/* * Copyright 2015-present Open Networking Laboratory * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onosproject.ui.impl; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList.Builder; import org.onlab.osgi.ServiceNotFoundException; import org.onosproject.rest.AbstractInjectionResource; import org.onosproject.ui.UiExtensionService; import org.onosproject.ui.UiPreferencesService; import javax.ws.rs.GET; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import javax.ws.rs.Produces; import javax.ws.rs.core.Context; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; import javax.ws.rs.core.Response; import javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.SequenceInputStream; import static com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList.of; import static com.google.common.io.ByteStreams.toByteArray; /** * Resource for serving the dynamically composed index.html. */ @Path("/") public class MainIndexResource extends AbstractInjectionResource { private static final String INDEX = "index.html"; private static final String NOT_READY = "not-ready.html"; private static final String INJECT_USER_START = "<!-- {INJECTED-USER-START} -->"; private static final String INJECT_USER_END = "<!-- {INJECTED-USER-END} -->"; private static final String INJECT_CSS_START = "<!-- {INJECTED-STYLESHEETS-START} -->"; private static final String INJECT_CSS_END = "<!-- {INJECTED-STYLESHEETS-END} -->"; private static final String INJECT_JS_START = "<!-- {INJECTED-JAVASCRIPT-START} -->"; private static final String INJECT_JS_END = "<!-- {INJECTED-JAVASCRIPT-END} -->"; private static final byte[] SCRIPT_START = "\n<script>\n".getBytes(); private static final byte[] SCRIPT_END = "</script>\n\n".getBytes(); @Context private SecurityContext ctx; @GET @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_HTML) public Response getMainIndex() throws IOException { ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); UiExtensionService service; try { service = get(UiExtensionService.class); } catch (ServiceNotFoundException e) { return Response.ok(classLoader.getResourceAsStream(NOT_READY)).build(); } InputStream indexTemplate = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(INDEX); String index = new String(toByteArray(indexTemplate)); int p0s = split(index, 0, INJECT_USER_START) - INJECT_USER_START.length(); int p0e = split(index, p0s, INJECT_USER_END); int p1s = split(index, p0e, INJECT_JS_START) - INJECT_JS_START.length(); int p1e = split(index, p1s, INJECT_JS_END); int p2s = split(index, p1e, INJECT_CSS_START) - INJECT_CSS_START.length(); int p2e = split(index, p2s, INJECT_CSS_END); int p3s = split(index, p2e, null); // FIXME: use global opaque auth token to allow secure failover String userName = ctx.getUserPrincipal().getName(); String auth = "var onosAuth='" + userName + "';\n"; StreamEnumeration streams = new StreamEnumeration(of(stream(index, 0, p0s), new ByteArrayInputStream(SCRIPT_START), stream(auth, 0, auth.length()), userPreferences(userName), userConsoleLog(userName), new ByteArrayInputStream(SCRIPT_END), stream(index, p0e, p1s), includeJs(service), stream(index, p1e, p2s), includeCss(service), stream(index, p2e, p3s))); return Response.ok(new SequenceInputStream(streams)).build(); } private InputStream userConsoleLog(String userName) { String code = "console.log('Logging in as user >" + userName + "<');\n"; return new ByteArrayInputStream(code.getBytes()); } // Produces an input stream including user preferences. private InputStream userPreferences(String userName) { UiPreferencesService service = get(UiPreferencesService.class); ObjectNode prefs = mapper().createObjectNode(); service.getPreferences(userName).forEach(prefs::set); String string = "var userPrefs = " + prefs.toString() + ";\n"; return new ByteArrayInputStream(string.getBytes()); } // Produces an input stream including JS injections from all extensions. private InputStream includeJs(UiExtensionService service) { Builder<InputStream> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); service.getExtensions().forEach(ext -> { add(builder, ext.js()); add(builder, new NewlineInputStream()); }); return new SequenceInputStream(new StreamEnumeration(builder.build())); } // Produces an input stream including CSS injections from all extensions. private InputStream includeCss(UiExtensionService service) { Builder<InputStream> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); service.getExtensions().forEach(ext -> { add(builder, ext.css()); add(builder, new NewlineInputStream()); }); return new SequenceInputStream(new StreamEnumeration(builder.build())); } // Safely adds the stream to the list builder only if stream is not null. private void add(Builder<InputStream> builder, InputStream inputStream) { if (inputStream != null) { builder.add(inputStream); } } private static final String NL = String.format("%n"); private static final byte[] NL_BYTES = NL.getBytes(); private static class NewlineInputStream extends InputStream { private int index = 0; @Override public int read() throws IOException { if (index == NL_BYTES.length) { return -1; } return NL_BYTES[index++]; } } }