package com.teamluper.luper; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.os.Looper; import android.view.View; import android.widget.*; import java.util.Random; import; import com.googlecode.androidannotations.annotations.Background; import com.googlecode.androidannotations.annotations.EView; import com.googlecode.androidannotations.annotations.UiThread; @EView public class ColorChipButton extends Button { private static final String TAG = "ColorClipButton"; public static final float PIXELS_PER_MILLISECOND = TrackView.PIXELS_PER_MILLISECOND; public int loopIndex = 0; //the clip that is associated with this CCB Clip associated; int mColor; Random rnd = new Random(); //constructor sets the associated clip, calls init, and sets the onclicklistener public ColorChipButton(Context context, Clip clip){ super(context); associated = clip; mColor = clip.getColor(); init(); setOnClickListener(clicker); } public ColorChipButton(Context context, Clip clip, int loopIndex) { super(context); associated = clip; this.loopIndex = loopIndex; mColor = clip.getColor(); init(); setOnClickListener(clicker); } //set a click listener for the buttons that will activate promptDialog() when clicked OnClickListener clicker = new OnClickListener(){ public void onClick(View v){ //promptDialog(); showListDialog(); } }; public void showListDialog(){ final CharSequence[] items = {"Details", "Edit", "Delete", "Cancel"}; new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext()) .setTitle("Clip Options") .setItems(items, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int item) { if (items[item].equals("Details")) { showDetailDialog(); } if (items[item].equals("Edit")) { showEditDialog(); /*DialogFactory.prompt(getContext(),"Edit Start Time","", new Lambda.StringCallback() { public void go(String value) { int val= Integer.parseInt(value); associated.setStartTime(val); } } );*/ } else if (items[item].equals("Delete")) { final Clip c = associated; DialogFactory.confirm(getContext(), "Really Delete Clip?", "The recording used in this clip will " + "not be deleted, only this instance of that audio will be deleted. You can find the AudioFile " + "again by using the Browse button in the Add Clip dialog.", new Lambda.BooleanCallback() { @Override public void go(boolean pressedYes) { if (pressedYes) { if (!c.deleteFromProject()) { DialogFactory.alert(getContext(), "Error", "Failed to delete clip"); } } } }); } else if (items[item].equals("Cancel")) { // does nothing and will never do anything } } }).show(); } public void showEditDialog(){ final CharSequence[] items = {"Start Time", "Lüp Count", "Cancel"}; new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext()) .setTitle("Clip Edit Options") .setItems(items, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int item) { if (items[item].equals("Start Time")) { DialogFactory.prompt(getContext(), "Edit Start Time", "", new Lambda.StringCallback() { public void go(String value) { int val = Integer.parseInt(value); associated.setStartTime(val); } } ); } else if (items[item].equals("Lüp Count")) { DialogFactory.prompt(getContext(), "Number of times to Lüp this clip", "", new Lambda.StringCallback() { public void go(String value) { if(TrackView.isNumeric(value)) { int val = Integer.parseInt(value); associated.setLoopCount(val); } else { DialogFactory.alert(getContext(),"üps!","That's not a valid number!"); } } } ); } else if (items[item].equals("Cancel")) { // should bring user back to the previous dialog menu showListDialog(); } } }).show(); } public void showDetailDialog(){ LinearLayout detailLayout = new LinearLayout(this.getContext()); detailLayout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL); detailLayout.setPadding(20, 10, 0, 0); TextView lengthView = new TextView(this.getContext()); lengthView.setText("Length: " + this.associated.getDurationMS() + " ms"); TextView startTimeView = new TextView(this.getContext()); startTimeView.setText("Start Time: " + this.associated.getStartTime() + " ms"); TextView lupCountView = new TextView(this.getContext()); lupCountView.setText("Lüp Count: " + this.associated.getLoopCount()); detailLayout.addView(lengthView); detailLayout.addView(startTimeView); detailLayout.addView(lupCountView); new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext()) .setTitle("Clip Details") .setView(detailLayout) .setPositiveButton("Ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { } }) .show(); } public void render() { init(); } //this method will determine where the clip should be placed, based on its start time @UiThread public void init(){ this.setX((this.getStartTime() + (this.loopIndex * this.getLength())) * PIXELS_PER_MILLISECOND + TrackView.LEFT_MARGIN); this.setWidth(Math.round(this.getLength() * PIXELS_PER_MILLISECOND)); this.setHeight(140); //this.setPadding(0, 20, 0, 0); if(this.loopIndex == 0) { this.setBackgroundColor(mColor); } else { // if this is a "loop clone" clip, i.e. not the first iteration of that clip, then lower the opacity. this.setBackgroundColor(Color.argb(90,,,; } } public void displayStats(){ // to do, make it return the clip's length and start time; start time being editable } //returns the clip associated with this button public Clip getClip(){ return this.associated; } //returns the length of this button (and inherently its clip) public int getLength(){ return this.associated.getDurationMS(); } //returns the start time of the button (and clip) in this track public int getStartTime(){ return this.associated.getStartTime(); } public void setColor(int color) { mColor = color; this.setBackgroundColor(mColor); this.invalidateSafely(); } // when you click the button this method is activated. currently it only shows the length of // the clip. eventually it should allow you to modify things about the clip public void promptDialog(){ new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext()) .setTitle("Clip Details") .setMessage("starttime PARENT SIZE" + associated.parentTrack.size()) .setPositiveButton("Ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { //Do nothing for now } }) .setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { // Do nothing. } }) .show(); } public void invalidateSafely() { this.requestLayout(); if (Looper.myLooper() != null && Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) { // we're in the main-thread / UI Thread. this.invalidate(); } else { // we're in a background thread. this.postInvalidate(); } } }