package controllers; import java.util.List; import notifiers.Mails; import models.Attendee; import models.Meeting; import models.User; import models.helpers.MeetingHelper; import play.Logger; import; import DTO.MeetingDTO; import assemblers.MeetingAssembler; import; /** * The Meetings controller is used to control all aspects of a meeting. * * @author Alex Jarvis */ public class Meetings extends ServiceApplicationController { /** * */ public static void index() { User authUser = getAuthorisedUser(); List<MeetingDTO> meetings = MeetingAssembler.writeDTOs(authUser); renderJSON(meetings); } /** * * @param body */ public static void create(JsonObject body) { if (body != null && body.isJsonObject()) { MeetingDTO meetingDTO = MeetingAssembler.meetingDTOWithJsonObject(body); if (meetingDTO != null) { validation.valid(meetingDTO); if (validation.hasErrors()) { for (Error error : validation.errors()) { Logger.debug(error.getKey() + " : " + error.message()); } error(400, "Validation Errors"); } MeetingDTO newMeetingDTO = MeetingAssembler.createMeeting(meetingDTO, getAuthorisedUser()); // Send email to each attendee Mails.newMeeting(newMeetingDTO); response.status = 201; renderJSON(newMeetingDTO); } } badRequest(); } /** * * @param id */ public static void show(Long id) { Meeting meeting = Meeting.findById(id); if (meeting != null) { // Check the authorised user is able to view the meeting User authUser = getAuthorisedUser(); for (Attendee attendee : meeting.attendees) { if ( { renderJSON(MeetingAssembler.writeDTO(meeting)); } } } notFound(); } /** * * @param body * @param id */ public static void update(Long id, JsonObject body) { if (body != null && body.isJsonObject()) { Meeting meeting = Meeting.findById(id); // Check meeting exists and that the id in the JSON matches the id in the URL if (meeting != null && body.get("id") != null && new Long(body.get("id").getAsLong()).equals(id)) { // Check the authorised user is the owner of the meeting if (meeting.owner.equals(getAuthorisedUser())) { MeetingDTO newMeetingDTO = MeetingAssembler.updateMeetingWithJsonObject(body); renderJSON(newMeetingDTO); } else { badRequest(); } } else { notFound(); } } badRequest(); } /** * * @param id */ public static void delete(Long id) { Meeting meeting = Meeting.findById(id); if (meeting != null) { // Check meeting exists and that the Authorised user is the owner of the meeting. if (meeting.owner.equals(getAuthorisedUser())) { meeting.delete(); ok(); } else { badRequest(); } } else { notFound(); } } /** * * @param id */ public static void acceptMeetingRequest(Long id) { Meeting meeting = Meeting.findById(id); if (meeting != null) { User authUser = getAuthorisedUser(); if (MeetingHelper.acceptMeetingRequest(meeting, authUser)) { ok(); } else { badRequest(); } } notFound(); } /** * * @param id */ public static void declineMeetingRequest(Long id) { Meeting meeting = Meeting.findById(id); if (meeting != null) { User authUser = getAuthorisedUser(); if (MeetingHelper.declineMeetingRequest(meeting, authUser)) { ok(); } else { badRequest(); } } notFound(); } /** * * @param id * @param minutes */ public static void updateMinutesBefore(Long id, String body) { Integer minutes = null; try { minutes = Integer.parseInt(body); if (minutes < 0) { error("Minutes before must be a positive value"); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logger.error("NumberFormatException", e); error(); } if (minutes != null) { Meeting meeting = Meeting.findById(id); if (meeting != null) { User authUser = getAuthorisedUser(); if (MeetingHelper.updateAttendeesMinutesBefore(minutes, meeting, authUser)) { ok(); } else { badRequest(); } } } notFound(); } }