package lbms.plugins.mldht.kad; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; import lbms.plugins.mldht.kad.utils.AddressUtils; import lbms.plugins.mldht.kad.utils.ThreadLocalUtils; public class RPCServerManager { boolean destroyed; public RPCServerManager(DHT dht) { this.dht = dht; updateBindAddrs(); } DHT dht; private ConcurrentHashMap<InetAddress,RPCServer> interfacesInUse = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private List<InetAddress> validBindAddresses = Collections.emptyList(); private volatile RPCServer[] activeServers = new RPCServer[0]; private SpamThrottle outgoingThrottle = new SpamThrottle(); public void refresh(long now) { if(destroyed) return; startNewServers(); List<RPCServer> reachableServers = new ArrayList<>(interfacesInUse.values().size()); for(Iterator<RPCServer> it = interfacesInUse.values().iterator();it.hasNext();) { RPCServer srv =; srv.checkReachability(now); if(srv.isReachable()) reachableServers.add(srv); } activeServers = reachableServers.toArray(new RPCServer[reachableServers.size()]); } private void updateBindAddrs() { try { Class<? extends InetAddress> type = dht.getType().PREFERRED_ADDRESS_TYPE; List<InetAddress> newBindAddrs = Collections.list(NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces()).stream() .flatMap(iface -> iface.getInterfaceAddresses().stream()) .map(ifa -> ifa.getAddress()) .filter(addr -> type.isInstance(addr)) .distinct() .collect(Collectors.toCollection(() -> new ArrayList<>())); newBindAddrs.add(AddressUtils.getAnyLocalAddress(type)); validBindAddresses = newBindAddrs; } catch (SocketException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public void doBindChecks() { updateBindAddrs(); getAllServers().forEach(srv -> { if(!validBindAddresses.contains(srv.getBindAddress())) { srv.stop(); } }); } private void startNewServers() { boolean multihome = dht.config.allowMultiHoming(); Class<? extends InetAddress> addressType = dht.getType().PREFERRED_ADDRESS_TYPE; if(multihome) { // we only consider global unicast addresses in multihoming mode // this is mostly meant for server configurations List<InetAddress> addrs = new ArrayList<>(AddressUtils.getAvailableGloballyRoutableAddrs(addressType)); addrs.removeAll(interfacesInUse.keySet()); // create new servers for all IPs we aren't currently haven't bound addrs.forEach(addr -> newServer(addr)); return; } // single home RPCServer current = interfacesInUse.values().stream().findAny().orElse(null); // check if we have bound to an anylocaladdress because we didn't know any better and consensus converged on a local address // that's mostly going to happen on v6 if we can't find a default route for v6 if(current != null && current.getBindAddress().isAnyLocalAddress() && current.getConsensusExternalAddress() != null && AddressUtils.isValidBindAddress(current.getConsensusExternalAddress().getAddress())) { InetAddress rebindAddress = current.getConsensusExternalAddress().getAddress(); current.stop(); newServer(rebindAddress); return; } // single homed & already have a server -> no need for another one if(current != null) return; // this is our default strategy. try to determine the default route InetAddress defaultBind = AddressUtils.getDefaultRoute(addressType); if(defaultBind != null) { newServer(defaultBind); return; } // last resort for v6, try a random global unicast address, otherwise anylocal if(addressType.isAssignableFrom(Inet6Address.class)) { InetAddress addr = AddressUtils.getAvailableGloballyRoutableAddrs(addressType).stream().findAny().orElse(AddressUtils.getAnyLocalAddress(addressType)); newServer(addr); return; } // last resort for v4, bind to anylocal address since we don't know how to pick among multiple NATed routes newServer(AddressUtils.getAnyLocalAddress(addressType)); } private void newServer(InetAddress addr) { RPCServer srv = new RPCServer(this,addr,dht.config.getListeningPort(), dht.serverStats); // doing the socket setup takes time, do it in the background srv.setOutgoingThrottle(outgoingThrottle); onServerRegistration.forEach(c -> c.accept(srv)); dht.getScheduler().execute(srv::start); interfacesInUse.put(addr, srv); } List<Consumer<RPCServer>> onServerRegistration = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); void notifyOnServerAdded(Consumer<RPCServer> toNotify) { onServerRegistration.add(toNotify); } void serverRemoved(RPCServer srv) { interfacesInUse.remove(srv.getBindAddress(),srv); refresh(System.currentTimeMillis()); dht.getTaskManager().removeServer(srv); } public void destroy() { destroyed = true; new ArrayList<>(interfacesInUse.values()).parallelStream().forEach(RPCServer::stop); } public int getServerCount() { return interfacesInUse.size(); } public int getActiveServerCount() { return activeServers.length; } public SpamThrottle getOutgoingRequestThrottle() { return outgoingThrottle; } /** * @param fallback tries to return an inactive server if no active one can be found * @return a random active server, or <code>null</code> if none can be found */ public RPCServer getRandomActiveServer(boolean fallback) { RPCServer[] srvs = activeServers; if(srvs.length == 0) return fallback ? getRandomServer() : null; return srvs[ThreadLocalUtils.getThreadLocalRandom().nextInt(srvs.length)]; } /** * may return null */ public RPCServer getRandomServer() { List<RPCServer> servers = getAllServers(); if(servers.isEmpty()) return null; return servers.get(ThreadLocalUtils.getThreadLocalRandom().nextInt(servers.size())); } public List<RPCServer> getAllServers() { return new ArrayList<>(interfacesInUse.values()); } }