package org.fosstrak.ale.server.readers.llrp; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import junit.framework.Assert; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.fosstrak.ale.exception.ImplementationException; import org.fosstrak.ale.server.ALEApplicationContext; import org.fosstrak.ale.server.Tag; import org.fosstrak.ale.server.NotificationData; import org.fosstrak.ale.server.CapabilitiesData; import org.fosstrak.ale.server.ReadConfigData; import org.fosstrak.ale.server.Tag.OpReportResult; import org.fosstrak.ale.server.readers.BaseReader; import; import; import org.fosstrak.ale.server.util.TagHelper; import org.fosstrak.ale.xsd.ale.epcglobal.CCCmdSpec; import org.fosstrak.ale.xsd.ale.epcglobal.CCOpSpec; import org.fosstrak.ale.xsd.ale.epcglobal.CCSpec; import org.fosstrak.ale.xsd.ale.epcglobal.ECFilterListMember; import org.fosstrak.ale.xsd.ale.epcglobal.LRSpec; import org.fosstrak.hal.HardwareException; import org.fosstrak.hal.Observation; import org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Constants; /* import org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.Reader; import org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.ReaderImpl; */ import org.fosstrak.llrp.adaptor.exception.LLRPRuntimeException; import org.fosstrak.tdt.TDTEngine; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.output.Format; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import org.llrp.ltk.exceptions.InvalidLLRPMessageException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.llrp.ltk.types.Bit; import org.llrp.ltk.types.BitArray_HEX; import org.llrp.ltk.types.Integer96_HEX; import org.llrp.ltk.types.LLRPMessage; import org.llrp.ltk.types.TwoBitField; import org.llrp.ltk.types.UnsignedInteger; import org.llrp.ltk.types.UnsignedShort; import org.llrp.ltk.types.UnsignedShortArray_HEX; import org.llrp.ltk.util.Util; import org.epcglobalinc.tdt.LevelTypeList; /** * this class implements the adaptor from a logical reader in the filtering and * collection to the physical llrp readers. <br/> * the management of the readers is performed by the llrp-client-adaptor. This * adaptor maintains a list of all the readers currently configured on this * filtering and collection server and maintains the corresponding connections.<br/> * this adaptor will use the LLRPManager from the filtering and collection to * get a reference to these llrp readers. the adaptor just registers itself for * read notifications. whenever such a notification occurs the epc codes (if * contained) are extracted from the notification and are then propagated to * the filtering and collection framework. * @author swieland * @author * */ public class LLRPAdaptor extends BaseReader { /** * LLRPAdaptor name which will be used as origin reader name in the reports */ private String originReaderName = null; private NotificationData currentNoti = null; private CapabilitiesData capabilityData = null; private ReadConfigData configData = null; /** logger. */ private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LLRPAdaptor.class); /** reference to the singleton of the llrp manager. */ private LLRPManager manager = null; /** reference to the reader */ private Reader reader = null; /** the name of the physical reader that this adaptor shall connect to (name in the llrp gui client adaptor) */ private String physicalReaderName = null; /** the message callback. */ private Callback callback = null; /** ORANGE: the path to the properties file for the LLRPAdaptor. */ private static final String LLRPADAPTOR_CONFIG_FILE = "/"; /** ORANGE: the name of the property corresponding to the OpSpecId of the C1G2Read for the MB=3. */ /** MB=3 is the the memory bank for the user memory. */ private static final String USER_MEM_C1G2READ_OPSPEC_ID = "UserMemoryC1G2ReadOpSpecId"; /** ORANGE: the name of the property corresponding to the OpSpecId of the C1G2Write for the MB=3. */ /** MB=3 is the the memory bank for the user memory. */ private static final String USER_MEM_C1G2WRITE_OPSPEC_ID = "UserMemoryC1G2WriteOpSpecId"; /** ORANGE: the tag length. */ private static final String TAG_LENGTH = "tagLength"; /** ORANGE: the tag filter. */ private static final String TAG_FILTER = "tagFilter"; /** ORANGE: the tag company prefix length. */ private static final String TAG_COMPANY_PREFIX_LENGTH = "tagCompanyPrefixLength"; /** ORANGE: the OpSpecID of the C1G2Read for the User Memory (MB=3).*/ /** Will be initialized by the value of UserMemoryC1G2ReadOpSpecId.*/ private static int userMemReadOpSpecID = -1; /** ORANGE: the OpSpecID of the C1G2Write for the User Memory (MB=3).*/ /** Will be initialized by the value of UserMemoryC1G2WriteOpSpecId.*/ private static int userMemWriteOpSpecID = -1; /** ORANGE: the tag length. */ private static String length = null; /** ORANGE: the tag filter. */ private static String filter = null; /** ORANGE: the tag company prefix length. */ private static String companyPrefixLength = null; /** * if the hash set is empty, allow from all the antennas, otherwise only * tags arriving from the specified antenna IDs. */ private Set<Integer> acceptTagsFromAntennas = new HashSet<Integer>(); /** Janggwan: identifier of Reader which is either EPC or MAC address */ private String physicalReaderId = null; /** * Janggwan: ip of Reader */ String ip = null; /** * Janggwan: port of Reader (default: 5084) */ int port = 5084; /** * defined name of reader (readerimpl) name */ private String definedReaderImplName = null; /** * Janggwan: client initiated */ boolean clientInitiated = true; /** * Wondeuk: TDTEngine to make accessspec. */ private TDTEngine engine = null; /** * Wondeuk: TDTEngine to make accessspec. */ private Map<String,String> params; /** * FIXME: Wondeuk: to fix llrp bug. */ TwoBitField tidBank = new TwoBitField("1"); TwoBitField epcBank = new TwoBitField("2"); TwoBitField userBank = new TwoBitField("3"); TwoBitField reservedBank = new TwoBitField("0"); /** * constructor for the LLRP adaptor. */ public LLRPAdaptor() { super(); try { callback = new Callback(this); } catch (RemoteException e) { log.debug("caught exception", e); } } /** * initializes a LLRPAdaptor. this method must be called before the Adaptor can * be used. * @param name the name for the reader encapsulated by this adaptor. * @param spec the specification that describes the current reader. * @throws ImplementationException whenever an internal error occurs. */ public void initialize(String name, LRSpec spec) throws ImplementationException { super.initialize(name, spec); if ((name == null) || (spec == null)) { log.error("reader name or LRSpec is null."); throw new ImplementationException("reader name or LRSpec is null."); } this.setOriginReaderName(name); //ORANGE: initialize properties for the LLRPAdaptor inititializeLLRPAdaptorProperties (LLRPADAPTOR_CONFIG_FILE); physicalReaderName = logicalReaderProperties.get("PhysicalReaderName"); try { log.debug("create a new LLRP reader"); manager = ALEApplicationContext.getBean(LLRPManager.class); if (manager != null) { clientInitiated = true; if (logicalReaderProperties.get("clientInitiated") == null) { log.warn("clientInitiated not set, assuming true"); } else { clientInitiated = Boolean.parseBoolean(logicalReaderProperties.get("clientInitiated")); } // extract ip and port of LLRP reader depending on the value of clientInitiated if(clientInitiated) { ip = logicalReaderProperties.get("ip"); port = Constants.DEFAULT_LLRP_PORT; if (logicalReaderProperties.get("port") != null) { port = Integer.parseInt(logicalReaderProperties.get("port")); } if (ip == null) { log.error("llrp reader '" + physicalReaderName + "' is missing " + "and not enough parameters specified. (Needs PhysicalReaderName, ip, port) !"); throw new ImplementationException("llrp reader is missing and not " + "enough parameters specified. (Needs PhysicalReaderName, ip, port, clientInitiated) !"); } definedReaderImplName = physicalReaderName; } else { physicalReaderId = logicalReaderProperties.get("PhysicalReaderId"); if(physicalReaderId == null) { log.error("llrp reader '" + physicalReaderName + "' is missing " + "and not enough parameters specified. (Needs PhysicalReaderName, epc) in case of reader-initiated connection!"); throw new ImplementationException("llrp reader is missing and not " + "enough parameters specified. (Needs PhysicalReaderName, epc) in case of reader-initiated connection!"); } if( PhysicalReaderAcceptor.mapIdAndReaderInitiatedConnectionEntry.get(physicalReaderId) == null) { log.error("llrp reader '" + physicalReaderName + "' is missing " + "and not yet connected whose epc is "+physicalReaderId+" in case of reader-initiated connection!"); throw new ImplementationException("llrp reader is missing and not " + "and not yet connected whose epc is "+physicalReaderId+" in case of reader-initiated connection!"); } ip = PhysicalReaderAcceptor.mapIdAndReaderInitiatedConnectionEntry.get(physicalReaderId).getReaderAddr(); port = PhysicalReaderAcceptor.mapIdAndReaderInitiatedConnectionEntry.get(physicalReaderId).getPort(); //physicalReaderId = epc; definedReaderImplName = physicalReaderId+"___"+logicalReaderProperties.get("antennaID"); } // if the reader is not contained in the manager we just create a // new one... if (!manager.getAdaptor().containsReader(definedReaderImplName)) { log.debug(String.format( "defining new reader with settings:" + "name: %s, ip: %s, port: %d, clientinitiated: %b", physicalReaderName, ip, port, clientInitiated)); // create the reader but do not immediately connect. manager.getAdaptor().define(definedReaderImplName, ip, port, clientInitiated, false); } // get the antenna IDs to read from String antennaIDSStr = logicalReaderProperties.get("antennaID"); if (null != antennaIDSStr) { String[] ai = antennaIDSStr.split(","); for (String str : ai) { try { int i = Integer.parseInt(str); acceptTagsFromAntennas.add(new Integer(i)); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug(String.format("Illegal antennaID: %s", str)); } } } //TODO:We need to implement to manage multiple baseReader in LogicalReader. //wdYoon reader = manager.getAdaptor().getReader(definedReaderImplName); ReaderImpl readerImpl = (ReaderImpl)reader; if(readerImpl.getLlrpAdaptor() != null) { throw new ImplementationException ("ReaderImpl has already defined LLRPAdaptor"); } else { readerImpl.setLlrpAdaptor(this); } // register the adaptor for asynchronous notifications log.debug("register the adaptor for asynchronous notifications from the llrp reader"); reader.registerForAsynchronous(callback); // if the reader is not yet connected do so if (!reader.isConnected()) { if(reader.isClientInitiated()) { reader.connect(reader.isClientInitiated()); } else { // connection is already made through LogicalReaderAcceptor // do nothing for the connection (even though reader.connect() is called, it does nothing for actual connection), but // set acceptor's endpoint to the ReaderImpl in order to let it process LLRP message, and // ReaderImpl's connection to the acceptor's connection in order to let it send LLRP message ReaderInitiatedConnectionEntry connectionEntry = PhysicalReaderAcceptor.mapIdAndReaderInitiatedConnectionEntry.get(physicalReaderId); connectionEntry.getAdaptors().add(this); readerImpl.setIoSession(connectionEntry.getIoSession()); // we need to multiplex a reader with a physicalReaderId to multiple LLRPAdaptor // connectionEntry.getEndpoint().add(endpoint) connectionEntry.getEndpoint().addLLRPEndpoint((ReaderImpl)reader); reader.connect(reader.isClientInitiated()); } } } else { log.error("could not get an instance of the LLRPManager - aborting"); throw new ImplementationException("could not get an instance of the LLRPManager - aborting"); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error when initializing the Reader", e); throw new ImplementationException("Error when initializing the Reader "+e.getMessage()); } manager.incReference(definedReaderImplName); //connectReader(); Call me if you got trouble, //log.debug("Reader "+definedReaderImplName+"is defined. define LLRP specs."); /* if(!clientInitiated && !LogicalReaderAcceptor.mapIdAndReaderInitiatedConnectionEntry.get(physicalReaderId).isSpecDefined()) { try { File fileDeleteRospec = convertInputStreamToFile(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/llrp/DELETE_ROSPEC.xml")); LLRPMessage msgDeleteRospec = Util.loadXMLLLRPMessage(fileDeleteRospec); ((ReaderImpl)reader).getConnection().send(msgDeleteRospec); Thread.sleep(500); File fileAddRospec = convertInputStreamToFile(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/llrp/ADD_ROSPEC.xml")); LLRPMessage msgAddRospec = Util.loadXMLLLRPMessage(fileAddRospec); ((ReaderImpl)reader).getConnection().send(msgAddRospec); Thread.sleep(500); File fileAddAccessspec = convertInputStreamToFile(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/llrp/ADD_ACCESSSPEC3.xml")); LLRPMessage msgAddAccessspec = Util.loadXMLLLRPMessage(fileAddAccessspec); ((ReaderImpl)reader).getConnection().send(msgAddAccessspec); Thread.sleep(500); ENABLE_ACCESSSPEC msgEnableAccessSpec = new ENABLE_ACCESSSPEC(); msgEnableAccessSpec.setAccessSpecID(new UnsignedInteger(3)); ((ReaderImpl)reader).getConnection().send(msgEnableAccessSpec); Thread.sleep(500); File fileEnableRospec = convertInputStreamToFile(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/llrp/ENABLE_ROSPEC.xml")); LLRPMessage msgEnableRospec = Util.loadXMLLLRPMessage(fileEnableRospec); ((ReaderImpl)reader).getConnection().send(msgEnableRospec); Thread.sleep(500); File fileStartRospec = convertInputStreamToFile(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/llrp/START_ROSPEC.xml")); LLRPMessage msgStartRospec = Util.loadXMLLLRPMessage(fileStartRospec); ((ReaderImpl)reader).getConnection().send(msgStartRospec); Thread.sleep(500); LogicalReaderAcceptor.mapIdAndReaderInitiatedConnectionEntry.get(physicalReaderId).setSpecDefined(true); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JDOMException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvalidLLRPMessageException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } */ //GET_ACCESSSPECS get = new GET_ACCESSSPECS(); //((ReaderImpl)reader).getIoSession().write(get); } @Override public void addTag(Tag tag) { tag.setOrigin(getOriginReaderName()); tag.setReader(getName()); setChanged(); notifyObservers(tag); } @Override public void addTags(List<Tag> tags) { setChanged(); for (Tag tag : tags) { tag.addTrace(getName()); } notifyObservers(tags); } @Override public void connectReader() throws ImplementationException { // get the required reader and register for asynchronous messages. try { Reader llrpReader = manager.getAdaptor().getReader(definedReaderImplName); llrpReader.registerForAsynchronous(callback); setConnected(); } catch (RemoteException e) { log.error("could not connect to the reader"); throw new ImplementationException("Error when connecting the Reader"); } } @Override public void disconnectReader() throws ImplementationException { // get the required reader and register for asynchronous messages. try { Reader llrpReader = manager.getAdaptor().getReader(definedReaderImplName); llrpReader.deregisterFromAsynchronous(callback); setDisconnected(); } catch (RemoteException e) { log.error("could not disconnect from the reader"); throw new ImplementationException("Error when disconnecting the Reader"); } } @Override public void start() { if (isConnected()) { setStarted(); } } @Override public void stop() { setStopped(); } @Override public void cleanup() { try { manager.decReferenceCount(definedReaderImplName); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (LLRPRuntimeException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } ReaderInitiatedConnectionEntry entry = null; if((entry = PhysicalReaderAcceptor.mapIdAndReaderInitiatedConnectionEntry.get(physicalReaderId)) != null) { MultipleLLRPEndpoint endpoints = entry.getEndpoint(); endpoints.removeLLRPEndpoint((ReaderImpl)reader); } } @Override public void update(LRSpec spec) throws ImplementationException {"you cannot update the reader through fc yet. use the llrp gui client for this purpose please."); } @Override public Observation[] identify(String[] readPointNames) throws HardwareException { // the llrp readers do not support identify threads. return null; } public void notify(byte[] binaryMessage, String readerName) throws RemoteException { log.debug("notify from the reader "+readerName); try { List<Tag> tags = new LinkedList<Tag>(); LLRPMessage message = LLRPMessageFactory.createLLRPMessage(binaryMessage); if (message instanceof RO_ACCESS_REPORT) { RO_ACCESS_REPORT report = (RO_ACCESS_REPORT)message; List<TagReportData> tagDataList = report.getTagReportDataList(); System.out.println(report.toXMLString()); //GET_ACCESSSPECS get = new GET_ACCESSSPECS(); //((ReaderImpl)reader).getIoSession().write(get); for (TagReportData tagData : tagDataList) { boolean include = false; if (0 == acceptTagsFromAntennas.size()) { include = true; } else { AntennaID antennaID = tagData.getAntennaID(); if ((null != antennaID) && (null != antennaID.getAntennaID())) { int id = antennaID.getAntennaID().intValue(); if (acceptTagsFromAntennas.contains(new Integer(id))) { include = true; } } } EPCParameter epcParameter = tagData.getEPCParameter(); if ((include) && (epcParameter instanceof EPC_96)) { EPC_96 epc96 = (EPC_96) epcParameter; Integer96_HEX hex = epc96.getEPC(); String hx = hex.toString(); Tag tag = null; TDTEngine tdt = TagHelper.getTDTEngine(); try { String binary = tdt.hex2bin(hx); if (binary.startsWith("1") && (binary.length() < 96)) { binary = "00" + binary; } tag = new Tag(getOriginReaderName()); tag.setTagAsHex(hx); tag.setTagAsBinary(binary); tag.setTagID(binary.getBytes()); tag.setReader(getName()); tag.addTrace(getName()); if(tagData.getLastSeenTimestampUTC() != null) { if(tagData.getLastSeenTimestampUTC().getMicroseconds() != null) { tag.setTimestamp(tagData.getLastSeenTimestampUTC().getMicroseconds().toLong()/1000); } } else { tag.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); } tag.setAccessSpecID(tagData.getAccessSpecID()); //ORANGE: add additional values if they exist tag.setTagLength(length); tag.setFilter(filter); tag.setCompanyPrefixLength(companyPrefixLength); //ORANGE End. String epc_tag = TagHelper.convert_to_TAG_ENCODING(tag.getTagLength(), tag.getFilter(), tag.getCompanyPrefixLength(), tag.getTagAsBinary(), tdt); tag.setTagIDAsTagURI(epc_tag); String pc_hex = "0000"; String crc_hex = "0000"; if(tagData.getAirProtocolTagDataList() != null) { for(AirProtocolTagData airTagData : tagData.getAirProtocolTagDataList()) { if(airTagData instanceof C1G2_CRC) { crc_hex = ((C1G2_CRC)airTagData).getCRC().toString(16); while(crc_hex.length() < 4) { crc_hex = "0"+crc_hex; } } else if(airTagData instanceof C1G2_PC) { pc_hex = ((C1G2_PC)airTagData).getPC_Bits().toString(16); while(pc_hex.length() < 4) { pc_hex = "0"+pc_hex; } } } } tag.setEpcBank(crc_hex+pc_hex+hx); // add the tag. tags.add(tag); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("bad error, ignoring tag: " + e.getMessage()); } //ORANGE: managing the User Memory in the RO_ACCESS_REPORT List<AccessCommandOpSpecResult> accessResultList = tagData.getAccessCommandOpSpecResultList(); for (AccessCommandOpSpecResult accessResult : accessResultList) { //ORANGE: in case of reading the User Memory of a tag, //retrieve the user memory from the RO_ACCESS_REPORT and store it in the tag. if (accessResult instanceof C1G2ReadOpSpecResult) { C1G2ReadOpSpecResult op = (C1G2ReadOpSpecResult)accessResult; if ((op.getResult().intValue() == C1G2ReadResultType.Success) && (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() < 1000)){ UnsignedShortArray_HEX userMemoryHex = op.getReadData(); log.debug ("User Memory read from the tag is = " + userMemoryHex.toString()); tag.setUserMemory(userMemoryHex.toString()); } if ((op.getResult().intValue()== C1G2ReadResultType.Success) && (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() >= 1000)) { log.debug ("Reading in the User Memory of the tag is = " + op.getReadData().toString()); tag.addOpresult(op.getOpSpecID().intValue(), op.getReadData().toString(), 0); for (OpReportResult temp : tag.getopresult()) { System.out.println("@@@@@@@@@@"+temp.OpSpecID+"\t"+temp.Data+"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"); } //TODO: Dealing each CCStatus. } else if ((op.getResult().intValue()== C1G2ReadResultType.Nonspecific_Tag_Error) && (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() >= 1000)) { log.debug ("Reading in the User Memory of the tag has failed by Nonspecific_Tag_Error."); tag.addOpresult(op.getOpSpecID().intValue(), op.getReadData().toString(), 4); //TODO: Dealing each CCStatus. } else if ((op.getResult().intValue()== C1G2ReadResultType.No_Response_From_Tag) && (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() >= 1000)) { log.debug ("Reading in the User Memory of the tag has failed by No_Response_From_Tag."); tag.addOpresult(op.getOpSpecID().intValue(), op.getReadData().toString(), 5); //TODO: Dealing each CCStatus. } else if ((op.getResult().intValue()== C1G2WriteResultType.Nonspecific_Reader_Error) && (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() >= 1000)) { log.debug ("Reading in the User Memory of the tag has failed by Nonspecific_Reader_Error."); tag.addOpresult(op.getOpSpecID().intValue(), op.getReadData().toString(), 3); //TODO: Dealing each CCStatus. } else if ((op.getResult().intValue()== C1G2WriteResultType.Tag_Memory_Overrun_Error) && (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() >= 1000)) { log.debug ("Reading in the User Memory of the tag has failed by Tag_Memory_Overrun_Error."); tag.addOpresult(op.getOpSpecID().intValue(), op.getReadData().toString(), 1); //TODO: Dealing each CCStatus. } else if ((op.getResult().intValue()== C1G2WriteResultType.Tag_Memory_Locked_Error) && (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() >= 1000)) { log.debug ("Reading in the User Memory of the tag has failed by Tag_Memory_Locked_Error."); tag.addOpresult(op.getOpSpecID().intValue(), op.getReadData().toString(), 2); //TODO: Dealing each CCStatus. } else if ((op.getResult().intValue()!= C1G2WriteResultType.Success) && (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() >= 1000)) { log.debug ("Reading in the User Memory of the tag has failed."); tag.addOpresult(op.getOpSpecID().intValue(), op.getReadData().toString(), 7); //TODO: Dealing each CCStatus. } } //ORANGE: in case of writing in the User Memory of the tag, //log if needed that the C1G2Write Operation on the tag has succeeded. if (accessResult instanceof C1G2WriteOpSpecResult) { C1G2WriteOpSpecResult op = (C1G2WriteOpSpecResult)accessResult; if ((op.getResult().intValue()== C1G2WriteResultType.Success)/*&& (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() == userMemWriteOpSpecID)*/) { log.debug ("Writing in the User Memory of the tag has succeed. OpSpecID is = " + op.getOpSpecID().toString()); tag.addOpresult(op.getOpSpecID().intValue(), op.getNumWordsWritten().toString(), C1G2WriteResultType.Success); } else if ((op.getResult().intValue()== C1G2WriteResultType.Tag_Memory_Overrun_Error)/*&& (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() == userMemWriteOpSpecID)*/) { log.debug ("Writing in the User Memory of the tag has failed by Tag_Memory_Overrun_Error."); tag.addOpresult(op.getOpSpecID().intValue(), "Tag_Memory_Overrun_Error", C1G2WriteResultType.Tag_Memory_Overrun_Error); //TODO: Dealing each CCStatus. } else if ((op.getResult().intValue()== C1G2WriteResultType.Tag_Memory_Locked_Error)/*&& (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() == userMemWriteOpSpecID)*/) { log.debug ("Writing in the User Memory of the tag has failed by Tag_Memory_Locked_Error."); tag.addOpresult(op.getOpSpecID().intValue(), "Tag_Memory_Locked_Error", C1G2WriteResultType.Tag_Memory_Locked_Error); //TODO: Dealing each CCStatus. } else if ((op.getResult().intValue()== C1G2WriteResultType.Insufficient_Power)/*&& (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() == userMemWriteOpSpecID)*/) { log.debug ("Writing in the User Memory of the tag has failed by Insufficient_Power."); tag.addOpresult(op.getOpSpecID().intValue(), "Insufficient_Power", C1G2WriteResultType.Insufficient_Power); //TODO: Dealing each CCStatus. } else if ((op.getResult().intValue()== C1G2WriteResultType.Nonspecific_Tag_Error)/*&& (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() == userMemWriteOpSpecID)*/) { log.debug ("Writing in the User Memory of the tag has failed by Nonspecific_Tag_Error."); tag.addOpresult(op.getOpSpecID().intValue(), "Nonspecific_Tag_Error", C1G2WriteResultType.Nonspecific_Tag_Error); //TODO: Dealing each CCStatus. } else if ((op.getResult().intValue()== C1G2WriteResultType.No_Response_From_Tag)/*&& (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() == userMemWriteOpSpecID)*/) { log.debug ("Writing in the User Memory of the tag has failed by No_Response_From_Tag."); tag.addOpresult(op.getOpSpecID().intValue(), "No_Response_From_Tag", C1G2WriteResultType.No_Response_From_Tag); //TODO: Dealing each CCStatus. } else if ((op.getResult().intValue()== C1G2WriteResultType.Nonspecific_Reader_Error)/*&& (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() == userMemWriteOpSpecID)*/) { log.debug ("Writing in the User Memory of the tag has failed by Nonspecific_Reader_Error."); tag.addOpresult(op.getOpSpecID().intValue(), "Nonspecific_Reader_Error", C1G2WriteResultType.Nonspecific_Reader_Error); //TODO: Dealing each CCStatus. } else if ((op.getResult().intValue()!= C1G2WriteResultType.Success)/*&& (op.getOpSpecID().intValue() == userMemWriteOpSpecID)*/) { log.debug ("Writing in the User Memory of the tag has failed."); tag.addOpresult(op.getOpSpecID().intValue(), "Fail", 7); //TODO: Dealing each CCStatus. } } } //ORANGE End // try to run a conversion on the tag... if (null != tag) { try { //ORANGE : replace the following code ... // String pureID = Tag.convert_to_PURE_IDENTITY( // null, // null, // null, // tag.getTagAsBinary()); //ORANGE : by this one more generic. String pureID = TagHelper.convert_to_PURE_IDENTITY( tag.getTagLength(), tag.getFilter(), tag.getCompanyPrefixLength(), tag.getTagAsBinary()); //ORANGE End. tag.setTagIDAsPureURI(pureID); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("could not convert provided tag: " + e.getMessage()); } } } } } else if(message instanceof READER_EVENT_NOTIFICATION) { ReaderEventNotificationData data = null; if((data = ((READER_EVENT_NOTIFICATION)message).getReaderEventNotificationData()) != null) { currentNoti = new NotificationData(); if(data.getHoppingEvent() != null) currentNoti.setHoppingEvent(data.getHoppingEvent()); if(data.getAISpecEvent() != null) currentNoti.setAISpecEvent(data.getAISpecEvent()); if(data.getAntennaEvent() != null) currentNoti.setAntennaEvent(data.getAntennaEvent()); if(data.getGPIEvent() != null) currentNoti.setGPIEvent(data.getGPIEvent()); if(data.getROSpecEvent() != null) currentNoti.setROSpecEvent(data.getROSpecEvent()); ConnectionAttemptEvent connectionAttemptEvent = null; if((connectionAttemptEvent = data.getConnectionAttemptEvent()) != null) { currentNoti.setConnectionAttemptEvent(connectionAttemptEvent); } if((data.getConnectionCloseEvent()) != null) { //((ReaderImpl)reader).disconnect(); //((ReaderImpl)reader).errorOccured("disconnected"); //getConnectionAttemptEventQueue().clear(); //getSynMessageQueue().clear(); //session.close(); } } } else if(message instanceof GET_READER_CAPABILITIES_RESPONSE) { GET_READER_CAPABILITIES_RESPONSE resp = ((GET_READER_CAPABILITIES_RESPONSE)message); if (resp.getLLRPStatus() != null) capabilityData.setLLRPStatus(resp.getLLRPStatus()); if (resp.getGeneralDeviceCapabilities() != null) capabilityData.setGeneralDeviceCapabilities(resp.getGeneralDeviceCapabilities()); if (resp.getLLRPCapabilities() != null) capabilityData.setLLRPCapabilities(resp.getLLRPCapabilities()); if (resp.getRegulatoryCapabilities() != null) capabilityData.setRegulatoryCapabilities(resp.getRegulatoryCapabilities()); if (resp.getAirProtocolLLRPCapabilities() != null) capabilityData.setAirProtocolLLRPCapabilities(resp.getAirProtocolLLRPCapabilities()); } else if(message instanceof GET_READER_CONFIG_RESPONSE) { GET_READER_CONFIG_RESPONSE resp = ((GET_READER_CONFIG_RESPONSE)message); if(configData == null) configData = new ReadConfigData(); if(resp.getAccessReportSpec() != null) configData.setAccessReportSpec(resp.getAccessReportSpec()); if(resp.getAntennaConfigurationList() != null) configData.setAntennaConfiguration(resp.getAntennaConfigurationList()); if(resp.getAntennaPropertiesList() != null) configData.setAntennaProperties(resp.getAntennaPropertiesList()); if(resp.getEventsAndReports() != null) configData.setEventsAndReports(resp.getEventsAndReports()); if(resp.getGPIPortCurrentStateList() != null) configData.setGPIPortCurrentState(resp.getGPIPortCurrentStateList()); if(resp.getGPOWriteDataList() != null) configData.setGPOWriteData(resp.getGPOWriteDataList()); if(resp.getIdentification() != null) configData.setIdentification(resp.getIdentification()); if(resp.getKeepaliveSpec() != null) configData.setKeepaliveSpec(resp.getKeepaliveSpec()); if(resp.getLLRPConfigurationStateValue() != null) configData.setLLRPConfigurationStateValue(resp.getLLRPConfigurationStateValue()); if(resp.getLLRPStatus() != null) configData.setLLRPStatus(resp.getLLRPStatus()); if(resp.getReaderEventNotificationSpec() != null) configData.setReaderEventNotificationSpec(resp.getReaderEventNotificationSpec()); if(resp.getROReportSpec() != null) configData.setROReportSpec(resp.getROReportSpec()); } else if(message instanceof KEEPALIVE) { System.out.println("Keep Alive Message Arrived"); } else if(message instanceof GET_ACCESSSPECS_RESPONSE) { GET_ACCESSSPECS_RESPONSE resp = ((GET_ACCESSSPECS_RESPONSE) message); //System.out.println(resp.toXMLString()); } else if(message instanceof ADD_ACCESSSPEC_RESPONSE) { ADD_ACCESSSPEC_RESPONSE resp = ((ADD_ACCESSSPEC_RESPONSE) message); //System.out.println(resp.toXMLString()); } else if(message instanceof ENABLE_ACCESSSPEC_RESPONSE) { ENABLE_ACCESSSPEC_RESPONSE resp = ((ENABLE_ACCESSSPEC_RESPONSE) message); //GET_ACCESSSPECS get = new GET_ACCESSSPECS(); //((ReaderImpl)reader).getIoSession().write(get); System.out.println(resp.toXMLString()); } else if(message instanceof DELETE_ACCESSSPEC_RESPONSE) { DELETE_ACCESSSPEC_RESPONSE resp = ((DELETE_ACCESSSPEC_RESPONSE) message); //System.out.println(resp.toXMLString()); } // send the tags to fc addTags(tags); } catch (InvalidLLRPMessageException e) {"received invalid llrp message that could not be converted from binary"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * ORANGE: This method initalizes properties needed to manage an LLRPAdaptor. * Properties are used to read the User Memory of a tag from an RO_ACCESS_REPORT or to log that * a write operation in the User Memory of a tag has succeeded. * There are also properties linked to the creation of a tag like : length, filter and companyPrefixLength. * @param propertiesFilePath the filepath to the properties file * @throws ImplementationException if properties could not be loaded */ public void inititializeLLRPAdaptorProperties (String propertiesFilePath) throws ImplementationException { Properties props = new Properties(); //TODO : to test the different cases !!!! try { props.load(LLRPAdaptor.class.getResourceAsStream(propertiesFilePath)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ImplementationException ("Error loading properties from LLRPAdaptor '" + propertiesFilePath + "'"); } // we need to initialize the User Memory OpSpecID String readOpSpecID = props.getProperty(USER_MEM_C1G2READ_OPSPEC_ID); String writeOpSpecID = props.getProperty(USER_MEM_C1G2WRITE_OPSPEC_ID); if (readOpSpecID != null) { userMemReadOpSpecID = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(readOpSpecID); } if (writeOpSpecID != null) { userMemWriteOpSpecID = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(writeOpSpecID); } // init the parameters of a tag from the properties file length = props.getProperty(TAG_LENGTH); filter = props.getProperty(TAG_FILTER); companyPrefixLength = props.getProperty(TAG_COMPANY_PREFIX_LENGTH); } private File convertInputStreamToFile(InputStream is) throws IOException { File file = File.createTempFile("llrp", "llrp"); OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); IOUtils.copy(is, outputStream); outputStream.close(); return file; } @Override public void ADDACCESSSPECfromCCSpec(CCSpec ccspec, Hashtable<Integer, CCOpSpec> OpSpecTable) { params = new HashMap<String,String>(); if (engine == null) { try { engine = new TDTEngine(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); //System.exit(1); } } DELETEACCESSSPEC(); if (ccspec.getCmdSpecs() != null && (!ccspec.getCmdSpecs().getCmdSpec().isEmpty())) { for (CCCmdSpec cmdspec : ccspec.getCmdSpecs().getCmdSpec()) { if (cmdspec.getFilterSpec() != null && (!cmdspec.getFilterSpec().getFilterList().getFilter().isEmpty())) { for (ECFilterListMember filterList : cmdspec.getFilterSpec().getFilterList().getFilter()) { for (String pat : filterList.getPatList().getPat()) { AccessSpec accessSpec = new AccessSpec(); accessSpec.setAccessSpecID(new UnsignedInteger(3)); // Set ROSpec ID to zero. // This means that the AccessSpec will apply to all ROSpecs. accessSpec.setROSpecID(new UnsignedInteger(1)); // Antenna ID of zero means all antennas. accessSpec.setAntennaID(new UnsignedShort(0)); accessSpec.setProtocolID(new AirProtocols(AirProtocols.EPCGlobalClass1Gen2)); // AccessSpecs must be disabled when you add them. accessSpec.setCurrentState(new AccessSpecState(AccessSpecState.Disabled)); AccessSpecStopTrigger stopTrigger = new AccessSpecStopTrigger(); // Stop after the operating has been performed a certain number of times. // That number is specified by the Operation_Count parameter or null. stopTrigger.setAccessSpecStopTrigger(new AccessSpecStopTriggerType(AccessSpecStopTriggerType.Null)); // OperationCountValue indicate the number of times this Spec is // executed before it is deleted. If set to 0, this is equivalent // to no stop trigger defined. stopTrigger.setOperationCountValue(new UnsignedShort(0)); accessSpec.setAccessSpecStopTrigger(stopTrigger); // Create a new AccessCommand. // We use this to specify which tags we want to operate on. AccessCommand accessCommand = new AccessCommand(); // Create a new tag spec. C1G2TagSpec tagSpec = new C1G2TagSpec(); C1G2TargetTag targetTag = new C1G2TargetTag(); if (filterList.getIncludeExclude().equals("INCLUDE")) { targetTag.setMatch(new Bit(1)); String fieldName = filterList.getFieldspec().getFieldname(); if (fieldName==null) fieldName = "epc"; if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("killPwd")) { // killPwd fieldname // same as "@0.32" // We want to check memory bank. TwoBitField memBank = reservedBank; // Clear bit 0 and set bit 1 (bank 1 in binary). targetTag.setMB(memBank); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(0)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<32; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("accessPwd")) { // accessPwd fieldname // same as "@0.32.32" // We want to check memory bank. TwoBitField memBank = reservedBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(32)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<32; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("epc")) { // FIXME : fieldname "epcBank", is it right? // return the contents of epc bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" // We want to check memory bank. TwoBitField memBank = epcBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(32)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<96; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("epcBank")) { // FIXME : fieldname "epcBank", is it right? // return the contents of epc bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" // We want to check memory bank. TwoBitField memBank = epcBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(0)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<128; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("tidBank")) { // fieldname "tidBank" // return the contents of tid bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" try { throw new ImplementationException("fieldname \"tidBank\": access to tid bank is not implemented"); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("userBank")) { // return the contents of user memory bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" /*ECReportMemberField ecReportMemberField = new ECReportMemberField(); ecReportMemberField.setName(fieldName); ecReportMemberField.setValue(tag.getUserMemory()); // tag.getUserMemory() is already hex string, no need to convert ecReportMemberFields.add(ecReportMemberField); */ try { throw new ImplementationException("fieldname \"userBank\": access to user bank is not implemented"); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("afi")) { // application family identifier // same as "@1.8.24" // datatype: "uint", format: "hex" // We want to check memory bank. TwoBitField memBank = epcBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(24)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<8; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("nsi")) { // Numbering System Identifier (NSI) // same as "@1.9.23" // datatype: "uint", format: "hex" // We want to check memory bank. TwoBitField memBank = epcBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(23)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<9; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if (fieldName.startsWith("@")) { // fieldnames start with "@" String[] part = fieldName.substring(1).split("\\."); String bank = part[0]; int length = Integer.parseInt(part[1])/4; int offset = Integer.parseInt(part[2]); if (filterList.getFieldspec().getDatatype().equalsIgnoreCase("epc")) { if (filterList.getFieldspec().getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("epc-pure")) { // We want to check memory bank 1 (the EPC memory bank). TwoBitField memBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) memBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) memBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) memBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) memBank = userBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); params.put("taglength", "96"); params.put("filter", "3"); params.put("companyprefixlength", "7"); String validEpc = pat.toString(); if (validEpc.contains("*")) { String[] parts = validEpc.split(":"); String[] tfc = parts[4].split("\\."); if (tfc[0].contains("*") && tfc[1].contains("*") && tfc[2].contains("*")) { targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX("FFFC"); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0000000"); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "000000"); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0"); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin.substring(0, 16)); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if (tfc[1].contains("*") && tfc[2].contains("*")) { targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX("FFFFFFFFFC"); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "000000"); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0"); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin.substring(0, 40)); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if (tfc[2].contains("*")) { targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFC"); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0"); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin.substring(0, 60)); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } else if (validEpc.contains("[") || validEpc.contains("]")) { try { throw new ImplementationException("epc-pure Syntax [lo-hi] is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<length; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } else if (filterList.getFieldspec().getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("epc-tag")) { // We want to check memory bank 1 (the EPC memory bank). TwoBitField memBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) memBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) memBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) memBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) memBank = userBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. params.put("taglength", "96"); params.put("filter", "3"); params.put("companyprefixlength", "7"); String validEpc = pat.toString(); if (validEpc.contains("*")) { String[] parts = validEpc.split(":"); String[] tfc = parts[4].split("\\."); if (tfc[1].contains("*") && tfc[2].contains("*") && tfc[3].contains("*")) { targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX("FFFC"); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0000000"); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "000000"); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0"); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin.substring(0, 16)); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if (tfc[2].contains("*") && tfc[3].contains("*")) { targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX("FFFFFFFFFC"); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "000000"); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0"); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin.substring(0, 40)); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if (tfc[3].contains("*")) { targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFC"); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0"); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin.substring(0, 60)); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } else if (validEpc.contains("[") || validEpc.contains("]")) { try { throw new ImplementationException("epc-tag Syntax [lo-hi] is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<length; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } else if (filterList.getFieldspec().getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("epc-hex")) { // We want to check memory bank 1 (the EPC memory bank). TwoBitField memBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) memBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) memBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) memBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) memBank = userBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); String validEpc = pat.toString(); int indexof = validEpc.indexOf("*"); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; if (indexof == 1) { break; } else { for (int i=0; i<length; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; } BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if (filterList.getFieldspec().getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("epc-decimal")) { // We want to check memory bank 1 (the EPC memory bank). TwoBitField memBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) memBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) memBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) memBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) memBank = userBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); String validEpc = pat.toString(); int indexof = validEpc.indexOf("*"); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; if (indexof == 1) { break; } else { for (int i=0; i<length; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; } BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String bin = engine.dec2bin(validEpc); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } else if (filterList.getFieldspec().getDatatype().equalsIgnoreCase("uint")) { if (filterList.getFieldspec().getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("hex")) { // We want to check memory bank 1 (the EPC memory bank). TwoBitField memBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) memBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) memBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) memBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) memBank = userBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); String validdata = pat.toString(); if (validdata.contains("*")) { int indexof = validdata.indexOf("*"); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; if (indexof == 1) { break; } else { for (int i=0; i<indexof; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; } BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = validdata.substring(0, indexof); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if (validdata.contains("[") || validdata.contains("]")) { try { throw new ImplementationException("Hex Syntax [lo-hi] is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (validdata.contains("&") || validdata.contains("=")) { try { throw new ImplementationException("Hex Syntax &x=x is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<length; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = validdata; BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } else if (filterList.getFieldspec().getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("decimal")) { // We want to check memory bank 1 (the EPC memory bank). TwoBitField memBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) memBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) memBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) memBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) memBank = userBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); String validdata = pat.toString(); if (validdata.contains("*")) { /*int indexof = validdata.indexOf("*"); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<indexof; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = validdata.substring(0, indexof); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec);*/ try { throw new ImplementationException("Decimal Syntax * is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (validdata.contains("[") || validdata.contains("]")) { try { throw new ImplementationException("Decimal Syntax [lo-hi] is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<length; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String bin = engine.dec2bin(validdata); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } } else if (filterList.getFieldspec().getDatatype().equalsIgnoreCase("bits")) { try { throw new ImplementationException("bits Datatype is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (filterList.getFieldspec().getDatatype().equalsIgnoreCase("iso-15962-string")) { try { throw new ImplementationException("iso-15962-string Datatype is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { // symbolic fieldnames // datatype: "uint", format: "hex" // user-defined symbolic field name SymbolicField symbolicfield = SymbolicFieldRepo.getInstance().getSymbolicField(fieldName); if(symbolicfield == null) { try { throw new ImplementationException("symbolic field does not exist for the fieldname "+ fieldName); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String bank = symbolicfield.getBank()+""; int length = symbolicfield.getLength(); int offset = symbolicfield.getOffset(); // We want to check memory bank. TwoBitField memBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) memBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) memBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) memBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) memBank = userBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<length; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } else if (filterList.getIncludeExclude().equals("EXCLUDE")) { targetTag.setMatch(new Bit(0)); String fieldName = filterList.getFieldspec().getFieldname(); if (fieldName==null) fieldName = "epc"; if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("killPwd")) { // killPwd fieldname // same as "@0.32" // We want to check memory bank. TwoBitField memBank = reservedBank; // Clear bit 0 and set bit 1 (bank 1 in binary). targetTag.setMB(memBank); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(0)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<32; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("accessPwd")) { // accessPwd fieldname // same as "@0.32.32" // We want to check memory bank. TwoBitField memBank = reservedBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(32)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<32; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("epc")) { // FIXME : fieldname "epcBank", is it right? // return the contents of epc bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" // We want to check memory bank. TwoBitField memBank = epcBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(32)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<96; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("epcBank")) { // FIXME : fieldname "epcBank", is it right? // return the contents of epc bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" // We want to check memory bank. TwoBitField memBank = epcBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(0)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<128; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("tidBank")) { // fieldname "tidBank" // return the contents of tid bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" try { throw new ImplementationException("fieldname \"tidBank\": access to tid bank is not implemented"); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("userBank")) { // return the contents of user memory bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" /*ECReportMemberField ecReportMemberField = new ECReportMemberField(); ecReportMemberField.setName(fieldName); ecReportMemberField.setValue(tag.getUserMemory()); // tag.getUserMemory() is already hex string, no need to convert ecReportMemberFields.add(ecReportMemberField); */ try { throw new ImplementationException("fieldname \"userBank\": access to user bank is not implemented"); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("afi")) { // application family identifier // same as "@1.8.24" // datatype: "uint", format: "hex" // We want to check memory bank. TwoBitField memBank = epcBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(24)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<8; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("nsi")) { // Numbering System Identifier (NSI) // same as "@1.9.23" // datatype: "uint", format: "hex" // We want to check memory bank. TwoBitField memBank = epcBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(23)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<9; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if (fieldName.startsWith("@")) { // fieldnames start with "@" String[] part = fieldName.substring(1).split("\\."); String bank = part[0]; int length = Integer.parseInt(part[1])/4; int offset = Integer.parseInt(part[2]); if (filterList.getFieldspec().getDatatype().equalsIgnoreCase("epc")) { if (filterList.getFieldspec().getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("epc-pure")) { // We want to check memory bank 1 (the EPC memory bank). TwoBitField memBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) memBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) memBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) memBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) memBank = userBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); params.put("taglength", "96"); params.put("filter", "3"); params.put("companyprefixlength", "7"); String validEpc = pat.toString(); if (validEpc.contains("*")) { String[] parts = validEpc.split(":"); String[] tfc = parts[4].split("\\."); if (tfc[0].contains("*") && tfc[1].contains("*") && tfc[2].contains("*")) { targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX("FFFC"); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0000000"); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "000000"); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0"); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin.substring(0, 16)); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if (tfc[1].contains("*") && tfc[2].contains("*")) { targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX("FFFFFFFFFC"); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "000000"); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0"); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin.substring(0, 40)); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if (tfc[2].contains("*")) { targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFC"); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0"); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin.substring(0, 60)); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } else if (validEpc.contains("[") || validEpc.contains("]")) { try { throw new ImplementationException("epc-pure Syntax [lo-hi] is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<length; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } else if (filterList.getFieldspec().getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("epc-tag")) { // We want to check memory bank 1 (the EPC memory bank). TwoBitField memBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) memBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) memBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) memBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) memBank = userBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. params.put("taglength", "96"); params.put("filter", "3"); params.put("companyprefixlength", "7"); String validEpc = pat.toString(); if (validEpc.contains("*")) { String[] parts = validEpc.split(":"); String[] tfc = parts[4].split("\\."); if (tfc[1].contains("*") && tfc[2].contains("*") && tfc[3].contains("*")) { targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX("FFFC"); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0000000"); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "000000"); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0"); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin.substring(0, 16)); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if (tfc[2].contains("*") && tfc[3].contains("*")) { targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX("FFFFFFFFFC"); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "000000"); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0"); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin.substring(0, 40)); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if (tfc[3].contains("*")) { targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFC"); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); validEpc = validEpc.replaceFirst("\\*", "0"); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin.substring(0, 60)); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } else if (validEpc.contains("[") || validEpc.contains("]")) { try { throw new ImplementationException("epc-tag Syntax [lo-hi] is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<length; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); String bin = engine.convert(validEpc, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } else if (filterList.getFieldspec().getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("epc-hex")) { // We want to check memory bank 1 (the EPC memory bank). TwoBitField memBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) memBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) memBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) memBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) memBank = userBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); String validEpc = pat.toString(); int indexof = validEpc.indexOf("*"); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; if (indexof == 1) { break; } else { for (int i=0; i<length; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; } BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if (filterList.getFieldspec().getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("epc-decimal")) { // We want to check memory bank 1 (the EPC memory bank). TwoBitField memBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) memBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) memBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) memBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) memBank = userBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); String validEpc = pat.toString(); int indexof = validEpc.indexOf("*"); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; if (indexof == 1) { break; } else { for (int i=0; i<length; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; } BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String bin = engine.dec2bin(validEpc); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } else if (filterList.getFieldspec().getDatatype().equalsIgnoreCase("uint")) { if (filterList.getFieldspec().getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("hex")) { // We want to check memory bank 1 (the EPC memory bank). TwoBitField memBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) memBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) memBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) memBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) memBank = userBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); String validdata = pat.toString(); if (validdata.contains("*")) { int indexof = validdata.indexOf("*"); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; if (indexof == 1) { break; } else { for (int i=0; i<indexof; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; } BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = validdata.substring(0, indexof); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } else if (validdata.contains("[") || validdata.contains("]")) { try { throw new ImplementationException("Hex Syntax [lo-hi] is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (validdata.contains("&") || validdata.contains("=")) { try { throw new ImplementationException("Hex Syntax &x=x is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<length; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = validdata; BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } else if (filterList.getFieldspec().getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("decimal")) { // We want to check memory bank 1 (the EPC memory bank). TwoBitField memBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) memBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) memBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) memBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) memBank = userBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); String validdata = pat.toString(); if (validdata.contains("*")) { /*int indexof = validdata.indexOf("*"); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<indexof; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = validdata.substring(0, indexof); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec);*/ try { throw new ImplementationException("Decimal Syntax * is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (validdata.contains("[") || validdata.contains("]")) { try { throw new ImplementationException("Decimal Syntax [lo-hi] is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<length; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String bin = engine.dec2bin(validdata); String TARGET_EPC = engine.bin2hex(bin); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } } else if (filterList.getFieldspec().getDatatype().equalsIgnoreCase("bits")) { try { throw new ImplementationException("bits Datatype is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (filterList.getFieldspec().getDatatype().equalsIgnoreCase("iso-15962-string")) { try { throw new ImplementationException("iso-15962-string Datatype is not implemented."); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { // symbolic fieldnames // datatype: "uint", format: "hex" // user-defined symbolic field name SymbolicField symbolicfield = SymbolicFieldRepo.getInstance().getSymbolicField(fieldName); if(symbolicfield == null) { try { throw new ImplementationException("symbolic field does not exist for the fieldname "+ fieldName); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String bank = symbolicfield.getBank()+""; int length = symbolicfield.getLength(); int offset = symbolicfield.getOffset(); // We want to check memory bank. TwoBitField memBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) memBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) memBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) memBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) memBank = userBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. String TAG_MASK = ""; for (int i=0; i<length; i++) TAG_MASK = TAG_MASK + "F"; BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX(TAG_MASK); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. String TARGET_EPC = pat.toString(); BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX(TARGET_EPC); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); } } // A list to hold the op specs for this access command. List <AccessCommandOpSpec> opSpecList = new ArrayList<AccessCommandOpSpec>(); // Set default opspec which for eventcycle of accessspec 3. C1G2Read opSpec1 = new C1G2Read(); // Set the OpSpecID to a unique number. opSpec1.setOpSpecID(new UnsignedShort(1)); opSpec1.setAccessPassword(new UnsignedInteger(0)); // For this demo, we'll read from user memory (bank 3). TwoBitField opMemBank = userBank; opSpec1.setMB(opMemBank); // We'll read from the base of this memory bank (0x00). opSpec1.setWordPointer(new UnsignedShort(0)); // Read two words. opSpec1.setWordCount(new UnsignedShort(0)); opSpecList.add(opSpec1); // Are we reading or writing to the tag? // Add the appropriate op spec to the op spec list. List<CCOpSpec> opspecs = cmdspec.getOpSpecs().getOpSpec(); for (CCOpSpec ccopspec : opspecs) { Enumeration<Integer> enumKey = OpSpecTable.keys(); while(enumKey.hasMoreElements()) { Integer key = enumKey.nextElement(); CCOpSpec val = OpSpecTable.get(key); if(ccopspec.getOpName().equals(val.getOpName())) { if (ccopspec.getOpType().equalsIgnoreCase("READ")) { opSpecList.add(buildReadOpSpec(key, ccopspec)); } else if (ccopspec.getOpType().equalsIgnoreCase("WRITE")) { opSpecList.add(buildWriteOpSpec(key, ccopspec)); } } } } accessCommand.setAccessCommandOpSpecList(opSpecList); // Add access command to access spec. accessSpec.setAccessCommand(accessCommand); // Add an AccessReportSpec. // We want to get notification when the operation occurs. // Tell the reader to sent it to us with the ROSpec. AccessReportSpec reportSpec = new AccessReportSpec(); reportSpec.setAccessReportTrigger (new AccessReportTriggerType( AccessReportTriggerType.Whenever_ROReport_Is_Generated)); accessSpec.setAccessReportSpec(reportSpec); ADD_ACCESSSPEC accessSpecMsg = new ADD_ACCESSSPEC(); accessSpecMsg.setAccessSpec(accessSpec); //System.out.println("ADDED SPECID is " + accessSpecMsg.getAccessSpec().getAccessSpecID().toString()); //((ReaderImpl)reader).getConnection().send(accessSpecMsg); ((ReaderImpl)reader).getIoSession().write(accessSpecMsg); try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } GET_ACCESSSPECS get = new GET_ACCESSSPECS(); ((ReaderImpl)reader).getIoSession().write(get); ENABLE_ACCESSSPEC msgEnableAccessSpec = new ENABLE_ACCESSSPEC(); msgEnableAccessSpec.setAccessSpecID(new UnsignedInteger(3)); ((ReaderImpl)reader).getIoSession().write(msgEnableAccessSpec); try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } else { AccessSpec accessSpec = new AccessSpec(); accessSpec.setAccessSpecID(new UnsignedInteger(3)); // Set ROSpec ID to zero. // This means that the AccessSpec will apply to all ROSpecs. accessSpec.setROSpecID(new UnsignedInteger(1)); // Antenna ID of zero means all antennas. accessSpec.setAntennaID(new UnsignedShort(0)); accessSpec.setProtocolID( new AirProtocols(AirProtocols.EPCGlobalClass1Gen2)); // AccessSpecs must be disabled when you add them. accessSpec.setCurrentState( new AccessSpecState(AccessSpecState.Disabled)); AccessSpecStopTrigger stopTrigger = new AccessSpecStopTrigger(); // Stop after the operating has been performed a certain number of times. // That number is specified by the Operation_Count parameter. stopTrigger.setAccessSpecStopTrigger (new AccessSpecStopTriggerType( AccessSpecStopTriggerType.Null)); // OperationCountValue indicate the number of times this Spec is // executed before it is deleted. If set to 0, this is equivalent // to no stop trigger defined. stopTrigger.setOperationCountValue(new UnsignedShort(0)); accessSpec.setAccessSpecStopTrigger(stopTrigger); // Create a new AccessCommand. // We use this to specify which tags we want to operate on. AccessCommand accessCommand = new AccessCommand(); // Create a new tag spec. C1G2TagSpec tagSpec = new C1G2TagSpec(); C1G2TargetTag targetTag = new C1G2TargetTag(); targetTag.setMatch(new Bit(1)); // We want to check memory bank 1 (the EPC memory bank). TwoBitField memBank = epcBank; targetTag.setMB(memBank); // The EPC data starts at offset 0x20. // Start reading or writing from there. targetTag.setPointer(new UnsignedShort(0)); // This is the mask we'll use to compare the EPC. // We want to match all bits of the EPC, so all mask bits are set. BitArray_HEX tagMask = new BitArray_HEX("00"); targetTag.setTagMask(tagMask); // We only only to operate on tags with this EPC. BitArray_HEX tagData = new BitArray_HEX("00"); targetTag.setTagData(tagData); // Add a list of target tags to the tag spec. List <C1G2TargetTag> targetTagList = new ArrayList<C1G2TargetTag>(); targetTagList.add(targetTag); tagSpec.setC1G2TargetTagList(targetTagList); // Add the tag spec to the access command. accessCommand.setAirProtocolTagSpec(tagSpec); // A list to hold the op specs for this access command. List <AccessCommandOpSpec> opSpecList = new ArrayList<AccessCommandOpSpec>(); // Set default opspec which for eventcycle of accessspec 3. C1G2Read opSpec1 = new C1G2Read(); // Set the OpSpecID to a unique number. opSpec1.setOpSpecID(new UnsignedShort(1)); opSpec1.setAccessPassword(new UnsignedInteger(0)); // For this demo, we'll read from user memory (bank 3). TwoBitField opMemBank = userBank; opSpec1.setMB(opMemBank); // We'll read from the base of this memory bank (0x00). opSpec1.setWordPointer(new UnsignedShort(0)); // Read two words. opSpec1.setWordCount(new UnsignedShort(0)); opSpecList.add(opSpec1); // Are we reading or writing to the tag? // Add the appropriate op spec to the op spec list. List<CCOpSpec> opspecs = cmdspec.getOpSpecs().getOpSpec(); for (CCOpSpec ccopspec : opspecs) { Enumeration<Integer> enumKey = OpSpecTable.keys(); while(enumKey.hasMoreElements()) { Integer key = enumKey.nextElement(); CCOpSpec val = OpSpecTable.get(key); if(ccopspec.getOpName().equals(val.getOpName())) { if (ccopspec.getOpType().equalsIgnoreCase("READ")) { opSpecList.add(buildReadOpSpec(key, ccopspec)); } else if (ccopspec.getOpType().equalsIgnoreCase("WRITE")) { opSpecList.add(buildWriteOpSpec(key, ccopspec)); } } } } accessCommand.setAccessCommandOpSpecList(opSpecList); // Add access command to access spec. accessSpec.setAccessCommand(accessCommand); // Add an AccessReportSpec. // We want to get notification when the operation occurs. // Tell the reader to sent it to us with the ROSpec. AccessReportSpec reportSpec = new AccessReportSpec(); reportSpec.setAccessReportTrigger (new AccessReportTriggerType( AccessReportTriggerType.Whenever_ROReport_Is_Generated)); accessSpec.setAccessReportSpec(reportSpec); ADD_ACCESSSPEC accessSpecMsg = new ADD_ACCESSSPEC(); accessSpecMsg.setAccessSpec(accessSpec); ((ReaderImpl)reader).getIoSession().write(accessSpecMsg); try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } GET_ACCESSSPECS get = new GET_ACCESSSPECS(); ((ReaderImpl)reader).getIoSession().write(get); ENABLE_ACCESSSPEC msgEnableAccessSpec = new ENABLE_ACCESSSPEC(); msgEnableAccessSpec.setAccessSpecID(new UnsignedInteger(3)); ((ReaderImpl)reader).getIoSession().write(msgEnableAccessSpec); try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } @Override public void DELETEACCESSSPEC() { System.out.println("Deleting AccessSpecs3."); DELETE_ACCESSSPEC del = new DELETE_ACCESSSPEC(); del.setAccessSpecID(new UnsignedInteger(3)); try { ((ReaderImpl)reader).getIoSession().write(del); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error deleting AccessSpec."); e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void recoveryACCESSSPEC3() { System.out.println("Recover AccessSpecs3."); LLRPMessage msgAddAccessspec = null; try { msgAddAccessspec = loadXMLLLRPMessage(PhysicalReaderAcceptor.class.getResourceAsStream("/llrp/ADD_ACCESSSPEC3.xml")); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (JDOMException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvalidLLRPMessageException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try { ((ReaderImpl)reader).getIoSession().write(msgAddAccessspec); ENABLE_ACCESSSPEC msgEnableAccessSpec = new ENABLE_ACCESSSPEC(); msgEnableAccessSpec.setAccessSpecID(new UnsignedInteger(3)); ((ReaderImpl)reader).getIoSession().write(msgEnableAccessSpec); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error revcover AccessSpec3."); e.printStackTrace(); } } // Create a OpSpec that writes to user memory private C1G2Write buildWriteOpSpec(int OPSPEC_ID, CCOpSpec ccopspec) { // Create a new OpSpec. // This specifies what operation we want to perform on the // tags that match the specifications above. // In this case, we want to write to the tag. C1G2Write opSpec = new C1G2Write(); // Set the OpSpecID to a unique number. opSpec.setOpSpecID(new UnsignedShort(OPSPEC_ID)); opSpec.setAccessPassword(new UnsignedInteger(0)); String fieldName = null; if (ccopspec.getFieldspec().getFieldname() != null) fieldName = ccopspec.getFieldspec().getFieldname(); else fieldName = "@3.0.0"; if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("killPwd")) { // killPwd fieldname // same as "@0.32" // We want to check memory bank. fieldName = "@0.32.0"; } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("accessPwd")) { // accessPwd fieldname // same as "@0.32.32" // We want to check memory bank. fieldName = "@0.32.32"; } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("epc")) { // FIXME : fieldname "epcBank", is it right? // return the contents of epc bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" // We want to check memory bank. fieldName = "@1.96.32"; } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("epcBank")) { // FIXME : fieldname "epcBank", is it right? // return the contents of epc bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" // We want to check memory bank. fieldName = "@1.0.0"; } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("tidBank")) { // fieldname "tidBank" // return the contents of tid bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" fieldName = "@2.0.0"; } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("userBank")) { // return the contents of user memory bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" fieldName = "@3.0.0"; } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("afi")) { // application family identifier // same as "@1.8.24" // datatype: "uint", format: "hex" fieldName = "@1.8.24"; } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("nsi")) { // Numbering System Identifier (NSI) // same as "@1.9.23" // datatype: "uint", format: "hex" fieldName = "@1.9.23"; } String Data = ccopspec.getDataSpec().getData(); if (fieldName.startsWith("@")) { // fieldnames start with "@" // datatype: "uint", format: "hex" String middleData = new String(); String[] part = fieldName.substring(1).split("\\."); String bank = Integer.parseInt(part[0])+""; //int length = Integer.parseInt(part[1]); int offset; if (part.length == 2) offset = 0; else offset = Integer.parseInt(part[2]); if (ccopspec.getFieldspec().getDatatype() == null && ccopspec.getFieldspec().getFormat() == null) { } else if (ccopspec.getFieldspec().getDatatype().equalsIgnoreCase("uint") && ccopspec.getFieldspec().getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("hex")) { } else if (ccopspec.getFieldspec().getDatatype().equalsIgnoreCase("uint") && ccopspec.getFieldspec().getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("decimal")) { Data = engine.dec2bin(Data); Data = engine.bin2hex(Data); } else if (ccopspec.getFieldspec().getDatatype().equalsIgnoreCase("epc")) { String bin = engine.convert(Data, params, LevelTypeList.BINARY); Data = engine.bin2hex(bin); while (!Data.equals("")) { String temp = null; if (Data.length() < 4) { middleData = Data.substring(0); } else { temp = Data.substring(0,4); Data = Data.substring(4); middleData = middleData + " " + temp; } } Data = middleData.substring(1); } // For this demo, we'll write to user memory (bank 3). TwoBitField opMemBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) opMemBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) opMemBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) opMemBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) opMemBank = userBank; opSpec.setMB(opMemBank); // We'll write to the base of this memory bank (0x00). opSpec.setWordPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset/16)); UnsignedShortArray_HEX writeData = new UnsignedShortArray_HEX(Data); // We'll write 8 bytes or two words. opSpec.setWriteData(writeData); } else { // symbolic fieldnames // datatype: "uint", format: "hex" // user-defined symbolic field name SymbolicField symbolicfield = SymbolicFieldRepo.getInstance().getSymbolicField(fieldName); if(symbolicfield == null) { try { throw new ImplementationException("symbolic field does not exist for the fieldname "+ fieldName); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String bank = symbolicfield.getBank()+""; //int length = symbolicfield.getLength(); int offset = symbolicfield.getOffset(); // For this demo, we'll write to user memory (bank 3). TwoBitField opMemBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) opMemBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) opMemBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) opMemBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) opMemBank = userBank; opSpec.setMB(opMemBank); // We'll write to the base of this memory bank (0x00). opSpec.setWordPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset/16)); UnsignedShortArray_HEX writeData = new UnsignedShortArray_HEX(Data); // We'll write 8 bytes or two words. opSpec.setWriteData(writeData); } return opSpec; } // Create a OpSpec that reads from user memory private C1G2Read buildReadOpSpec(int OPSPEC_ID, CCOpSpec ccopspec) { // Create a new OpSpec. // This specifies what operation we want to perform on the // tags that match the specifications above. // In this case, we want to read from the tag. C1G2Read opSpec = new C1G2Read(); // Set the OpSpecID to a unique number. opSpec.setOpSpecID(new UnsignedShort(OPSPEC_ID)); opSpec.setAccessPassword(new UnsignedInteger(0)); String fieldName = null; if (ccopspec.getFieldspec() != null) { if(ccopspec.getFieldspec().getFieldname() != null) fieldName = ccopspec.getFieldspec().getFieldname(); } else fieldName = "@3.0.0"; if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("killPwd")) { // killPwd fieldname // same as "@0.32" // We want to check memory bank. fieldName = "@0.32.0"; } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("accessPwd")) { // accessPwd fieldname // same as "@0.32.32" // We want to check memory bank. fieldName = "@0.32.32"; } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("epc")) { // FIXME : fieldname "epcBank", is it right? // return the contents of epc bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" // We want to check memory bank. fieldName = "@1.96.32"; } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("epcBank")) { // FIXME : fieldname "epcBank", is it right? // return the contents of epc bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" // We want to check memory bank. fieldName = "@1.0.0"; } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("tidBank")) { // fieldname "tidBank" // return the contents of tid bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" fieldName = "@2.0.0"; } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("userBank")) { // return the contents of user memory bank // datatype: "bits", format: "hex" fieldName = "@3.0.0"; } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("afi")) { // application family identifier // same as "@1.8.24" // datatype: "uint", format: "hex" fieldName = "@1.8.24"; } else if(fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase("nsi")) { // Numbering System Identifier (NSI) // same as "@1.9.23" // datatype: "uint", format: "hex" fieldName = "@1.9.23"; } if (fieldName.startsWith("@")) { // fieldnames start with "@" // datatype: "uint", format: "hex" String[] part = fieldName.substring(1).split("\\."); String bank = Integer.parseInt(part[0])+""; int length = Integer.parseInt(part[1]); int offset; if (part.length == 2) offset = 0; else offset = Integer.parseInt(part[2]); // For this demo, we'll read from user memory (bank 3). TwoBitField opMemBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) opMemBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) opMemBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) opMemBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) opMemBank = userBank; opSpec.setMB(opMemBank); // We'll read from the base of this memory bank (0x00). opSpec.setWordPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset/16)); // Read two words. opSpec.setWordCount(new UnsignedShort(length/16)); } else { // symbolic fieldnames // datatype: "uint", format: "hex" // user-defined symbolic field name SymbolicField symbolicfield = SymbolicFieldRepo.getInstance().getSymbolicField(fieldName); if(symbolicfield == null) { try { throw new ImplementationException("symbolic field does not exist for the fieldname "+ fieldName); } catch (ImplementationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String bank = symbolicfield.getBank()+""; int length = symbolicfield.getLength(); int offset = symbolicfield.getOffset(); // For this demo, we'll read from user memory (bank 3). TwoBitField opMemBank = new TwoBitField(); if (bank.equals("0")) opMemBank = reservedBank; else if (bank.equals("1")) opMemBank = epcBank; else if (bank.equals("2")) opMemBank = tidBank; else if (bank.equals("3")) opMemBank = userBank; opSpec.setMB(opMemBank); // We'll read from the base of this memory bank (0x00). opSpec.setWordPointer(new UnsignedShort(offset/16)); // Read two words. opSpec.setWordCount(new UnsignedShort(length/16)); } return opSpec; } public String getOriginReaderName() { return originReaderName; } public void setOriginReaderName(String originReaderName) { this.originReaderName = originReaderName; } public void restoreLLRPSpecs() { log.debug("restore LLRP specs defined in the logical reader "+originReaderName); } public LLRPMessage loadXMLLLRPMessage(InputStream is) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, JDOMException, InvalidLLRPMessageException { Document doc = new org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder().build(new InputStreamReader(is)); XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); log.debug("Loaded XML Message: " + outputter.outputString(doc)); LLRPMessage message = LLRPMessageFactory.createLLRPMessage(doc); return message; } }