package com.jaeksoft.searchlib.crawler.web.spider; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import com.jaeksoft.searchlib.Logging; import com.jaeksoft.searchlib.SearchLibException; public class NaiveCSSParser { private static Pattern commentLocator = Pattern.compile("(?s)/\\*.*?\\*/"); private static String removeComments(String css) { Matcher matcher = commentLocator.matcher(css); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int pos = 0; while (matcher.find()) { sb.append(css.substring(pos, matcher.start())); pos = matcher.end(); } if (pos < css.length()) sb.append(css.substring(pos, css.length())); return sb.toString(); } public abstract class CSSRule { protected CSSRule(Integer pos) { rules.put(pos, this); } protected abstract void write(PrintWriter pw); } public class CSSProperty { private final String name; private String value; protected CSSProperty(String property) { int i = property.indexOf(':'); if (i == -1) { = property; this.value = null; } else { = property.substring(0, i); this.value = property.substring(i + 1); } } public String getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; } public void write(PrintWriter pw) { pw.print(name); if (value != null) { pw.print(":"); pw.print(value); } } public void write(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(name); sb.append(":"); sb.append(value); } } public class CSSStyleRule extends CSSRule { private final String selector; private final List<CSSProperty> properties; protected CSSStyleRule(int pos, String selector, String properties) { super(pos); this.selector = selector; = new ArrayList<CSSProperty>(0); String[] propArray = StringUtils.split(properties, ";"); for (String property : propArray) CSSProperty(property)); } protected CSSStyleRule(String properties) { this(0, null, properties); } public List<CSSProperty> getProperties() { return properties; } @Override public void write(PrintWriter pw) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(selector)) return; pw.print(selector); pw.print("{"); boolean first = true; for (CSSProperty property : properties) { if (first) first = false; else pw.write(';'); property.write(pw); } pw.println("}"); } public String getPropertyString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (CSSProperty property : properties) property.write(sb); return sb.toString(); } } public class CSSAtRule extends CSSRule { private final String atRule; private final String atProperty; private final boolean withSemiColon; protected CSSAtRule(int pos, String atRule, String atProperty, boolean withSemiColon) { super(pos); this.withSemiColon = withSemiColon; this.atRule = atRule; this.atProperty = atProperty; } @Override public void write(PrintWriter pw) { pw.print(atRule); pw.print(' '); pw.print(atProperty); if (withSemiColon) pw.print(';'); pw.println(); } } final public static Pattern cssUrlPattern = Pattern .compile("(?s)[\\s]*url\\([\"']?(.*?)[\"']?\\)"); public final static Matcher findUrl(String propertyValue) { synchronized (cssUrlPattern) { return cssUrlPattern.matcher(propertyValue); } } public final static String replaceUrl(String value, Matcher matcher, String url) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(value.substring(0, matcher.start(1))); sb.append(url); sb.append(value.substring(matcher.end(1))); return sb.toString(); } public class CSSImportRule extends CSSRule { private String href = null; private List<String> medias = null; protected CSSImportRule(int pos, String atRule, String atProperty) { super(pos); String[] parms = StringUtils.split(atProperty); if (parms == null) return; if (parms.length == 0) return; href = parms[0]; Matcher matcher = findUrl(href); if (matcher.find()) href =; else { if ((href.startsWith("\"") && href.endsWith("\"")) || (href.startsWith("'") && href.endsWith("'"))) href = href.substring(1, href.length() - 1); } if (parms.length == 1) return; medias = new ArrayList<String>(parms.length - 1); for (int i = 1; i < parms.length; i++) medias.add(parms[i]); } public String getHref() { return href; } public void setHref(String href) { this.href = href; } @Override public void write(PrintWriter pw) { pw.print("@import"); if (href != null) { pw.print(" url('"); pw.print(href); pw.print("')"); } if (medias != null && medias.size() > 0) { pw.print(" "); pw.print(StringUtils.join(medias, ' ')); } pw.println(';'); } } // Find At Rule with ; private static Pattern atRuleLocator = Pattern .compile("(?s)\\s*[\\};]*\\s*(@[a-zA-Z0-9\\~,\\^\\*\\-_\\.#:\\(\\)\\s]*)\\s+([^;]*);"); // Find At Rule followed by block private static Pattern atRuleBlockLocator = Pattern .compile("(?s)\\s*[\\};]*\\s*(@[a-zA-Z0-9\\~,\\^\\*\\-_\\.#:\\(\\)\\s]*)\\s+([^;]*)[^;]*$"); // Find Styled Rule followed by block private static Pattern ruleLocator = Pattern .compile("(?s)\\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\\~,\\^\\*\\-\\+_\\.#:\\(\\)\\s\"=\\[\\]<>]*)\\s*$"); private class Block { public final String css; public final int prev; public final int start; public int end; public final int depth; public Block next; private Block(String css, int prev, int start, int depth, Block previousBlock) { this.css = css; this.prev = prev; this.start = start; this.depth = depth; = null; if (previousBlock != null) = this; } public void findEnd() { Block block = next; if (block == null) { end = css.length(); return; } while (block != null) { if (block.depth == depth) { end = block.prev; break; } block =; } } @Override public String toString() { return depth + " : " + prev + " - " + start + " - " + end; } public String toPrev() { return css.substring(prev, start).trim(); } public String toBlock(boolean in) { try { if (end == start) return ""; return css.substring(start + (in ? 1 : 0), end - (in ? 1 : 0)) .trim(); } catch (java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { Logging.warn(this, e); return ""; } } public Block nextSameDepth() { Block block = next; while (block != null) if (block.depth == depth) break; else block =; return block; } public Block analyze() { String prevText = toPrev(); Matcher matcher; synchronized (atRuleLocator) { matcher = atRuleLocator.matcher(prevText); } while (matcher.find()) { int offset = prev + matcher.start(); String atRule =; String atProperty =; if ("@import".equalsIgnoreCase(atRule)) new CSSImportRule(offset, atRule, atProperty); else new CSSAtRule(offset, atRule, atProperty, true); } synchronized (atRuleBlockLocator) { matcher = atRuleBlockLocator.matcher(prevText); } if (matcher.find()) { new CSSAtRule(prev + matcher.start(),, toBlock(false), false); return nextSameDepth(); } synchronized (ruleLocator) { matcher = ruleLocator.matcher(prevText); } if (matcher.find()) new CSSStyleRule(prev + matcher.start(),, toBlock(true)); return next; } } public Block parseBlocks(String css) { int depth = 0; int pos = 0; int prev = 0; Block rootBlock = null; Block previousBlock = null; for (char c : css.toCharArray()) { switch (c) { case '{': previousBlock = new Block(css, prev, pos, ++depth, previousBlock); prev = pos + 1; if (rootBlock == null) rootBlock = previousBlock; break; case '}': prev = pos + 1; if (depth > 0) depth--; break; } pos++; } if (rootBlock == null) rootBlock = new Block(css, 0, css.length(), 0, null); Block block = rootBlock; while (block != null) { block.findEnd(); block =; } return rootBlock; } private final TreeMap<Integer, CSSRule> rules; public NaiveCSSParser() { rules = new TreeMap<Integer, CSSRule>(); } public Collection<CSSRule> parseStyleSheet(String css) throws IOException, SearchLibException { css = removeComments(css); Block rootBlock = parseBlocks(css); Block block = rootBlock; while (block != null) block = block.analyze(); return rules.values(); } public CSSStyleRule parseStyleAttribute(String style) { return new CSSStyleRule(style); } public void write(PrintWriter pw) { for (CSSRule rule : rules.values()) rule.write(pw); } private final static String[] tests = { "@charset UTF-8; \n" + "@import url(\"import1.css\");" + "html { color: #00000f } \n" + "body { background: rgb(255, 255, 255) }input[type=\"submit\"]{cursor:pointer} " + "@charset UTF-8; \n" + ".test {background-image:url(\"\"),-webkit-linear-gradient(top,rgba(255,255,255,0.1)}\n" + "/* test comment */" + "html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, b, u, i, center, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, input, button, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, canvas, details, embed, figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary, time, mark, audio, video { margin: 0; padding: 0 }\n " + "@media all and (orientation:portrait) {}\n" + "@media all and (orientation:landscape) {}\n" + "@media print {* {background:transparent !important;color:black !important;text-shadow:none !important;filter:none !important;-ms-filter:none !important}\n" + "tr,img {page-break-inside:avoid}}\n" + "table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0 }/*test2 comment*/\n" + "article, aside, footer, header, hgroup, nav, section, figure, figcaption, embed, video, audio, details { display: block }", ".social .scoopit{margin-right:-26px;z-index:999;}#divgauche .barre-sociale .social .pinterest .at_PinItButton{display:block;width:30px;height:26px; line-height:26px;padding:0;margin:0;background-image:url(/Images/Commun/pictos/picto_pinterest.gif);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:0 0;font:11px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;text-indent:-9999em;font-size:.01em;color:#CD1F1F;}" + "#divgauche .barre-sociale .social .pinterest .at_PinItButton:hover{background-position:-30 0;}#divgauche .footer .addthis_toolbox.addthis_default_style span{line-height:15px;}#divgauche .footer .social li{display:inline;float:left;}" + "#divgauche .dossier.sommaire .contenu>h3{text-transform:uppercase;color:#EB834F;font-size:20px;display:inline-block;margin-bottom:10px;font-weight:normal;background:none;padding:0;}#divgauche .dossier.sommaire .contenu>ul li{clear:both;}#divgauche .dossier.sommaire .chapo,#divgauche .dossier.sommaire .chapo+p{line-height:20px;}", ".gfk:hover {text-decoration : underline; color : #e95e0f;background : transparent;}\n" + "body\n{\n\nmargin: 0;\n}" }; public static void test(String cssContent) throws IOException, SearchLibException { NaiveCSSParser parser = new NaiveCSSParser(); parser.parseStyleSheet(cssContent); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); parser.write(pw); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, SearchLibException { for (String test : tests) test(test); NaiveCSSParser parser = new NaiveCSSParser(); CSSStyleRule rule = parser .parseStyleAttribute("background-image:transparent url(\"\")}"); for (CSSProperty property : rule.getProperties()) { String value = property.getValue(); Matcher matcher = NaiveCSSParser.findUrl(value); if (matcher.find()) property.setValue(replaceUrl(value, matcher, "newurl.png")); } System.out.println(rule.getPropertyString()); } }