package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.jface.action.Action; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerFilter; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem; import org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.FormToolkit; import org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.Section; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openlca.core.database.EntityCache; import org.openlca.core.database.FlowDao; import org.openlca.core.database.IDatabase; import org.openlca.core.model.Exchange; import org.openlca.core.model.Flow; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowPropertyFactor; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowType; import org.openlca.core.model.ModelType; import org.openlca.core.model.Process; import org.openlca.core.model.Unit; import org.openlca.core.model.descriptors.BaseDescriptor; import org.openlca.core.model.descriptors.FlowDescriptor; import org.openlca.core.model.descriptors.ProcessDescriptor; import org.openlca.util.Strings; /** * The table for the display and editing of inputs or outputs of process * exchanges. Avoided products are inputs that are shown on the output site in * this table. * */ class ExchangeTable { private final boolean forInputs; private final ProcessEditor editor; private IDatabase database = Database.get(); private EntityCache cache = Cache.getEntityCache(); private final String FLOW = M.Flow; private final String CATEGORY = M.Category; private final String AMOUNT = M.Amount; private final String UNIT = M.Unit; private final String COSTS; private final String PEDIGREE = M.DataQualityEntry; private final String DEFAULT_PROVIDER = M.DefaultProvider; private final String UNCERTAINTY = M.Uncertainty; private final String DESCRIPTION = M.Description; private final String AVOIDED_PRODUCT = M.AvoidedProduct; private TableViewer viewer; private ExchangeLabel label; public static ExchangeTable forInputs(Section section, FormToolkit toolkit, ProcessEditor editor) { ExchangeTable table = new ExchangeTable(true, editor); table.render(section, toolkit); return table; } public static ExchangeTable forOutputs(Section section, FormToolkit toolkit, ProcessEditor editor) { ExchangeTable table = new ExchangeTable(false, editor); table.render(section, toolkit); return table; } private ExchangeTable(boolean forInputs, ProcessEditor editor) { this.forInputs = forInputs; this.COSTS = forInputs ? M.Costs : M.CostsRevenues; this.editor = editor; editor.getParameterSupport().afterEvaluation(() -> viewer.refresh()); } private void render(Section section, FormToolkit toolkit) { Composite composite = UI.sectionClient(section, toolkit); UI.gridLayout(composite, 1); viewer = Tables.createViewer(composite, getColumns()); label = new ExchangeLabel(editor, forInputs); viewer.setLabelProvider(label.asColumnLabel()); bindModifiers(); Tables.addDropSupport(viewer, this::add); viewer.addFilter(new Filter()); bindActions(section, viewer); bindDoubleClick(viewer); Tables.bindColumnWidths(viewer, 0.2, 0.15, 0.1, 0.09, 0.09, 0.09, 0.09, 0.09, 0.05); Viewers.sortByLabels(viewer, label, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); Viewers.sortByDouble(viewer, (Exchange e) -> e.getAmountValue(), 2); viewer.getTable().getColumns()[2].setAlignment(SWT.RIGHT); viewer.getTable().getColumns()[4].setAlignment(SWT.RIGHT); } void setInput(Process process) { viewer.setInput(process.getExchanges()); } private void bindModifiers() { ModifySupport<Exchange> ms = new ModifySupport<>(viewer); ms.bind(AMOUNT, new AmountModifier()); ms.bind(UNIT, new UnitCell(editor)); ms.bind(COSTS, new CostCellEditor(viewer, editor)); ms.bind(PEDIGREE, new DataQualityCellEditor(viewer, editor)); ms.bind(UNCERTAINTY, new UncertaintyCellEditor(viewer.getTable(), editor)); ms.bind(DESCRIPTION, new CommentEditor(viewer, editor)); if (forInputs) ms.bind(DEFAULT_PROVIDER, new ProviderModifier()); if (!forInputs) ms.bind(AVOIDED_PRODUCT, new AvoidedProductModifier()); } private void bindActions(Section section, final TableViewer viewer) { Action add = Actions.onAdd(() -> onAdd()); Action remove = Actions.onRemove(() -> onRemove()); Action formulaSwitch = new FormulaSwitchAction(); Action clipboard = TableClipboard.onCopy(viewer); Actions.bind(section, add, remove, formulaSwitch); Actions.bind(viewer, add, remove, clipboard); Tables.onDeletePressed(viewer, e -> onRemove()); } private void bindDoubleClick(TableViewer table) { Tables.onDoubleClick(table, e -> { TableItem item = Tables.getItem(table, e); if (item == null) { onAdd(); return; } Exchange exchange = Viewers.getFirstSelected(table); if (exchange != null && exchange.getFlow() != null) App.openEditor(exchange.getFlow()); }); } private String[] getColumns() { if (forInputs) return new String[] { FLOW, CATEGORY, AMOUNT, UNIT, COSTS, UNCERTAINTY, DEFAULT_PROVIDER, PEDIGREE, DESCRIPTION }; else return new String[] { FLOW, CATEGORY, AMOUNT, UNIT, COSTS, UNCERTAINTY, AVOIDED_PRODUCT, PEDIGREE, DESCRIPTION }; } private void onAdd() { BaseDescriptor[] descriptors = ModelSelectionDialog .multiSelect(ModelType.FLOW); if (descriptors != null) add(Arrays.asList(descriptors)); } private void onRemove() { Process process = editor.getModel(); List<Exchange> selection = Viewers.getAllSelected(viewer); if (!Exchanges.canRemove(process, selection)) return; selection.forEach(e -> process.getExchanges().remove(e)); viewer.setInput(process.getExchanges()); editor.setDirty(true); editor.postEvent(editor.EXCHANGES_CHANGED, this); } private void add(List<BaseDescriptor> descriptors) { if (descriptors.isEmpty()) return; Process process = editor.getModel(); for (BaseDescriptor descriptor : descriptors) { if (!(descriptor instanceof FlowDescriptor)) continue; Exchange e = new Exchange(); FlowDao flowDao = new FlowDao(Database.get()); Flow flow = flowDao.getForId(descriptor.getId()); e.setFlow(flow); e.setFlowPropertyFactor(flow.getReferenceFactor()); Unit unit = getUnit(flow.getReferenceFactor()); e.setUnit(unit); e.setAmountValue(1.0); e.setInput(forInputs); process.getExchanges().add(e); } viewer.setInput(process.getExchanges()); editor.setDirty(true); editor.postEvent(editor.EXCHANGES_CHANGED, this); } private Unit getUnit(FlowPropertyFactor factor) { if (factor == null) return null; if (factor.getFlowProperty() == null) return null; if (factor.getFlowProperty().getUnitGroup() == null) return null; return factor.getFlowProperty().getUnitGroup().getReferenceUnit(); } private class AmountModifier extends TextCellModifier<Exchange> { @Override protected String getText(Exchange e) { if (e.getAmountFormula() == null) return Double.toString(e.getAmountValue()); return e.getAmountFormula(); } @Override protected void setText(Exchange exchange, String text) { try { double value = Double.parseDouble(text); exchange.setAmountFormula(null); exchange.setAmountValue(value); editor.setDirty(true); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { try { exchange.setAmountFormula(text); editor.setDirty(true); editor.getParameterSupport().evaluate(); } catch (Exception ex) { Error.showBox(M.InvalidFormula, text + " " + M.IsInvalidFormula); } } } } private class ProviderModifier extends ComboBoxCellModifier<Exchange, ProcessDescriptor> { @Override public boolean canModify(Exchange e) { return e.isInput() && e.getFlow() != null && e.getFlow().getFlowType() == FlowType.PRODUCT_FLOW; } @Override protected ProcessDescriptor[] getItems(Exchange e) { if (e.getFlow() == null) return new ProcessDescriptor[0]; FlowDao dao = new FlowDao(database); Set<Long> providerIds = dao.getProviders(e.getFlow().getId()); Collection<ProcessDescriptor> list = cache.getAll( ProcessDescriptor.class, providerIds).values(); ProcessDescriptor[] providers = list.toArray( new ProcessDescriptor[list.size()]); Arrays.sort(providers, (p1, p2) -> Labels.getDisplayName(p1), Labels.getDisplayName(p2))); return providers; } @Override protected ProcessDescriptor getItem(Exchange e) { if (e.getDefaultProviderId() == 0) return null; return cache.get(ProcessDescriptor.class, e.getDefaultProviderId()); } @Override protected String getText(ProcessDescriptor d) { if (d == null) return M.None; return Labels.getDisplayName(d); } @Override protected void setItem(Exchange e, ProcessDescriptor d) { if (d == null) e.setDefaultProviderId(0); else e.setDefaultProviderId(d.getId()); editor.setDirty(true); } } private class AvoidedProductModifier extends CheckBoxCellModifier<Exchange> { @Override public boolean canModify(Exchange e) { Process process = editor.getModel(); if (Objects.equals(process.getQuantitativeReference(), e)) return false; if (e.getFlow() == null) return false; if (e.getFlow().getFlowType() != FlowType.PRODUCT_FLOW) return false; return true; } @Override protected boolean isChecked(Exchange e) { return e.isAvoidedProduct(); } @Override protected void setChecked(Exchange e, boolean value) { if (e.isAvoidedProduct() == value) return; e.setAvoidedProduct(value); e.setInput(value); editor.setDirty(true); } } private class Filter extends ViewerFilter { @Override public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parent, Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Exchange)) return false; Exchange e = (Exchange) obj; if (e.isAvoidedProduct()) return !forInputs; else return e.isInput() == forInputs; } } private class FormulaSwitchAction extends Action { private boolean showFormulas = true; public FormulaSwitchAction() { setImageDescriptor(Icon.NUMBER.descriptor()); setText(M.ShowValues); } @Override public void run() { showFormulas = !showFormulas; if (showFormulas) { setImageDescriptor(Icon.NUMBER.descriptor()); setText(M.ShowValues); } else { setImageDescriptor(Icon.FORMULA.descriptor()); setText(M.ShowFormulas); } label.showFormulas = showFormulas; viewer.refresh(); } } }