package lbms.plugins.mldht.kad.tasks; import static java.lang.Math.max; import lbms.plugins.mldht.kad.IDMismatchDetector; import lbms.plugins.mldht.kad.KBucketEntry; import lbms.plugins.mldht.kad.Key; import lbms.plugins.mldht.kad.NonReachableCache; import lbms.plugins.mldht.kad.RPCCall; import lbms.plugins.mldht.kad.RPCState; import lbms.plugins.mldht.kad.SpamThrottle; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import; /* * Issues: * * - spurious packet loss * - remotes might fake IDs. possibly with collusion. * - invalid results * - duplicate IPs * - duplicate IDs * - wrong IDs -> might trip up fake ID detection! * - IPs not belonging to DHT nodes -> DoS abuse * * Solution: * * - generally avoid querying an IP more than once * - dedup result lists from each node * - ignore responses with unexpected IDs. normally this could be abused to silence others, but... * - allow duplicate requests if many *separate* sources suggest precisely the same <id, ip, port> tuple * * -> we can recover from all the above-listed issues because the terminal set of nodes should have some partial agreement about their neighbors * * * */ public class IterativeLookupCandidates { Key target; Map<KBucketEntry, LookupGraphNode> candidates = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); // maybe split out call tracking Map<RPCCall, KBucketEntry> calls; Map<InetAddress, Set<RPCCall>> callsByIp; Collection<Object> accepted; boolean allowRetransmits = true; IDMismatchDetector detector; NonReachableCache nonReachableCache; SpamThrottle throttle; class LookupGraphNode { final KBucketEntry e; Set<LookupGraphNode> sources = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); Set<LookupGraphNode> returnedNodes = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet(); List<RPCCall> calls = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); boolean tainted; boolean acceptedResponse; boolean root; int previouslyFailedCount; boolean unreachable; boolean throttled; public LookupGraphNode(KBucketEntry kbe) { e = kbe; } void addCall(RPCCall c) { calls.add(c); } void addSource(LookupGraphNode toAdd) { sources.add(toAdd); } boolean callsNotSuccessful() { return !calls.isEmpty() && !wasAccepted(); } int nonSuccessfulDescendantCalls() { return (int) Math.ceil( -> 1.0 / Math.max(node.sources.size(), 1)).sum()); } void addChild(LookupGraphNode toAdd) { returnedNodes.add(toAdd); } KBucketEntry toKbe() { return e; } void accept() { acceptedResponse = true; } boolean wasAccepted() { return acceptedResponse; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if(other instanceof LookupGraphNode) { return e.equals(((LookupGraphNode) other).e); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return e.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return "LookupNode desc:" + nonSuccessfulDescendantCalls(); } } public IterativeLookupCandidates(Key target, IDMismatchDetector detector) { = target; calls = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); callsByIp = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); candidates = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); accepted = new HashSet<>(); this.detector = detector; } public void setNonReachableCache(NonReachableCache nonReachableCache) { this.nonReachableCache = nonReachableCache; } public void setSpamThrottle(SpamThrottle throttle) { this.throttle = throttle; } void allowRetransmits(boolean toggle) { allowRetransmits = toggle; } void addCall(RPCCall c, KBucketEntry kbe) { calls.put(c, kbe); Set<RPCCall> byIp = callsByIp.computeIfAbsent(c.getRequest().getDestination().getAddress(), k -> new HashSet<>()); synchronized (byIp) { byIp.add(c); } candidates.get(kbe).addCall(c); } KBucketEntry acceptResponse(RPCCall c) { // we ignore on mismatch, node will get a 2nd chance if sourced from multiple nodes and hasn't sent a successful reply yet synchronized (this) { if(!c.matchesExpectedID()) return null; KBucketEntry kbe = calls.get(c); if(!kbe.getVersion().isPresent()) c.getResponse().getVersion().ifPresent(kbe::setVersion); LookupGraphNode node = candidates.get(kbe); boolean insertOk = !accepted.contains(kbe.getAddress().getAddress()) && !accepted.contains(kbe.getID()); if(insertOk) { accepted.add(kbe.getAddress().getAddress()); accepted.add(kbe.getID()); node.accept(); return kbe; } return null; } } void addCandidates(KBucketEntry source, Collection<KBucketEntry> entries) { Set<Object> dedup = new HashSet<>(); LookupGraphNode sourceNode = source != null ? candidates.get(source) : null; for(KBucketEntry e : entries) { if(!dedup.add(e.getID()) || !dedup.add(e.getAddress().getAddress())) continue; LookupGraphNode newNode = candidates.compute(e, (kbe, node) -> { if(node == null) { node = new LookupGraphNode(kbe); node.root = source == null; node.tainted = detector.isIdInconsistencyExpected(kbe.getAddress(), kbe.getID()); if(nonReachableCache != null) { int failures = nonReachableCache.getFailures(kbe.getAddress()); node.previouslyFailedCount = failures; // 0-20 int rnd = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(21); // -2 - 19 -> 5% chance to let even the worst stuff still through to keep the counters going up node.unreachable = Math.min(failures - 2, 19) > rnd; } if(throttle != null) { node.throttled = throttle.test(kbe.getAddress().getAddress()); } } if(sourceNode != null) node.addSource(sourceNode); return node; }); if(sourceNode != null) sourceNode.addChild(newNode); } } Set<KBucketEntry> getSources(KBucketEntry e) { return candidates.get(e); } Comparator<LookupGraphNode> comp() { Comparator<KBucketEntry> d = new KBucketEntry.DistanceOrder(target); Comparator<LookupGraphNode> s = (a, b) -> b.sources.size() - a.sources.size(); return Comparator.<LookupGraphNode, KBucketEntry>comparing(n -> n.e, d).thenComparing(s); } Optional<KBucketEntry> next() { synchronized (this) { return allCand().sorted(comp()).filter(lookupFilter).findFirst().map(LookupGraphNode::toKbe); } } Optional<KBucketEntry> next2(Predicate<KBucketEntry> postFilter) { synchronized (this) { // sort + filter + findAny should be faster than filter + min in this case since findAny reduces the invocations of the filter, and that is more expensive than the sorting Optional<KBucketEntry> kbe = allCand().sorted(comp()).filter(retransmitFilter(false)).filter(lookupFilter).findFirst().map(node -> node.e).filter(postFilter); if(!kbe.isPresent() && allowRetransmits) kbe = allCand().sorted(comp()).filter(lookupFilter).filter(retransmitFilter(true)).findFirst().map(node -> node.e).filter(postFilter); return kbe; } } static Predicate<LookupGraphNode> retransmitFilter(boolean retransmits) { return (node) -> { if (node.calls.size() > 0 && !retransmits) return false; return true; }; } Predicate<LookupGraphNode> lookupFilter = node -> { KBucketEntry kbe = node.e; if(node.tainted || node.unreachable || node.throttled) return false; // check if we can do retransmits if(!allowRetransmits && !node.calls.isEmpty()) return false; // skip retransmits if we previously got a response but from the wrong socket address if( return false; InetAddress addr = kbe.getAddress().getAddress(); if(accepted.contains(addr) || accepted.contains(kbe.getID())) return false; // only do requests to nodes which have at least one source where the source has not given us lots of bogus candidates if(node.sources.size() > 0 && -> source.nonSuccessfulDescendantCalls() < 3)) return false; int dups = 0; // also check other calls based on matching IP instead of strictly matching ip+port+id Set<RPCCall> byIp = callsByIp.get(addr); if(byIp != null) { synchronized(byIp) { for(RPCCall c : byIp) { // in flight, not stalled if(c.state() == RPCState.SENT || c.state() == RPCState.UNSENT) return false; // already got a response from that addr that does not match what we would expect from this candidate anyway if(c.state() == RPCState.RESPONDED && !c.getResponse().getID().equals(kbe.getID())) return false; // we don't strictly check the presence of IDs in error messages, so we can't compare those here if(c.state() == RPCState.ERROR) return false; dups++; } } } // log2 scale int sources = max(1, node.sources.size() + (node.root ? 1 : 0)); int scaledSources = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(sources); //System.out.println("sd:" + sources + " " + dups); return scaledSources >= dups; }; Stream<LookupGraphNode> allCand() { return candidates.values().stream(); } LookupGraphNode nodeForEntry(KBucketEntry e) { return candidates.get(e); } int numCalls(KBucketEntry kbe) { return (int) calls.entrySet().stream().filter(me -> me.getValue().equals(kbe)).count(); } int numRsps(KBucketEntry kbe) { return (int) calls.keySet().stream().filter(c -> c.state() == RPCState.RESPONDED && c.getResponse().getID().equals(kbe.getID()) && c.getResponse().getOrigin().equals(kbe.getAddress())).count(); } }