package models; import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.EnumType; import javax.persistence.Enumerated; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import play.db.jpa.GenericModel; import play.db.jpa.Model; /** * Each User is linked to a Meeting via an Attendee object (with a separate * instance for each meeting). * * This allows the Attendee object to represent the Users connection with the * Meeting and encapsulates extra information about the User with respect to the * meeting, e.g. R.S.V.P status. * * @see User * @see Meeting * @author Alex Jarvis */ @Entity public class Attendee extends Item { /** * The User that this Attendee represents. */ @ManyToOne public User user; /** * The Meeting that this Attendee is connected to. */ @ManyToOne public Meeting meeting; /** * The R.S.V.P status of this attendee */ @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) public MeetingResponse rsvp; /** * The possible responses to a Meeting. * Currently only YES/NO is supported at the application level, * but a MAYBE response is enabled for forward compatibility. * * @author Alex Jarvis */ public enum MeetingResponse { YES, MAYBE, NO } /** * The number of minutes before a meeting an Attendee wishes to be notified. */ public Integer minutesBefore; @Override public GenericModel delete() { user.meetingsRelated.remove(this);; meeting.attendees.remove(this);; return super.delete(); } }