package br.ic.uff.gems.oceano.ourico.experimento.VCS; import br.ic.uff.gems.oceano.ourico.experimento.VCS.type.DistributedVCS; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import sandbox.experimento.utils.FileBasedVCS; import sandbox.experimento.utils.FileUtils; /** * Encapsulates Git commands * * @author kann */ public class Mercurial extends FileBasedVCS implements DistributedVCS { /** * Git program */ private String HG = "hg"; /** * Init repository */ private static final String INIT = "init"; /** * Import command */ private static final String PUSH = "push"; /** * pull command */ private static String PULL = "pull"; /** * Export command */ private static final String EXPORT = "export"; /** * Check-out command */ private static final String CLONE = "clone"; /** * Check-in command */ private static final String COMMIT = "commit"; /** * Log command */ private static final String LOG = "log"; /** * Show command */ private static final String SHOW = "show"; /** * Add command */ private static final String ADD = "add"; /** * Remove command */ private static final String REMOVE = "rm"; /** * Remove command */ private static final String REMOTE = "remote"; /** * origin branch */ private static final String ORIGIN = "origin"; /** * master branch */ private static final String MASTER = "master"; /** * && command */ private static final String AND = "&&"; /** * CD command */ private static final String CD = "cd"; /** * Message switch */ private static final String MESSAGE = "-m"; /** * Revision switch */ private static final String REVISION = "--revision"; /** * Non interactive switch */ private static final String NON_INTERACTIVE = "--quiet"; /** * Verbose switch */ private static final String VERBOSE = "--verbose"; /** * Force switch */ private static final String FORCE = "--force"; private static final String TIP = "tip"; /** * Singleton instance */ private static Mercurial instance = null; private int countPush = 10; private int countPushOrigin = 10; private boolean delDir = true; /** * Singleton constructor */ private Mercurial() { } public void setPushOriginal(String push){ if(push == null || push.trim().isEmpty()){ countPushOrigin = 1; }else{ countPushOrigin = Integer.parseInt(push.trim()); } countPush = countPushOrigin; } /** * Provides the singleton instance */ public synchronized static Mercurial getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new Mercurial(); } return instance; } /** * command: hg init <repository> */ public void create(String repository) throws IOException { Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"mkdir", repository}); try { p.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Mercurial.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } String[] command = {HG, INIT}; long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); run(command, null, null, new File(repository)); long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * command: hg push <repository> */ public void insert(String exportedWorkspace, String studyRepository) throws IOException { /* Copia o diretorio exportado para o repositorio de estudo */ // File wp = new File(exportedWorkspace); String[] command = null; // File studyRep = new File(studyRepository); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); // FileUtils.copyDirectory(wp, studyRep); command = new String[]{HG, INIT, exportedWorkspace}; run(command, null, null, null); //command = (new String[]{HG, REMOTE, ADD, ORIGIN, studyRepository}); //run(command, null, null, wp); command = (new String[]{HG, ADD, "."}); run(command, null, null, wp); command = (new String[]{HG, COMMIT, MESSAGE, "Initial Commit"}); run(command, null, null, wp); command = new String[]{HG, PUSH, studyRepository}; run(command, null, null, wp); long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); delDir = true; } /** * command: git export --revision <configuration> --non-interactive <repository> <workspace> */ public void export(String configuration, String repository, String workspace) throws IOException { String[] command = {HG, EXPORT, REVISION, configuration, NON_INTERACTIVE, repository, workspace}; run(command, null, null, null); } /** * command: hg clone <repository> <workspace> */ public void clone(String configuration, String repository, String workspace) throws IOException { String[] command = {HG, CLONE, repository, workspace}; long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); run(command, null, null, null); long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * command: "hg commit -m <message>" */ public void checkin(String workspace) throws IOException { String[] command = {HG, COMMIT, MESSAGE, "message"}; File wp = new File(workspace); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); run(command, null, null, wp); long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void push(File workSpace, String destinationRepositoryURL) throws IOException { long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); run(new String[]{HG, PUSH, FORCE, destinationRepositoryURL}, null, null, workSpace); long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * command: "hg log -pr tip" */ public void list(String repository) throws IOException { String[] command = {HG, LOG, "-pr", TIP}; long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); run(command, null, null, new File(repository)); long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * command: "git add <path>" */ protected void add(String path) throws IOException { String[] command = {HG, ADD, path}; run(command, null, null, null); } protected void add(String path, File pathWorkSpace) throws IOException { String[] command = {HG, ADD, path}; run(command, null, null, pathWorkSpace); } protected void addAll(String path) throws IOException { String[] command = {HG, ADD, "."}; run(command, null, null, new File(path)); } /** * command: "git rm <path> --force --non-interactive" */ protected void remove(String path) throws IOException { // String[] command = {GIT, FORCE, NON_INTERACTIVE, REMOVE, path}; String[] command = {HG, REMOVE, path, "-r"}; run(command, null, null, null); } protected void remove(File fileRemove, File workSpace) throws IOException { String[] command = null; String path = fileRemove.getParent(); // if(fileRemove.isDirectory()){ // command = new String[]{HG, REMOVE, fileRemove.getPath(), "-f"}; // }else{ command = new String[]{HG, REMOVE, fileRemove.getPath(), "-f"}; // } run(command, null, null, workSpace); new File(path).mkdirs(); // if(!fileRemove.isDirectory()){ // String nameFile = fileRemove.getParent(); //// nameFile = nameFile.substring(0, nameFile.lastIndexOf("\\")); // File f = new File(nameFile); // if(!f.exists()){ // f.mkdir(); // } // } } public File createWorkSpace(String workspaceStudy) { File f = new File(workspaceStudy); FileUtils.recursiveDelete(f); try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{HG, INIT, workspaceStudy}).waitFor(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } return f; } @Override public void merge(File workspace, File studyWorkspace) { if (workspace.isDirectory()) { // "Note: this comparator imposes orderings that are inconsistent with equals." Comparator<File> comparator = new Comparator<File>() { public int compare(File f1, File f2) { int result = (f1.isDirectory() ? 0 : 1) - (f2.isDirectory() ? 0 : 1); if (result == 0) { result = f1.getName().compareTo(f2.getName()); } return result; } }; // New Workspace SortedSet<File> newWorkspace = new TreeSet<File>(comparator); newWorkspace.addAll(Arrays.asList(workspace.listFiles())); // Old Workspace SortedSet<File> oldWorkspace = new TreeSet<File>(comparator); if(studyWorkspace.listFiles() != null){ // System.err.println("REPOSITORY WITHOUT FILES "+studyWorkspace); oldWorkspace.addAll(Arrays.asList(studyWorkspace.listFiles())); }else{ // oldWorkspace.add(studyWorkspace); return; } File mercurialControlDirectory = new File(studyWorkspace, ".hg"); oldWorkspace.remove(mercurialControlDirectory); // Removed Files SortedSet<File> removedFiles = new TreeSet<File>(comparator); removedFiles.addAll(oldWorkspace); removedFiles.removeAll(newWorkspace); // Added Files SortedSet<File> addedFiles = new TreeSet<File>(comparator); addedFiles.addAll(newWorkspace); addedFiles.removeAll(oldWorkspace); // Keeped Source Files SortedSet<File> keepedSourceFiles = new TreeSet<File>(comparator); keepedSourceFiles.addAll(newWorkspace); keepedSourceFiles.retainAll(oldWorkspace); // Keeped Target Files SortedSet<File> keepedTargetFiles = new TreeSet<File>(comparator); keepedTargetFiles.addAll(oldWorkspace); keepedTargetFiles.retainAll(newWorkspace); // Remove all "Removed Files" for (File fileToRemove : removedFiles) { try { remove(fileToRemove, studyWorkspace); // if(fileToRemove.exists()) { // if (!fileToRemove.delete()) { // System.err.println("NÃO PODE REMOVER O ARQUIVO " + fileToRemove.getPath()); // run(new String[]{GIT, REMOVE, fileToRemove.getPath(), "-q", "-f", "-r"}, null, null, studyWorkspace); // } else { // System.out.println("DELECÃO COM SUCESSO depois de dar um git rm"); // run(new String[]{GIT, REMOVE, fileToRemove.getPath(), "-q", "-f", "-r"}, null, null, studyWorkspace); // } // } else { // System.out.println("DELECÃO COM SUCESSO "+fileToRemove.getPath()); // } } catch (Exception e) { // try { // run(new String[]{"rm", "-rf", fileToRemove.getName()}, null, null, null); //// fileToRemove.mkdirs(); // } catch (IOException ex) { //"Could not remove RM -RF" + fileToRemove + ": " + e.getMessage()); // }"Could not remove file " + fileToRemove + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } // // Add all "Added Files" for (File fileToAdd : addedFiles) { File newFile = new File(studyWorkspace, fileToAdd.getName()); try { if(fileToAdd.renameTo(newFile)){ // while (!fileToAdd.renameTo(newFile)) { // String nameFile = newFile.getAbsolutePath(); // nameFile = nameFile.substring(0, nameFile.lastIndexOf("\\")); // new File(nameFile).mkdir(); // } // add(newFile.getPath(), studyWorkspace); System.out.println("add " + newFile.getPath()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();"Could not add file " + newFile + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } // Run recursivelly for "Keeped Files" for (File sourceFile : keepedSourceFiles) { File targetFile = keepedTargetFiles.tailSet(sourceFile).first(); merge(sourceFile, targetFile); } } else { studyWorkspace.delete(); workspace.renameTo(studyWorkspace); } } public void plan(String studyRepositoryURL, File workspace, int countResivion, String workspaceStudy) throws Exception { // List the repository list(studyRepositoryURL); File studyWorkspace = null; if (delDir) { delDir = false; // Create study workspace studyWorkspace = createWorkSpace(workspaceStudy); }else{ studyWorkspace = new File(workspaceStudy); } // Clone the configuration File clonedWorkspace = new File(workspace.getPath()+"HgClone"); FileUtils.recursiveDelete(clonedWorkspace); clone("HEAD", studyRepositoryURL, clonedWorkspace.getAbsolutePath()); // Merge the configurations merge(workspace, studyWorkspace); addAll(studyWorkspace.getAbsolutePath()); // System.out.println("CHECKINNNNNNN \n"); checkin(studyWorkspace.getPath()); if (--countPush == 0 || countResivion == 0) { push(studyWorkspace, studyRepositoryURL); countPush = countPushOrigin; FileUtils.recursiveDelete(clonedWorkspace); } } public void setConfigureMainCommands(String path) { HG = path+HG; } }