package io.lumify.core.model.ontology; import; import; import; import io.lumify.core.config.Configuration; import io.lumify.core.exception.LumifyException; import io.lumify.core.exception.LumifyResourceNotFoundException; import io.lumify.core.model.longRunningProcess.LongRunningProcessRepository; import; import io.lumify.core.model.termMention.TermMentionRepository; import io.lumify.core.model.user.UserRepository; import io.lumify.core.model.workspace.WorkspaceRepository; import io.lumify.core.util.ExecutorServiceUtil; import io.lumify.core.util.JSONUtil; import io.lumify.core.util.LumifyLogger; import io.lumify.core.util.LumifyLoggerFactory; import io.lumify.web.clientapi.model.ClientApiOntology; import io.lumify.web.clientapi.model.PropertyType; import net.lingala.zip4j.core.ZipFile; import net.lingala.zip4j.exception.ZipException; import; import; import org.coode.owlapi.rdf.rdfxml.RDFXMLRenderer; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.securegraph.Authorizations; import org.securegraph.DefinePropertyBuilder; import org.securegraph.Graph; import org.securegraph.TextIndexHint; import; import org.securegraph.util.CloseableUtils; import org.securegraph.util.ConvertingIterable; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.apibinding.OWLManager; import; import; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static; public abstract class OntologyRepositoryBase implements OntologyRepository { private static final LumifyLogger LOGGER = LumifyLoggerFactory.getLogger(OntologyRepositoryBase.class); public static final String BASE_OWL_IRI = ""; public static final String COMMENT_OWL_IRI = ""; private final Configuration configuration; protected OntologyRepositoryBase(Configuration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; } public void loadOntologies(Configuration config, Authorizations authorizations) throws Exception { Concept rootConcept = getOrCreateConcept(null, OntologyRepository.ROOT_CONCEPT_IRI, "root", null); Concept entityConcept = getOrCreateConcept(rootConcept, OntologyRepository.ENTITY_CONCEPT_IRI, "thing", null); clearCache(); addEntityGlyphIcon(entityConcept); importResourceOwl("base.owl", BASE_OWL_IRI, authorizations); importResourceOwl("user.owl", UserRepository.OWL_IRI, authorizations); importResourceOwl("termMention.owl", TermMentionRepository.OWL_IRI, authorizations); importResourceOwl("workspace.owl", WorkspaceRepository.OWL_IRI, authorizations); importResourceOwl("comment.owl", COMMENT_OWL_IRI, authorizations); importResourceOwl("longRunningProcess.owl", LongRunningProcessRepository.OWL_IRI, authorizations); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> owlGroup : config.getMultiValue(Configuration.ONTOLOGY_REPOSITORY_OWL).entrySet()) { String iri = owlGroup.getValue().get("iri"); String dir = owlGroup.getValue().get("dir"); String file = owlGroup.getValue().get("file"); if (iri == null) { throw new LumifyException("iri is required for group " + Configuration.ONTOLOGY_REPOSITORY_OWL + "." + owlGroup.getKey()); } if (dir == null && file == null) { throw new LumifyException("dir or file is required for " + Configuration.ONTOLOGY_REPOSITORY_OWL + "." + owlGroup.getKey()); } if (dir != null && file != null) { throw new LumifyException("you cannot specify both dir and file for " + Configuration.ONTOLOGY_REPOSITORY_OWL + "." + owlGroup.getKey()); } if (isOntologyDefined(iri)) { LOGGER.debug("Ontology %s (iri: %s) is already defined", dir != null ? dir : file, iri); continue; } if (dir != null) { File owlFile = findOwlFile(new File(dir)); if (owlFile == null) { throw new LumifyResourceNotFoundException("could not find owl file in directory " + new File(dir).getAbsolutePath()); } importFile(owlFile, IRI.create(iri), authorizations); } else { writePackage(new File(file), IRI.create(iri), authorizations); } } } private void importResourceOwl(String fileName, String iri, Authorizations authorizations) { if (isOntologyDefined(iri)) { LOGGER.debug("Ontology %s (iri: %s) is already defined", fileName, iri); return; } LOGGER.debug("importResourceOwl %s (iri: %s)", fileName, iri); InputStream baseOwlFile = OntologyRepositoryBase.class.getResourceAsStream(fileName); checkNotNull(baseOwlFile, "Could not load resource " + OntologyRepositoryBase.class.getResource(fileName)); try { IRI documentIRI = IRI.create(iri); byte[] inFileData = IOUtils.toByteArray(baseOwlFile); try { importFile(inFileData, documentIRI, null, authorizations); } catch (OWLOntologyAlreadyExistsException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Ontology was already defined but not stored: " + fileName + " (iri: " + iri + ")", ex); storeOntologyFile(new ByteArrayInputStream(inFileData), documentIRI); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new LumifyException("Could not import ontology file: " + fileName + " (iri: " + iri + ")", ex); } finally { CloseableUtils.closeQuietly(baseOwlFile); } } protected abstract boolean isOntologyDefined(String iri); private void addEntityGlyphIcon(Concept entityConcept) { InputStream entityGlyphIconInputStream = OntologyRepositoryBase.class.getResourceAsStream("entity.png"); checkNotNull(entityGlyphIconInputStream, "Could not load resource " + OntologyRepositoryBase.class.getResource("entity.png")); try { ByteArrayOutputStream imgOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IOUtils.copy(entityGlyphIconInputStream, imgOut); byte[] rawImg = imgOut.toByteArray(); addEntityGlyphIconToEntityConcept(entityConcept, rawImg); } catch (IOException e) { throw new LumifyException("invalid stream for glyph icon"); } } protected abstract void addEntityGlyphIconToEntityConcept(Concept entityConcept, byte[] rawImg); @Override public String guessDocumentIRIFromPackage(File file) throws IOException, ZipException { ZipFile zipped = new ZipFile(file); if (zipped.isValidZipFile()) { File tempDir = Files.createTempDir(); try {"Extracting: %s to %s", file.getAbsoluteFile(), tempDir.getAbsolutePath()); zipped.extractAll(tempDir.getAbsolutePath()); File owlFile = findOwlFile(tempDir); return guessDocumentIRIFromFile(owlFile); } finally { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tempDir); } } else { if (file.isDirectory()) { file = findOwlFile(file); } return guessDocumentIRIFromFile(file); } } public String guessDocumentIRIFromFile(File owlFile) throws IOException { try (FileInputStream owlFileIn = new FileInputStream(owlFile)) { String owlContents = IOUtils.toString(owlFileIn); Pattern iriRegex = Pattern.compile("<owl:Ontology rdf:about=\"(.*?)\">"); Matcher m = iriRegex.matcher(owlContents); if (m.find()) { return; } return null; } } @Override public void importFile(File inFile, IRI documentIRI, Authorizations authorizations) throws Exception { checkNotNull(inFile, "inFile cannot be null"); if (!inFile.exists()) { throw new LumifyException("File " + inFile + " does not exist"); } File inDir = inFile.getParentFile(); try (FileInputStream inFileIn = new FileInputStream(inFile)) { LOGGER.debug("importing %s", inFile.getAbsolutePath()); byte[] inFileData = IOUtils.toByteArray(inFileIn); importFile(inFileData, documentIRI, inDir, authorizations); } } private void importFile(byte[] inFileData, IRI documentIRI, File inDir, Authorizations authorizations) throws Exception { Reader inFileReader = new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(inFileData)); OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration config = new OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration(); OWLOntologyManager m = createOwlOntologyManager(config, documentIRI); OWLOntologyDocumentSource documentSource = new ReaderDocumentSource(inFileReader, documentIRI); OWLOntology o = m.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(documentSource, config); long totalStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); importOntologyAnnotationProperties(o, inDir, authorizations); clearCache(); // this is required to cause a new lookup of classes for data and object properties. long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long importAnnotationPropertiesTime = endTime - startTime; startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); importOntologyClasses(o, inDir, authorizations); clearCache(); // this is required to cause a new lookup of classes for data and object properties. endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long importConceptsTime = endTime - startTime; startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); importDataProperties(o); endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long importDataPropertiesTime = endTime - startTime; startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); importObjectProperties(o); clearCache(); // needed to find the relationship for inverse of endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long importObjectPropertiesTime = endTime - startTime; startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); importInverseOfObjectProperties(o); endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long importInverseOfObjectPropertiesTime = endTime - startTime; long totalEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); LOGGER.debug("import annotation properties time: %dms", importAnnotationPropertiesTime); LOGGER.debug("import concepts time: %dms", importConceptsTime); LOGGER.debug("import data properties time: %dms", importDataPropertiesTime); LOGGER.debug("import object properties time: %dms", importObjectPropertiesTime); LOGGER.debug("import inverse of object properties time: %dms", importInverseOfObjectPropertiesTime); LOGGER.debug("import total time: %dms", totalEndTime - totalStartTime); // do this last after everything was successful so that isOntologyDefined can be used storeOntologyFile(new ByteArrayInputStream(inFileData), documentIRI); clearCache(); } private void importInverseOfObjectProperties(OWLOntology o) { for (OWLObjectProperty objectProperty : o.getObjectPropertiesInSignature()) { if (!o.isDeclared(objectProperty, false)) { continue; } importInverseOf(o, objectProperty); } } private void importObjectProperties(OWLOntology o) { for (OWLObjectProperty objectProperty : o.getObjectPropertiesInSignature()) { if (!o.isDeclared(objectProperty, false)) { continue; } importObjectProperty(o, objectProperty); } } private void importDataProperties(OWLOntology o) { for (OWLDataProperty dataTypeProperty : o.getDataPropertiesInSignature()) { if (!o.isDeclared(dataTypeProperty, false)) { continue; } importDataProperty(o, dataTypeProperty); } } protected void importOntologyAnnotationProperties(OWLOntology o, File inDir, Authorizations authorizations) { for (OWLAnnotationProperty annotation : o.getAnnotationPropertiesInSignature()) { importOntologyAnnotationProperty(o, annotation, inDir, authorizations); } } protected void importOntologyAnnotationProperty(OWLOntology o, OWLAnnotationProperty annotationProperty, File inDir, Authorizations authorizations) { } private void importOntologyClasses(OWLOntology o, File inDir, Authorizations authorizations) throws IOException { for (OWLClass ontologyClass : o.getClassesInSignature()) { if (!o.isDeclared(ontologyClass, false)) { continue; } importOntologyClass(o, ontologyClass, inDir, authorizations); } } public OWLOntologyManager createOwlOntologyManager(OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration config, IRI excludeDocumentIRI) throws Exception { OWLOntologyManager m = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager(); config.setMissingImportHandlingStrategy(MissingImportHandlingStrategy.SILENT); loadOntologyFiles(m, config, excludeDocumentIRI); return m; } protected abstract void storeOntologyFile(InputStream inputStream, IRI documentIRI); public void exportOntology(OutputStream out, IRI documentIRI) throws Exception { OWLOntologyManager m = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager(); OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration config = new OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration(); config.setMissingImportHandlingStrategy(MissingImportHandlingStrategy.SILENT); List<OWLOntology> loadedOntologies = loadOntologyFiles(m, config, null); OWLOntology o = findOntology(loadedOntologies, documentIRI); if (o == null) { throw new LumifyException("Could not find ontology with iri " + documentIRI); } Writer fileWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(out); new RDFXMLRenderer(o, fileWriter).render(); } protected abstract List<OWLOntology> loadOntologyFiles(OWLOntologyManager m, OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration config, IRI excludedIRI) throws Exception; private OWLOntology findOntology(List<OWLOntology> loadedOntologies, IRI documentIRI) { for (OWLOntology o : loadedOntologies) { if (documentIRI.equals(o.getOntologyID().getOntologyIRI())) { return o; } } return null; } protected Concept importOntologyClass(OWLOntology o, OWLClass ontologyClass, File inDir, Authorizations authorizations) throws IOException { String uri = ontologyClass.getIRI().toString(); if ("".equals(uri)) { return getEntityConcept(); } String label = getLabel(o, ontologyClass); checkNotNull(label, "label cannot be null or empty: " + uri);"Importing ontology class " + uri + " (label: " + label + ")"); Concept parent = getParentConcept(o, ontologyClass, inDir, authorizations); Concept result = getOrCreateConcept(parent, uri, label, inDir); for (OWLAnnotation annotation : ontologyClass.getAnnotations(o)) { String annotationIri = annotation.getProperty().getIRI().toString(); OWLLiteral valueLiteral = (OWLLiteral) annotation.getValue(); String valueString = valueLiteral.getLiteral(); if (annotationIri.equals(LumifyProperties.INTENT.getPropertyName())) { result.addIntent(valueString, authorizations); continue; } if (annotationIri.equals(LumifyProperties.SEARCHABLE.getPropertyName())) { boolean searchable = valueString == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(valueString); result.setProperty(LumifyProperties.SEARCHABLE.getPropertyName(), searchable, authorizations); continue; } if (annotationIri.equals(LumifyProperties.ADDABLE.getPropertyName())) { boolean searchable = valueString == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(valueString); result.setProperty(LumifyProperties.ADDABLE.getPropertyName(), searchable, authorizations); continue; } if (annotationIri.equals(LumifyProperties.USER_VISIBLE.getPropertyName())) { boolean userVisible = valueString == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(valueString); result.setProperty(LumifyProperties.USER_VISIBLE.getPropertyName(), userVisible, authorizations); continue; } if (annotationIri.equals(LumifyProperties.GLYPH_ICON_FILE_NAME.getPropertyName())) { setIconProperty(result, inDir, valueString, LumifyProperties.GLYPH_ICON.getPropertyName(), authorizations); continue; } if (annotationIri.equals(LumifyProperties.MAP_GLYPH_ICON_FILE_NAME.getPropertyName())) { setIconProperty(result, inDir, valueString, LumifyProperties.MAP_GLYPH_ICON.getPropertyName(), authorizations); continue; } if (annotationIri.equals(LumifyProperties.ADD_RELATED_CONCEPT_WHITE_LIST.getPropertyName())) { if (valueString == null || valueString.trim().length() == 0) { continue; } result.setProperty(LumifyProperties.ADD_RELATED_CONCEPT_WHITE_LIST.getPropertyName(), valueString.trim(), authorizations); continue; } if (annotationIri.equals("")) { continue; } result.setProperty(annotationIri, valueString, authorizations); } return result; } protected void setIconProperty(Concept concept, File inDir, String glyphIconFileName, String propertyKey, Authorizations authorizations) throws IOException { if (glyphIconFileName != null) { File iconFile = new File(inDir, glyphIconFileName); if (!iconFile.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find icon file: " + iconFile.toString()); } try (InputStream iconFileIn = new FileInputStream(iconFile)) { StreamingPropertyValue value = new StreamingPropertyValue(iconFileIn, byte[].class); value.searchIndex(false);; concept.setProperty(propertyKey, value, authorizations); } } } protected Concept getParentConcept(OWLOntology o, OWLClass ontologyClass, File inDir, Authorizations authorizations) throws IOException { Set<OWLClassExpression> superClasses = ontologyClass.getSuperClasses(o); if (superClasses.size() == 0) { return getEntityConcept(); } else if (superClasses.size() == 1) { OWLClassExpression superClassExpr = superClasses.iterator().next(); OWLClass superClass = superClassExpr.asOWLClass(); String superClassUri = superClass.getIRI().toString(); Concept parent = getConceptByIRI(superClassUri); if (parent != null) { return parent; } parent = importOntologyClass(o, superClass, inDir, authorizations); if (parent == null) { throw new LumifyException("Could not find or create parent: " + superClass); } return parent; } else { throw new LumifyException("Unhandled multiple super classes. Found " + superClasses.size() + ", expected 0 or 1."); } } protected void importDataProperty(OWLOntology o, OWLDataProperty dataTypeProperty) { String propertyIRI = dataTypeProperty.getIRI().toString(); String propertyDisplayName = getLabel(o, dataTypeProperty); PropertyType propertyType = getPropertyType(o, dataTypeProperty); boolean userVisible = getUserVisible(o, dataTypeProperty); boolean searchable = getSearchable(o, dataTypeProperty); boolean addable = getAddable(o, dataTypeProperty); String displayType = getDisplayType(o, dataTypeProperty); String propertyGroup = getPropertyGroup(o, dataTypeProperty); String validationFormula = getValidationFormula(o, dataTypeProperty); String displayFormula = getDisplayFormula(o, dataTypeProperty); ImmutableList<String> dependentPropertyIris = getDependentPropertyIri(o, dataTypeProperty); Double boost = getBoost(o, dataTypeProperty); String[] intents = getIntents(o, dataTypeProperty); if (propertyType == null) { throw new LumifyException("Could not get property type on data property " + propertyIRI); } List<Concept> domainConcepts = new ArrayList<>(); for (OWLClassExpression domainClassExpr : dataTypeProperty.getDomains(o)) { OWLClass domainClass = domainClassExpr.asOWLClass(); String domainClassUri = domainClass.getIRI().toString(); Concept domainConcept = getConceptByIRI(domainClassUri); if (domainConcept == null) { LOGGER.error("Could not find class with uri: %s", domainClassUri); } else {"Adding data property " + propertyIRI + " to class " + domainConcept.getIRI()); domainConcepts.add(domainConcept); } } Map<String, String> possibleValues = getPossibleValues(o, dataTypeProperty); Collection<TextIndexHint> textIndexHints = getTextIndexHints(o, dataTypeProperty); addPropertyTo( domainConcepts, propertyIRI, propertyDisplayName, propertyType, possibleValues, textIndexHints, userVisible, searchable, addable, displayType, propertyGroup, boost, validationFormula, displayFormula, dependentPropertyIris, intents ); } protected abstract OntologyProperty addPropertyTo( List<Concept> concepts, String propertyIri, String displayName, PropertyType dataType, Map<String, String> possibleValues, Collection<TextIndexHint> textIndexHints, boolean userVisible, boolean searchable, boolean addable, String displayType, String propertyGroup, Double boost, String validationFormula, String displayFormula, ImmutableList<String> dependentPropertyIris, String[] intents); protected void importObjectProperty(OWLOntology o, OWLObjectProperty objectProperty) { String iri = objectProperty.getIRI().toString(); String label = getLabel(o, objectProperty); String[] intents = getIntents(o, objectProperty); boolean userVisible = getUserVisible(o, objectProperty); checkNotNull(label, "label cannot be null or empty for " + iri);"Importing ontology object property " + iri + " (label: " + label + ")"); getOrCreateRelationshipType(getDomainsConcepts(o, objectProperty), getRangesConcepts(o, objectProperty), iri, label, intents, userVisible); } protected void importInverseOf(OWLOntology o, OWLObjectProperty objectProperty) { String iri = objectProperty.getIRI().toString(); Relationship fromRelationship = null; for (OWLObjectPropertyExpression inverseOf : objectProperty.getInverses(o)) { if (inverseOf instanceof OWLObjectProperty) { if (fromRelationship == null) { fromRelationship = getRelationshipByIRI(iri); checkNotNull(fromRelationship, "could not find from relationship: " + iri); } OWLObjectProperty inverseOfOWLObjectProperty = (OWLObjectProperty) inverseOf; String inverseOfIri = inverseOfOWLObjectProperty.getIRI().toString(); Relationship inverseOfRelationship = getRelationshipByIRI(inverseOfIri); getOrCreateInverseOfRelationship(fromRelationship, inverseOfRelationship); } } } protected abstract void getOrCreateInverseOfRelationship(Relationship fromRelationship, Relationship inverseOfRelationship); private Iterable<Concept> getRangesConcepts(OWLOntology o, OWLObjectProperty objectProperty) { List<Concept> ranges = new ArrayList<>(); for (OWLClassExpression rangeClassExpr : objectProperty.getRanges(o)) { OWLClass rangeClass = rangeClassExpr.asOWLClass(); String rangeClassUri = rangeClass.getIRI().toString(); Concept ontologyClass = getConceptByIRI(rangeClassUri); if (ontologyClass == null) { LOGGER.error("Could not find class with uri: %s", rangeClassUri); } else { ranges.add(ontologyClass); } } return ranges; } private Iterable<Concept> getDomainsConcepts(OWLOntology o, OWLObjectProperty objectProperty) { List<Concept> domains = new ArrayList<>(); for (OWLClassExpression domainClassExpr : objectProperty.getDomains(o)) { OWLClass rangeClass = domainClassExpr.asOWLClass(); String rangeClassUri = rangeClass.getIRI().toString(); Concept ontologyClass = getConceptByIRI(rangeClassUri); if (ontologyClass == null) { LOGGER.error("Could not find class with uri: %s", rangeClassUri); } else { domains.add(ontologyClass); } } return domains; } protected PropertyType getPropertyType(OWLOntology o, OWLDataProperty dataTypeProperty) { Set<OWLDataRange> ranges = dataTypeProperty.getRanges(o); if (ranges.size() == 0) { return null; } if (ranges.size() > 1) { throw new LumifyException("Unexpected number of ranges on data property " + dataTypeProperty.getIRI().toString()); } for (OWLDataRange range : ranges) { if (range instanceof OWLDatatype) { OWLDatatype datatype = (OWLDatatype) range; return getPropertyType(datatype.getIRI().toString()); } } throw new LumifyException("Could not find range on data property " + dataTypeProperty.getIRI().toString()); } private PropertyType getPropertyType(String iri) { if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.STRING; } if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.DATE; } if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.DATE; } if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.DATE; } if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.DATE; } if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.DOUBLE; } if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.DOUBLE; } if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.DOUBLE; } if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.GEO_LOCATION; } if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.CURRENCY; } if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.IMAGE; } if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.BINARY; } if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.BOOLEAN; } if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.INTEGER; } if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.INTEGER; } if ("".equals(iri)) { return PropertyType.INTEGER; } throw new LumifyException("Unhandled property type " + iri); } public static String getLabel(OWLOntology o, OWLEntity owlEntity) { String bestLabel = owlEntity.getIRI().toString(); for (OWLAnnotation annotation : owlEntity.getAnnotations(o)) { if (annotation.getProperty().isLabel()) { OWLLiteral value = (OWLLiteral) annotation.getValue(); bestLabel = value.getLiteral(); if (value.getLang() != null && value.getLang().equals("en")) { return bestLabel; } } } return bestLabel; } protected String getDisplayType(OWLOntology o, OWLEntity owlEntity) { return getAnnotationValueByUri(o, owlEntity, LumifyProperties.DISPLAY_TYPE.getPropertyName()); } protected String getPropertyGroup(OWLOntology o, OWLEntity owlEntity) { return getAnnotationValueByUri(o, owlEntity, LumifyProperties.PROPERTY_GROUP.getPropertyName()); } protected String getValidationFormula(OWLOntology o, OWLEntity owlEntity) { return getAnnotationValueByUri(o, owlEntity, LumifyProperties.VALIDATION_FORMULA.getPropertyName()); } protected String getDisplayFormula(OWLOntology o, OWLEntity owlEntity) { return getAnnotationValueByUri(o, owlEntity, LumifyProperties.DISPLAY_FORMULA.getPropertyName()); } protected ImmutableList<String> getDependentPropertyIri(OWLOntology o, OWLEntity owlEntity) { return getAnnotationValuesByUriOrNull(o, owlEntity, LumifyProperties.DEPENDENT_PROPERTY_IRI.getPropertyName()); } protected Double getBoost(OWLOntology o, OWLEntity owlEntity) { String val = getAnnotationValueByUri(o, owlEntity, LumifyProperties.BOOST.getPropertyName()); if (val == null) { return null; } return Double.parseDouble(val); } protected String[] getIntents(OWLOntology o, OWLEntity owlEntity) { return getAnnotationValuesByUri(o, owlEntity, LumifyProperties.INTENT.getPropertyName()); } protected boolean getUserVisible(OWLOntology o, OWLEntity owlEntity) { String val = getAnnotationValueByUri(o, owlEntity, LumifyProperties.USER_VISIBLE.getPropertyName()); return val == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(val); } protected boolean getSearchable(OWLOntology o, OWLEntity owlEntity) { String val = getAnnotationValueByUri(o, owlEntity, ""); return val == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(val); } protected boolean getAddable(OWLOntology o, OWLEntity owlEntity) { String val = getAnnotationValueByUri(o, owlEntity, ""); return val == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(val); } protected Map<String, String> getPossibleValues(OWLOntology o, OWLEntity owlEntity) { String val = getAnnotationValueByUri(o, owlEntity, LumifyProperties.POSSIBLE_VALUES.getPropertyName()); if (val == null || val.trim().length() == 0) { return null; } return JSONUtil.toMap(new JSONObject(val)); } protected Collection<TextIndexHint> getTextIndexHints(OWLOntology o, OWLDataProperty owlEntity) { return TextIndexHint.parse(getAnnotationValueByUri(o, owlEntity, LumifyProperties.TEXT_INDEX_HINTS.getPropertyName())); } protected String getAnnotationValueByUri(OWLOntology o, OWLEntity owlEntity, String uri) { for (OWLAnnotation annotation : owlEntity.getAnnotations(o)) { if (annotation.getProperty().getIRI().toString().equals(uri)) { OWLLiteral value = (OWLLiteral) annotation.getValue(); return value.getLiteral(); } } return null; } protected ImmutableList<String> getAnnotationValuesByUriOrNull(OWLOntology o, OWLEntity owlEntity, String uri) { List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(); for (OWLAnnotation annotation : owlEntity.getAnnotations(o)) { if (annotation.getProperty().getIRI().toString().equals(uri)) { OWLLiteral value = (OWLLiteral) annotation.getValue(); values.add(value.getLiteral()); } } if (values.size() == 0) { return null; } return ImmutableList.copyOf(values); } protected String[] getAnnotationValuesByUri(OWLOntology o, OWLEntity owlEntity, String uri) { List<String> results = new ArrayList<>(); for (OWLAnnotation annotation : owlEntity.getAnnotations(o)) { if (annotation.getProperty().getIRI().toString().equals(uri)) { OWLLiteral value = (OWLLiteral) annotation.getValue(); results.add(value.getLiteral()); } } return results.toArray(new String[results.size()]); } @Override public void writePackage(File file, IRI documentIRI, Authorizations authorizations) throws Exception { ZipFile zipped = new ZipFile(file); if (zipped.isValidZipFile()) { File tempDir = Files.createTempDir(); try {"Extracting: %s to %s", file.getAbsoluteFile(), tempDir.getAbsolutePath()); zipped.extractAll(tempDir.getAbsolutePath()); File owlFile = findOwlFile(tempDir); importFile(owlFile, documentIRI, authorizations); } finally { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tempDir); } } else { importFile(file, documentIRI, authorizations); } } protected File findOwlFile(File fileOrDir) { if (fileOrDir.isFile()) { return fileOrDir; } File[] files = fileOrDir.listFiles(); if (files == null) { return null; } for (File child : files) { if (child.isDirectory()) { File found = findOwlFile(child); if (found != null) { return found; } } else if (child.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".owl")) { return child; } } return null; } @Override public void resolvePropertyIds(JSONArray filterJson) throws JSONException { for (int i = 0; i < filterJson.length(); i++) { JSONObject filter = filterJson.getJSONObject(i); if (filter.has("propertyId") && !filter.has("propertyName")) { String propertyVertexId = filter.getString("propertyId"); OntologyProperty property = getPropertyByIRI(propertyVertexId); if (property == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find property with id: " + propertyVertexId); } filter.put("propertyName", property.getTitle()); filter.put("propertyDataType", property.getDataType()); } } } @Override public Concept getConceptByIRI(String conceptIRI) { for (Concept concept : getConceptsWithProperties()) { if (concept.getIRI().equals(conceptIRI)) { return concept; } } return null; } @Override public OntologyProperty getPropertyByIRI(String propertyIRI) { for (OntologyProperty prop : getProperties()) { if (prop.getTitle().equals(propertyIRI)) { return prop; } } return null; } public Relationship getRelationshipByIRI(String relationshipIRI) { for (Relationship rel : getRelationships()) { if (rel.getIRI().equals(relationshipIRI)) { return rel; } } return null; } public Concept getConceptByIntent(String intent) { String configurationKey = CONFIG_INTENT_CONCEPT_PREFIX + intent; String conceptIri = getConfiguration().get(configurationKey, null); if (conceptIri != null) { Concept concept = getConceptByIRI(conceptIri); if (concept == null) { throw new LumifyException("Could not find concept by configuration key: " + configurationKey); } return concept; } List<Concept> concepts = findLoadedConceptsByIntent(intent); if (concepts.size() == 0) { return null; } if (concepts.size() == 1) { return concepts.get(0); } String iris = Joiner.on(',').join(new ConvertingIterable<Concept, String>(concepts) { @Override protected String convert(Concept o) { return o.getIRI(); } }); throw new LumifyException("Found multiple concepts for intent: " + intent + " (" + iris + ")"); } public String getConceptIRIByIntent(String intent) { Concept concept = getConceptByIntent(intent); if (concept != null) { return concept.getIRI(); } return null; } @Override public Concept getRequiredConceptByIntent(String intent) { Concept concept = getConceptByIntent(intent); if (concept == null) { throw new LumifyException("Could not find concept by intent: " + intent); } return concept; } @Override public String getRequiredConceptIRIByIntent(String intent) { return getRequiredConceptByIntent(intent).getIRI(); } private List<Concept> findLoadedConceptsByIntent(String intent) { List<Concept> results = new ArrayList<>(); for (Concept concept : getConceptsWithProperties()) { String[] conceptIntents = concept.getIntents(); if (Arrays.asList(conceptIntents).contains(intent)) { results.add(concept); } } return results; } public Relationship getRelationshipByIntent(String intent) { String configurationKey = CONFIG_INTENT_RELATIONSHIP_PREFIX + intent; String relationshipIri = getConfiguration().get(configurationKey, null); if (relationshipIri != null) { Relationship relationship = getRelationshipByIRI(relationshipIri); if (relationship == null) { throw new LumifyException("Could not find relationship by configuration key: " + configurationKey); } return relationship; } List<Relationship> relationships = findLoadedRelationshipsByIntent(intent); if (relationships.size() == 0) { return null; } if (relationships.size() == 1) { return relationships.get(0); } String iris = Joiner.on(',').join(new ConvertingIterable<Relationship, String>(relationships) { @Override protected String convert(Relationship o) { return o.getIRI(); } }); throw new LumifyException("Found multiple relationships for intent: " + intent + " (" + iris + ")"); } public String getRelationshipIRIByIntent(String intent) { Relationship relationship = getRelationshipByIntent(intent); if (relationship != null) { return relationship.getIRI(); } return null; } @Override public Relationship getRequiredRelationshipByIntent(String intent) { Relationship relationship = getRelationshipByIntent(intent); if (relationship == null) { throw new LumifyException("Could not find relationship by intent: " + intent); } return relationship; } @Override public String getRequiredRelationshipIRIByIntent(String intent) { return getRequiredRelationshipByIntent(intent).getIRI(); } private List<Relationship> findLoadedRelationshipsByIntent(String intent) { List<Relationship> results = new ArrayList<>(); for (Relationship relationship : getRelationships()) { String[] relationshipIntents = relationship.getIntents(); if (Arrays.asList(relationshipIntents).contains(intent)) { results.add(relationship); } } return results; } public OntologyProperty getPropertyByIntent(String intent) { String configurationKey = CONFIG_INTENT_PROPERTY_PREFIX + intent; String propertyIri = getConfiguration().get(configurationKey, null); if (propertyIri != null) { OntologyProperty property = getPropertyByIRI(propertyIri); if (property == null) { throw new LumifyException("Could not find property by configuration key: " + configurationKey); } return property; } List<OntologyProperty> properties = findLoadedPropertiesByIntent(intent); if (properties.size() == 0) { return null; } if (properties.size() == 1) { return properties.get(0); } String iris = Joiner.on(',').join(new ConvertingIterable<OntologyProperty, String>(properties) { @Override protected String convert(OntologyProperty o) { return o.getTitle(); } }); throw new LumifyException("Found multiple properties for intent: " + intent + " (" + iris + ")"); } public String getPropertyIRIByIntent(String intent) { OntologyProperty prop = getPropertyByIntent(intent); if (prop != null) { return prop.getTitle(); } return null; } @Override public OntologyProperty getRequiredPropertyByIntent(String intent) { OntologyProperty property = getPropertyByIntent(intent); if (property == null) { throw new LumifyException("Could not find property by intent: " + intent); } return property; } @Override public String getRequiredPropertyIRIByIntent(String intent) { return getRequiredPropertyByIntent(intent).getTitle(); } private List<OntologyProperty> findLoadedPropertiesByIntent(String intent) { List<OntologyProperty> results = new ArrayList<>(); for (OntologyProperty property : getProperties()) { String[] propertyIntents = property.getIntents(); if (Arrays.asList(propertyIntents).contains(intent)) { results.add(property); } } return results; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ClientApiOntology getClientApiObject() { Object[] results = ExecutorServiceUtil.runAllAndWait( new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() { Iterable<Concept> concepts = getConceptsWithProperties(); return Concept.toClientApiConcepts(concepts); } }, new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() { Iterable<OntologyProperty> properties = getProperties(); return OntologyProperty.toClientApiProperties(properties); } }, new Callable<Object>() { @Override public Object call() { Iterable<Relationship> relationships = getRelationships(); return Relationship.toClientApiRelationships(relationships); } } ); ClientApiOntology ontology = new ClientApiOntology(); ontology.addAllConcepts((Collection<ClientApiOntology.Concept>) results[0]); ontology.addAllProperties((Collection<ClientApiOntology.Property>) results[1]); ontology.addAllRelationships((Collection<ClientApiOntology.Relationship>) results[2]); return ontology; } public final Configuration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } protected void definePropertyOnGraph(Graph graph, String propertyIri, PropertyType dataType, Collection<TextIndexHint> textIndexHints, Double boost) { DefinePropertyBuilder definePropertyBuilder = graph.defineProperty(propertyIri); definePropertyBuilder.dataType(PropertyType.getTypeClass(dataType)); if (dataType == PropertyType.STRING) { definePropertyBuilder.textIndexHint(textIndexHints); } if (boost != null) { if (graph.isFieldBoostSupported()) { definePropertyBuilder.boost(boost); } else { LOGGER.warn("Field boosting is not support by the graph"); } } definePropertyBuilder.define(); } }