/** * License Agreement for OpenSearchServer * <p> * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Emmanuel Keller / Jaeksoft * <p> * http://www.open-search-server.com * <p> * This file is part of OpenSearchServer. * <p> * OpenSearchServer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * <p> * OpenSearchServer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * <p> * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenSearchServer. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. **/ package com.jaeksoft.searchlib; import com.jaeksoft.searchlib.util.*; import com.jaeksoft.searchlib.web.StartStopListener; import com.jaeksoft.searchlib.webservice.ApiIdentifier; import org.apache.commons.net.util.SubnetUtils.SubnetInfo; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; import javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException; import javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; public class InstanceProperties { private final long maxDocumentLimit; private final long maxStorage; private final int maxIndexNumber; private final int minCrawlerDelay; private final int maxApiRate; private final int minApiDelay; private final int requestPerMonth; private int requestPerMonthCount; private long lastTimeRequestPerMonthStore; private final File requestperMonthFile; private long nextApiTime; private int countApiCall; private int countApiWait; private final String redisApiServerHostname; private final int redisApiServerPort; private final String redisApiAuth; private final boolean chroot; private final boolean disableScheduler; private final boolean disableWebCrawler; private final boolean disableFileCrawler; private final String silentBackupUrl; private final static String REPLICATION_NODEPATH = "/instanceProperties/replication"; private final static String LIMIT_NODEPATH = "/instanceProperties/limit"; private final static String LIMIT_CHROOT_ATTR = "chroot"; private final static String LIMIT_MAXDOCUMENTLIMIT_ATTR = "maxDocumentLimit"; private final static String LIMIT_MAX_STORAGE_ATTR = "maxStorage"; private final static String LIMIT_MAX_INDEX_NUMBER_ATTR = "maxIndexNumber"; private final static String LIMIT_MINCRAWLERDELAY_ATTR = "minCrawlerDelay"; private final static String LIMIT_MAX_API_RATE = "maxApiRate"; private final static String LIMIT_REQUEST_PER_MONTH = "requestPerMonth"; private final static String DISABLE_SCHEDULER = "disableScheduler"; private final static String DISABLE_WEBCRAWLER = "disableWebCrawler"; private final static String DISABLE_FILECRAWLER = "disableFileCrawler"; private final static String SILENT_BACKUP_URL = "silentBackupUrl"; private final static String REDIS_API_NODE = "/instanceProperties/redisApi"; private final static String REDIS_API_HOSTNAME_ATTR = "hostname"; private final static String REDIS_API_PORT_ATTR = "port"; private final static String REDIS_API_AUTH_ATTR = "auth"; public InstanceProperties(File xmlFile) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, XPathExpressionException, URISyntaxException { nextApiTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); countApiCall = 0; countApiWait = 0; lastTimeRequestPerMonthStore = 0; requestPerMonthCount = 0; if (xmlFile.exists()) { requestperMonthFile = new File(xmlFile.getParent(), "requestPerMonth.txt"); loadRequestPerMonth(); XPathParser xpp = new XPathParser(xmlFile); Node node = xpp.getNode(LIMIT_NODEPATH); if (node != null) { maxDocumentLimit = XPathParser.getAttributeLong(node, LIMIT_MAXDOCUMENTLIMIT_ATTR); chroot = "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(XPathParser.getAttributeString(node, LIMIT_CHROOT_ATTR)); minCrawlerDelay = XPathParser.getAttributeValue(node, LIMIT_MINCRAWLERDELAY_ATTR); maxIndexNumber = XPathParser.getAttributeValue(node, LIMIT_MAX_INDEX_NUMBER_ATTR); maxStorage = XPathParser.getAttributeLong(node, LIMIT_MAX_STORAGE_ATTR); maxApiRate = XPathParser.getAttributeValue(node, LIMIT_MAX_API_RATE); requestPerMonth = XPathParser.getAttributeValue(node, LIMIT_REQUEST_PER_MONTH); minApiDelay = maxApiRate != 0 ? 1000 / maxApiRate : 0; disableScheduler = "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(XPathParser.getAttributeString(node, DISABLE_SCHEDULER)); disableWebCrawler = "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(XPathParser.getAttributeString(node, DISABLE_WEBCRAWLER)); disableFileCrawler = "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(XPathParser.getAttributeString(node, DISABLE_FILECRAWLER)); } else { maxDocumentLimit = 0; chroot = false; minCrawlerDelay = 0; maxIndexNumber = 0; maxStorage = 0; maxApiRate = 0; requestPerMonth = 0; minApiDelay = 0; disableScheduler = false; disableWebCrawler = false; disableFileCrawler = false; } node = xpp.getNode(REPLICATION_NODEPATH); if (node != null) { silentBackupUrl = XPathParser.getAttributeString(node, SILENT_BACKUP_URL); } else { silentBackupUrl = null; } node = xpp.getNode(REDIS_API_NODE); if (node != null) { redisApiServerHostname = XPathParser.getAttributeString(node, REDIS_API_HOSTNAME_ATTR); redisApiServerPort = XPathParser.getAttributeValue(node, REDIS_API_PORT_ATTR); redisApiAuth = XPathParser.getAttributeString(node, REDIS_API_AUTH_ATTR); } else { redisApiServerHostname = null; redisApiServerPort = 0; redisApiAuth = null; } } else { requestperMonthFile = null; maxDocumentLimit = 0; chroot = false; minCrawlerDelay = 0; maxIndexNumber = 0; maxStorage = 0; maxApiRate = 0; requestPerMonth = 0; minApiDelay = 0; redisApiServerHostname = null; redisApiServerPort = 0; redisApiAuth = null; disableScheduler = false; disableWebCrawler = false; disableFileCrawler = false; silentBackupUrl = null; } } /** * @return the maxDocumentLimit */ public long getMaxDocumentLimit() { return maxDocumentLimit; } /** * @return the minCrawlerDelay */ public int getMinCrawlerDelay() { return minCrawlerDelay; } /** * @return the maxStorage */ public long getMaxStorage() { return maxStorage; } /** * @return the maxIndexNumber */ public int getMaxIndexNumber() { return maxIndexNumber; } /** * @return the chroot */ public boolean isChroot() { return chroot; } public boolean isDisableScheduler() { return disableScheduler; } public boolean isDisableWebCrawler() { return disableWebCrawler; } public boolean isDisableFileCrawler() { return disableFileCrawler; } public final boolean checkChrootQuietly(File file) throws IOException { if (!chroot) return true; return FileUtils.isSubDirectory(StartStopListener.OPENSEARCHSERVER_DATA_FILE, file); } public final void checkChroot(File file) throws IOException { if (!checkChrootQuietly(file)) throw new IOException( "You are not allowed to reach this location in the file system: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } public final void checkMaxDocumentLimit() throws SearchLibException, IOException { if (maxDocumentLimit == 0) return; long count = ClientCatalog.countAllDocuments(); if (count < maxDocumentLimit) return; throw new SearchLibException( "The maximum number of allowable documents has been reached (" + maxDocumentLimit + ")"); } public final void checkMaxIndexNumber() throws SearchLibException, IOException { if (maxIndexNumber == 0) return; long count = ClientCatalog.getClientCatalog(null).size(); if (count < maxIndexNumber) return; throw new SearchLibException("The maximum number of allowable index has been reached (" + maxIndexNumber + ")"); } public final void checkMaxStorageLimit() throws SearchLibException { if (maxStorage == 0) return; long size = ClientCatalog.calculateInstanceSize(); if (size <= maxStorage) return; throw new SearchLibException( "The maximum storage size has been reached (" + StringUtils.humanBytes(maxStorage) + ")"); } protected final void checkApiRate() throws InterruptedException { if (minApiDelay == 0) return; countApiCall++; if (countApiCall == 1000) { countApiCall = 1; countApiWait = 0; } long newTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long sleep = nextApiTime - newTime; nextApiTime = newTime + minApiDelay; if (sleep > 0) { Thread.sleep(sleep); countApiWait++; } } private final void loadRequestPerMonth() throws IOException { if (!requestperMonthFile.exists()) return; String s = FileUtils.readFileToString(requestperMonthFile, "UTF-8"); if (s == null) return; try { requestPerMonthCount = Integer.parseInt(s.trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logging.warn(e); } } private final void storeRequestPerMonthCount(long t) throws IOException { synchronized (requestperMonthFile) { if (!requestperMonthFile.exists()) resetRequestPerMonthCount(); FileUtils.write(requestperMonthFile, Integer.toString(getRequestPerMonthCount()), "UTF-8"); lastTimeRequestPerMonthStore = t + 10000; } } private ReadWriteLock requestPerMonthLock = new ReadWriteLock(); private final void incRequestPerMonthCount() { requestPerMonthLock.w.lock(); try { requestPerMonthCount++; } finally { requestPerMonthLock.w.unlock(); } } private final void resetRequestPerMonthCount() { requestPerMonthLock.w.lock(); try { requestPerMonthCount = 0; } finally { requestPerMonthLock.w.unlock(); } } /** * @return the requestPerMonthCount */ public int getRequestPerMonthCount() { requestPerMonthLock.r.lock(); try { return requestPerMonthCount; } finally { requestPerMonthLock.r.unlock(); } } public final int getRequestPerMonth() { return requestPerMonth; } public final boolean isRequestPerMonth() { return requestPerMonth > 0; } protected final void checkApiRequestPerMonth() throws IOException { if (requestPerMonth == 0) return; long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); incRequestPerMonthCount(); if (t < lastTimeRequestPerMonthStore) return; storeRequestPerMonthCount(t); } private final static SimpleDateFormat REDIS_STATS_DAYFORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd"); protected final void checkRedisApi(String apiKey, ApiIdentifier apiId, String remoteIpAddress) throws WebApplicationException { if (redisApiServerHostname == null) return; if (apiKey == null || apiKey.length() == 0) throw new WebApplicationException(Status.FORBIDDEN); Jedis jedis = new Jedis(redisApiServerHostname, redisApiServerPort, 10000); try { if (redisApiAuth != null && redisApiAuth.length() > 0) jedis.auth(redisApiAuth); String[] parts = StringUtils.split(apiKey, '_'); if (parts.length < 2) throw new WebApplicationException(Status.FORBIDDEN); StringBuilder sbKey = new StringBuilder("apiAccountService."); sbKey.append(parts[1]); sbKey.append('.'); sbKey.append(apiId); String skey = sbKey.toString(); String v = jedis.hget(skey, apiKey); if (v == null) throw new WebApplicationException(Status.FORBIDDEN); if (remoteIpAddress.equals("0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1")) remoteIpAddress = ""; boolean bAllowed = "0".equals(v) || v.length() == 0; if (!bAllowed) for (SubnetInfo subnetInfo : NetworksUtils.getSubnetArray(v)) if (subnetInfo.isInRange(remoteIpAddress)) bAllowed = true; if (!bAllowed) { Logging.warn("Authentication failure: " + apiKey + " " + remoteIpAddress); throw new WebApplicationException(Status.FORBIDDEN); } String statKey; synchronized (REDIS_STATS_DAYFORMAT) { statKey = REDIS_STATS_DAYFORMAT.format(new Date()); } jedis.hincrBy(skey + ".stats", statKey, 1); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WebApplicationException(Status.FORBIDDEN); } finally { if (jedis != null) { if (jedis.isConnected()) jedis.disconnect(); IOUtils.close(jedis); } } } public final void checkApi() throws InterruptedException, IOException { checkApiRate(); checkApiRequestPerMonth(); } public final void checkApi(String apiKey, ApiIdentifier apiId, String remoteAddr) throws WebApplicationException, InterruptedException { checkApiRate(); checkRedisApi(apiKey, apiId, remoteAddr); } public final float getApiWaitRate() { return (float) (((float) countApiWait / (float) countApiCall) * 100); } public final boolean isMaxApiRate() { return maxApiRate > 0; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(super.toString()); sb.append(" - maxDocumentLimit: "); sb.append(maxDocumentLimit); sb.append(" - maxStorage: "); sb.append(StringUtils.humanBytes(maxStorage)); sb.append(" - maxIndexNumber: "); sb.append(maxIndexNumber); sb.append(" - minCrawlerDelay: "); sb.append(minCrawlerDelay); sb.append(" - maxApiRate: "); sb.append(maxApiRate); sb.append(" - chroot: "); sb.append(chroot); return sb.toString(); } /** * @return the redisApiServerHostname */ public String getRedisApiServerHostname() { return redisApiServerHostname; } /** * @return the redisApiServerPort */ public int getRedisApiServerPort() { return redisApiServerPort; } public String getSilentBackupUrl() { return silentBackupUrl; } }