/* * Copyright 2016-present Open Networking Laboratory * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onosproject.influxdbmetrics; import com.google.common.collect.BiMap; import com.google.common.collect.EnumHashBiMap; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Activate; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Deactivate; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.ReferenceCardinality; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import org.influxdb.InfluxDB; import org.influxdb.InfluxDBFactory; import org.influxdb.dto.Query; import org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult; import org.onosproject.cluster.NodeId; import org.onosproject.core.CoreService; import org.slf4j.Logger; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger; /** * A Metric retriever implementation for querying metrics from influxDB server. */ @Component(immediate = true) @Service public class DefaultInfluxDbMetricsRetriever implements InfluxDbMetricsRetriever { private final Logger log = getLogger(getClass()); private static final String DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = "http"; private static final String DEFAULT_POLICY = "default"; private static final String COLON_SEPARATOR = ":"; private static final String SLASH_SEPARATOR = "//"; private static final String BRACKET_START = "["; private static final String BRACKET_END = "]"; private static final String METRIC_DELIMITER = "."; private static final int NUB_OF_DELIMITER = 3; private static final BiMap<TimeUnit, String> TIME_UNIT_MAP = EnumHashBiMap.create(TimeUnit.class); static { // key is TimeUnit enumeration type // value is influx database time unit keyword TIME_UNIT_MAP.put(TimeUnit.DAYS, "d"); TIME_UNIT_MAP.put(TimeUnit.HOURS, "h"); TIME_UNIT_MAP.put(TimeUnit.MINUTES, "m"); TIME_UNIT_MAP.put(TimeUnit.SECONDS, "s"); } @Reference(cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.MANDATORY_UNARY) protected CoreService coreService; protected String database; InfluxDB influxDB; @Activate public void activate() { coreService.registerApplication("org.onosproject.influxdbmetrics"); log.info("Started"); } @Deactivate public void deactivate() { log.info("Stopped"); } @Override public void config(String address, int port, String database, String username, String password) { StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(); url.append(DEFAULT_PROTOCOL); url.append(COLON_SEPARATOR + SLASH_SEPARATOR); url.append(address); url.append(COLON_SEPARATOR); url.append(port); this.influxDB = InfluxDBFactory.connect(url.toString(), username, password); this.database = database; } @Override public Map<NodeId, Map<String, List<InfluxMetric>>> allMetrics(int period, TimeUnit unit) { Map<NodeId, Set<String>> nameMap = allMetricNames(); Map<NodeId, Map<String, List<InfluxMetric>>> metricsMap = Maps.newHashMap(); nameMap.forEach((nodeId, metricNames) -> metricsMap.putIfAbsent(nodeId, metricsByNodeId(nodeId, period, unit)) ); return metricsMap; } @Override public Map<String, List<InfluxMetric>> metricsByNodeId(NodeId nodeId, int period, TimeUnit unit) { Map<NodeId, Set<String>> nameMap = allMetricNames(); Map<String, List<InfluxMetric>> map = Maps.newHashMap(); nameMap.get(nodeId).forEach(metricName -> { List<InfluxMetric> value = metric(nodeId, metricName, period, unit); if (value != null) { map.putIfAbsent(metricName, value); } }); return map; } @Override public Map<NodeId, List<InfluxMetric>> metricsByName(String metricName, int period, TimeUnit unit) { Map<NodeId, List<InfluxMetric>> map = Maps.newHashMap(); List<InfluxMetric> metrics = Lists.newArrayList(); String queryPrefix = new StringBuilder() .append("SELECT m1_rate FROM") .append(database) .append(METRIC_DELIMITER) .append(quote(DEFAULT_POLICY)) .append(METRIC_DELIMITER) .toString(); String querySuffix = new StringBuilder() .append(" WHERE time > now() - ") .append(period) .append(unitString(unit)) .toString(); allMetricNames().keySet().forEach(nodeId -> { String queryString = new StringBuilder() .append(queryPrefix) .append(quote(nodeId + METRIC_DELIMITER + metricName)) .append(querySuffix) .toString(); Query query = new Query(queryString, database); List<QueryResult.Result> results = influxDB.query(query).getResults(); if (results != null && results.get(0) != null && results.get(0).getSeries() != null) { results.get(0).getSeries().get(0).getValues().forEach(value -> metrics.add(new DefaultInfluxMetric.Builder() .time((String) value.get(0)) .oneMinRate((Double) value.get(1)) .build())); map.putIfAbsent(nodeId, metrics); } }); return map; } @Override public List<InfluxMetric> metric(NodeId nodeId, String metricName, int period, TimeUnit unit) { List<InfluxMetric> metrics = Lists.newArrayList(); String queryString = new StringBuilder() .append("SELECT m1_rate FROM ") .append(database) .append(METRIC_DELIMITER) .append(quote(DEFAULT_POLICY)) .append(METRIC_DELIMITER) .append(quote(nodeId + METRIC_DELIMITER + metricName)) .append(" WHERE time > now() - ") .append(period) .append(unitString(unit)) .toString(); Query query = new Query(queryString, database); List<QueryResult.Result> results = influxDB.query(query).getResults(); if (results != null && results.get(0) != null && results.get(0).getSeries() != null) { results.get(0).getSeries().get(0).getValues().forEach(value -> metrics.add(new DefaultInfluxMetric.Builder() .time((String) value.get(0)) .oneMinRate((Double) value.get(1)) .build())); return metrics; } return null; } @Override public Map<NodeId, Map<String, InfluxMetric>> allMetrics() { Map<NodeId, Set<String>> nameMap = allMetricNames(); Map<NodeId, Map<String, InfluxMetric>> metricsMap = Maps.newHashMap(); nameMap.forEach((nodeId, metricNames) -> metricsMap.putIfAbsent(nodeId, metricsByNodeId(nodeId)) ); return metricsMap; } @Override public Map<String, InfluxMetric> metricsByNodeId(NodeId nodeId) { Map<NodeId, Set<String>> nameMap = allMetricNames(); Map<String, InfluxMetric> map = Maps.newHashMap(); nameMap.get(nodeId).forEach(metricName -> { InfluxMetric value = metric(nodeId, metricName); if (value != null) { map.putIfAbsent(metricName, value); } }); return map; } @Override public Map<NodeId, InfluxMetric> metricsByName(String metricName) { Map<NodeId, InfluxMetric> map = Maps.newHashMap(); String queryPrefix = new StringBuilder() .append("SELECT m1_rate FROM") .append(database) .append(METRIC_DELIMITER) .append(quote(DEFAULT_POLICY)) .append(METRIC_DELIMITER) .toString(); String querySuffix = new StringBuilder() .append(" LIMIT 1") .toString(); allMetricNames().keySet().forEach(nodeId -> { String queryString = new StringBuilder() .append(queryPrefix) .append(quote(nodeId + METRIC_DELIMITER + metricName)) .append(querySuffix) .toString(); Query query = new Query(queryString, database); List<QueryResult.Result> results = influxDB.query(query).getResults(); if (results != null && results.get(0) != null && results.get(0).getSeries() != null) { InfluxMetric metric = new DefaultInfluxMetric.Builder() .time((String) results.get(0).getSeries().get(0).getValues().get(0).get(0)) .oneMinRate((Double) results.get(0).getSeries().get(0) .getValues().get(0).get(1)).build(); map.putIfAbsent(nodeId, metric); } }); return map; } @Override public InfluxMetric metric(NodeId nodeId, String metricName) { String queryString = new StringBuilder() .append("SELECT m1_rate FROM ") .append(database) .append(METRIC_DELIMITER) .append(quote(DEFAULT_POLICY)) .append(METRIC_DELIMITER) .append(quote(nodeId + METRIC_DELIMITER + metricName)) .append(" LIMIT 1") .toString(); Query query = new Query(queryString, database); List<QueryResult.Result> results = influxDB.query(query).getResults(); if (results != null && results.get(0) != null && results.get(0).getSeries() != null) { return new DefaultInfluxMetric.Builder() .time((String) results.get(0).getSeries().get(0).getValues().get(0).get(0)) .oneMinRate((Double) results.get(0).getSeries().get(0) .getValues().get(0).get(1)).build(); } return null; } private String unitString(TimeUnit unit) { return TIME_UNIT_MAP.get(unit) == null ? "h" : TIME_UNIT_MAP.get(unit); } private String quote(String str) { return "\"" + str + "\""; } /** * Returns all metric names that bound with node identification. * * @return all metric names */ protected Map<NodeId, Set<String>> allMetricNames() { Map<NodeId, Set<String>> metricNameMap = Maps.newHashMap(); Query query = new Query("SHOW MEASUREMENTS", database); List<QueryResult.Result> results = influxDB.query(query).getResults(); List<List<Object>> rawMetricNames = results.get(0).getSeries().get(0).getValues(); rawMetricNames.forEach(rawMetricName -> { String nodeIdStr = getNodeId(strip(rawMetricName.toString())); if (nodeIdStr != null) { NodeId nodeId = NodeId.nodeId(nodeIdStr); String metricName = getMetricName(strip(rawMetricName.toString())); if (!metricNameMap.containsKey(nodeId)) { metricNameMap.putIfAbsent(nodeId, Sets.newHashSet()); } if (metricName != null) { metricNameMap.get(nodeId).add(metricName); } } }); return metricNameMap; } /** * Strips special bracket from the full name. * * @param fullName full name * @return bracket stripped string */ private String strip(String fullName) { return StringUtils.strip(StringUtils.strip(fullName, BRACKET_START), BRACKET_END); } /** * Returns metric name from full name. * The elements in full name is split by using '.'; * We assume that the metric name always comes after the last three '.' * * @param fullName full name * @return metric name */ private String getMetricName(String fullName) { int index = StringUtils.lastOrdinalIndexOf(fullName, METRIC_DELIMITER, NUB_OF_DELIMITER); if (index != -1) { return StringUtils.substring(fullName, index + 1); } else { log.warn("Database {} contains malformed metric name.", database); return null; } } /** * Returns node id from full name. * The elements in full name is split by using '.'; * We assume that the node id always comes before the last three '.' * * @param fullName full name * @return node id */ private String getNodeId(String fullName) { int index = StringUtils.lastOrdinalIndexOf(fullName, METRIC_DELIMITER, NUB_OF_DELIMITER); if (index != -1) { return StringUtils.substring(fullName, 0, index); } else { log.warn("Database {} contains malformed node id.", database); return null; } } }