package org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact; import org.apache.maven.artifact.ArtifactUtils; import org.apache.maven.execution.BuildSuccess; import org.apache.maven.execution.ExecutionEvent; import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionRequest; import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession; import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.MavenExecutionPlan; import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.Schedule; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Requirement; import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionService; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Future; /** * Builds the full lifecycle in weave-mode (phase by phase as opposed to project-by-project) * <p/> * NOTE: Weave mode is still experimental. It may be either promoted to first class citizen * at some later point in time, and it may also be removed entirely. Weave mode has much more aggressive * concurrency behaviour than regular threaded mode, and as such is still under test wrt cross platform stability. * <p/> * To remove weave mode from m3, the following should be removed: * ExecutionPlanItem.schedule w/setters and getters * DefaultLifeCycles.getScheduling() and all its use * ReactorArtifactRepository has a reference to isWeave too. * This class and its usage * * @since 3.0 * @author Kristian Rosenvold * Builds one or more lifecycles for a full module * <p/> * NOTE: This class is not part of any public api and can be changed or deleted without prior notice. */ @Component( role = LifecycleWeaveBuilder.class ) public class LifecycleWeaveBuilder { @Requirement private MojoExecutor mojoExecutor; @Requirement private BuilderCommon builderCommon; @Requirement private Logger logger; @Requirement private ExecutionEventCatapult eventCatapult; private Map<MavenProject, MavenExecutionPlan> executionPlans = new HashMap<MavenProject, MavenExecutionPlan>(); public LifecycleWeaveBuilder() { } public LifecycleWeaveBuilder( MojoExecutor mojoExecutor, BuilderCommon builderCommon, Logger logger, ExecutionEventCatapult eventCatapult ) { this.mojoExecutor = mojoExecutor; this.builderCommon = builderCommon; this.logger = logger; this.eventCatapult = eventCatapult; } public void build( ProjectBuildList projectBuilds, ReactorContext buildContext, List<TaskSegment> taskSegments, MavenSession session, ExecutorService executor, ReactorBuildStatus reactorBuildStatus ) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { ConcurrentBuildLogger concurrentBuildLogger = new ConcurrentBuildLogger(); CompletionService<ProjectSegment> service = new ExecutorCompletionService<ProjectSegment>( executor ); try { for ( MavenProject mavenProject : session.getProjects() ) { Artifact mainArtifact = mavenProject.getArtifact(); if ( mainArtifact != null && !( mainArtifact instanceof ThreadLockedArtifact ) ) { ThreadLockedArtifact threadLockedArtifact = new ThreadLockedArtifact( mainArtifact ); mavenProject.setArtifact( threadLockedArtifact ); } } final List<Future<ProjectSegment>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<ProjectSegment>>(); final Map<ProjectSegment, Future<MavenExecutionPlan>> plans = new HashMap<ProjectSegment, Future<MavenExecutionPlan>>(); for ( TaskSegment taskSegment : taskSegments ) { ProjectBuildList segmentChunks = projectBuilds.getByTaskSegment( taskSegment ); Set<Artifact> projectArtifacts = new HashSet<Artifact>(); for ( ProjectSegment segmentChunk : segmentChunks ) { Artifact artifact = segmentChunk.getProject().getArtifact(); if ( artifact != null ) { projectArtifacts.add( artifact ); } } for ( ProjectSegment projectBuild : segmentChunks ) { plans.put( projectBuild, executor.submit( createEPFuture( projectBuild, projectArtifacts ) ) ); } for ( ProjectSegment projectSegment : plans.keySet() ) { executionPlans.put( projectSegment.getProject(), plans.get( projectSegment ).get() ); } for ( ProjectSegment projectBuild : segmentChunks ) { try { final MavenExecutionPlan executionPlan = plans.get( projectBuild ).get(); DependencyContext dependencyContext = mojoExecutor.newDependencyContext( session, executionPlan.getMojoExecutions() ); final Callable<ProjectSegment> projectBuilder = createCallableForBuildingOneFullModule( buildContext, session, reactorBuildStatus, executionPlan, projectBuild, dependencyContext, concurrentBuildLogger ); futures.add( service.submit( projectBuilder ) ); } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new ExecutionException( e ); } } for ( Future<ProjectSegment> buildFuture : futures ) { buildFuture.get(); // At this point, this build *is* finished. // Do not leak threads past here or evil gremlins will get you! } futures.clear(); } } finally { projectBuilds.closeAll(); } concurrentBuildLogger.toString() ); } private Callable<MavenExecutionPlan> createEPFuture( final ProjectSegment projectSegment, final Set<Artifact> projectArtifacts ) { return new Callable<MavenExecutionPlan>() { public MavenExecutionPlan call() throws Exception { return builderCommon.resolveBuildPlan( projectSegment.getSession(), projectSegment.getProject(), projectSegment.getTaskSegment(), projectArtifacts ); } }; } private Callable<ProjectSegment> createCallableForBuildingOneFullModule( final ReactorContext reactorContext, final MavenSession rootSession, final ReactorBuildStatus reactorBuildStatus, final MavenExecutionPlan executionPlan, final ProjectSegment projectBuild, final DependencyContext dependencyContext, final ConcurrentBuildLogger concurrentBuildLogger ) { return new Callable<ProjectSegment>() { public ProjectSegment call() throws Exception { Iterator<ExecutionPlanItem> planItems = executionPlan.iterator(); ExecutionPlanItem current = planItems.hasNext() ? : null; ThreadLockedArtifact threadLockedArtifact = (ThreadLockedArtifact)projectBuild.getProject().getArtifact(); if ( threadLockedArtifact != null ) { threadLockedArtifact.attachToThread(); } long buildStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //muxer.associateThreadWithProjectSegment( projectBuild ); if ( reactorBuildStatus.isHaltedOrBlacklisted( projectBuild.getProject() ) ) { ExecutionEvent.Type.ProjectSkipped, projectBuild.getSession(), null ); return null; } ExecutionEvent.Type.ProjectStarted, projectBuild.getSession(), null ); Collection<ArtifactLink> dependencyLinks = getUpstreamReactorDependencies( projectBuild ); try { PhaseRecorder phaseRecorder = new PhaseRecorder( projectBuild.getProject() ); long totalMojoTime = 0; long mojoStart; while ( current != null && !reactorBuildStatus.isHaltedOrBlacklisted( projectBuild.getProject() ) ) { BuildLogItem builtLogItem = concurrentBuildLogger.createBuildLogItem( projectBuild.getProject(), current ); final Schedule schedule = current.getSchedule(); mojoStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); buildExecutionPlanItem( current, phaseRecorder, schedule, reactorContext, projectBuild, dependencyContext ); totalMojoTime += ( System.currentTimeMillis() - mojoStart ); current.setComplete(); builtLogItem.setComplete(); ExecutionPlanItem nextPlanItem = planItems.hasNext() ? : null; if ( nextPlanItem != null && phaseRecorder.isDifferentPhase( nextPlanItem.getMojoExecution() ) ) { final Schedule scheduleOfNext = nextPlanItem.getSchedule(); if ( scheduleOfNext == null || !scheduleOfNext.isParallel() ) { waitForAppropriateUpstreamExecutionsToFinish( builtLogItem, nextPlanItem, projectBuild, scheduleOfNext ); } for ( ArtifactLink dependencyLink : dependencyLinks ) { dependencyLink.resolveFromUpstream(); } } current = nextPlanItem; } final BuildSuccess summary = new BuildSuccess( projectBuild.getProject(), totalMojoTime ); // - waitingTime reactorContext.getResult().addBuildSummary( summary ); ExecutionEvent.Type.ProjectSucceeded, projectBuild.getSession(), null ); } catch ( Exception e ) { builderCommon.handleBuildError( reactorContext, rootSession, projectBuild.getProject(), e, buildStartTime ); } finally { if ( current != null ) { executionPlan.forceAllComplete(); } // muxer.setThisModuleComplete( projectBuild ); } return null; } }; } private void waitForAppropriateUpstreamExecutionsToFinish( BuildLogItem builtLogItem, ExecutionPlanItem nextPlanItem, ProjectSegment projectBuild, Schedule scheduleOfNext ) throws InterruptedException { for ( MavenProject upstreamProject : projectBuild.getImmediateUpstreamProjects() ) { final MavenExecutionPlan upstreamPlan = executionPlans.get( upstreamProject ); final String nextPhase = scheduleOfNext != null && scheduleOfNext.hasUpstreamPhaseDefined() ? scheduleOfNext.getUpstreamPhase() : nextPlanItem.getLifecyclePhase(); final ExecutionPlanItem upstream = upstreamPlan.findLastInPhase( nextPhase ); if ( upstream != null ) { long startWait = System.currentTimeMillis(); upstream.waitUntilDone(); builtLogItem.addWait( upstreamProject, upstream, startWait ); } else if ( !upstreamPlan.containsPhase( nextPhase ) ) { // Still a bit of a kludge; if we cannot connect in a sensible way to // the upstream build plan we just revert to waiting for it all to // complete. Real problem is per-mojo phase->lifecycle mapping builtLogItem.addDependency( upstreamProject, "No phase tracking possible " ); upstreamPlan.waitUntilAllDone(); } else { builtLogItem.addDependency( upstreamProject, "No schedule" ); } } } private Collection<ArtifactLink> getUpstreamReactorDependencies( ProjectSegment projectBuild ) { Collection<ArtifactLink> result = new ArrayList<ArtifactLink>(); for ( MavenProject upstreamProject : projectBuild.getTransitiveUpstreamProjects() ) { Artifact upStreamArtifact = upstreamProject.getArtifact(); if ( upStreamArtifact != null ) { Artifact dependencyArtifact = findDependency( projectBuild.getProject(), upStreamArtifact ); if ( dependencyArtifact != null ) { result.add( new ArtifactLink( dependencyArtifact, upStreamArtifact ) ); } } Artifact upStreamTestScopedArtifact = findTestScopedArtifact( upstreamProject ); if ( upStreamTestScopedArtifact != null ) { Artifact dependencyArtifact = findDependency( projectBuild.getProject(), upStreamArtifact ); if ( dependencyArtifact != null ) { result.add( new ArtifactLink( dependencyArtifact, upStreamTestScopedArtifact ) ); } } } return result; } private Artifact findTestScopedArtifact( MavenProject upstreamProject ) { if ( upstreamProject == null ) { return null; } List<Artifact> artifactList = upstreamProject.getAttachedArtifacts(); for ( Artifact artifact : artifactList ) { if ( Artifact.SCOPE_TEST.equals( artifact.getScope() ) ) { return artifact; } } return null; } private static boolean isThreadLockedAndEmpty(Artifact artifact){ return artifact instanceof ThreadLockedArtifact && !((ThreadLockedArtifact) artifact).hasReal(); } private static Artifact findDependency( MavenProject project, Artifact upStreamArtifact ) { if ( upStreamArtifact == null || isThreadLockedAndEmpty(upStreamArtifact)) { return null; } String key = ArtifactUtils.key( upStreamArtifact.getGroupId(), upStreamArtifact.getArtifactId(), upStreamArtifact.getVersion() ); final Set<Artifact> deps = project.getDependencyArtifacts(); for ( Artifact dep : deps ) { String depKey = ArtifactUtils.key( dep.getGroupId(), dep.getArtifactId(), dep.getVersion() ); if ( key.equals( depKey ) ) { return dep; } } return null; } private void buildExecutionPlanItem( ExecutionPlanItem current, PhaseRecorder phaseRecorder, Schedule schedule, ReactorContext reactorContext, ProjectSegment projectBuild, DependencyContext dependencyContext ) throws LifecycleExecutionException { if ( schedule != null && schedule.isMojoSynchronized() ) { synchronized ( current.getPlugin() ) { buildExecutionPlanItem( reactorContext, current, projectBuild, dependencyContext, phaseRecorder ); } } else { buildExecutionPlanItem( reactorContext, current, projectBuild, dependencyContext, phaseRecorder ); } } private void buildExecutionPlanItem( ReactorContext reactorContext, ExecutionPlanItem node, ProjectSegment projectBuild, DependencyContext dependencyContext, PhaseRecorder phaseRecorder ) throws LifecycleExecutionException { MavenProject currentProject = projectBuild.getProject(); long buildStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); CurrentPhaseForThread.setPhase( node.getLifecyclePhase() ); MavenSession sessionForThisModule = projectBuild.getSession(); try { if ( reactorContext.getReactorBuildStatus().isHaltedOrBlacklisted( currentProject ) ) { return; } BuilderCommon.attachToThread( currentProject ); mojoExecutor.execute( sessionForThisModule, node.getMojoExecution(), reactorContext.getProjectIndex(), dependencyContext, phaseRecorder ); final BuildSuccess summary = new BuildSuccess( currentProject, System.currentTimeMillis() - buildStartTime ); reactorContext.getResult().addBuildSummary( summary ); } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( reactorContext.getOriginalContextClassLoader() ); } } public static boolean isWeaveMode( MavenExecutionRequest request ) { return "true".equals( request.getUserProperties().getProperty( "maven3.weaveMode" ) ); } public static void setWeaveMode( Properties properties ) { properties.setProperty( "maven3.weaveMode", "true" ); } static class ArtifactLink { private final Artifact artifactInThis; private final Artifact upstream; ArtifactLink( Artifact artifactInThis, Artifact upstream ) { this.artifactInThis = artifactInThis; this.upstream = upstream; } public void resolveFromUpstream() { artifactInThis.setFile( upstream.getFile() ); artifactInThis.setRepository( upstream.getRepository() ); artifactInThis.setResolved( true ); // Or maybe upstream.isResolved().... } } }