package; import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor; import; import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI; import; import; import; import org.openlca.core.model.Category; import org.openlca.core.model.Flow; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowType; import org.openlca.core.model.ModelType; import org.openlca.core.model.Process; import org.openlca.core.model.ProcessType; import org.openlca.core.model.RootEntity; import org.openlca.core.model.Source; import org.openlca.core.model.descriptors.BaseDescriptor; import org.openlca.core.model.descriptors.CategoryDescriptor; import org.openlca.core.model.descriptors.FlowDescriptor; import org.openlca.core.model.descriptors.ProcessDescriptor; public class Images { public static Image get(RootEntity entity) { if (entity instanceof Source) { Source source = (Source) entity; if (source.getExternalFile() != null) return get(FileType.forName(source.getExternalFile())); } if (entity instanceof Process) return get(((Process) entity).getProcessType()); if (entity instanceof Flow) return get(((Flow) entity).getFlowType()); return get(ModelType.forModelClass(entity.getClass())); } public static Image get(BaseDescriptor d) { if (d == null || d.getModelType() == null) return null; switch (d.getModelType()) { case PROCESS: return get(((ProcessDescriptor) d).getProcessType()); case FLOW: return get(((FlowDescriptor) d).getFlowType()); case CATEGORY: CategoryDescriptor cd = (CategoryDescriptor) d; ModelIcon icon = categoryIcon(cd.getCategoryType()); return ImageManager.get(icon); default: return get(d.getModelType()); } } public static Image get(Category category) { if (category == null) return null; ModelIcon icon = categoryIcon(category.getModelType()); if (icon == null) return Icon.FOLDER.get(); return ImageManager.get(icon); } public static Image get(Group group) { if (group == null) return null; ModelIcon icon = icon(group.type); if (icon == null) return Icon.FOLDER.get(); return ImageManager.get(icon); } public static Image get(ModelType type) { ModelIcon icon = icon(type); if (icon == null) return null; return ImageManager.get(icon); } public static Image get(FlowType type) { ModelIcon icon = icon(type); if (icon == null) return null; return ImageManager.get(icon); } public static Image get(ProcessType type) { ModelIcon icon = icon(type); if (icon == null) return null; return ImageManager.get(icon); } public static Image get(GroupType type) { ModelIcon icon = icon(type); if (icon == null) return Icon.FOLDER.get(); return ImageManager.get(icon); } public static Image get(FileType type) { if (type == null) return null; FileIcon icon = icon(type); if (icon == null) return ImageManager.get(FileIcon.DEFAULT); return ImageManager.get(icon); } public static Image get(ModelType type, Overlay overlay) { ModelIcon icon = Images.icon(type); if (icon == null) return null; if (overlay == null) return ImageManager.get(icon); return ImageManager.get(icon, overlay); } public static Image getForCategory(ModelType type) { ModelIcon icon = categoryIcon(type); if (icon == null) return Icon.FOLDER.get(); return ImageManager.get(icon); } public static Image getForCategory(ModelType type, Overlay overlay) { ModelIcon icon = Images.categoryIcon(type); if (icon == null) return null; if (overlay == null) return ImageManager.get(icon); return ImageManager.get(icon, overlay); } public static ImageDescriptor descriptor(RootEntity entity) { if (entity instanceof Process) return descriptor(((Process) entity).getProcessType()); if (entity instanceof Flow) return descriptor(((Flow) entity).getFlowType()); return descriptor(ModelType.forModelClass(entity.getClass())); } public static ImageDescriptor descriptor(BaseDescriptor descriptor) { if (descriptor == null || descriptor.getModelType() == null) return null; switch (descriptor.getModelType()) { case PROCESS: return descriptor(((ProcessDescriptor) descriptor).getProcessType()); case FLOW: return descriptor(((FlowDescriptor) descriptor).getFlowType()); default: return descriptor(descriptor.getModelType()); } } public static ImageDescriptor descriptor(Category category) { if (category == null) return null; ModelIcon icon = categoryIcon(category.getModelType()); if (icon == null) return Icon.FOLDER.descriptor(); return ImageManager.descriptor(icon); } public static ImageDescriptor descriptor(Group group) { if (group == null) return null; ModelIcon icon = icon(group.type); if (icon == null) return Icon.FOLDER.descriptor(); return ImageManager.descriptor(icon); } public static ImageDescriptor descriptor(ModelType type) { ModelIcon icon = icon(type); if (icon == null) return null; return ImageManager.descriptor(icon); } public static ImageDescriptor descriptor(FlowType type) { ModelIcon icon = icon(type); if (icon == null) return null; return ImageManager.descriptor(icon); } public static ImageDescriptor descriptor(ProcessType type) { ModelIcon icon = icon(type); if (icon == null) return null; return ImageManager.descriptor(icon); } public static ImageDescriptor descriptor(GroupType type) { ModelIcon icon = icon(type); if (icon == null) return Icon.FOLDER.descriptor(); return ImageManager.descriptor(icon); } public static ImageDescriptor descriptor(FileType type) { FileIcon icon = icon(type); if (icon == null) return ImageManager.descriptor(FileIcon.DEFAULT); return ImageManager.descriptor(icon); } public static ImageDescriptor descriptor(ModelType type, Overlay overlay) { ModelIcon icon = Images.icon(type); if (icon == null) return null; if (overlay == null) return ImageManager.descriptor(icon); return ImageManager.descriptor(icon, overlay); } public static ImageDescriptor descriptorForCategory(ModelType type) { ModelIcon icon = Images.categoryIcon(type); if (icon == null) return ImageManager.descriptor(Icon.FOLDER); return ImageManager.descriptor(icon); } public static ImageDescriptor descriptorForCategory(ModelType type, Overlay overlay) { ModelIcon icon = Images.categoryIcon(type); if (icon == null) return ImageManager.descriptor(Icon.FOLDER); if (overlay == null) return ImageManager.descriptor(icon); return ImageManager.descriptor(icon, overlay); } public static ImageDescriptor wizard(ModelType type) { ModelIcon icon = wizardIcon(type); if (icon == null) return Icon.NEW_WIZARD.descriptor(); return ImageManager.descriptor(icon); } public static ImageDescriptor newDatabase() { return ImageManager.descriptor(Icon.DATABASE, Overlay.NEW); } private static ModelIcon wizardIcon(ModelType type) { if (type == null) return null; switch (type) { case ACTOR: return ModelIcon.ACTOR_WIZARD; case CURRENCY: return ModelIcon.CURRENCY_WIZARD; case FLOW: return ModelIcon.FLOW_WIZARD; case FLOW_PROPERTY: return ModelIcon.FLOW_PROPERTY_WIZARD; case IMPACT_METHOD: return ModelIcon.IMPACT_METHOD_WIZARD; case LOCATION: return ModelIcon.LOCATION_WIZARD; case PARAMETER: return ModelIcon.PARAMETER_WIZARD; case PROCESS: return ModelIcon.PROCESS_WIZARD; case PRODUCT_SYSTEM: return ModelIcon.PRODUCT_SYSTEM_WIZARD; case PROJECT: return ModelIcon.PROJECT_WIZARD; case SOCIAL_INDICATOR: return ModelIcon.SOCIAL_INDICATOR_WIZARD; case SOURCE: return ModelIcon.SOURCE_WIZARD; case UNIT_GROUP: return ModelIcon.UNIT_GROUP_WIZARD; case DQ_SYSTEM: return ModelIcon.DQ_SYSTEM_WIZARD; default: return null; } } private static ModelIcon icon(GroupType type) { if (type == null) return null; switch (type) { case BACKGROUND_DATA: return ModelIcon.GROUP_BACKGROUND_DATA; case INDICATORS: return ModelIcon.GROUP_INDICATORS; case MODELS: return ModelIcon.GROUP_MODELS; default: return null; } } static ModelIcon icon(ModelType type) { if (type == null) return null; switch (type) { case ACTOR: return ModelIcon.ACTOR; case FLOW: return ModelIcon.FLOW; case FLOW_PROPERTY: return ModelIcon.FLOW_PROPERTY; case IMPACT_METHOD: return ModelIcon.IMPACT_METHOD; case IMPACT_CATEGORY: return ModelIcon.IMPACT_CATEGORY; case PROCESS: return ModelIcon.PROCESS; case PRODUCT_SYSTEM: return ModelIcon.PRODUCT_SYSTEM; case PROJECT: return ModelIcon.PROJECT; case SOURCE: return ModelIcon.SOURCE; case SOCIAL_INDICATOR: return ModelIcon.SOCIAL_INDICATOR; case LOCATION: return ModelIcon.LOCATION; case PARAMETER: return ModelIcon.PARAMETER; case CURRENCY: return ModelIcon.CURRENCY; case UNIT_GROUP: case UNIT: return ModelIcon.UNIT_GROUP; case DQ_SYSTEM: return ModelIcon.DQ_SYSTEM; default: return null; } } private static ModelIcon icon(FlowType type) { if (type == null) return null; switch (type) { case ELEMENTARY_FLOW: return ModelIcon.FLOW_ELEMENTARY; case PRODUCT_FLOW: return ModelIcon.FLOW_PRODUCT; case WASTE_FLOW: return ModelIcon.FLOW_WASTE; default: return null; } } private static ModelIcon icon(ProcessType type) { if (type == null) return null; switch (type) { case UNIT_PROCESS: return ModelIcon.PROCESS; case LCI_RESULT: return ModelIcon.PROCESS_SYSTEM; default: return null; } } private static FileIcon icon(FileType type) { if (type == null) return null; switch (type) { case CSV: return FileIcon.CSV; case EXCEL: return FileIcon.EXCEL; case IMAGE: return FileIcon.IMAGE; case MARKUP: return FileIcon.MARKUP; case PDF: return FileIcon.PDF; case POWERPOINT: return FileIcon.POWERPOINT; case WORD: return FileIcon.WORD; case XML: return FileIcon.XML; case ZIP: return FileIcon.ZIP; default: return FileIcon.DEFAULT; } } static ModelIcon categoryIcon(ModelType modelType) { if (modelType == null) return null; switch (modelType) { case ACTOR: return ModelIcon.ACTOR_CATEGORY; case FLOW: return ModelIcon.FLOW_CATEGORY; case FLOW_PROPERTY: return ModelIcon.FLOW_PROPERTY_CATEGORY; case IMPACT_METHOD: return ModelIcon.IMPACT_METHOD_CATEGORY; case PROCESS: return ModelIcon.PROCESS_CATEGORY; case PRODUCT_SYSTEM: return ModelIcon.PRODUCT_SYSTEM_CATEGORY; case PROJECT: return ModelIcon.PROJECT_CATEGORY; case SOURCE: return ModelIcon.SOURCE_CATEGORY; case SOCIAL_INDICATOR: return ModelIcon.SOCIAL_INDICATOR_CATEGORY; case UNIT_GROUP: return ModelIcon.UNIT_GROUP_CATEGORY; case LOCATION: return ModelIcon.LOCATION_CATEGORY; case PARAMETER: return ModelIcon.PARAMETER_CATEGORY; case CURRENCY: return ModelIcon.CURRENCY_CATEGORY; case DQ_SYSTEM: return ModelIcon.DQ_SYSTEM_CATEGORY; default: return null; } } /** * Returns the shared image descriptor with the given name from the Eclipse * platform. See ISharedImages for the image names. */ public static ImageDescriptor platformDescriptor(String name) { return PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getSharedImages().getImageDescriptor(name); } /** * Returns the shared image with the given name from the Eclipse platform. * See ISharedImages for the image names. */ public static Image platformImage(String name) { return PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getSharedImages().getImage(name); } }