package; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.mulgara.query.TuplesException; import org.mulgara.util.StackTrace; /** * * * @created 2004-03-22 * * @author Andrae Muys * * @version $Revision: 1.9 $ * * @modified $Date: 2005/01/05 04:59:12 $ * * @maintenanceAuthor $Author: newmana $ * * @company <A href="">Plugged In Software</A> * * @copyright ©2004 <a href="">Plugged In * Software Pty Ltd</a> * * @licence <a href="{@docRoot}/../../LICENCE">Mozilla Public License v1.1</a> */ public abstract class CacheLine implements Cloneable { protected static final int SIZEOF_LONG = 8; protected final int segmentSize; protected StackTrace closedBy; protected int firstCloser; private boolean closed; public CacheLine(int size) { this.segmentSize = size; this.closedBy = null; } /** * Return the currentTuple. If tuple is null, will allocate if necessary * or return an internal tuple. * * @return The current tuple. This is immutable (even if it is the same one * you passed in). Reference may be retained. Do not modify. */ public abstract long[] getCurrentTuple(long[] tuple); public abstract long[] getPreviousTuple(long[] tuple); public abstract boolean isEmpty(); public abstract void advance() throws TuplesException; private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CacheLine.class); public int getSegmentSize() { return segmentSize; } public void reset(long[] prefix) throws TuplesException { if (closed) throw new TuplesException("Attempt to reset closed MemoryCacheLine"); } public void close(int closer) throws TuplesException { if (closed) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Attempt to close CacheLine twice by " + closer + new StackTrace()); logger.debug(" First closed at " + closedBy); logger.debug(" First closed by " + firstCloser); } else { logger.error("Attempt to close CacheLine twice. Enable debug to trace how."); logger.error(" First closed by " + firstCloser); } throw new TuplesException("Attempt to close CacheLine twice"); } closed = true; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) closedBy = new StackTrace(); firstCloser = closer; } public Object clone() { try { return super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ce) { throw new RuntimeException("CacheLine.clone() threw CloneNotSupported", ce); } } protected int matchPrefix(long[] value, long[] prefix) { for (int i = 0; i < prefix.length; i++) { if (value[i] == prefix[i]) { continue; } else { return value[i] - prefix[i] > 0 ? +1 : -1; } } return 0; } }