package com.teamluper.luper.test; import com.teamluper.luper.*; import android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2; /** * This is a collection of tests for Clip class. * It uses an instance of SQLiteDataSource to ensure that * setter methods of the Clip class update the database entries properly. * The class uses LuperMainActivity to create SQLiteDataSource. * All the entries that are inserted into the database are deleted at the end of each * test method, so we can use the same ID's in each test. * @author Sofya * */ public class TestClip extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<LuperMainActivity_> { private LuperMainActivity_ activity; private SQLiteDataSource datasource; public TestClip() { super(LuperMainActivity_.class); } /** * This method is called before running the tests. * It creates a new instance of SQLiteDataSource and * makes sure that there is no data and we can use any ID's for testing */ public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); activity = getActivity(); datasource = new SQLiteDataSource(activity);; datasource.dropAllData(); } /** * This method is called after running all the tests to clean up. */ public void tearDown() throws Exception { datasource.close(); super.tearDown(); } /** * Add a Clip entry to the database, * modify its parameters, * fetch the clip from the database by ID, * check that the parameters have new values. */ public void testSetters(){ User user = datasource.createUser(1234567890, "testUser", ""); Sequence seq = datasource.createSequence(user, "testSequence"); Track track = datasource.createTrack(seq); AudioFile file = datasource.createAudioFile(user, "testFilePath"); Clip clip = datasource.createClip(track, file, 0, 0); clip.setId(123); clip.setOwnerUserID(456); clip.setParentTrackID(789); clip.setAudioFileID(321); clip.setStartTime(13); clip.setDurationMS(420); clip.setLoopCount(17); clip.setColor(42); clip.setLocked(false); clip.setPlaybackOptions("testOptions"); clip.setDirty(true); Clip clip2 = datasource.getClipById(clip.getId()); assertEquals("clip ID should be 123", 123, clip2.getId()); assertEquals("owner user ID should be 456", 456, clip.getOwnerUserID()); assertEquals("parent track ID should be 789", 789, clip2.getParentTrackID()); assertEquals("audio file ID should be 321", 321, clip2.getAudioFileID()); assertEquals("start time should be 13", 13, clip2.getStartTime()); assertEquals("duration should be 420", 420, clip2.getDurationMS()); assertEquals("loop count should be 17", 17, clip.getLoopCount()); assertEquals("color should be 42", 42, clip2.getColor()); assertFalse("locked should be false", clip2.isLocked()); assertEquals("playback options should be testOptions", "testOptions", clip2.getPlaybackOptions()); assertTrue("dirty should be true", clip2.isDirty()); datasource.deleteTrack(track.getId()); datasource.deleteSequence(seq.getId()); datasource.deleteUser(1234567890); } }