/* * Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState; import static org.onosproject.store.service.MapEvent.Type.INSERT; import static org.onosproject.store.service.MapEvent.Type.REMOVE; import static org.onosproject.store.service.MapEvent.Type.UPDATE; import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger; import io.atomix.copycat.server.Commit; import io.atomix.copycat.server.Snapshottable; import io.atomix.copycat.server.StateMachineExecutor; import io.atomix.copycat.server.session.ServerSession; import io.atomix.copycat.server.session.SessionListener; import io.atomix.copycat.server.storage.snapshot.SnapshotReader; import io.atomix.copycat.server.storage.snapshot.SnapshotWriter; import io.atomix.resource.ResourceStateMachine; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import org.onlab.util.CountDownCompleter; import org.onlab.util.Match; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.MapUpdate; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.TransactionId; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.Clear; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.ContainsKey; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.ContainsValue; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.EntrySet; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.Get; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.GetOrDefault; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.IsEmpty; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.KeySet; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.Listen; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.Size; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.TransactionBegin; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.TransactionCommit; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.TransactionPrepare; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.TransactionPrepareAndCommit; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.TransactionRollback; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.Unlisten; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.UpdateAndGet; import org.onosproject.store.primitives.resources.impl.AtomixConsistentMapCommands.Values; import org.onosproject.store.service.MapEvent; import org.onosproject.store.service.TransactionLog; import org.onosproject.store.service.Versioned; import org.slf4j.Logger; import com.google.common.base.Throwables; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; /** * State Machine for {@link AtomixConsistentMap} resource. */ public class AtomixConsistentMapState extends ResourceStateMachine implements SessionListener, Snapshottable { private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass()); private final Map<Long, Commit<? extends Listen>> listeners = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, MapEntryValue> mapEntries = new HashMap<>(); private final Set<String> preparedKeys = Sets.newHashSet(); private final Map<TransactionId, TransactionScope> activeTransactions = Maps.newHashMap(); private long currentVersion; public AtomixConsistentMapState(Properties properties) { super(properties); } @Override public void snapshot(SnapshotWriter writer) { } @Override public void install(SnapshotReader reader) { } @Override protected void configure(StateMachineExecutor executor) { // Listeners executor.register(Listen.class, this::listen); executor.register(Unlisten.class, this::unlisten); // Queries executor.register(ContainsKey.class, this::containsKey); executor.register(ContainsValue.class, this::containsValue); executor.register(EntrySet.class, this::entrySet); executor.register(Get.class, this::get); executor.register(GetOrDefault.class, this::getOrDefault); executor.register(IsEmpty.class, this::isEmpty); executor.register(KeySet.class, this::keySet); executor.register(Size.class, this::size); executor.register(Values.class, this::values); // Commands executor.register(UpdateAndGet.class, this::updateAndGet); executor.register(AtomixConsistentMapCommands.Clear.class, this::clear); executor.register(TransactionBegin.class, this::begin); executor.register(TransactionPrepare.class, this::prepare); executor.register(TransactionCommit.class, this::commit); executor.register(TransactionRollback.class, this::rollback); executor.register(TransactionPrepareAndCommit.class, this::prepareAndCommit); } @Override public void delete() { // Delete Listeners listeners.values().forEach(Commit::close); listeners.clear(); // Delete Map entries mapEntries.values().forEach(MapEntryValue::discard); mapEntries.clear(); } /** * Handles a contains key commit. * * @param commit containsKey commit * @return {@code true} if map contains key */ protected boolean containsKey(Commit<? extends ContainsKey> commit) { try { MapEntryValue value = mapEntries.get(commit.operation().key()); return value != null && value.type() != MapEntryValue.Type.TOMBSTONE; } finally { commit.close(); } } /** * Handles a contains value commit. * * @param commit containsValue commit * @return {@code true} if map contains value */ protected boolean containsValue(Commit<? extends ContainsValue> commit) { try { Match<byte[]> valueMatch = Match.ifValue(commit.operation().value()); return mapEntries.values().stream() .filter(value -> value.type() != MapEntryValue.Type.TOMBSTONE) .anyMatch(value -> valueMatch.matches(value.value())); } finally { commit.close(); } } /** * Handles a get commit. * * @param commit get commit * @return value mapped to key */ protected Versioned<byte[]> get(Commit<? extends Get> commit) { try { return toVersioned(mapEntries.get(commit.operation().key())); } finally { commit.close(); } } /** * Handles a get or default commit. * * @param commit get or default commit * @return value mapped to key */ protected Versioned<byte[]> getOrDefault(Commit<? extends GetOrDefault> commit) { try { MapEntryValue value = mapEntries.get(commit.operation().key()); if (value == null) { return new Versioned<>(commit.operation().defaultValue(), 0); } else if (value.type() == MapEntryValue.Type.TOMBSTONE) { return new Versioned<>(commit.operation().defaultValue(), value.version); } else { return new Versioned<>(value.value(), value.version); } } finally { commit.close(); } } /** * Handles a count commit. * * @param commit size commit * @return number of entries in map */ protected int size(Commit<? extends Size> commit) { try { return (int) mapEntries.values().stream() .filter(value -> value.type() != MapEntryValue.Type.TOMBSTONE) .count(); } finally { commit.close(); } } /** * Handles an is empty commit. * * @param commit isEmpty commit * @return {@code true} if map is empty */ protected boolean isEmpty(Commit<? extends IsEmpty> commit) { try { return mapEntries.values().stream() .noneMatch(value -> value.type() != MapEntryValue.Type.TOMBSTONE); } finally { commit.close(); } } /** * Handles a keySet commit. * * @param commit keySet commit * @return set of keys in map */ protected Set<String> keySet(Commit<? extends KeySet> commit) { try { return mapEntries.entrySet().stream() .filter(entry -> entry.getValue().type() != MapEntryValue.Type.TOMBSTONE) .map(Map.Entry::getKey) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } finally { commit.close(); } } /** * Handles a values commit. * * @param commit values commit * @return collection of values in map */ protected Collection<Versioned<byte[]>> values(Commit<? extends Values> commit) { try { return mapEntries.entrySet().stream() .filter(entry -> entry.getValue().type() != MapEntryValue.Type.TOMBSTONE) .map(entry -> toVersioned(entry.getValue())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } finally { commit.close(); } } /** * Handles a entry set commit. * * @param commit * entrySet commit * @return set of map entries */ protected Set<Map.Entry<String, Versioned<byte[]>>> entrySet(Commit<? extends EntrySet> commit) { try { return mapEntries.entrySet().stream() .filter(entry -> entry.getValue().type() != MapEntryValue.Type.TOMBSTONE) .map(e -> Maps.immutableEntry(e.getKey(), toVersioned(e.getValue()))) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } finally { commit.close(); } } /** * Handles a update and get commit. * * @param commit updateAndGet commit * @return update result */ protected MapEntryUpdateResult<String, byte[]> updateAndGet(Commit<? extends UpdateAndGet> commit) { try { MapEntryUpdateResult.Status updateStatus = validate(commit.operation()); String key = commit.operation().key(); MapEntryValue oldCommitValue = mapEntries.get(commit.operation().key()); Versioned<byte[]> oldMapValue = toVersioned(oldCommitValue); if (updateStatus != MapEntryUpdateResult.Status.OK) { commit.close(); return new MapEntryUpdateResult<>(updateStatus, "", key, oldMapValue, oldMapValue); } byte[] newValue = commit.operation().value(); currentVersion = commit.index(); Versioned<byte[]> newMapValue = newValue == null ? null : new Versioned<>(newValue, currentVersion); MapEvent.Type updateType = newValue == null ? REMOVE : oldCommitValue == null ? INSERT : UPDATE; // If a value existed in the map, remove and discard the value to ensure disk can be freed. if (updateType == REMOVE || updateType == UPDATE) { mapEntries.remove(key); oldCommitValue.discard(); } // If this is an insert/update commit, add the commit to the map entries. if (updateType == INSERT || updateType == UPDATE) { mapEntries.put(key, new NonTransactionalCommit(commit)); } else if (!activeTransactions.isEmpty()) { // If this is a delete but transactions are currently running, ensure tombstones are retained // for version checks. TombstoneCommit tombstone = new TombstoneCommit( commit.index(), new CountDownCompleter<>(commit, 1, Commit::close)); mapEntries.put(key, tombstone); } else { // If no transactions are in progress, we can safely delete the key from memory. commit.close(); } publish(Lists.newArrayList(new MapEvent<>("", key, newMapValue, oldMapValue))); return new MapEntryUpdateResult<>(updateStatus, "", key, oldMapValue, newMapValue); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("State machine operation failed", e); throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } /** * Handles a clear commit. * * @param commit clear commit * @return clear result */ protected MapEntryUpdateResult.Status clear(Commit<? extends Clear> commit) { try { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, MapEntryValue>> iterator = mapEntries .entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, MapEntryValue> entry = iterator.next(); String key = entry.getKey(); MapEntryValue value = entry.getValue(); Versioned<byte[]> removedValue = new Versioned<>(value.value(), value.version()); publish(Lists.newArrayList(new MapEvent<>("", key, null, removedValue))); value.discard(); iterator.remove(); } return MapEntryUpdateResult.Status.OK; } finally { commit.close(); } } /** * Handles a listen commit. * * @param commit listen commit */ protected void listen(Commit<? extends Listen> commit) { Long sessionId = commit.session().id(); if (listeners.putIfAbsent(sessionId, commit) != null) { commit.close(); return; } commit.session() .onStateChange( state -> { if (state == ServerSession.State.CLOSED || state == ServerSession.State.EXPIRED) { Commit<? extends Listen> listener = listeners.remove(sessionId); if (listener != null) { listener.close(); } } }); } /** * Handles an unlisten commit. * * @param commit unlisten commit */ protected void unlisten(Commit<? extends Unlisten> commit) { try { Commit<? extends Listen> listener = listeners.remove(commit.session().id()); if (listener != null) { listener.close(); } } finally { commit.close(); } } /** * Handles a begin commit. * * @param commit transaction begin commit * @return transaction state version */ protected long begin(Commit<? extends TransactionBegin> commit) { try { long version = commit.index(); activeTransactions.put(commit.operation().transactionId(), new TransactionScope(version)); return version; } finally { commit.close(); } } /** * Handles an prepare and commit commit. * * @param commit transaction prepare and commit commit * @return prepare result */ protected PrepareResult prepareAndCommit(Commit<? extends TransactionPrepareAndCommit> commit) { TransactionId transactionId = commit.operation().transactionLog().transactionId(); PrepareResult prepareResult = prepare(commit); TransactionScope transactionScope = activeTransactions.remove(transactionId); if (prepareResult == PrepareResult.OK) { this.currentVersion = commit.index(); transactionScope = transactionScope.prepared(commit); commit(transactionScope); } else if (transactionScope != null) { transactionScope.close(); } discardTombstones(); return prepareResult; } /** * Handles an prepare commit. * * @param commit transaction prepare commit * @return prepare result */ protected PrepareResult prepare(Commit<? extends TransactionPrepare> commit) { boolean ok = false; try { TransactionLog<MapUpdate<String, byte[]>> transactionLog = commit.operation().transactionLog(); // Iterate through records in the transaction log and perform isolation checks. for (MapUpdate<String, byte[]> record : transactionLog.records()) { String key = record.key(); // If the record is a VERSION_MATCH then check that the record's version matches the current // version of the state machine. if (record.type() == MapUpdate.Type.VERSION_MATCH && key == null) { if (record.version() > currentVersion) { return PrepareResult.OPTIMISTIC_LOCK_FAILURE; } else { continue; } } // If the prepared keys already contains the key contained within the record, that indicates a // conflict with a concurrent transaction. if (preparedKeys.contains(key)) { return PrepareResult.CONCURRENT_TRANSACTION; } // Read the existing value from the map. MapEntryValue existingValue = mapEntries.get(key); // Note: if the existing value is null, that means the key has not changed during the transaction, // otherwise a tombstone would have been retained. if (existingValue == null) { // If the value is null, ensure the version is equal to the transaction version. if (record.version() != transactionLog.version()) { return PrepareResult.OPTIMISTIC_LOCK_FAILURE; } } else { // If the value is non-null, compare the current version with the record version. if (existingValue.version() > record.version()) { return PrepareResult.OPTIMISTIC_LOCK_FAILURE; } } } // No violations detected. Mark modified keys locked for transactions. transactionLog.records().forEach(record -> { if (record.type() != MapUpdate.Type.VERSION_MATCH) { preparedKeys.add(record.key()); } }); ok = true; // Update the transaction scope. If the transaction scope is not set on this node, that indicates the // coordinator is communicating with another node. Transactions assume that the client is communicating // with a single leader in order to limit the overhead of retaining tombstones. TransactionScope transactionScope = activeTransactions.get(transactionLog.transactionId()); if (transactionScope == null) { activeTransactions.put( transactionLog.transactionId(), new TransactionScope(transactionLog.version(), commit)); return PrepareResult.PARTIAL_FAILURE; } else { activeTransactions.put( transactionLog.transactionId(), transactionScope.prepared(commit)); return PrepareResult.OK; } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failure applying {}", commit, e); throw Throwables.propagate(e); } finally { if (!ok) { commit.close(); } } } /** * Handles an commit commit (ha!). * * @param commit transaction commit commit * @return commit result */ protected CommitResult commit(Commit<? extends TransactionCommit> commit) { TransactionId transactionId = commit.operation().transactionId(); TransactionScope transactionScope = activeTransactions.remove(transactionId); if (transactionScope == null) { return CommitResult.UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_ID; } try { this.currentVersion = commit.index(); return commit(transactionScope.committed(commit)); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failure applying {}", commit, e); throw Throwables.propagate(e); } finally { discardTombstones(); } } /** * Applies committed operations to the state machine. */ private CommitResult commit(TransactionScope transactionScope) { TransactionLog<MapUpdate<String, byte[]>> transactionLog = transactionScope.transactionLog(); boolean retainTombstones = !activeTransactions.isEmpty(); // Count the total number of keys that will be set by this transaction. This is necessary to do reference // counting for garbage collection. long totalReferencesToCommit = transactionLog.records().stream() // No keys are set for version checks. For deletes, references are only retained of tombstones // need to be retained for concurrent transactions. .filter(record -> record.type() != MapUpdate.Type.VERSION_MATCH && record.type() != MapUpdate.Type.LOCK && (record.type() != MapUpdate.Type.REMOVE_IF_VERSION_MATCH || retainTombstones)) .count(); // Create a count down completer that counts references to the transaction commit for garbage collection. CountDownCompleter<TransactionScope> completer = new CountDownCompleter<>( transactionScope, totalReferencesToCommit, TransactionScope::close); List<MapEvent<String, byte[]>> eventsToPublish = Lists.newArrayList(); for (MapUpdate<String, byte[]> record : transactionLog.records()) { if (record.type() == MapUpdate.Type.VERSION_MATCH) { continue; } String key = record.key(); checkState(preparedKeys.remove(key), "key is not prepared"); if (record.type() == MapUpdate.Type.LOCK) { continue; } MapEntryValue previousValue = mapEntries.remove(key); MapEntryValue newValue = null; // If the record is not a delete, create a transactional commit. if (record.type() != MapUpdate.Type.REMOVE_IF_VERSION_MATCH) { newValue = new TransactionalCommit(currentVersion, record.value(), completer); } else if (retainTombstones) { // For deletes, if tombstones need to be retained then create and store a tombstone commit. newValue = new TombstoneCommit(currentVersion, completer); } eventsToPublish.add(new MapEvent<>("", key, toVersioned(newValue), toVersioned(previousValue))); if (newValue != null) { mapEntries.put(key, newValue); } if (previousValue != null) { previousValue.discard(); } } publish(eventsToPublish); return CommitResult.OK; } /** * Handles an rollback commit (ha!). * * @param commit transaction rollback commit * @return rollback result */ protected RollbackResult rollback(Commit<? extends TransactionRollback> commit) { TransactionId transactionId = commit.operation().transactionId(); TransactionScope transactionScope = activeTransactions.remove(transactionId); if (transactionScope == null) { return RollbackResult.UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_ID; } else if (!transactionScope.isPrepared()) { discardTombstones(); transactionScope.close(); commit.close(); return RollbackResult.OK; } else { try { transactionScope.transactionLog().records() .forEach(record -> { if (record.type() != MapUpdate.Type.VERSION_MATCH) { preparedKeys.remove(record.key()); } }); return RollbackResult.OK; } finally { discardTombstones(); transactionScope.close(); commit.close(); } } } /** * Discards tombstones no longer needed by active transactions. */ private void discardTombstones() { if (activeTransactions.isEmpty()) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, MapEntryValue>> iterator = mapEntries.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { MapEntryValue value = iterator.next().getValue(); if (value.type() == MapEntryValue.Type.TOMBSTONE) { iterator.remove(); value.discard(); } } } else { long lowWaterMark = activeTransactions.values().stream() .mapToLong(TransactionScope::version) .min().getAsLong(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, MapEntryValue>> iterator = mapEntries.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { MapEntryValue value = iterator.next().getValue(); if (value.type() == MapEntryValue.Type.TOMBSTONE && value.version < lowWaterMark) { iterator.remove(); value.discard(); } } } } /** * Computes the update status that would result if the specified update were to applied to * the state machine. * * @param update update * @return status */ private MapEntryUpdateResult.Status validate(UpdateAndGet update) { MapEntryValue existingValue = mapEntries.get(update.key()); boolean isEmpty = existingValue == null || existingValue.type() == MapEntryValue.Type.TOMBSTONE; if (isEmpty && update.value() == null) { return MapEntryUpdateResult.Status.NOOP; } if (preparedKeys.contains(update.key())) { return MapEntryUpdateResult.Status.WRITE_LOCK; } byte[] existingRawValue = isEmpty ? null : existingValue.value(); Long existingVersion = isEmpty ? null : existingValue.version(); return update.valueMatch().matches(existingRawValue) && update.versionMatch().matches(existingVersion) ? MapEntryUpdateResult.Status.OK : MapEntryUpdateResult.Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED; } /** * Utility for turning a {@code MapEntryValue} to {@code Versioned}. * @param value map entry value * @return versioned instance */ private Versioned<byte[]> toVersioned(MapEntryValue value) { return value != null && value.type() != MapEntryValue.Type.TOMBSTONE ? new Versioned<>(value.value(), value.version()) : null; } /** * Publishes events to listeners. * * @param events list of map event to publish */ private void publish(List<MapEvent<String, byte[]>> events) { listeners.values().forEach(commit -> commit.session().publish(AtomixConsistentMap.CHANGE_SUBJECT, events)); } @Override public void register(ServerSession session) { } @Override public void unregister(ServerSession session) { closeListener(session.id()); } @Override public void expire(ServerSession session) { closeListener(session.id()); } @Override public void close(ServerSession session) { closeListener(session.id()); } private void closeListener(Long sessionId) { Commit<? extends Listen> commit = listeners.remove(sessionId); if (commit != null) { commit.close(); } } /** * Interface implemented by map values. */ private abstract static class MapEntryValue { protected final Type type; protected final long version; MapEntryValue(Type type, long version) { this.type = type; this.version = version; } /** * Returns the value type. * * @return the value type */ Type type() { return type; } /** * Returns the version of the value. * * @return version */ long version() { return version; } /** * Returns the raw {@code byte[]}. * * @return raw value */ abstract byte[] value(); /** * Discards the value by invoke appropriate clean up actions. */ abstract void discard(); /** * Value type. */ enum Type { VALUE, TOMBSTONE, } } /** * A {@code MapEntryValue} that is derived from a non-transactional update * i.e. via any standard map update operation. */ private static class NonTransactionalCommit extends MapEntryValue { private final Commit<? extends UpdateAndGet> commit; NonTransactionalCommit(Commit<? extends UpdateAndGet> commit) { super(Type.VALUE, commit.index()); this.commit = commit; } @Override byte[] value() { return commit.operation().value(); } @Override void discard() { commit.close(); } } /** * A {@code MapEntryValue} that is derived from updates submitted via a * transaction. */ private static class TransactionalCommit extends MapEntryValue { private final byte[] value; private final CountDownCompleter<?> completer; TransactionalCommit(long version, byte[] value, CountDownCompleter<?> completer) { super(Type.VALUE, version); this.value = value; this.completer = completer; } @Override byte[] value() { return value; } @Override void discard() { completer.countDown(); } } /** * A {@code MapEntryValue} that represents a deleted entry. */ private static class TombstoneCommit extends MapEntryValue { private final CountDownCompleter<?> completer; public TombstoneCommit(long version, CountDownCompleter<?> completer) { super(Type.TOMBSTONE, version); this.completer = completer; } @Override byte[] value() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override void discard() { completer.countDown(); } } /** * Map transaction scope. */ private static final class TransactionScope { private final long version; private final Commit<? extends TransactionPrepare> prepareCommit; private final Commit<? extends TransactionCommit> commitCommit; private TransactionScope(long version) { this(version, null, null); } private TransactionScope( long version, Commit<? extends TransactionPrepare> prepareCommit) { this(version, prepareCommit, null); } private TransactionScope( long version, Commit<? extends TransactionPrepare> prepareCommit, Commit<? extends TransactionCommit> commitCommit) { this.version = version; this.prepareCommit = prepareCommit; this.commitCommit = commitCommit; } /** * Returns the transaction version. * * @return the transaction version */ long version() { return version; } /** * Returns whether this is a prepared transaction scope. * * @return whether this is a prepared transaction scope */ boolean isPrepared() { return prepareCommit != null; } /** * Returns the transaction commit log. * * @return the transaction commit log */ TransactionLog<MapUpdate<String, byte[]>> transactionLog() { checkState(isPrepared()); return prepareCommit.operation().transactionLog(); } /** * Returns a new transaction scope with a prepare commit. * * @param commit the prepare commit * @return new transaction scope updated with the prepare commit */ TransactionScope prepared(Commit<? extends TransactionPrepare> commit) { return new TransactionScope(version, commit); } /** * Returns a new transaction scope with a commit commit. * * @param commit the commit commit ;-) * @return new transaction scope updated with the commit commit */ TransactionScope committed(Commit<? extends TransactionCommit> commit) { checkState(isPrepared()); return new TransactionScope(version, prepareCommit, commit); } /** * Closes the transaction and all associated commits. */ void close() { if (prepareCommit != null) { prepareCommit.close(); } if (commitCommit != null) { commitCommit.close(); } } } }