package examples; import static org.handwerkszeug.riak.mapreduce.MapReduceQuerySupport.and; import static org.handwerkszeug.riak.mapreduce.MapReduceQuerySupport.endsWith; import static org.handwerkszeug.riak.mapreduce.MapReduceQuerySupport.filters; import static org.handwerkszeug.riak.mapreduce.MapReduceQuerySupport.js; import static org.handwerkszeug.riak.mapreduce.MapReduceQuerySupport.location; import static org.handwerkszeug.riak.mapreduce.MapReduceQuerySupport.startsWith; import java.util.List; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ArrayNode; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.Bucket; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.JavaScript; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.Location; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.model.RiakObject; import org.handwerkszeug.riak.transport.protobuf.ProtoBufRiak; /** * @author taichi */ public class EaseExamples { static final String DEFALUT_HOST = "localhost"; public static void main(String[] args) { String host = DEFALUT_HOST; if (args != null && 0 < args.length) { host = args[0]; } ProtoBufRiak riak = ProtoBufRiak.create(host); try { EaseExamples ee = new EaseExamples(); ee.basicOperations(riak); ee.mapReduce(riak); } finally { riak.dispose(); } } public void basicOperations(ProtoBufRiak riak) { Location location = new Location("myBucket", "myKey"); riak.put(location, "test data").returnBody(false).execute(); RiakObject<byte[]> ro = riak.get(location).execute(); System.out.println(new String(ro.getContent())); System.out.println(ro); Bucket bucket = riak.getBucket("myBucket").execute(); System.out.println(bucket); bucket.setAllowMulti(true); riak.setBucket(bucket).execute(); List<String> keys = riak.listKeys("myBucket").execute(); System.out.println(keys); riak.delete(location).execute(); } public void mapReduce(ProtoBufRiak riak) { setUp(riak); simpleMapReduce(riak); keyFiltersMapReduce(riak); adHocSourceMapReduce(riak); delete(riak); } void simpleMapReduce(ProtoBufRiak riak) { List<ArrayNode> list = riak.mapReduce().inputs("alice") .map(JavaScript.mapValues).execute(); printResult(list); } void keyFiltersMapReduce(ProtoBufRiak riak) { List<ArrayNode> list = riak .mapReduce() .inputs("alice") .keyFilters( and(filters(startsWith("p")), filters(endsWith("5")))) .map(JavaScript.mapValues).execute(); printResult(list); } /** * @see <a * href="">MapReduce * via the HTTP API</a> * */ void adHocSourceMapReduce(ProtoBufRiak riak) { List<ArrayNode> list = riak .mapReduce() .inputs(location("alice", "p1"), location("alice", "p2"), location("alice", "p5")) .map(js("function(v) {" // + " var m = v.values[0].data.toLowerCase().match(/\\w*/g);" // + " var r = [];" // + " for(var i in m) {" // + " if(m[i] != '') {" // + " var o = {};" // + " o[m[i]] = 1;" // + " r.push(o);" // + " }" // + " }" // + " return r;" // + "}")).reduce( // js("function(v) {" // + " var r = {};" // + " for(var i in v) {" // + " for(var w in v[i]) {" // + " if(w in r) r[w] += v[i][w];" // + " else r[w] = v[i][w];" // + " }" // + " }" // + " return [r];" // + "}")).execute(); for (ArrayNode an : list) { JsonNode jn = an.get(0); System.out.println("****************************"); System.out.println(jn); System.out.println("****************************"); } } void setUp(ProtoBufRiak riak) { riak.put( new Location("alice", "p1"), "Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the " + "bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the " + "book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in " + "it, 'and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice 'without pictures or " + "conversation?'").execute(); riak.put( new Location("alice", "p2"), "So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the " + "hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure " + "of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and " + "picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran " + "close by her.").execute(); riak.put( new Location("alice", "p5"), "The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then " + "dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think " + "about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep " + "well.").execute(); } void printResult(List<ArrayNode> list) { for (ArrayNode an : list) { JsonNode jn = an.get(0); System.out.println("****************************"); System.out.println(jn.getTextValue()); System.out.println("****************************"); } } void delete(ProtoBufRiak riak) { riak.delete(new Location("alice", "p1")).execute(); riak.delete(new Location("alice", "p2")).execute(); riak.delete(new Location("alice", "p5")).execute(); } }