package io.lumify.core.util; import io.lumify.core.metrics.PausableTimerContext; import io.lumify.core.metrics.PausableTimerContextAware; import; import; import java.util.Date; public class TeeInputStream { private static final LumifyLogger LOGGER = LumifyLoggerFactory.getLogger(TeeInputStream.class); private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1 * 1024 * 1024; public static final int LOOP_REPORT_INTERVAL = 10 * 1000; // report to the user every 10 seconds that a queue is waiting private final InputStream source; private final MyInputStream[] tees; private final byte[] cyclicBuffer; private int cyclicBufferOffsetIndex; /* Index into the buffer for which cyclicBufferOffset represents */ private long cyclicBufferOffset; /* Offset of the source input stream that begins the cyclic buffer */ private int cyclicBufferValidSize; /* number of bytes in the cyclicBuffer which are valid */ private final Object cyclicBufferLock = new Object(); private boolean sourceComplete; public TeeInputStream(InputStream source, String[] splitNames) { this(source, splitNames, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); } public TeeInputStream(InputStream source, int splits) { this(source, new String[splits], DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); } public TeeInputStream(InputStream source, int splits, int bufferSize) { this(source, new String[splits], bufferSize); } public TeeInputStream(InputStream source, String[] splitNames, int bufferSize) { this.source = source; cyclicBuffer = new byte[bufferSize]; cyclicBufferOffsetIndex = 0; cyclicBufferOffset = 0; cyclicBufferValidSize = 0; sourceComplete = false; tees = new MyInputStream[splitNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tees.length; i++) { tees[i] = new MyInputStream(splitNames[i]); } } public InputStream[] getTees() { return tees; } private boolean isClosed(int idx) { return tees[idx].isClosed(); } public void close() throws IOException { for (InputStream tee : tees) { tee.close(); } } public void loopUntilTeesAreClosed() throws Exception { boolean allClosed = false; long lastReport = new Date().getTime(); while (!allClosed) { allClosed = true; for (int i = 0; i < tees.length; i++) { if (!isClosed(i)) { allClosed = false; if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() && new Date().getTime() > lastReport + LOOP_REPORT_INTERVAL) { MyInputStream teeWithLowestOffset = findTeeWithLowestTeeOffset(); if (teeWithLowestOffset == null) { LOGGER.debug("All tees are complete"); } else { LOGGER.debug("Waiting for tee: %s (offset: %d)", teeWithLowestOffset.splitName, teeWithLowestOffset.offset); } lastReport = new Date().getTime(); } break; } } loop(); } } protected void loop() throws Exception { synchronized (cyclicBufferLock) { // TODO: shouldn't need to do this each loop. Should really only be done if a read occurs. updateOffsets(); if (!sourceComplete && cyclicBufferValidSize < cyclicBuffer.length) { int readOffset = cyclicBufferOffsetIndex + cyclicBufferValidSize; int readLen = cyclicBuffer.length - cyclicBufferValidSize; // read from readOffset to end of buffer int partialRedLen = Math.min(cyclicBuffer.length - readOffset, readLen); if (partialRedLen > 0) { int read =, readOffset, partialRedLen); if (read == -1) { sourceComplete = true; } else { cyclicBufferValidSize += read; readLen -= read; readOffset += read; } } // wrap and read from the beginning of the buffer if (!sourceComplete && readLen > 0 && readOffset >= cyclicBuffer.length) { readOffset = readOffset % cyclicBuffer.length; int read =, readOffset, readLen); if (read == -1) { sourceComplete = true; } else { cyclicBufferValidSize += read; } } cyclicBufferLock.notifyAll(); } else { cyclicBufferLock.wait(100); } } } private void updateOffsets() { synchronized (cyclicBufferLock) { long lowestOffset = findLowestTeeOffset(); if (lowestOffset > cyclicBufferOffset) { int delta = (int) (lowestOffset - cyclicBufferOffset); cyclicBufferOffset += delta; cyclicBufferOffsetIndex += delta; cyclicBufferOffsetIndex = cyclicBufferOffsetIndex % cyclicBuffer.length; cyclicBufferValidSize -= delta; } } } private long findLowestTeeOffset() { synchronized (cyclicBufferLock) { long lowestOffset = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (MyInputStream tee : tees) { if (!tee.isClosed() && tee.offset < lowestOffset) { lowestOffset = tee.offset; } } return lowestOffset; } } private MyInputStream findTeeWithLowestTeeOffset() { synchronized (cyclicBufferLock) { MyInputStream teeWithLowestOffset = null; for (MyInputStream tee : tees) { if (!tee.isClosed() && (teeWithLowestOffset == null || tee.offset < teeWithLowestOffset.offset)) { teeWithLowestOffset = tee; } } return teeWithLowestOffset; } } public int getMaxNonblockingReadLength(int teeIndex) { return tees[teeIndex].getMaxNonblockingReadLength(); } private class MyInputStream extends InputStream implements PausableTimerContextAware { private final String splitName; private boolean closed; private long offset; private PausableTimerContext pausableTimerContext; public MyInputStream(String splitName) { closed = false; offset = 0; this.splitName = splitName; } @Override public int read() throws IOException { pauseTimer(); try { synchronized (cyclicBufferLock) { if (closed) { return -1; } int result = readInternal(); if (result != -1) { offset++; } cyclicBufferLock.notifyAll(); return result; } } finally { resumeTimer(); } } @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { pauseTimer(); try { synchronized (cyclicBufferLock) { if (closed) { return -1; } if (b.length == 0 || len == 0) { return 0; } int readLength = readInternal(b, off, len); if (readLength != -1) { offset += readLength; } cyclicBufferLock.notifyAll(); return readLength; } } finally { resumeTimer(); } } private int readInternal() throws IOException { synchronized (cyclicBufferLock) { if (offset < cyclicBufferOffset) { throw new IOException("attempting to read previous data is not permitted. offset: " + offset + ", cyclicBufferOffset: " + cyclicBufferOffset); } while (getMaxNonblockingReadLength() <= 0) { if (sourceComplete) { return -1; } try { cyclicBufferLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException("Cyclic buffer wait failed", e); } } int readOffset = (int) (offset - cyclicBufferOffset + cyclicBufferOffsetIndex) % cyclicBuffer.length; return cyclicBuffer[readOffset]; } } private int readInternal(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { synchronized (cyclicBufferLock) { if (offset < cyclicBufferOffset) { throw new IOException("attempting to read previous data is not permitted. offset: " + offset + ", cyclicBufferOffset: " + cyclicBufferOffset); } while (getMaxNonblockingReadLength() <= 0) { if (sourceComplete) { return -1; } try { cyclicBufferLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException("Cyclic buffer wait failed", e); } } int readOffset = (int) (offset - cyclicBufferOffset + cyclicBufferOffsetIndex) % cyclicBuffer.length; int readLen = Math.min(len, getMaxNonblockingReadLength()); int bytesRead = 0; // read from readOffset to end of buffer int partialReadLen = Math.min(cyclicBuffer.length - readOffset, readLen); if (partialReadLen > 0) { System.arraycopy(cyclicBuffer, readOffset, b, off, partialReadLen); readLen -= partialReadLen; off += partialReadLen; readOffset += partialReadLen; bytesRead += partialReadLen; } // read from start of buffer to readLen if (readLen > 0) { readOffset = readOffset % cyclicBuffer.length; System.arraycopy(cyclicBuffer, readOffset, b, off, readLen); bytesRead += readLen; } return bytesRead; } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { LOGGER.debug("Closing tee: " + splitName); try { super.close(); } finally { synchronized (cyclicBufferLock) { closed = true; offset = Long.MAX_VALUE; cyclicBufferLock.notifyAll(); } } } public boolean isClosed() { return closed; } public int getMaxNonblockingReadLength() { synchronized (cyclicBufferLock) { return (int) (cyclicBufferValidSize - (offset - cyclicBufferOffset)); } } @Override public void setPausableTimerContext(PausableTimerContext pausableTimerContext) { this.pausableTimerContext = pausableTimerContext; } private void resumeTimer() { if (this.pausableTimerContext != null) { this.pausableTimerContext.resume(); } } private void pauseTimer() { if (this.pausableTimerContext != null) { this.pausableTimerContext.pause(); } } } }