package; import static the8472.utils.Functional.unchecked; import; public class NetMask { byte[] addr; int mask; public static NetMask fromString(String toParse) { String[] parts = toParse.split("/"); return new NetMask(unchecked(() -> InetAddress.getByName(parts[0])),Integer.valueOf(parts[1])); } public NetMask(InetAddress addr, int mask) { this.mask = mask; this.addr = addr.getAddress(); if(this.addr.length * 8 < mask) throw new IllegalArgumentException("mask cannot cover more bits than the length of the network address"); } public boolean contains(InetAddress toTest) { byte[] other = toTest.getAddress(); if(addr.length != other.length) return false; for(int i=0;i<mask/8;i++) { if(addr[i] != other[i]) return false; } if(mask % 8 == 0) return true; int offset = mask/8; int probeMask = (0xff00 >> mask%8) & 0xff; return (addr[offset] & probeMask) == (other[offset] & probeMask); } }