package com.teamluper.luper.test; import java.util.List; import com.teamluper.luper.*; import android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2; /** * This is a collection of tests for SQLiteDataSource class * that performs interactions with the database. * The class uses LupreMainActivity. * All the entries that are inserted into the database are deleted at the end of each * test method, so we can use the same ID's in each test. * @author Sofya * */ public class TestSQLiteDataSource extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<LuperMainActivity_> { private LuperMainActivity_ activity; private SQLiteDataSource datasource; public TestSQLiteDataSource() { super(LuperMainActivity_.class); } /** * This method is called before running the tests. * It creates a new instance of SQLiteDataSource and * makes sure that there is no data and we can use any ID's for testing */ public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); activity = getActivity(); datasource = new SQLiteDataSource(activity);; datasource.dropAllData(); } /** * This method is called after running all the tests to clean up. */ public void tearDown() throws Exception { datasource.close(); super.tearDown(); } /** * Create a user and make sure that the entry has correct ID, username, and email */ public void testCreateUser(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); assertNotNull(user); assertEquals("userID should be 123456787", "1234567890", ""+user.getId()); assertEquals("username should be testUser", "testUser", user.getUsername()); assertEquals("email should be", "", user.getEmail()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create a user, try fetching the entry by ID and make sure * the original user and fetched one are the same */ public void testGetUserById(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); long userID = user.getId(); User user2 = datasource.getUserById(userID); assertNotNull(user2); assertEquals("IDs of user and user2 should be the same", userID, user2.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create a user, try fetching the entry by email and make sure * the original user and fetched one are the same */ public void testGetUserByEmail(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); String email = user.getEmail(); User user2 = datasource.getUserByEmail(email); assertNotNull(user2); assertEquals("emails of user and user2 should be the same", email, user2.getEmail()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create a user, try fetching the entry with a query (in this case by username) * and make sure the original user and fetched one are the same */ public void testGetUserWhere(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); User user2 = datasource.getUserWhere("username = '" + user.getUsername() + "'"); assertNotNull(user2); assertEquals("IDs of user and user2 should be the same", user.getId(), user2.getId()); assertEquals("usernames of user and user2 should be the same", user.getUsername(), user2.getUsername()); assertEquals("emails of user and user2 should be the same", user.getEmail(), user2.getEmail()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create user, delete the user by ID, make sure the user entry doesn't exist anymore */ public void testDeleteUser(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); long userID = user.getId(); datasource.deleteUser(userID); assertNull(datasource.getUserById(userID)); } /** * Create a user, make the user active, get active user from the database, * make sure the returned user is the sae as original one */ public void testGetSetActiveUser(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); datasource.setActiveUser(user); User user2 = datasource.getActiveUser(); assertNotNull(user2); assertEquals("IDs of user and user2 should be the same", user.getId(), user2.getId()); assertEquals("usernames of user and user2 should be the same", user.getUsername(), user2.getUsername()); assertEquals("emails of user and user2 should be the same", user.getEmail(), user2.getEmail()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create a user, call logoutActive User, * fetch active user and make use null is returned */ public void testLogoutActiveUser(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); datasource.logoutActiveUser(); User user2 = datasource.getActiveUser(); assertNull(user2); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create a sequence and make sure that the entry has correct owner user ID * and title */ public void testCreateSequence(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); Sequence seq = datasource.createSequence(user, "testSequence"); assertNotNull(seq); assertEquals("userOwnerID should be same as userID", user.getId(), seq.getOwnerUserID()); assertEquals("title should be testSequence", "testSequence", seq.getTitle()); datasource.deleteSequence(seq.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create a sequence, try fetching the entry by ID and make sure * the original sequence and fetched one are the same */ public void testGetSequenceById(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); Sequence seq = datasource.createSequence(user, "testSequence"); long seqID = seq.getId(); Sequence seq2 = datasource.getSequenceById(seqID); assertNotNull(seq2); assertEquals("IDs of seq and seq2 should be the same", seqID, seq2.getId()); datasource.deleteSequence(seq.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create sequence, delete the sequence by ID, make sure * the sequence entry doesn't exist anymore */ public void testDeleteSequence(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); Sequence seq = datasource.createSequence(user, "testSequence"); long seqID = seq.getId(); datasource.deleteSequence(seqID); assertNull(datasource.getUserById(seqID)); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create a track and make sure that the entry has correct owner user ID * and parent sequence ID */ public void testCreateTrack(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); Sequence seq = datasource.createSequence(user, "testSequence"); Track track = datasource.createTrack(seq); assertNotNull(track); assertEquals("ownerUserID should be same as userID", user.getId(), track.getOwnerUserID()); assertEquals("parentSequenceID should be same as sequenceID", seq.getId(), track.getParentSequenceID()); datasource.deleteTrack(track.getId()); datasource.deleteSequence(seq.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create a track, try fetching the entry by ID and make sure * the original track and fetched one are the same */ public void testGetTrackById(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); Sequence seq = datasource.createSequence(user, "testSequence"); Track track = datasource.createTrack(seq); long trackID = track.getId(); Track track2 = datasource.getTrackById(trackID); assertNotNull(track2); assertEquals("IDs of track and track2 should be the same", trackID, track2.getId()); datasource.deleteTrack(track.getId()); datasource.deleteSequence(seq.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create track, delete the track by ID, make sure the track entry doesn't exist anymore */ public void testDeleteTrack(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); Sequence seq = datasource.createSequence(user, "testSequence"); Track track = datasource.createTrack(seq); long trackID = track.getId(); datasource.deleteTrack(trackID); assertNull(datasource.getUserById(trackID)); datasource.deleteSequence(seq.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create an audio file and make sure that the entry has correct owner user ID * and file path */ public void testCreateAudioFile(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); AudioFile file = datasource.createAudioFile(user, "testFilePath"); assertNotNull(file); assertEquals("userOwnerID should be same as userID", user.getId(), file.getOwnerUserID()); assertEquals("file path should be testFilePath", "testFilePath", file.getClientFilePath()); datasource.deleteAudioFile(file.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create an audio file, try fetching the entry by ID and make sure * the original file and fetched one are the same */ public void testGetAudioFileById(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); AudioFile file = datasource.createAudioFile(user, "testFilePath"); long fileID = file.getId(); AudioFile file2 = datasource.getAudioFileById(fileID); assertNotNull(file2); assertEquals("IDs of file and file2 should be the same", fileID, file2.getId()); datasource.deleteAudioFile(file.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create audio file, delete the file by ID, make sure * the file entry doesn't exist anymore */ public void testDeleteAudioFile(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); AudioFile file = datasource.createAudioFile(user, "testFilePath"); long fileID = file.getId(); datasource.deleteAudioFile(fileID); assertNull(datasource.getUserById(fileID)); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create a user and make sure that the entry has correct owner user ID, * parent track ID, and corresponding audio file ID */ public void testCreateClip(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); Sequence seq = datasource.createSequence(user, "testSequence"); Track track = datasource.createTrack(seq); AudioFile file = datasource.createAudioFile(user, "testFilePath"); Clip clip = datasource.createClip(track, file, 0, 0); assertNotNull(clip); assertEquals("ownerUserID should be same as userID", user.getId(), clip.getOwnerUserID()); assertEquals("parentTrackID should be same as trackID", track.getId(), clip.getParentTrackID()); assertEquals("audioFileID should be same as fileID", file.getId(), clip.getAudioFileID()); datasource.deleteClip(clip.getId()); datasource.deleteTrack(track.getId()); datasource.deleteSequence(seq.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create a clip, try fetching the entry by ID and make sure * the original clip and fetched one are the same */ public void testGetClipById(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); Sequence seq = datasource.createSequence(user, "testSequence"); Track track = datasource.createTrack(seq); AudioFile file = datasource.createAudioFile(user, "testFilePath"); Clip clip = datasource.createClip(track, file, 0, 0); long clipID = clip.getId(); Clip clip2 = datasource.getClipById(clipID); assertNotNull(clip2); assertEquals("IDs of clip and clip2 should be the same", clipID, clip2.getId()); datasource.deleteClip(clip.getId()); datasource.deleteTrack(track.getId()); datasource.deleteSequence(seq.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create clip, delete the clip by ID, make sure the clip entry doesn't exist anymore */ public void testDeleteClip(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); Sequence seq = datasource.createSequence(user, "testSequence"); Track track = datasource.createTrack(seq); AudioFile file = datasource.createAudioFile(user, "testFilePath"); Clip clip = datasource.createClip(track, file, 0, 0); long clipID = clip.getId(); datasource.deleteClip(clipID); assertNull(datasource.getUserById(clipID)); datasource.deleteTrack(track.getId()); datasource.deleteSequence(seq.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create 2 sequences, fetch a list of all sequences from the database. * Note that the database has a dummy project hardcoded, so one sequence already * exists in the sequence table and the size of returned list will be 3 and not 2. * Check that list size is 3, and sequences on the list are the same as created ones */ public void testGetAllSequences(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); Sequence seq1 = datasource.createSequence(user, "testSequence1"); Sequence seq2 = datasource.createSequence(user, "testSequence2"); List<Sequence> list = datasource.getAllSequences(); assertNotNull(list); assertEquals("size of list should be 3", 3, list.size()); assertEquals("IDs of seq1 and first sequence on the list should be the same", seq1.getId(), list.get(1).getId()); assertEquals("IDs of seq2 and second sequence on the list should be the same", seq2.getId(), list.get(2).getId()); datasource.deleteSequence(seq1.getId()); datasource.deleteSequence(seq2.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create 2 tracks with the same parent sequence, * fetch a list of all tracks from the database by the parent sequence ID, * check that list size is 2, and tracks on the list are the same as created ones */ public void testGetTrackBySequenceId(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); Sequence seq = datasource.createSequence(user, "testSequence"); Track track1 = datasource.createTrack(seq); Track track2 = datasource.createTrack(seq); List<Track> list = datasource.getTracksBySequenceId(seq.getId()); assertNotNull(list); assertEquals("size of list should be 2", 2, list.size()); assertEquals("IDs of track1 and first track on the list should be the same", track1.getId(), list.get(0).getId()); assertEquals("IDs of track2 and second track on the list should be the same", track2.getId(), list.get(1).getId()); datasource.deleteTrack(track1.getId()); datasource.deleteTrack(track2.getId()); datasource.deleteSequence(seq.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create 2 clips with the same parent track, * fetch a list of all clips from the database by the parent track ID, * check that list size is 2, and clips on the list are the same as created ones */ public void testGetClipsByTrackId(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); Sequence seq = datasource.createSequence(user, "testSequence"); Track track = datasource.createTrack(seq); AudioFile file = datasource.createAudioFile(user, "testFilePath"); Clip clip1 = datasource.createClip(track, file, 0, 0); Clip clip2 = datasource.createClip(track, file, 0, 0); List<Clip> list = datasource.getClipsByTrackId(track.getId()); assertNotNull(list); assertEquals("size of list should be 2", 2, list.size()); assertEquals("IDs of clip1 and first clip on the list should be the same", clip1.getId(), list.get(0).getId()); assertEquals("IDs of clip2 and second clip on the list should be the same", clip2.getId(), list.get(1).getId()); datasource.deleteClip(clip1.getId()); datasource.deleteClip(clip2.getId()); datasource.deleteTrack(track.getId()); datasource.deleteSequence(seq.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } /** * Create 2 audio files with the same owner user, * fetch a list of all audio files from the database by the owner user ID, * check that list size is 2, and audio files on the list are the same as created ones */ public void testGetAudioFilesByUserId(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); AudioFile file1 = datasource.createAudioFile(user, "testFilePath1"); AudioFile file2 = datasource.createAudioFile(user, "testFilePath2"); AudioFile[] arr = datasource.getAudioFilesByUserId(user.getId()); assertNotNull(arr); assertEquals("size of list should be 2", 2, arr.length); assertEquals("IDs of file1 and first audio file on the list should be the same", file1.getId(), arr[0].getId()); assertEquals("IDs of file2 and second audio file on the list should be the same", file2.getId(), arr[1].getId()); datasource.deleteAudioFile(file1.getId()); datasource.deleteAudioFile(file2.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(user.getId()); } }