package de.fub.agg2graph.agg.strategy; import de.fub.agg2graph.agg.AggConnection; import de.fub.agg2graph.agg.AggContainer; import de.fub.agg2graph.agg.AggNode; import de.fub.agg2graph.agg.IMergeHandler; import de.fub.agg2graph.agg.ITraceDistance; import de.fub.agg2graph.input.Trace; import de.fub.agg2graph.structs.ClassObjectEditor; import de.fub.agg2graph.structs.GPSEdge; import de.fub.agg2graph.structs.GPSPoint; import de.fub.agg2graph.structs.ILocation; import de.fub.agg2graph.structs.frechet.BidirectionalFrechetDistance; import de.fub.agg2graph.structs.frechet.IAggregatedMap; import de.fub.agg2graph.structs.frechet.ITrace; import de.fub.agg2graph.structs.frechet.Pair; import de.fub.agg2graph.structs.frechet.TreeAggMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; public class FreeSpaceMatch implements ITraceDistance { private double maxDistance = 7.5; private int minLengthFirstSegment = 1; private double maxAngle = 37; public static AggContainer aggContainer; public IAggregatedMap map; public ITrace trace; public ILocation start; public double bestValue; interface Pather { double expectedfd(); boolean consume(); } /** * This class is responsible to calculate the expected changes to the * frechet distance while adding a possible extension of the matched map * path. * */ static class MapPather implements Pather { IAggregatedMap map; ILocation nl; ILocation pl; List<AggConnection> path = new ArrayList<AggConnection>(); private BidirectionalFrechetDistance bfd; private AggConnection proposedConsumee = null; MapPather(IAggregatedMap map, ILocation start, BidirectionalFrechetDistance bfd) { = map; = map.searchNN(new AggNode(start, aggContainer)); = nl; this.bfd = bfd; } /** * Calculate the expected frechet distances while return the minimum of * all choices. */ public double expectedfd() { Collection<AggConnection> ncandidates = map.getOutConnections( (AggNode) nl, null); // Collection<AggConnection> pcandidates = map.getInConnections( // (AggNode) pl, null); double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (AggConnection n : ncandidates) { bfd.appendToP(n); double appx = bfd.approximateDistance(); bfd.removeLastOfP(); if (appx < min) { min = appx; proposedConsumee = n; } } // for (AggConnection p : pcandidates) { // bfd.prependToP(p); // double appx = bfd.approximateDistance(); // bfd.removeFirstOfP(); // if (appx < min) { // min = appx; // proposedConsumee = p; // } // } return min; } /** * Extend the path by the edge calculated with expectedfd. * * expectedfd needs to be called first. */ @Override public boolean consume() { if (proposedConsumee != null) { // if (proposedConsumee.getTo().compareTo((GPSPoint) pl) == 0) { // bfd.prependToP(proposedConsumee); // if (bfd.isInDistance()) { // path.add(0, proposedConsumee); // pl = proposedConsumee.getFrom(); // } else { // bfd.removeFirstOfP(); // return false; // } // // } else if (proposedConsumee.getFrom().compareTo((GPSPoint) nl) == 0) { bfd.appendToP(proposedConsumee); if (bfd.isInDistance()) { path.add(proposedConsumee); nl = proposedConsumee.getTo(); } else { bfd.removeLastOfP(); return false; } } } return false; } public List<AggConnection> getPath() { return path; } } /** * Hold the trace path, calculate the expected frechet distance by either * appending or prepending the edges. * */ static class TracePather implements Pather { List<GPSEdge> path = new ArrayList<GPSEdge>(); private BidirectionalFrechetDistance bfd; ListIterator<GPSEdge> forward; ListIterator<GPSEdge> backward; GPSEdge next = null; GPSEdge previous = null; private boolean proposeForward; TracePather(ITrace trace, ILocation start, BidirectionalFrechetDistance bfd) { this.bfd = bfd; this.forward = trace.edgeListIterator(start); this.backward = trace.edgeListIterator(start); } public boolean initialNext() { if (forward.hasNext()) { GPSEdge test =; bfd.appendToQ(test); next = test; path.add(test); return true; } next = null; return false; } // public boolean initialPrevious() { // if (backward.hasPrevious()) { // GPSEdge test = backward.previous(); // bfd.prependToQ(test); // previous = test; // path.add(0, test); // return true; // } // // previous = null; // return false; // } @Override public double expectedfd() { double deltab = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double deltaf = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; if (forward.hasNext()) { bfd.appendToQ(; deltaf = bfd.approximateDistance(); bfd.removeLastOfQ(); forward.previous(); } // if (backward.hasPrevious()) { // bfd.prependToQ(backward.previous()); // deltab = bfd.approximateDistance(); // bfd.removeFirstOfQ(); //; // } if (deltaf < deltab) { proposeForward = true; } else { proposeForward = false; } return Math.min(deltaf, deltab); } @Override public boolean consume() { if (proposeForward) { if (forward.hasNext()) { GPSEdge test =; bfd.appendToQ(test); if (bfd.isInDistance()) { next = test; path.add(test); return true; } else { bfd.removeLastOfQ(); forward.previous(); } } next = null; return false; } return false; // else { // if (backward.hasPrevious()) { // GPSEdge test = backward.previous(); // bfd.prependToQ(test); // if (bfd.isInDistance()) { // previous = test; // path.add(0, test); // return true; // } else { // bfd.removeFirstOfQ(); //; // } // } // previous = null; // return false; // } } List<GPSEdge> getPath() { return path; } } /** * @return the maxDistance */ public double getMaxDistance() { return maxDistance; } /** * @param maxDistance the maxDistance to set */ public void setMaxDistance(double maxDistance) { this.maxDistance = maxDistance; } /** * @return the minLengthFirstSegment */ public int getMinLengthFirstSegment() { return minLengthFirstSegment; } /** * @param minLengthFirstSegment the minLengthFirstSegment to set */ public void setMinLengthFirstSegment(int minLengthFirstSegment) { this.minLengthFirstSegment = minLengthFirstSegment; } /** * @return the maxAngle */ public double getMaxAngle() { return maxAngle; } /** * @param maxAngle the maxAngle to set */ public void setMaxAngle(double maxAngle) { this.maxAngle = maxAngle; } public Pair<List<AggConnection>, List<GPSEdge>> match(IAggregatedMap map, ITrace trace, ILocation start, double epsilon) { BidirectionalFrechetDistance bfd = new BidirectionalFrechetDistance( epsilon); bfd.setEpsilon(epsilon); final TracePather tp = new TracePather(trace, start, bfd); final MapPather mp = new MapPather(map, start, bfd); // Set up the initial path to match against. if (!tp.initialNext()) { // if (!tp.initialPrevious()) { // give up return null; // } } mp.expectedfd(); mp.consume(); // Further extend the paths as long as the criteria are matched. boolean proceed = true; while (proceed) { double dm = mp.expectedfd(); double dt = tp.expectedfd(); if (dm <= dt) { if (!mp.consume()) { proceed = tp.consume(); } else { proceed = true; } } else { if (!tp.consume()) { proceed = mp.consume(); } else { proceed = true; } } if (bfd.approximateDistance() > epsilon) { break; } } Pair<List<AggConnection>, List<GPSEdge>> result = new Pair<List<AggConnection>, List<GPSEdge>>( mp.getPath(), tp.getPath()); this.bestValue = 0; // fd.getDistance(mp.path, tp.path); // System.out.printf("FD: %.8f Soll: %.8f\n", // bestValue, epsilon); return result; } @Override public Object[] getPathDifference(List<AggNode> aggPath, List<GPSPoint> tracePoints, int startIndex, IMergeHandler dmh) { double bestValue = Double.MIN_VALUE; double bestValueLength = 0; List<AggNode> aggResult = new ArrayList<AggNode>(); List<GPSPoint> traceResult = new ArrayList<GPSPoint>(); List<AggNode> aggLocations = aggPath; List<GPSPoint> traceLocations = tracePoints; map = new TreeAggMap(aggContainer); AggNode last = null; for (AggNode node : aggLocations) { if (last != null) { map.insertConnection(new AggConnection(last, node, aggContainer)); } last = node; } start = traceLocations.get(startIndex); trace = new Trace(); for (int i = startIndex; i < traceLocations.size(); i++) { trace.insertEdgeLocation(i - startIndex, traceLocations.get(i)); } Pair<List<AggConnection>, List<GPSEdge>> res = match(map, trace, start, getMaxDistance() / 92500); bestValue = this.bestValue; if (res == null) { return null; } else if (res.a.isEmpty() || res.b.isEmpty()) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < res.a.size(); i++) { aggResult.add(res.a.get(i).getFrom()); } aggResult.add(res.a.get(res.a.size() - 1).getTo()); for (int i = 0; i < res.b.size(); i++) { traceResult.add(res.b.get(i).getFrom()); } traceResult.add(res.b.get(res.b.size() - 1).getTo()); bestValueLength = traceResult.size(); bestValue = 0; return new Object[]{bestValue, bestValueLength, aggResult, traceResult}; } @Override public List<ClassObjectEditor> getSettings() { List<ClassObjectEditor> result = new ArrayList<ClassObjectEditor>(); result.add(new ClassObjectEditor(this)); return result; } }