waiter); assertTrue(is[0]); } protected void testDelete(Location location) throws Exception { final boolean[] is = { false }; RiakFuture waiter =, new TestingHandler<_>() { @Override public void handle(RiakContentsResponse<_> response) throws RiakException { is[0] = true; } }); waitFor(waiter); assertTrue(is[0]); } @Test public void testBatchDelete() throws Exception { final String bucket = "testBatchDelete"; int records = 10; for (int i = 0; i < records; i++) { testPut(new Location(bucket, String.valueOf(i)), "a"); } final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(records);, new TestingHandler<KeyResponse>() { @Override public void handle(RiakContentsResponse<KeyResponse> response) throws Exception { KeyResponse kr = response.getContents(); for (final String s : kr.getKeys()) { Location(bucket, s), new TestingHandler<_>() { @Override public void handle(RiakContentsResponse<_> response) throws Exception { latch.countDown(); } }); } } }); assertTrue("timeout.", latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); } @Test public void testGetWithOpt() throws Exception { final Location location = new Location("testGetWithOpt", "testKey"); byte[] data = new byte[1024 * 2]; Random r = new Random(); r.nextBytes(data); final String testdata = Arrays.toString(data); testPut(location, testdata); try { testGetWithOpt(location, testdata); } finally { testDelete(location); } } void testGetWithOpt(final Location location, final String testdata) throws InterruptedException { final String[] result = new String[1]; final Location[] actual = new Location[1]; RiakFuture waiter =, new DefaultGetOptions() { @Override public Quorum getReadQuorum() { return Quorum.of(2); } }, new TestingHandler<RiakObject<byte[]>>() { @Override public void handle(RiakContentsResponse<RiakObject<byte[]>> response) throws Exception { RiakObject<byte[]> ro = response.getContents(); result[0] = new String(ro.getContent()); actual[0] = ro.getLocation(); } }); waitFor(waiter); assertEquals(testdata, result[0]); assertEquals(location, actual[0]); } @Test public void testGetNoContents() throws Exception { final boolean[] is = { false }; Location location = new Location("testGetNoContents", "nocont"); RiakFuture waiter =, new RiakResponseHandler<RiakObject<byte[]>>() { @Override public void onError(RiakResponse response) throws RiakException { assertNotNull(response.getMessage()); assertFalse(response.getMessage().isEmpty()); assertEquals(404, response.getResponseCode()); is[0] = true; } @Override public void handle( RiakContentsResponse<RiakObject<byte[]>> response) throws RiakException { fail(response.getMessage()); } }); waitFor(waiter); assertTrue(is[0]); } protected abstract void testSetClientId(String id) throws Exception; @Test public void testSibling() throws Exception { // for slow test problem. // sibling message body is huge. LogbackUtil.suppressLogging(new LogbackUtil.Action() { @Override public void execute() throws Exception { final Location location = new Location("testSibling", "testKey"); testPut(location, "1"); try { Bucket bucket = testBucketGet(location.getBucket()); bucket.setAllowMulti(true); testBucketSet(bucket); // remove current entry. testDelete(location); List<String> testdatas = new ArrayList<String>(); Random r = new Random(); byte[] bytes = new byte[1024 * 128]; r.nextBytes(bytes); testdatas.add(Arrays.toString(bytes)); r.nextBytes(bytes); testdatas.add(Arrays.toString(bytes)); r.nextBytes(bytes); testdatas.add(Arrays.toString(bytes)); testSetClientId("AAAA"); testPut(location, testdatas.get(0)); testSetClientId("BBBB"); testPut(location, testdatas.get(1)); testSetClientId("CCCC"); testPutWithSibling(location, testdatas.get(2), testdatas); testGetWithSibling(location, testdatas); } finally { // for CUI manually check. // testDelete(location); } } }, DefaultCompletionChannelHandler.class); } void testGetWithSibling(final Location location, final List<String> testdatas) throws InterruptedException { final boolean[] beginEnd = new boolean[2]; final List<String> actuals = new ArrayList<String>(); RiakFuture waiter =, new DefaultGetOptions(), new SiblingHandler() { @Override public void begin() { beginEnd[0] = true; } @Override public void onError(RiakResponse response) throws RiakException { fail(response.getMessage()); } @Override public void handle( RiakContentsResponse<RiakObject<byte[]>> response) throws RiakException { RiakObject<byte[]> ro = response.getContents(); assertEquals(location, ro.getLocation()); actuals.add(new String(ro.getContent())); } @Override public void end() { beginEnd[1] = true; } }); assertTrue("test is timeout.", waiter.await(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); assertEquals(3, actuals.size()); for (String s : testdatas) { assertTrue(s, actuals.contains(s)); } assertTrue("begin", beginEnd[0]); assertTrue("end", beginEnd[1]); } void testPutWithSibling(final Location location, final String testdata, final List<String> testdatas) throws Exception { final boolean[] beginEnd = new boolean[2]; DefaultRiakObject ro = new DefaultRiakObject(location); ro.setContent(testdata.getBytes()); final List<String> actuals = new ArrayList<String>(); RiakFuture waiter =, new DefaultPutOptions() { @Override public boolean getReturnBody() { return true; } }, new SiblingHandler() { @Override public void onError(RiakResponse response) throws Exception { fail(response.getMessage()); } @Override public void begin() { beginEnd[0] = true; } @Override public void handle(RiakContentsResponse<RiakObject<byte[]>> response) throws Exception { RiakObject<byte[]> ro = response.getContents(); assertEquals(location, ro.getLocation()); actuals.add(new String(ro.getContent())); } @Override public void end() { beginEnd[1] = true; } }); assertTrue("test is timeout.", waiter.await(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); assertEquals(3, actuals.size()); for (String s : testdatas) { assertTrue(s, actuals.contains(s)); } assertTrue("begin", beginEnd[0]); assertTrue("end", beginEnd[1]); } @Test public void testPutWithOpt() throws Exception { final Location location = new Location("testPutWithOpt", "testKey"); final String testdata = new SimpleDateFormat().format(new Date()) + "\n"; try { testPutWithOpt(location, testdata); } finally { testDelete(location); } } void testPutWithOpt(Location location, final String testdata) throws Exception { final boolean[] beginEnd = new boolean[2]; DefaultRiakObject ro = new DefaultRiakObject(location); ro.setContent(testdata.getBytes()); RiakFuture waiter =, new DefaultPutOptions() { @Override public boolean getReturnBody() { return true; } }, new SiblingHandler() { @Override public void onError(RiakResponse response) throws Exception { fail(response.getMessage()); } @Override public void begin() { beginEnd[0] = true; } @Override public void handle(RiakContentsResponse<RiakObject<byte[]>> response) throws Exception { RiakObject<byte[]> ro = response.getContents(); assertEquals(testdata, new String(ro.getContent())); } @Override public void end() { beginEnd[1] = true; } }); waitFor(waiter); assertTrue("begin", beginEnd[0]); assertTrue("end", beginEnd[1]); } @Test public void testDeleteWithQuorum() throws Exception { Location location = new Location("testDeleteWithQuorum", "delkey"); testPut(location, "aaa"); testDeleteWithQuorum(location); } void testDeleteWithQuorum(Location location) throws Exception { final boolean[] is = { false }; RiakFuture waiter =, Quorum.of(2), new TestingHandler<_>() { @Override public void handle(RiakContentsResponse<_> response) throws RiakException { is[0] = true; } }); waitFor(waiter); assertTrue(is[0]); } @Test public void testMove() throws Exception { final String from = "testMoveFrom"; final String to = "testMoveTo"; delete(from); delete(to); final int recordCount = 100; for (int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) { testPut(new Location(from, String.valueOf(i)), "data" + i); } final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(recordCount);, new TestingHandler<KeyResponse>() { @Override public void handle(RiakContentsResponse<KeyResponse> response) throws Exception { KeyResponse kr = response.getContents(); if (kr.getDone()) { return; } for (final String k : kr.getKeys()) { new Location(from, k), new TestingHandler<_>() { @Override public void handle( RiakContentsResponse<_> response) throws Exception { DefaultRiakObject ro = new DefaultRiakObject( new Location(to, k)); ro.setContent("data".getBytes());, new TestingHandler<_>() { @Override public void handle( RiakContentsResponse<_> response) throws Exception { latch.countDown(); } }); } }); } } }); assertTrue("timeout.", latch.await(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); } void delete(String bucket) throws Exception { final List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); RiakFuture rf =, new TestingHandler<KeyResponse>() { @Override public void handle( RiakContentsResponse<KeyResponse> response) throws Exception { keys.addAll(response.getContents().getKeys()); } }); waitFor(rf); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(keys.size()); for (String s : keys) { Location(bucket, s), new TestingHandler<_>() { @Override public void handle(RiakContentsResponse<_> response) throws Exception { latch.countDown(); } }); } assertTrue("timeout.", latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); } @Test public void testMapReduce() throws Exception { String bucket = "testMapReduce"; try { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Location l = new Location(bucket, String.valueOf(i)); int val = i + 10; testPut(l, String.valueOf(val)); } testMapReduce(bucket); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Location l = new Location(bucket, String.valueOf(i)); testDelete(l); } } } void testMapReduce(final String bucket) throws Exception { final boolean[] is = { false }; final int[] actual = new int[1]; MapReduceQueryBuilder<RiakFuture> builder = .mapReduce(new TestingHandler<MapReduceResponse>() { @Override public void handle( RiakContentsResponse<MapReduceResponse> response) throws RiakException { if (response.getContents().getDone()) { is[0] = true; } else { ArrayNode an = response.getContents().getResponse(); JsonNode jn = an.get(0); actual[0] = jn.getIntValue(); } } }); RiakFuture waiter = builder.inputs(bucket) .keyFilters(stringToInt, lessThanEq(10)) .map(Erlang.map_object_value) .reduce(Erlang.reduce_string_to_integer) .reduce(Erlang.reduce_sum).execute(); waitFor(waiter); assertEquals(165, actual[0]); assertTrue(is[0]); } @Test public void testMapReduceByRawJson() throws Exception { String bucket = "testMapReduceByRawJson"; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Location l = new Location(bucket, String.valueOf(i)); int val = i + 10; testPut(l, String.valueOf(val)); } try { testMapReduceByRawJson(JsonUtil.getJsonPath( RiakOperationsTest.class, "testMapReduceByRawJson")); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Location l = new Location(bucket, String.valueOf(i)); testDelete(l); } } } void testMapReduceByRawJson(final String path) throws Exception { final boolean[] is = { false }; final int[] actual = new int[1]; RiakFuture waiter =, new TestingHandler<MapReduceResponse>() { @Override public void handle( RiakContentsResponse<MapReduceResponse> response) throws RiakException { if (response.getContents().getDone()) { is[0] = true; } else { ArrayNode an = response.getContents().getResponse(); JsonNode jn = an.get(0); actual[0] = jn.getIntValue(); } } }); waitFor(waiter); assertEquals(165, actual[0]); assertTrue(is[0]); } String loadJson(final String path) { final String[] json = new String[1]; new Streams.using<InputStream, IOException>() { @Override public InputStream open() throws IOException { ClassLoader cl = ProtoBufRiakOperationsTest.class .getClassLoader(); return cl.getResourceAsStream(path); } @Override public void handle(InputStream stream) throws IOException { json[0] = Streams.readText(stream); } @Override public void happen(IOException exception) { throw new Streams.IORuntimeException(exception); } }; return json[0]; } @Test public void testMapReduceContainsJson() throws Exception { final String bucket = "testMapReduceContainsJson"; String key = "left::right"; Location location = new Location(bucket, key); String data = "{\"a\":\"xxxx\",\"b\":\"c\"}"; testPut(location, data); final JsonNode[] actual = new JsonNode[1]; MapReduceQueryBuilder<RiakFuture> builder = .mapReduce(new TestingHandler<MapReduceResponse>() { @Override public void handle( RiakContentsResponse<MapReduceResponse> response) throws Exception { MapReduceResponse mrr = response.getContents(); if (mrr.getDone()) { } else { ArrayNode an = mrr.getResponse(); actual[0] = an.get(0); } } }); RiakFuture waiter = builder.inputs(bucket) .keyFilters(tokenize("::", 1), equal("left")) .map(JavaScript.mapValuesJson, true).execute(); waitFor(waiter); assertNotNull(actual[0]); assertEquals(actual[0].getClass(), ObjectNode.class); testDelete(location); } @Test public void testFromOfficialsByRawJson() throws Exception { final String bucket = "alice"; String p1 = "Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the" + " bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the" + " book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in" + " it, 'and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice 'without pictures or" + " conversation?'"; testPut(new Location(bucket, "p1"), p1); String p2 = "So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the" + " hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure" + " of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and" + " picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran" + " close by her."; testPut(new Location(bucket, "p2"), p2); String p5 = "The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then" + " dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think" + " about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep" + " well."; testPut(new Location(bucket, "p5"), p5); final boolean[] is = { false }; String query = loadJson(JsonUtil.getJsonPath(RiakOperationsTest.class, "testFromOfficialsByRawJson")); final ArrayNode[] actual = new ArrayNode[1]; RiakFuture waiter =, new TestingHandler<MapReduceResponse>() { @Override public void handle( RiakContentsResponse<MapReduceResponse> response) throws Exception { MapReduceResponse mrr = response.getContents(); if (mrr.getDone()) { is[0] = true; } else { actual[0] = mrr.getResponse(); } } }); waitFor(waiter); testDelete(new Location(bucket, "p1")); testDelete(new Location(bucket, "p2")); testDelete(new Location(bucket, "p5")); JsonNode expected =, "testFromOfficialsByRawJson_Expected"); assertEquals(expected, actual[0]); } protected void waitFor(final RiakFuture waiter) throws InterruptedException { assertTrue("test is timeout.", waiter.await(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); assertTrue(waiter.isDone()); } @Test public void testPost() throws Exception { Location location = new Location("testPost", ""); String testdata = new Date() + "\n"; Location returned = testPost(location, testdata); testDelete(returned); returned = testPostWithReturn(location, testdata); testDelete(returned); } Location testPost(final Location location, final String testdata) throws Exception { DefaultRiakObject ro = new DefaultRiakObject(location); ro.setContent(testdata.getBytes()); final Location[] loc = new Location[1]; RiakFuture waiter =, new TestingHandler<RiakObject<byte[]>>() { @Override public void handle( RiakContentsResponse<RiakObject<byte[]>> response) throws Exception { RiakObject<byte[]> returned = response.getContents(); assertNotNull(returned.getLocation()); Location l = returned.getLocation(); assertEquals(location.getBucket(), l.getBucket()); assertFalse(l.getKey().isEmpty()); loc[0] = l; } }); assertTrue("time is over.", waiter.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); // wait(waiter, is); return loc[0]; } Location testPostWithReturn(final Location location, final String testdata) throws Exception { DefaultRiakObject ro = new DefaultRiakObject(location); ro.setContent(testdata.getBytes()); PostOptions options = new DefaultPostOptions() { @Override public boolean getReturnBody() { return true; } }; final Location[] loc = new Location[1]; RiakFuture waiter =, options, new TestingHandler<RiakObject<byte[]>>() { @Override public void handle( RiakContentsResponse<RiakObject<byte[]>> response) throws Exception { RiakObject<byte[]> returned = response.getContents(); assertNotNull(returned.getLocation()); Location l = returned.getLocation(); assertEquals(location.getBucket(), l.getBucket()); assertFalse(l.getKey().isEmpty()); loc[0] = l; } }); waitFor(waiter); return loc[0]; } @Test public void testExceptionHandling() throws Exception { final String expected = "testMessage"; final String[] actual = new String[1]; final Exception exception = new Exception(expected); RiakFuture rf = RiakResponseHandler<String>() { @Override public void onError(RiakResponse response) throws Exception { actual[0] = response.getMessage(); } @Override public void handle(RiakContentsResponse<String> response) throws Exception { throw exception; } }); waitFor(rf); assertFalse(rf.isSuccess()); assertEquals(exception, rf.getCause()); assertEquals(expected, actual[0]); } @Test public void testErrorHandling() throws Exception { final String expected = "testMessage"; final String[] actual = new String[1]; final Error error = new Error(expected); RiakFuture rf = RiakResponseHandler<String>() { @Override public void onError(RiakResponse response) throws Exception { actual[0] = response.getMessage(); } @Override public void handle(RiakContentsResponse<String> response) throws Exception { throw error; } }); waitFor(rf); assertFalse(rf.isSuccess()); assertEquals(error, rf.getCause()); assertEquals(expected, actual[0]); } }