package; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import org.mulgara.query.TuplesException; import; import; import; import; /** * Split memory backed from file backed cache lines. * * @created 2004-03-24 * * @author Andrae Muys * * @version $Revision: 1.9 $ * * @modified $Date: 2005/01/05 04:59:12 $ * * @maintenanceAuthor $Author: newmana $ * * @company <A href="">Plugged In Software</A> * * @copyright ©2004 <a href="">Plugged In * Software Pty Ltd</a> * * @licence <a href="{@docRoot}/../../LICENCE">Mozilla Public License v1.1</a> */ public class BlockCacheLine extends CacheLine { protected long[] currentTuple; protected long[] previousTuple; protected long[] prefix; protected BlockFile file; protected Block block; protected long initialBlockId; protected long nextBlockId; protected int nrBlocks; protected int blockSize; protected int offset; protected int width; protected int nextTuple; protected int tuplesPerBlock; private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BlockCacheLine.class); public BlockCacheLine(BlockFile file, int blockSize, DenseLongMatrix buffer, int size) throws TuplesException { super(size); this.file = file; this.width = buffer.getWidth(); if (width == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempt to materialize a tuple " + "with no variables."); } this.blockSize = blockSize; this.initialBlockId = file.getNrBlocks() - 1; if (this.initialBlockId < 0) { this.initialBlockId = 0; } this.currentTuple = new long[width]; this.previousTuple = new long[width]; try { appendBufferToFile(file, blockSize, buffer, size); } catch (IOException ie) { logger.warn("Failed to write Temporary File"); throw new TuplesException("Failed to write Temporary File", ie); } this.nextBlockId = this.initialBlockId; try { this.block = file.readBlock(this.nextBlockId++); } catch (IOException ie) { logger.warn("Failed to read Temporary File"); throw new TuplesException("Failed to read Temporary File", ie); } this.offset = 0; } public boolean isEmpty() { if (prefix == null) { return nextTuple > segmentSize; } else { return nextTuple > segmentSize || matchPrefix(currentTuple, prefix) != 0; } } public void advance() throws TuplesException { assert file != null; // Indicates close() has been called. try { if (isEmpty()) { logger.debug("advancing empty tuples"); block = null; return; } // If just cloned, then read in previous block. if (block == null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("BlockCache " + this + " Refreshing from clone block " + (nextBlockId - 1)); block = file.readBlock(nextBlockId - 1); } if (endOfBlock(offset)) { block = file.readBlock(nextBlockId++); offset = 0; } long[] tmp = previousTuple; previousTuple = currentTuple; currentTuple = tmp; offset = loadTupleFromBlock(currentTuple, block, offset); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("currentTuple: " + AbstractTuples.toString(currentTuple) + " new offset: " + offset); } nextTuple++; } catch (IOException ie) { logger.warn("IO Error accessing temporary file"); throw new TuplesException("IO Error accessing temporary file", ie); } } public void reset(long[] prefix) throws TuplesException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Entering reset with prefix: " + AbstractTuples.toString(prefix)); } super.reset(prefix); assert prefix.length <= width; this.prefix = prefix.length > 0 ? (long[])prefix.clone() : null; try { if (this.prefix == null) { block = file.readBlock(initialBlockId); offset = 0; nextTuple = 0; } else { block = findBlock(this.prefix); offset = findOffset(this.prefix, block); loadTupleFromBlock(currentTuple, block, offset); nextTuple = (int)(block.getBlockId() - initialBlockId) * tuplesPerBlock + (offset / width); } nextBlockId = block.getBlockId() + 1; } catch (IOException ie) { logger.warn("IO Error accessing temporary file", ie); throw new TuplesException("IO Error accessing temporary file", ie); } } public long[] getCurrentTuple(long[] tuple) { return currentTuple; } public long[] getPreviousTuple(long[] tuple) { return previousTuple; } public void close(int closer) throws TuplesException { super.close(closer); if (block != null) { block = null; file = null; } } public Object clone() { BlockCacheLine b = (BlockCacheLine)super.clone(); b.block = null; b.currentTuple = (long[])currentTuple.clone(); b.previousTuple = (long[])previousTuple.clone(); return b; } private int appendBufferToFile(BlockFile file, int blockSize, DenseLongMatrix buffer, int size) throws IOException { tuplesPerBlock = blockSize / (this.width * SIZEOF_LONG); // (n + d - 1) / d rounds up n/d. nrBlocks = (size + tuplesPerBlock - 1) / tuplesPerBlock; file.setNrBlocks(this.initialBlockId + nrBlocks + 1); long blockId = this.initialBlockId; Block block = file.allocateBlock(blockId++); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (endOfBlock(offset)) { block.write(); block = file.allocateBlock(blockId++); offset = 0; } for (int j = 0; j < this.width; j++) { block.putLong(offset++, buffer.get(i, j)); } } block.write(); return offset; } /** * @return true if there is no more room in block for another tuple. */ private boolean endOfBlock(int offset) { return (offset + width) * SIZEOF_LONG > blockSize; } private int loadTupleFromBlock(long[] currentTuple, Block block, int offset) { for (int i = 0; i < currentTuple.length; i++) { currentTuple[i] = block.getLong(offset++); } return offset; } /** * Finds the block in the current cacheline containing the first tuple matching prefix. * * @param prefix Prefix to match * @return The block containing the current prefix. */ private Block findBlock(long[] prefix) throws TuplesException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Finding block matching prefix"); try { assert prefix.length > 0 && prefix.length <= width; Block first = file.readBlock(initialBlockId); long[] tmp = new long[width]; loadTupleFromBlock(tmp, first, 0); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Initial tuple for block " + first.getBlockId() + " : " + AbstractTuples.toString(tmp)); } if (compareBlockWithPrefix(first, prefix) >= 0) return first; final long lastBlockId = initialBlockId + nrBlocks - 1; Block last = file.readBlock(lastBlockId); boolean found; switch (compareBlockWithPrefix(last, prefix)) { case -1: return last; case 0: found = true; break; case +1: found = false; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("compareBlockWithPrefix returned non-comparison"); } Block result = findBlock(prefix, found, initialBlockId, first, lastBlockId, last, null); if (result == null) { throw new TuplesException("Failed to find block within valid range, is BlockCacheLine sorted?"); } return result; } catch (IOException ei) { throw new TuplesException("IO Error while searching BlockCacheLine", ei); } } /** * Find the block with the smallest blockId containing a possible match on the prefix. * * INV: 1 <= prefix.length <= width. * if !found then lowBlock < prefix < highBlock * if found then lowBlock < prefix == highBlock * @maintenanceAuthor barmintor */ private Block findBlock(long[] prefix, boolean found, long lowBound, Block lowBlock, long highBound, Block highBlock, Block recycleBlock) throws TuplesException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("finding Block with prefix: " + AbstractTuples.toString(prefix) + " found: " + found + " lowBound: " + lowBound + " highBound: " + highBound); } try { if (highBound - lowBound <= 1) return highBlock; long midBound = (int)((lowBound + highBound) / 2); Block midBlock = file.recycleBlock(midBound, recycleBlock); switch (compareBlockWithPrefix(midBlock, prefix)) { case -1: return findBlock(prefix, found, midBound, midBlock, highBound, highBlock, lowBlock); case 0: return findBlock(prefix, true, lowBound, lowBlock, midBound, midBlock, highBlock); case +1: assert !found; return findBlock(prefix, false, lowBound, lowBlock, midBound, midBlock, highBlock); default: throw new IllegalStateException("compareBlockWithPrefix returned non-comparison"); } } catch (IOException ei) { throw new TuplesException("IO Error while searching BlockCacheLine", ei); } } private int compareBlockWithPrefix(Block block, long[] prefix) { assert prefix.length <= width; long[] first = new long[width]; loadTupleFromBlock(first, block, 0); switch (matchPrefix(first, prefix)) { case -1: // Smallest tuple in block < prefix long[] last = new long[width]; loadTupleFromBlock(last, block, tupleIdToOffset(tuplesPerBlock - 1)); switch (matchPrefix(last, prefix)) { case -1: // Largest tuple in block < prefix return -1; // Entire block < prefix case 0: // Largest tuple in block == prefix case +1: // Largest tuple in block > prefix if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Found prefix in block: " + block.getBlockId() + " prefix: " + AbstractTuples.toString(prefix) + " first: " + AbstractTuples.toString(first) + " last: " + AbstractTuples.toString(last)); } return 0; // Block ranges over prefix default: throw new IllegalStateException("matchPrefix returned non-comparison"); } case 0: // Smallest tuple in block == prefix return 0; // Block includes prefix case +1: // Smallest tuple in block > prefix return +1; // Entire block > prefix default: throw new IllegalStateException("matchPrefix returned non-comparison"); } } long[] readTupleFromBlock(long[] tuple, Block block, int tupleId) throws TuplesException { if (tupleId < 0) { throw new TuplesException("Error tupleId < 0 :" + tupleId); } if (tupleId > tuplesPerBlock) { throw new TuplesException("Error tupleId(" + tupleId + ") > tuplesPerBlock(" + tuplesPerBlock + ")"); } if (tuple == null) { tuple = new long[width]; } loadTupleFromBlock(tuple, block, tupleIdToOffset(tupleId)); return tuple; } int tupleIdToOffset(int tupleId) { return tupleId * width; } /** * Returns the offset of the first tuple in a block matching the given prefix. * * @param prefix Prefix to match * @param block Block to search * @return Offset of first match of prefix in block */ private int findOffset(long[] prefix, Block block) throws TuplesException { assert prefix.length > 0 && prefix.length <= width; long[] first = readTupleFromBlock(null, block, 0); if (matchPrefix(first, prefix) >= 0) { return 0; } int highBound; long lastBlockId = initialBlockId + nrBlocks - 1; // Note blockId's are 0-indexed. if (block.getBlockId() < lastBlockId) { highBound = tuplesPerBlock - 1; // Last tuple in a full block. } else if (block.getBlockId() == lastBlockId) { int tupleIndexOfFirstTupleInLastBlock = tuplesPerBlock * (nrBlocks - 1); int numberOfTuplesInLastBlock = segmentSize - tupleIndexOfFirstTupleInLastBlock; highBound = numberOfTuplesInLastBlock - 1; } else { throw new TuplesException("BlockId past end of BlockCacheLine"); } long[] last = readTupleFromBlock(null, block, highBound); boolean found; switch (matchPrefix(last, prefix)) { case -1: return tupleIdToOffset(highBound); case 0: found = true; break; case +1: found = false; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("compareBlockWithPrefix returned non-comparison"); } return findOffset(prefix, block, found, 0, highBound); } /** * Find the smallest offset with tuple < prefix * * INV: 1 <= prefix.length <= width. * if !found then lowBlock < prefix < highBlock * if found then lowBlock < prefix == highBlock */ private int findOffset(long[] prefix, Block block, boolean found, int lowBound, int highBound) throws TuplesException { if (highBound - lowBound <= 1) { return tupleIdToOffset(highBound); } int midBound = (int)((lowBound + highBound) / 2); long[] tuple = readTupleFromBlock(null, block, midBound); switch (matchPrefix(tuple, prefix)) { case -1: return findOffset(prefix, block, found, midBound, highBound); case 0: return findOffset(prefix, block, true, lowBound, midBound); case +1: assert !found; return findOffset(prefix, block, false, lowBound, midBound); default: throw new IllegalStateException("compareBlockWithPrefix returned non-comparison"); } } }