package; import io.lumify.core.cmdline.CommandLineBase; import io.lumify.core.util.JSONUtil; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Random; public class TheMovieDbDownload extends CommandLineBase { private static final String CMD_OPT_API_KEY = "apikey"; private static final String CMD_OPT_CACHE_DIRECTORY = "cachedir"; private static final String CMD_OPT_DOWNLOAD_PERSON = "personid"; private static final String CMD_OPT_DOWNLOAD_MOVIE = "movieid"; private static final String CMD_OPT_DOWNLOAD_PRODUCTION_COMPANY = "productioncompanyid"; public static final String DIR_MOVIES = "movies"; public static final String DIR_PERSONS = "persons"; public static final String DIR_IMAGES = "images"; public static final String DIR_PRODUCTION_COMPANIES = "productionCompanies"; private final Queue<WorkItem> workQueue = new LinkedList<WorkItem>(); private TheMovieDb theMovieDb; private File cacheDir; private File moviesDir; private File personsDir; private File imagesDir; private File productionCompanyDir; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int res = new TheMovieDbDownload().run(args); if (res != 0) { System.exit(res); } } @Override protected Options getOptions() { Options opts = super.getOptions(); opts.addOption( OptionBuilder .withLongOpt(CMD_OPT_API_KEY) .withDescription("TheMovieDb API Key") .hasArg() .isRequired() .create() ); opts.addOption( OptionBuilder .withLongOpt(CMD_OPT_CACHE_DIRECTORY) .withDescription("Directory to cache json documents in") .hasArg() .isRequired() .create() ); opts.addOption( OptionBuilder .withLongOpt(CMD_OPT_DOWNLOAD_PERSON) .withDescription("Initial person id to download") .hasArg() .create() ); opts.addOption( OptionBuilder .withLongOpt(CMD_OPT_DOWNLOAD_MOVIE) .withDescription("Initial movie id to download") .hasArg() .create() ); opts.addOption( OptionBuilder .withLongOpt(CMD_OPT_DOWNLOAD_PRODUCTION_COMPANY) .withDescription("Initial production company id to download") .hasArg() .create() ); return opts; } @Override protected int run(CommandLine cmd) throws Exception { String apiKey = cmd.getOptionValue(CMD_OPT_API_KEY); theMovieDb = new TheMovieDb(apiKey); String cacheDirString = cmd.getOptionValue(CMD_OPT_CACHE_DIRECTORY); this.cacheDir = new File(cacheDirString); cacheDir.mkdirs(); this.moviesDir = new File(cacheDir, DIR_MOVIES); moviesDir.mkdirs(); this.personsDir = new File(cacheDir, DIR_PERSONS); personsDir.mkdirs(); this.imagesDir = new File(cacheDir, DIR_IMAGES); imagesDir.mkdirs(); this.productionCompanyDir = new File(cacheDir, DIR_PRODUCTION_COMPANIES); productionCompanyDir.mkdirs(); String[] personIds = cmd.getOptionValues(CMD_OPT_DOWNLOAD_PERSON); if (personIds != null) { for (String personIdString : personIds) { int personId = Integer.parseInt(personIdString); queuePersonDownload(personId); } } String[] movieIds = cmd.getOptionValues(CMD_OPT_DOWNLOAD_MOVIE); if (movieIds != null) { for (String movieIdString : movieIds) { int movieId = Integer.parseInt(movieIdString); queueMovieDownload(movieId); } } String[] productionCompanyIds = cmd.getOptionValues(CMD_OPT_DOWNLOAD_PRODUCTION_COMPANY); if (productionCompanyIds != null) { for (String productionCompanyIdString : productionCompanyIds) { int productionCompanyId = Integer.parseInt(productionCompanyIdString); queueProductionCompanyDownload(productionCompanyId); } } loadCacheDir(); download(); return 0; } private void download() { Random random = new Random(); while (true) { LOGGER.debug("%d still in queue", workQueue.size()); WorkItem workItem = workQueue.poll(); if (workItem == null) { break; } try { if (workItem.process(this)) { Thread.sleep(1000 + random.nextInt(500)); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Could not process work item: %s", workItem.toString(), e); } } } private void loadCacheDir() { LOGGER.debug("Loading: %s", getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath()); loadProductionCompaniesCacheDir(getProductionCompanyDir()); loadPersonsCacheDir(getPersonsDir()); loadMoviesCacheDir(getMoviesDir()); } private void loadMoviesCacheDir(File moviesDir) { File[] files = moviesDir.listFiles(); int i = 1; for (File movieFile : files) { LOGGER.debug("loading movie %d/%d", i, files.length); loadMovieFile(movieFile); i++; } } private void loadMovieFile(File movieFile) { try { if (!movieFile.getName().endsWith(".json")) { return; } LOGGER.debug("Loading Movie File: %s", movieFile); String data = FileUtils.readFileToString(movieFile); JSONObject movieJson = JSONUtil.parse(data); loadMovieJson(movieJson); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Could not read movie %s", movieFile.getAbsolutePath(), e); } } private void loadMovieJson(JSONObject movieJson) throws IOException, ParseException { JSONObject credits = movieJson.getJSONObject("credits"); JSONArray cast = credits.getJSONArray("cast"); for (int i = 0; i < cast.length(); i++) { JSONObject castJson = cast.getJSONObject(i); int personId = castJson.getInt("id"); queuePersonDownload(personId); } JSONArray productionCompanies = movieJson.optJSONArray("production_companies"); if (productionCompanies != null) { for (int i = 0; i < productionCompanies.length(); i++) { JSONObject productionCompany = productionCompanies.getJSONObject(i); int productionCompanyId = productionCompany.getInt("id"); queueProductionCompanyDownload(productionCompanyId); } } getGraph().flush(); String posterImagePath = movieJson.optString("poster_path"); if (posterImagePath != null && posterImagePath.length() > 0) { if (!hasImageInCache(posterImagePath)) { queueImageDownload(posterImagePath); } } } private void loadPersonsCacheDir(File personsDir) { File[] files = personsDir.listFiles(); int i = 1; for (File personFile : files) { LOGGER.debug("Loading person %d/%d", i, files.length); loadPersonFile(personFile); i++; } } private void loadPersonFile(File personFile) { try { if (!personFile.getName().endsWith(".json")) { return; } LOGGER.debug("Loading Person File: %s", personFile); String data = FileUtils.readFileToString(personFile); JSONObject personJson = JSONUtil.parse(data); loadPersonJson(personJson); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Could not read person %s", personFile.getAbsolutePath(), e); } } private void loadPersonJson(JSONObject personJson) throws ParseException, IOException { JSONObject combinedCredits = personJson.getJSONObject("combined_credits"); JSONArray cast = combinedCredits.getJSONArray("cast"); for (int i = 0; i < cast.length(); i++) { JSONObject movieJson = cast.getJSONObject(i); String mediaType = movieJson.getString("media_type"); if (!mediaType.equals("movie")) { continue; } int movieId = movieJson.getInt("id"); queueMovieDownload(movieId); } getGraph().flush(); String profileImage = personJson.optString("profile_path"); if (profileImage != null && profileImage.length() > 0) { if (!hasImageInCache(profileImage)) { queueImageDownload(profileImage); } } } private void loadProductionCompaniesCacheDir(File productionCompanyDir) { for (File productionCompanyFile : productionCompanyDir.listFiles()) { loadProductionCompanyFile(productionCompanyFile); } } private void loadProductionCompanyFile(File productionCompanyFile) { try { if (!productionCompanyFile.getName().endsWith(".json")) { return; } LOGGER.debug("Loading production company File: %s", productionCompanyFile); String data = FileUtils.readFileToString(productionCompanyFile); JSONObject productionCompanyJson = JSONUtil.parse(data); loadProductionCompanyJson(productionCompanyJson); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Could not read production company %s", productionCompanyFile.getAbsolutePath(), e); } } private void loadProductionCompanyJson(JSONObject productionCompanyJson) throws IOException { int productionCompanyId = productionCompanyJson.getInt("id"); LOGGER.debug("Loading production company: %d", productionCompanyId); String logoImagePath = productionCompanyJson.optString("logo_path"); if (logoImagePath != null && logoImagePath.length() > 0) { if (!hasImageInCache(logoImagePath)) { queueImageDownload(logoImagePath); } } } public File getCacheDir() { return cacheDir; } public File getMoviesDir() { return moviesDir; } public File getPersonsDir() { return personsDir; } public File getProductionCompanyDir() { return productionCompanyDir; } public File getImagesDir() { return imagesDir; } public boolean hasPersonInCache(int personId) { return new File(getPersonsDir(), personId + ".json").exists(); } public boolean hasProductionCompanyInCache(int productionCompanyId) { return new File(getProductionCompanyDir(), productionCompanyId + ".json").exists(); } public boolean hasMovieInCache(int movieId) { return new File(getMoviesDir(), movieId + ".json").exists(); } public boolean hasImageInCache(String imagePath) { return new File(getImagesDir(), imagePath).exists(); } private void queueImageDownload(String imagePath) { if (hasImageInCache(imagePath)) { return; } workQueue.add(new ImageDownloadWorkItem(imagePath)); } private void queueMovieDownload(int movieId) { if (hasMovieInCache(movieId)) { return; } workQueue.add(new MovieDownloadWorkItem(movieId)); } private void queuePersonDownload(int personId) { if (hasPersonInCache(personId)) { return; } workQueue.add(new PersonDownloadWorkItem(personId)); } private void queueProductionCompanyDownload(int productionCompanyId) { if (hasProductionCompanyInCache(productionCompanyId)) { return; } workQueue.add(new ProductionCompanyDownloadWorkItem(productionCompanyId)); } public TheMovieDb getTheMovieDb() { return theMovieDb; } public void writeMovie(int movieId, JSONObject movieJson) throws IOException, ParseException { File movieFile = new File(getMoviesDir(), movieId + ".json"); FileUtils.write(movieFile, movieJson.toString(2)); loadMovieJson(movieJson); } public void writePerson(int personId, JSONObject personJson) throws IOException, ParseException { File personFile = new File(getPersonsDir(), personId + ".json"); FileUtils.write(personFile, personJson.toString(2)); loadPersonJson(personJson); } public void writeProductionCompany(int productionCompanyId, JSONObject productionCompanyJson) throws IOException { File personFile = new File(getProductionCompanyDir(), productionCompanyId + ".json"); FileUtils.write(personFile, productionCompanyJson.toString(2)); loadProductionCompanyJson(productionCompanyJson); } public void writeImage(String imagePath, byte[] imageData) throws IOException { File imageFile = new File(getImagesDir(), imagePath); imageFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(imageFile, imageData); } }