package models.fieldtrip; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.*; import; import play.db.jpa.*; /** A list of trip segments for a particular field trip. */ @Entity public class GroupItinerary extends Model { /** The trip that this belongs to */ @ManyToOne(optional=false) public ScheduledFieldTrip fieldTrip; /** How many passengers are on this set of trips */ @Column(nullable=false) @Expose public int passengers; @Column(length=10000, nullable=false) @Expose public String itinData; @Expose public int timeOffset; @OneToMany(mappedBy="groupItinerary", cascade=CascadeType.ALL) //@OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @Expose public List<GTFSTrip> trips; public GroupItinerary(int passengers) { this.passengers = passengers; } }