import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory; import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar; import org.fosstrak.ale.util.DeserializerUtil; import org.fosstrak.ale.xsd.ale.epcglobal.ECReport; import org.fosstrak.ale.xsd.ale.epcglobal.ECReportGroup; import org.fosstrak.ale.xsd.ale.epcglobal.ECReportGroupListMember; import org.fosstrak.ale.xsd.ale.epcglobal.ECReports; import org.fosstrak.ale.xsd.epcglobal.EPC; import org.fosstrak.epcis.captureclient.CaptureClient; import org.fosstrak.epcis.model.ActionType; import org.fosstrak.epcis.model.BusinessLocationType; import org.fosstrak.epcis.model.EPCISBodyType; import org.fosstrak.epcis.model.EPCISDocumentType; import org.fosstrak.epcis.model.EPCListType; import org.fosstrak.epcis.model.EventListType; import org.fosstrak.epcis.model.ObjectEventType; import org.fosstrak.epcis.model.ReadPointType; /** * @author * */ public class CaptureApp { private int port; private String epcisRepository; private CaptureClient client = null; /** ORANGE: the path to the properties file for the LLRPAdaptor. */ private static final String LLRPADAPTOR_CONFIG_FILE = "/"; /** ORANGE: epcisUniqueTagInObjectEvent is the name of the boolean property. * If true, it allows to get the User Memory of the tag and add it to the * ObjectEvent of the capture application in the EPCIS. * In this case, we generate an ObjectEvent per tag and store the User Memory * of the tag in the extension of the ObjectEvent. * If we want to store a list of User Memory, the model of the ObjectEventType * must evolve to allow the storage of a list of User Memory like the list of tags. **/ private static final String EPCIS_UNIQUE_TAG = "epcisUniqueTagInObjectEvent"; /** ORANGE: store the value of epcisUniqueTagInObjectEvent property. * If true allows to store the User Memory of the tag in the ObjectEvent. * In that case, each ObjectEvent will have a unique tag in the epcList. */ private static boolean epcisUniqueTag = false; public CaptureApp(int port, String epcisRepository) { this.port = port; this.epcisRepository = epcisRepository; } private void handleReports(ECReports reports) throws IOException, JAXBException, ImplementationExceptionResponse, Exception { System.out.println("Handling incomming reports"); // ORANGE: initUniqueTagProperty(); if (epcisUniqueTag) { handleReportsWithUserMemory(reports); } //ORANGE End else { List<ECReport> theReports = reports.getReports().getReport(); // collect all the tags List<EPC> epcs = new LinkedList<EPC>(); if (theReports != null) { for (ECReport report : theReports) { if (report.getGroup() != null) { for (ECReportGroup group : report.getGroup()) { if (group.getGroupList() != null) { for (ECReportGroupListMember member : group.getGroupList().getMember()) { if (member.getRawDecimal() != null) { epcs.add(member.getRawDecimal()); } } } } } } } if (epcs.size() == 0) { System.out.println("no epc received - generating no event"); return; } // create the ecpis event ObjectEventType objEvent = new ObjectEventType(); // get the current time and set the eventTime XMLGregorianCalendar now = null; try { DatatypeFactory dataFactory = DatatypeFactory.newInstance(); now = dataFactory.newXMLGregorianCalendar(new GregorianCalendar()); objEvent.setEventTime(now); } catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // get the current time zone and set the eventTimeZoneOffset if (now != null) { int timezone = now.getTimezone(); int h = Math.abs(timezone / 60); int m = Math.abs(timezone % 60); DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("00"); String sign = (timezone < 0) ? "-" : "+"; objEvent.setEventTimeZoneOffset(sign + format.format(h) + ":" + format.format(m)); } EPCListType epcList = new EPCListType(); // add the epcs for (EPC epc : epcs) { org.fosstrak.epcis.model.EPC nepc = new org.fosstrak.epcis.model.EPC(); nepc.setValue(epc.getValue()); epcList.getEpc().add(nepc); } objEvent.setEpcList(epcList); // set action objEvent.setAction(ActionType.ADD); // set bizStep objEvent.setBizStep("urn:fosstrak:demo:bizstep:testing"); // set disposition objEvent.setDisposition("urn:fosstrak:demo:disp:testing"); // set readPoint ReadPointType readPoint = new ReadPointType(); readPoint.setId("urn:fosstrak:demo:rp:1.1"); objEvent.setReadPoint(readPoint); // set bizLocation BusinessLocationType bizLocation = new BusinessLocationType(); bizLocation.setId("urn:fosstrak:demo:loc:1.1"); objEvent.setBizLocation(bizLocation); // create the EPCISDocument containing a single ObjectEvent EPCISDocumentType epcisDoc = new EPCISDocumentType(); EPCISBodyType epcisBody = new EPCISBodyType(); EventListType eventList = new EventListType(); eventList.getObjectEventOrAggregationEventOrQuantityEvent().add(objEvent); epcisBody.setEventList(eventList); epcisDoc.setEPCISBody(epcisBody); epcisDoc.setSchemaVersion(new BigDecimal("1.0")); epcisDoc.setCreationDate(now); int httpResponseCode = client.capture(epcisDoc); if (httpResponseCode != 200) { System.out.println("The event could NOT be captured!"); } } } /** ORANGE: retrieve and test the value of the property just to know if we want to store * the User Memory in the ObjectEvent. * @throws ImplementationExceptionResponse whenever an internal error occurs. * */ private void initUniqueTagProperty () throws ImplementationExceptionResponse { Properties props = new Properties(); //TODO : � remplacer Subscriber.class par CaptureApp.class try { props.load(Subscriber.class.getResourceAsStream(LLRPADAPTOR_CONFIG_FILE)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ImplementationExceptionResponse ("Error loading properties from Subscriber'" + LLRPADAPTOR_CONFIG_FILE + "'"); } String uniqueTag = props.getProperty(EPCIS_UNIQUE_TAG); if (uniqueTag != null) { epcisUniqueTag = Boolean.valueOf(uniqueTag).booleanValue(); } } /** * ORANGE: handle reports by extracting the epc and the user memory of the tag. * For each tag, an ObjectEvent will be define containing these 2 informations. * @param reports the ECReports * @throws ImplementationException whenever an internal error occurs. */ private void handleReportsWithUserMemory(ECReports reports) throws IOException, JAXBException, Exception { System.out.println("Handling incomming reports with User Memory"); List<ECReport> theReports = reports.getReports().getReport(); // collect all the tags List<EPC> epcs = new LinkedList<EPC>(); // collect all the "user memory" containing the complete payload List<String> userMemories = new ArrayList<String>(); if (theReports != null) { for (ECReport report : theReports) { if (report.getGroup() != null) { for (ECReportGroup group : report.getGroup()) { if (group.getGroupList() != null) { for (ECReportGroupListMember member : group.getGroupList().getMember()) { if (member.getEpc() != null) { epcs.add(member.getEpc()); String userMemory = null; ECReportGroupListMemberExtension extension = member.getExtension(); if (extension!= null) { // TODO : to test if it works // on remplace //String userMemory = member.getExtension().getFieldList().getField().get(0).getValue(); // par : if (extension.getFieldList() != null) { for (ECReportMemberField reportMemberField : extension.getFieldList().getField()) { String fieldName = reportMemberField.getFieldspec().getFieldname(); //TODO : test if the field name contains "UserMemory" if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("UserMemory")) { userMemory = reportMemberField.getValue(); } } } } LOG.debug (" User Memory = " + userMemory); userMemories.add(userMemory); } } } } } } } if (epcs.size() == 0) { System.out.println("no epc received - generating no event"); return; } captureObjectEvent (epcs, userMemories); } /** ORANGE: For each epc in the list, we create an ObjectEvent. * The UserMemory corresponding to this epc will be stored in the Extension of the ObjectEvent. * @param reports the ECReports * @throws ImplementationException whenever an internal error occurs. */ private void captureObjectEvent (List<EPC> epcs, List<String> userMemories) throws IOException, JAXBException, Exception { System.out.println("Begining Process of all the epc .........." ); int i = 0; for (EPC epc : epcs) { System.out.println ("Entering captureObjectEvent for One EPC"); // create the ecpis event ObjectEventType objEvent = new ObjectEventType(); // get the current time and set the eventTime XMLGregorianCalendar now = null; try { DatatypeFactory dataFactory = DatatypeFactory.newInstance(); now = dataFactory.newXMLGregorianCalendar(new GregorianCalendar()); objEvent.setEventTime(now); } catch (DatatypeConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // get the current time zone and set the eventTimeZoneOffset if (now != null) { int timezone = now.getTimezone(); int h = Math.abs(timezone / 60); int m = Math.abs(timezone % 60); DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("00"); String sign = (timezone < 0) ? "-" : "+"; objEvent.setEventTimeZoneOffset(sign + format.format(h) + ":" + format.format(m)); } EPCListType epcList = new EPCListType(); // Each ObjectEvent contains 1 EPC in the EPCList org.fosstrak.epcis.model.EPC nepc = new org.fosstrak.epcis.model.EPC(); nepc.setValue(epc.getValue()); epcList.getEpc().add(nepc); objEvent.setEpcList(epcList); // set action objEvent.setAction(ActionType.ADD); // set bizStep objEvent.setBizStep("urn:fosstrak:demo:bizstep:testing"); // set disposition objEvent.setDisposition("urn:fosstrak:demo:disp:testing"); // set readPoint ReadPointType readPoint = new ReadPointType(); readPoint.setId("urn:fosstrak:demo:rp:1.1"); objEvent.setReadPoint(readPoint); // set bizLocation BusinessLocationType bizLocation = new BusinessLocationType(); bizLocation.setId("urn:fosstrak:demo:loc:1.1"); objEvent.setBizLocation(bizLocation); // get the user memory of the tag and store it in the extension of the objectEvent. String userMemory = userMemories.get(i); if (userMemory != null) { DocumentImpl documentImpl = new DocumentImpl(); ElementNSImpl elementNSImpl = (ElementNSImpl)documentImpl.createElementNS("", "userMemory"); TextImpl textImpl = (TextImpl)documentImpl.createTextNode(userMemory); elementNSImpl.appendChild(textImpl); objEvent.getAny().add(elementNSImpl); // the code below doesn't work. // elementNSImpl.setAttribute("payload", userMemory); // ObjectEventExtensionType doesn't work either. // ObjectEventExtensionType fieldExtension = new ObjectEventExtensionType(); //fieldExtension.getAny().add(elementNSImpl); // fieldExtension.getOtherAttributes().put(new QName("http://pangoo.unique.namespace", "payload", "aaa"), userMemory); //objEvent.setExtension(fieldExtension); } // create the EPCISDocument containing a single ObjectEvent EPCISDocumentType epcisDoc = new EPCISDocumentType(); EPCISBodyType epcisBody = new EPCISBodyType(); EventListType eventList = new EventListType(); eventList.getObjectEventOrAggregationEventOrQuantityEvent().add(objEvent); epcisBody.setEventList(eventList); epcisDoc.setEPCISBody(epcisBody); epcisDoc.setSchemaVersion(new BigDecimal("1.0")); epcisDoc.setCreationDate(now); // sending the xml document to the capture client int httpResponseCode = client.capture(epcisDoc); if (httpResponseCode != 200) { System.out.println("The event could NOT be captured!"); } System.out.println("Ending captureObjectEvent for One EPC"); // counter to get the next UserMemory for the next epc in the list i=i+1; } System.out.println("Ending Process for all epc and user memory list in the ECREport !!!!!!!!!!!" ); } public void run() { client = new CaptureClient(epcisRepository); ServerSocket ss = null; try { ss = new ServerSocket(port); while(true) { try { Socket s = ss.accept(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream())); String data = in.readLine(); String buf = ""; // ignore the http header data = in.readLine(); data = in.readLine(); data = in.readLine(); data = in.readLine(); while (data != null) { buf += data; data = in.readLine(); } System.out.println(buf); // create a stream from the buf InputStream parseStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf.getBytes()); // parse the string ECReports reports = DeserializerUtil.deserializeECReports(parseStream); if (reports != null) { handleReports(reports); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); } } } catch (IOException e1) { System.out.println(e1.getMessage()); } } public static void help() { System.out.println("You need to specify the port where to listen and the url of the epcis repository"); System.out.println("Example: "); } /** * starts the CaptureApp. * * @param args the first command line parameter is the TCP port. if omitted port 9999 is used. */ public static void main(String[] args) { CaptureApp client; int port; String epcisRepository; // check if args[0] is tcp-port // and args[1] is epcis repository if (args.length == 2){ port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); epcisRepository = args[1]; client = new CaptureApp(port, epcisRepository); } else { help(); return; }; } }