package org.mulgara.doclet; // Java 2 standard packages import; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.*; // third party packages import com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc; import com.sun.javadoc.Doc; import com.sun.javadoc.Tag; import; import; import; import; import; /** * An extended {@link ClassWriter} that adds new javadoc tags for RCS symbols. * * @author <a href="">Simon Raboczi</a> */ public class RcsClassWriter extends ClassWriter { /** * Configuration object. * * It's almost certain that one of the superclasses is already holding a * copy of this, but I haven't been able to guess which one. */ private ConfigurationStandard configuration; /** * Matcher for RCS keywords. * * This is lazily initialized by {@link #replaceRcsKeywords}. */ private Matcher matcher; /** * Constructor. */ public RcsClassWriter(ConfigurationStandard configurationStandard, String path, String filename, ClassDoc classdoc, ClassDoc prev, ClassDoc next, ClassTree classtree, boolean nopackage) throws IOException { super(configurationStandard, path, filename, classdoc, prev, next, classtree, nopackage); configuration = configurationStandard; } /** * Generate a class page. * * @param prev the previous class to generated, or null if no previous. * @param classdoc the class to generate. * @param next the next class to be generated, or null if no next. */ public static void generate(ConfigurationStandard configurationStandard, ClassDoc classdoc, ClassDoc prev, ClassDoc next, ClassTree classtree, boolean nopackage) { RcsClassWriter clsgen; String path = DirectoryManager.getDirectoryPath(classdoc.containingPackage()); String filename = + ".html"; try { clsgen = new RcsClassWriter(configurationStandard, path, filename, classdoc, prev, next, classtree, nopackage); clsgen.generateClassFile(); clsgen.close(); } catch (IOException exc) { configurationStandard.standardmessage.error( "doclet.exception_encountered", exc.toString(), filename ); throw new DocletAbortException(); } } /** * Overrides {@link HtmlStandardWriter#generateTagInfo} to include Plugged * In's tags. */ public void generateTagInfo(Doc doc) { Tag[] sinces = doc.tags("since"); Tag[] sees = doc.seeTags(); Tag[] authors; Tag[] versions; Tag[] copyrights; Tag[] createds; Tag[] modifieds; Tag[] licences; if (configuration.showauthor) { authors = doc.tags("author"); } else { authors = new Tag[0]; } if (configuration.showversion) { versions = doc.tags("version"); } else { versions = new Tag[0]; } if (configuration.nosince) { sinces = new Tag[0]; } copyrights = doc.tags("copyright"); createds = doc.tags("created"); licences = doc.tags("licence"); modifieds = doc.tags("modified"); if (sinces.length > 0 || sees.length > 0 || authors.length > 0 || versions.length > 0 || copyrights.length > 0 || createds.length > 0 || licences.length > 0 || modifieds.length > 0 || (doc.isClass() && ((ClassDoc)doc).isSerializable())) { dl(); printSinceTag(doc); if (versions.length > 0) { // There is going to be only one Version tag. dt(); boldText("doclet.Version"); dd(); printInlineComment(versions[0]); ddEnd(); } if (authors.length > 0) { dt(); boldText("doclet.Author"); dd(); for (int i = 0; i < authors.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { print(", "); } printInlineComment(authors[i]); } ddEnd(); } if (createds.length > 0) { // There is going to be only one Created tag. dt(); write("<b>Created:</b>"); dd(); printInlineComment(createds[0]); ddEnd(); } if (modifieds.length > 0) { dt(); write("<b>Modified:</b>"); dd(); for (int i = 0; i < modifieds.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { print(", "); } printInlineComment(modifieds[i]); } ddEnd(); } if (copyrights.length > 0) { dt(); write("<b>Copyright:</b>"); dd(); for (int i = 0; i < copyrights.length; ++i) { if (i > 0) { print(", "); } printInlineComment(copyrights[i]); } ddEnd(); } if (licences.length > 0) { // There is going to be only one Licence tag. dt(); write("<b>Licence:</b>"); dd(); printInlineComment(licences[0]); ddEnd(); } //printSeeTags(doc); // This method vanished in 1.4 beta 3 dlEnd(); } } /** * Override to include RCS keyword substitution. */ public void printInlineComment(Tag tag) { String text = tag.text(); text = replaceRcsKeywords(text); text = replaceDocRootDir(text); print(text); } /** * Leave only the value for RCS keywords. * * For example, <code>$Revision: 1.1 $</code> becomes <code>1.0</code>. */ public String replaceRcsKeywords(String text) { if (matcher == null) { matcher = Pattern.compile( "\\$(Author|Date|Header|Id|Locker|Log|Name|RCSFile|Revision|Source|State): (.+?) \\$" ).matcher(text); } else { matcher.reset(text); } StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); while (matcher.find()) { String string =; // For the Date: keyword, have a shot at reformatting string if ("Date".equals( { try { DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); Date date = dateFormat.parse(string); string = date.toString(); } catch (ParseException e) {} // if we can't parse, return unchanged } matcher.appendReplacement(buffer, string); } matcher.appendTail(buffer); return buffer.toString(); } }