package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import; import; public class MinimalTreeLayout { private final Map<Integer, Integer> heights = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<Integer, Integer> widths = new HashMap<>(); private void applyLayout(ProcessNode[] processFigures, Graph graph) { Map<Long, ProcessNode> nodes = new HashMap<>(); for (ProcessNode node : processFigures) nodes.put(node.process.getId(), node); // build "width-map" for (int x = graph.minimumX; x <= graph.maximumX; x++) { widths.put(x, 0); for (int y = graph.minimumY; y <= graph.maximumY; y++) { Node node = graph.coordinateSystem.get(new Point(x, y)); if (node == null) continue; int width = Math.max(widths.get(x), nodes.get(node.key).getSize().width); widths.put(x, width); } } // build "height-map" for (int y = graph.minimumY; y <= graph.maximumY; y++) { heights.put(y, 0); for (int x = graph.minimumX; x <= graph.maximumX; x++) { Node node = graph.coordinateSystem.get(new Point(x, y)); if (node == null) continue; int height = Math.max(heights.get(y), nodes.get(node.key).getSize().height); heights.put(y, height); } } int xPosition = 25; for (int x = graph.minimumX; x <= graph.maximumX; x++) { if (x > graph.minimumX && widths.get(x - 1) > 0) xPosition += widths.get(x - 1) + LayoutManager.H_SPACE; int yPosition = 25; for (int y = graph.minimumY; y <= graph.maximumY; y++) { Node node = graph.coordinateSystem.get(new Point(x, y)); if (y > graph.minimumY && heights.get(y - 1) > 0) yPosition += heights.get(y - 1) + LayoutManager.V_SPACE; if (node == null) continue; ProcessNode pNode = nodes.get(node.key); pNode.setXyLayoutConstraints(new Rectangle(xPosition, yPosition, pNode.getSize().width, pNode.getSize().height)); } } } private Graph buildGraph(ProcessNode[] processNodes) { Graph graph = new Graph(); Map<Long, Node> nodes = graph.nodes; for (ProcessNode processNode : processNodes) { long id = processNode.process.getId(); nodes.put(id, new Node(id)); } for (ProcessNode processNode : processNodes) { for (Link link : processNode.links) { long sourceId = link.sourceNode.process.getId(); long targetId = link.targetNode.process.getId(); if (nodes.get(sourceId) == null || nodes.get(targetId) == null) continue; // add edge to source node nodes.get(sourceId).outgoingEdges.add(new Edge(nodes.get(sourceId), nodes.get(targetId))); // add edge to target node nodes.get(targetId).incomingEdges.add(new Edge(nodes.get(sourceId), nodes.get(targetId))); } } return graph; } public void layout(ProcessNode[] processNodes) { Graph graph = buildGraph(processNodes); graph.initLocations(); graph.optimize(); applyLayout(processNodes, graph); widths.clear(); heights.clear(); } class Edge { private Node start; private Node end; public Edge(Node start, Node end) { this.start = start; this.end = end; } int getWeight() { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") int weight = start.location.getDistanceOrthogonal(end.location); if (start.location.x > end.location.x) weight += 2; return weight; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Edge)) return false; Edge edge = (Edge) obj; if (!start.equals(edge.start)) return false; if (!end.equals(edge.end)) return false; return true; } } class Graph { private Map<Point, Node> coordinateSystem = new HashMap<>(); private Map<Long, Node> nodes = new HashMap<>(); int maximumX = 0; int maximumY = 0; int minimumX = 0; int minimumY = 0; private void setLocation(Node node, int xStart, int yStart) { int x = xStart; int y = yStart; int addition = 1; boolean add = false; while (coordinateSystem.get(new Point(x, y)) != null) { if (!add) { y = yStart - addition; add = true; } else { y = yStart + addition; add = false; addition++; } } node.location = new Point(x, y); checkNewMinimumsAndMaximums(x, y); coordinateSystem.put(new Point(x, y), node); for (Edge edge : node.incomingEdges) if (edge.start.location == null) setLocation(edge.start, x - 1, y); for (Edge edge : node.outgoingEdges) if (edge.end.location == null) setLocation(edge.end, x + 1, y); } void checkNewMinimumsAndMaximums(int x, int y) { if (x < minimumX) minimumX = x; else if (x > maximumX) maximumX = x; if (y < minimumY) minimumY = y; else if (y > maximumY) maximumY = y; } void initLocations() { for (Node node : nodes.values()) { if (node.location != null) continue; setLocation(node, 0, 0); } } void optimize() { boolean stopOptimizing = false; while (!stopOptimizing) { stopOptimizing = true; for (Node node : nodes.values()) { boolean stop = false; while (!stop) { boolean result = optimize(node); if (!result) { stopOptimizing = false; } else { stop = true; } } } } } private boolean optimize(Node node) { Edge heaviestEdge = node.getHeaviestEdge(); if (heaviestEdge == null) return true; int oldWeightSum = node.getEdgesWeightSum(); Point oldLocation = node.location.getCopy(); Edge lightestEdge = node.getLightestEdge(); boolean nodeIsStart = heaviestEdge.start.equals(node); Node n = nodeIsStart ? heaviestEdge.end : heaviestEdge.start; int x = n.location.x + (nodeIsStart ? 1 : -1); int y = n.location.y; boolean stopTrying = false; boolean canMove = false; int divisor = 2; while (!stopTrying) { Node nearest = lightestEdge.start.key == node.key ? lightestEdge.end : lightestEdge.start; Node farest = heaviestEdge.start.key == node.key ? heaviestEdge.end : heaviestEdge.start; if (!lightestEdge.equals(heaviestEdge)) { x = Math.min(nearest.location.x, farest.location.x); x += Math.abs(nearest.location.x - farest.location.x) / divisor; y = Math.min(nearest.location.y, farest.location.y); y += Math.abs(nearest.location.y - farest.location.y) / divisor; } int tempY = y; int addition = 1; boolean add = true; // find empty location while (coordinateSystem.get(new Point(x, y)) != null) { if (add) { y = tempY + addition; add = false; } else { y = tempY - addition; add = true; addition++; } } node.location = new Point(x, y); int newWeightSum = node.getEdgesWeightSum(); // if old weight > new weight we found a better // location if (oldWeightSum > newWeightSum) { stopTrying = true; canMove = true; } divisor++; if (divisor >= Math.abs(nearest.location.y - farest.location.y)) { stopTrying = true; } } if (canMove) { // move nodes coordinateSystem.put(node.location.getCopy(), node); coordinateSystem.put(oldLocation.getCopy(), null); checkNewMinimumsAndMaximums(x, y); return false; // stop optimizing } else { // no better spot found, stop optimizing, best // location is already set node.location = oldLocation.getCopy(); return true; // stop } } } class Node { private final long key; private final List<Edge> incomingEdges = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<Edge> outgoingEdges = new ArrayList<>(); private Point location; public Node(final long key) { this.key = key; } int getEdgesWeightSum() { int weightSum = 0; for (Edge edge : incomingEdges) { weightSum += edge.getWeight(); } for (Edge edge : outgoingEdges) { weightSum += edge.getWeight(); } return weightSum; } Edge getHeaviestEdge() { Edge heaviestEdge = null; int heaviestWeight = 0; for (Edge edge : incomingEdges) { int weight = edge.getWeight(); if (weight <= heaviestWeight) continue; heaviestWeight = weight; heaviestEdge = edge; } for (Edge edge : outgoingEdges) { int weight = edge.getWeight(); if (weight <= heaviestWeight) continue; heaviestWeight = weight; heaviestEdge = edge; } return heaviestEdge; } Edge getLightestEdge() { Edge lightestEdge = null; int lightestWeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (Edge edge : incomingEdges) { int weight = edge.getWeight(); if (weight >= lightestWeight) continue; lightestWeight = weight; lightestEdge = edge; } for (Edge edge : outgoingEdges) { int weight = edge.getWeight(); if (weight >= lightestWeight) continue; lightestWeight = weight; lightestEdge = edge; } return lightestEdge; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) return true; if (obj instanceof Node) if (key == ((Node) obj).key) return true; return false; } } }