package; import br.uff.ic.oceano.core.model.Metric; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * */ public enum MetricEnumeration { ANA( QMOOD.METRIC_AVERAGE_NUMBER_OF_ANCESTORS, "ANA", "Indica o número médio de classes que cada classe do projeto herda informações.", Metric.TYPE_FLOAT, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_PROJECT, false), RMA( "Abstractness", "RMA", "This metric extract the Abstractness of a given configuration.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_PACKAGE, false), CIS( QMOOD.METRIC_CLASS_INTERFACE_SIZE, "CIS", "Indica o número de métodos públicos em uma classe.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_FILE, false), CAM( QMOOD.METRIC_COHESION_AMONG_METHODS_IN_CLASS, "CAM", "Indicates the cohesion among methods in class.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_FILE, false), ACC( "Cyclomatic Complexity", "ACC", "This metric returns the Cyclomatic Complexity Number.", Metric.TYPE_FLOAT, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_FILE, true), DAM( QMOOD.METRIC_DATA_ACCESS, "DAM", "Indica a razão entre os atributos privados (e protegidos) e o número total de atributos.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_FILE, false), DSC( QMOOD.METRIC_DESIGN_SIZE_IN_CLASSES, "DSC", "Indica o número de classes de um projeto.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_PROJECT, false), DCC( QMOOD.METRIC_DIRECT_CLASS_COUPLING, "DCC", "Indica o número de classes diferentes com que uma classe se relaciona.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_FILE, false), LCOM( "Lack Of Cohesion Of Methods", "LCOM", "This metric returns the Lack Of Cohesion Of Methods.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_FILE, false), LOC( "Lines Of Code", "LOC", "This metric returns the Lines Of Code of a file.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_FILE, true), MOA( QMOOD.METRIC_MEASURE_OF_AGGREGATION, "MOA", "Indica o número de declarações de dados, cujos dados são definidos pelo usuário.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_PROJECT, false), MFA( QMOOD.METRIC_MEASURE_OF_FUNCTIONAL_ABSTRACTION, "MFA", "Indica a razão entre os métodos herdados e todos os métodos acessíveis de uma classe.", Metric.TYPE_FLOAT, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_PROJECT, false), MLOC( "Method Lines Of Code", "MLOC", "This metric returns the Method Lines Of Code.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_FILE, false), NOA( "Number Of Attributes", "NOA", "This metric returns the Number of Attributes.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_FILE, false), NOH( QMOOD.METRIC_NUMBER_OF_HIERARCHIES, "NOH", "This metric extract the number of hierarchies of a project.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_PROJECT, false), NOI( "Number of Interfaces", "NOI", "This metric extract the number of interfaces of a given configuration.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_PACKAGE, true), NOM( QMOOD.METRIC_NUMBER_OF_METHODS, "NOM", "This metric extract the number of methods of a class.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_FILE, false), NORM( "Number of Overridden Methods", "NORM", "This metric returns the number of Overriden Methods.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_PROJECT, false), NOP( QMOOD.METRIC_NUMBER_OF_POLYMORPHIC_METHODS, "NOP", "This metric returns the number of polymorphic methods.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_PROJECT, false), NSF( "Number Of Static Attributes", "NSF", "Indica o numero de atributos estáticos.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_FILE, false), NSM( "Number Of Static Methods", "NSM", "This metric returns the Number Of Static Methods.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_FILE, false), TCC( "Total Cyclomatic Complexity", "TCC", "This metric returns the Weighted Methods Per Class (Sum of the McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity for all methods in a class).", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_FILE, true), NPA( "Number of Public Attributes", "NPA", "This metric returns the Number of Public Attributes.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_FILE, true), NOAM( "Number of Accessor Methods", "NOAM", "This metric returns the Number of Accessor Methods.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_FILE, true), TLOC( "Lines of Code Total", "TLOC", "This metric returns the Lines of Code of a project.", Metric.TYPE_INTEGER, Metric.EXTRACTS_FROM_PROJECT, true),; public static MetricEnumeration getMetricByName(String metricName) { for (MetricEnumeration metric : MetricEnumeration.values()) { if (metric.getName().compareTo(metricName) == 0) { return metric; } } return null; } private Metric metric; private MetricEnumeration(String name, String acronym, String description, int resultType, int extractsFrom, boolean extractsFromFont) { this.metric = new Metric(); metric.setName(name); metric.setAcronym(acronym); metric.setDescription(description); metric.setType(resultType); metric.setExtratcsFrom(extractsFrom); metric.setExtractsFromFont(extractsFromFont); metric.setPreRelease(true); } /** * @return the name */ public String getName() { return metric.getName(); } /** * * @return */ public String getAcronym() { return this.metric.getAcronym(); } /** * * @return */ public String getDescription() { return this.metric.getDescription(); } /** * * @param otherMetric * @return */ public boolean same(Metric otherMetric) { return this.metric.equals(otherMetric); } public static List<Metric> getMetrics() { List<Metric> metrics = new LinkedList<Metric>(); for (MetricEnumeration meEnum : MetricEnumeration.values()) { metrics.add(meEnum.metric); } return metrics; } }