package org.handwerkszeug.riak.nls; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.util.SingleLocaleStrings; /** * @author taichi */ public class Messages { public static String UnknownMessageCode = "Unknown message code %s"; public static String UnsupportedContentLength = "Unsupported content length. %s"; public static String IllegalQuorum = "quorum %s"; public static String IllegalClientId = "ClientId should be a 32-bit binary"; public static String UnsupportedBucketProps = "Use REST API"; public static String InputsMustSet = "inputs must set"; public static String QueriesMustSet = "queries must set"; public static String NoContents = "%s has no contents"; public static String Receive = "{} receive {}"; public static String SiblingExists = "{} {} Sibling exists"; public static String LastModified = "Last-Modified: {}"; public static String CloseChannel = "close channel"; public static String SendTo = "{} send message to {}"; public static String Queue = "{} is queued"; public static String Finished = "{} is finished"; public static String MapReduceResponseMustBeArray = "map/reduce response must be array but %s"; static { SingleLocaleStrings.load(Messages.class); } }