package controllers.filters; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import play.Play; import play.mvc.Controller; import play.mvc.Finally; import play.mvc.Http; /** * Removes cookies from all responses. * * This is because cookies are not required in a stateless webservice and * we don't want to send any unnecessary information to the client. * * @author Alex Jarvis */ public class NoCookieFilter extends Controller { /** * An empty cookie map to replace any cookies in the response. */ private static final Map<String, Http.Cookie> cookies = new HashMap<String, Http.Cookie>(0); /** * When the configuration property 'cookies.enabled' equals false, * this Finally filter will replace the cookies in the response with an empty Map. */ @Finally protected static void removeCookies() { boolean cookiesEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(Play.configuration.getProperty("cookies.enabled")); if (!cookiesEnabled) { response.cookies = cookies; } } }