package org.apache.lucene.queryparser.spans; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.ParseException; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.QueryParser; import org.apache.lucene.sandbox.queries.SlowFuzzyQuery; import*; import; import*; import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef; import org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.LevenshteinAutomata; /** * This mimics QueryParserBase. Instead of extending it, though, this now makes * a cleaner start via QueryBuilder. * <p> * When SpanQueries are eventually nuked, there should be an easyish * refactoring of classes that extend this class to extend QueryParserBase. * <p> * This should also allow for an easy transfer to javacc or similar. * */ abstract class SpanQueryParserBase extends AnalyzingQueryParserBase { //they are needed in addClause static final int CONJ_NONE = 0; public static final int CONJ_AND = 1; public static final int CONJ_OR = 2; static final int MOD_NONE = 0; public static final int MOD_NOT = 10; public static final int MOD_REQ = 11; private static final boolean DEFAULT_IN_ORDER = true; private boolean allowLeadingWildcard = false; private boolean autoGeneratePhraseQueries = false; private int defaultPhraseSlop = 0; private MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod multiTermRewriteMethod = MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_REWRITE; private BooleanClause.Occur singleTermBooleanOperator = BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD; QueryParser.Operator defaultOperator = QueryParser.Operator.OR; private int spanNearMaxDistance = 100; private int spanNotNearMaxDistance = 50; private int maxExpansions = FuzzyQuery.defaultMaxExpansions; private int fuzzyMaxEdits = FuzzyQuery.defaultMaxEdits; private int fuzzyPrefixLength = FuzzyQuery.defaultPrefixLength; private final boolean fuzzyIsTranspositions = FuzzyQuery.defaultTranspositions; SpanQueryParserBase(Analyzer analyzer, Analyzer multiTermAnalyzer) { super(analyzer, multiTermAnalyzer); } /** * Returns new SpanNearQuery. This is added as parallelism to newPhraseQuery. * Not sure it is of any use. * * @param queries subqueries used in the NearQuery * @param slop slop for this NearQuery * @param inOrder whether order is required or not * @return SpanNearQuery */ protected SpanNearQuery newNearQuery(SpanQuery[] queries, int slop, boolean inOrder) { return new SpanNearQuery(queries, slop, inOrder); } /** * Currently returns multiTermRewriteMethod no matter the field. * This allows for hooks for overriding to handle * field-specific MultiTermRewriteMethod handling * * @param field field to use * @return RewriteMethod for a given field */ protected RewriteMethod getMultiTermRewriteMethod(String field) { return multiTermRewriteMethod; } /** * * @return default multitermrewritemethod */ protected RewriteMethod getMultiTermRewriteMethod() { return multiTermRewriteMethod;} /** * This currently sets the method for all fields. * @param method rewrite method */ public void setMultiTermRewriteMethod(MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod method) { this.multiTermRewriteMethod = method; } /** * * Be careful: this assumes that the sqp terminal is NOT a SpanPositionRangeQuery!!! * * @param fieldName field * @param terminal terminal * @return Query that was built or <code>null</code> if a stop word * @throws ParseException if an exception is encountered */ Query buildTerminal(String fieldName, SQPTerminal terminal) throws ParseException { Query ret; if (terminal instanceof SQPTerm) { ret = newFieldQuery(fieldName, ((SQPTerm) terminal).getString(), ((SQPTerm) terminal).isQuoted() || autoGeneratePhraseQueries, 0); } else if (terminal instanceof SQPFuzzyTerm) { SQPFuzzyTerm ft = (SQPFuzzyTerm) terminal; int tmpPrefixLen = (ft.getPrefixLength() != null) ? ft.getPrefixLength() : getFuzzyPrefixLength(); int tmpMaxEdits = (ft.getMaxEdits() != null) ? Math.min(fuzzyMaxEdits, ft.getMaxEdits()) : getFuzzyMaxEdits(); ret = newFuzzyQuery(fieldName, ft.getString(), tmpMaxEdits, tmpPrefixLen, getMaxExpansions(), ft.isTranspositions()); } else if (terminal instanceof SQPWildcardTerm) { ret = newWildcardQuery(fieldName, terminal.getString()); } else if (terminal instanceof SQPPrefixTerm) { ret = newPrefixQuery(fieldName, terminal.getString()); } else if (terminal instanceof SQPRangeTerm) { SQPRangeTerm rt = (SQPRangeTerm) terminal; ret = newRangeQuery(fieldName, rt.getStart(), rt.getEnd(), rt.getStartInclusive(), rt.getEndInclusive()); } else if (terminal instanceof SQPRegexTerm) { ret = newRegexpQuery(fieldName, terminal.getString()); } else if (terminal instanceof SQPAllDocsTerm) { ret = new MatchAllDocsQuery(); } else { //This should never happen. Throw early and often. throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't build Query from: " + terminal.getClass()); } if (ret != null && terminal.getBoost() != null) { if (ret instanceof SpanQuery) { ret = new SpanBoostQuery((SpanQuery)ret, terminal.getBoost()); } else { ret = new BoostQuery(ret, terminal.getBoost()); } } return ret; } /** * Builds a SpanQuery from an SQPTerminal. * <p> * Can return null, e.g. if the terminal is a stopword. * @param fieldName field * @param terminal terminal * @return a SpanQuery * @throws ParseException if an exception is encountered */ SpanQuery buildSpanTerminal(String fieldName, SQPTerminal terminal) throws ParseException { SpanQuery spanQuery = null; if (terminal instanceof SQPTerm) { spanQuery = newFieldSpanQuery(fieldName, terminal.getString(), ((SQPTerm) terminal).isQuoted()); } else { Query q = buildTerminal(fieldName, terminal); if (q instanceof MultiTermQuery) { spanQuery = new SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper<>((MultiTermQuery) q); } else if (q instanceof TermQuery) { //this happens when fuzzy query has a fuzzy = 0, and a TermQuery is generated //straight from the analyzed str spanQuery = new SpanTermQuery(((TermQuery) q).getTerm()); } else { spanQuery = (SpanQuery)q; } } spanQuery = addBoostOrPositionRangeIfExists(spanQuery, terminal); return spanQuery; } SpanQuery addBoostOrPositionRangeIfExists(SpanQuery spanQuery, SQPBoostableOrPositionRangeToken token) { if (spanQuery == null) { return null; } if (token.getStartPosition() != null || token.getEndPosition() != null) { if (token.getStartPosition() == null) { spanQuery = new SpanFirstQuery(spanQuery, token.getEndPosition()); } else { int end = (token.getEndPosition() == null) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : token.getEndPosition(); spanQuery = new SpanPositionRangeQuery(spanQuery, token.getStartPosition(), end); } } if (token.getBoost() != null && ! (spanQuery instanceof SpanBoostQuery)) { spanQuery = new SpanBoostQuery(spanQuery, token.getBoost()); } return spanQuery; } /** * Converts {@link #newFieldQuery(String, String, boolean, int)} to something * as close as possible to a SpanQuery. * <p> * Can return null, e.g. if asked to create newFieldSpanQuery from a stop word. * @param fieldName field for query * @param termText text for term * @param quoted whether or not this is quoted * @return a SpanQuery that is as close as possible to the Query created by * {@link #newFieldQuery(String, String, boolean, int)} * @throws ParseException if encountered during parse */ private SpanQuery newFieldSpanQuery(String fieldName, String termText, boolean quoted) throws ParseException { Analyzer analyzer = getAnalyzer(fieldName); if (analyzer == null) { throw new ParseException("Need to have non-null analyzer for term queries within a 'near' clause."); } Query q = newFieldQuery(fieldName, termText, quoted, 0); if (q == null) { return null; } //now convert to a SpanQuery if (q instanceof TermQuery) { return new SpanTermQuery(((TermQuery)q).getTerm()); } else if (q instanceof BooleanQuery) { //TODO: there are dragons here. convertBooleanOfBooleanOrTermsToSpan //ignores the operators inside of the BooleanQuery //and just treats this as big "OR" for now return convertBooleanOfBooleanOrTermsToSpan((BooleanQuery) q); } else if (q instanceof PhraseQuery) { PhraseQuery pq = (PhraseQuery)q; Term[] terms = pq.getTerms(); int[] positions = pq.getPositions(); List<SpanQuery> spanTerms = new LinkedList<>(); for (Term t : terms) { spanTerms.add(new SpanTermQuery(t)); } int slop = positions[positions.length-1]-(positions.length-1); return buildSpanNearQuery(spanTerms, slop, true); } else if (q instanceof MultiPhraseQuery) { MultiPhraseQuery mpq = (MultiPhraseQuery)q; int[] positions = mpq.getPositions(); Term[][] terms = mpq.getTermArrays(); List<SpanQuery> spanTerms = new LinkedList<>(); for (Term[] tArr : terms) { List<SpanQuery> spans = new LinkedList<>(); for (Term t : tArr) { spans.add(new SpanTermQuery(t)); } SpanQuery spanOr = buildSpanOrQuery(spans); spanTerms.add(spanOr); } int slop = positions[positions.length-1]-positions.length; return buildSpanNearQuery(spanTerms, slop, true); } else if (q instanceof SynonymQuery) { SynonymQuery synonymQuery = (SynonymQuery)q; if (synonymQuery.getTerms().size() == 0) { return new SpanOrQuery(); } else if (synonymQuery.getTerms().size() == 1) { return new SpanTermQuery(synonymQuery.getTerms().get(0)); } SpanQuery[] clauses = new SpanQuery[((SynonymQuery)q).getTerms().size()]; int i = 0; for (Term t : ((SynonymQuery)q).getTerms()) { clauses[i++] = new SpanTermQuery(t); } return new SpanOrQuery(clauses); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't convert class >" + q.getClass() + "< to a SpanQuery"); } private SpanQuery convertBooleanOfBooleanOrTermsToSpan(BooleanQuery q) throws ParseException { List<SpanQuery> queries = new LinkedList<>(); for (BooleanClause clause : q) { Query bcq = clause.getQuery(); if (bcq instanceof TermQuery) { queries.add(new SpanTermQuery(((TermQuery)bcq).getTerm())); } else if (bcq instanceof SynonymQuery){ for (Term t : ((SynonymQuery)bcq).getTerms()) { queries.add(new SpanTermQuery(t)); } } else if (bcq instanceof BooleanQuery) { SpanQuery tmp = convertBooleanOfBooleanOrTermsToSpan((BooleanQuery)bcq); if (! isEmptyQuery(tmp)) { queries.add(tmp); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wasn't expecting query of class >"+q.getClass()); } } return buildSpanOrQuery(queries); } /** * Build what appears to be a simple single term query. If the analyzer breaks * it into multiple terms, treat that as a "phrase" or as an "or" depending on * the value of {@link #autoGeneratePhraseQueries}. * * If the analyzer is null, this calls {@link #handleNullAnalyzer(String, String)} * * Can return null! * @param fieldName field * @param termText term * @param quoted whether term is quoted * @param phraseSlop what phrase slop to use if this is found to be a phrase * @return Query * @throws ParseException if encountered during parse */ private Query newFieldQuery(String fieldName, String termText, boolean quoted, int phraseSlop) throws ParseException { Analyzer analyzer = getAnalyzer(fieldName); if (analyzer == null) { return handleNullAnalyzer(fieldName, termText); } return createFieldQuery(analyzer, singleTermBooleanOperator, fieldName, termText, (quoted || autoGeneratePhraseQueries), phraseSlop); } /** * If multiTermAnalyzer is null, this performs no analysis! * * @param fieldName field for query * @param termText text for regex * @return RegexQuery * @throws ParseException if encountered during parse */ private Query newRegexpQuery(String fieldName, String termText) throws ParseException{ Analyzer mtAnalyzer = getMultiTermAnalyzer(fieldName); BytesRef analyzed = null; if (mtAnalyzer != null) { analyzed = analyzeMultitermTermParseEx(mtAnalyzer, fieldName, termText); return wrapMultiTermRewrite(new RegexpQuery(new Term(fieldName, analyzed))); } return wrapMultiTermRewrite(new RegexpQuery(new Term(fieldName,termText))); } /** * Creates SpanMultiTerm wrapped RangeQuery and applies {@link #getMultiTermRewriteMethod(String)}. * <p> * Unlike classic QueryParser, this performs no date parsing. * <p> * This applies * {@link #getMultiTermAnalyzer(String)}'s analyzer to the tokens. * If {@link #getMultiTermAnalyzer(String)} returns null, this calls * {@link #handleNullAnalyzerRange(String, String, String, boolean, boolean)}. * * * @param fieldName field * @param lowerTerm lower term * @param upperTerm upper term * @param includeLower include lower * @param includeUpper include upper * @return RangeQuery * @throws ParseException if encountered during parse */ private Query newRangeQuery(String fieldName, String lowerTerm, String upperTerm, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper) throws ParseException { Analyzer mtAnalyzer = getMultiTermAnalyzer(fieldName); if (mtAnalyzer == null) { return handleNullAnalyzerRange(fieldName, lowerTerm, upperTerm, includeLower, includeUpper); } BytesRef lowerBytesRef = (lowerTerm == null) ? null : analyzeMultitermTermParseEx(mtAnalyzer, fieldName, lowerTerm); BytesRef upperBytesRef = (upperTerm == null) ? null : analyzeMultitermTermParseEx(mtAnalyzer, fieldName, upperTerm); return wrapMultiTermRewrite(new TermRangeQuery(fieldName, lowerBytesRef, upperBytesRef, includeLower, includeUpper)); } private Query newFuzzyQuery(String fieldName, String termText, int maxEdits, int prefixLen, int maxExpansions, boolean transpositions) throws ParseException { maxEdits = Math.min(maxEdits, getFuzzyMaxEdits()); Analyzer mtAnalyzer = getMultiTermAnalyzer(fieldName); String analyzed = termText; if (mtAnalyzer != null) { BytesRef b = analyzeMultitermTermParseEx(mtAnalyzer, fieldName, termText); analyzed = b.utf8ToString(); } //note that this is subtly different from createFieldQuery if (maxEdits == 0) { return new TermQuery(new Term(fieldName, analyzed)); } MultiTermQuery mtq = null; if (maxEdits > LevenshteinAutomata.MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_DISTANCE) { mtq = new SlowFuzzyQuery(new Term(fieldName, analyzed), maxEdits, prefixLen, maxExpansions); } else { mtq = new FuzzyQuery(new Term(fieldName, analyzed), maxEdits, prefixLen, maxExpansions, transpositions); } return wrapMultiTermRewrite(mtq); } private Query wrapMultiTermRewrite(MultiTermQuery mtq) { mtq.setRewriteMethod(getMultiTermRewriteMethod(mtq.getField())); return mtq; } private Query newWildcardQuery(String fieldName, String termText) throws ParseException { if (!getAllowLeadingWildcard() && (termText.startsWith("*") || termText.startsWith("?")) ) { throw new ParseException("'*' or '?' not allowed as first character in WildcardQuery"); } Analyzer mtAnalyzer = getMultiTermAnalyzer(fieldName); BytesRef analyzed = analyzeMultitermTermParseEx(mtAnalyzer, fieldName, termText); return wrapMultiTermRewrite(new WildcardQuery(new Term(fieldName, analyzed))); } private Query newPrefixQuery(String fieldName, String termText) throws ParseException { Analyzer mtAnalyzer = getMultiTermAnalyzer(fieldName); if (mtAnalyzer == null) { return handleNullAnalyzerPrefix(fieldName, termText); } BytesRef analyzed = analyzeMultitermTermParseEx(mtAnalyzer, fieldName, termText); return wrapMultiTermRewrite(new PrefixQuery(new Term(fieldName, analyzed))); } /** * Built to be overridden. In SpanQueryParserBase, this returns SpanTermQuery * with no modifications to termText * * @param fieldName field to use * @param termText term * @return query */ protected Query handleNullAnalyzer(String fieldName, String termText) { return new SpanTermQuery(new Term(fieldName, termText)); } /** * Built to be overridden. In SpanQueryParserBase, this returns SpanTermQuery * or prefix with no modifications to termText. * * @param fieldName field * @param prefix prefix * @return Query */ protected Query handleNullAnalyzerPrefix(String fieldName, String prefix) { return new PrefixQuery(new Term(fieldName, prefix)); } /** * Built to be overridden. In SpanQueryParserBase, this returns SpanTermQuery * with no modifications to termText * * @param fieldName default field * @param start start term * @param end end term * @param startInclusive is range inclusive of start term * @param endInclusive is range inclusive of end term * @return query */ protected Query handleNullAnalyzerRange(String fieldName, String start, String end, boolean startInclusive, boolean endInclusive) { final TermRangeQuery query = TermRangeQuery.newStringRange(fieldName, start, end, startInclusive, endInclusive); query.setRewriteMethod(getMultiTermRewriteMethod(fieldName)); return new SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper<TermRangeQuery>(query); } /** * * @param clauses list of clauses to process * @return {@link} might be empty if clauses is null or contains * only empty queries * @throws ParseException if an exception is encountered */ SpanQuery buildSpanOrQuery(List<SpanQuery> clauses) throws ParseException { if (clauses == null || clauses.size() == 0) return getEmptySpanQuery(); List<SpanQuery> nonEmpties = removeEmpties(clauses); if (nonEmpties.size() == 0) { return getEmptySpanQuery(); } if (nonEmpties.size() == 1) return nonEmpties.get(0); SpanQuery[] arr = nonEmpties.toArray(new SpanQuery[nonEmpties.size()]); return new SpanOrQuery(arr); } SpanQuery buildSpanNearQuery(List<SpanQuery> clauses, Integer slop, Boolean inOrder) throws ParseException { if (clauses == null || clauses.size() == 0) return getEmptySpanQuery(); slop = (slop == null) ? defaultPhraseSlop : slop; List<SpanQuery> nonEmpties = new LinkedList<>(); //find first non-null and last non-null entry int start = 0; int end = clauses.size(); for (int i = 0; i < clauses.size(); i++) { if (!isEmptyQuery(clauses.get(i))) { start = i; break; } } for (int i = clauses.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!isEmptyQuery(clauses.get(i))) { end = i + 1; break; } } //now count the stop words that occur //between the first and last non-null int numIntermedStops = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { SpanQuery clause = clauses.get(i); if (!isEmptyQuery(clause)) { nonEmpties.add(clause); } else { numIntermedStops++; } } if (nonEmpties.size() == 0) { return getEmptySpanQuery(); } if (nonEmpties.size() == 1) { SpanQuery child = nonEmpties.get(0); //if single child is itself a SpanNearQuery, inherit slop and inorder if (child instanceof SpanNearQuery) { SpanQuery[] childsClauses = ((SpanNearQuery) child).getClauses(); return new SpanNearQuery(childsClauses, slop, inOrder); } return child; } //adjust slop to handle intermediate stops that //were removed slop += numIntermedStops; if (spanNearMaxDistance > -1 && slop > spanNearMaxDistance) { slop = spanNearMaxDistance; } boolean localInOrder = DEFAULT_IN_ORDER; if (inOrder != null) { localInOrder = inOrder.booleanValue(); } SpanQuery[] arr = nonEmpties.toArray(new SpanQuery[nonEmpties.size()]); return new SpanNearQuery(arr, slop, localInOrder); } /** * This is meant to "fix" two cases that might be surprising to a * non-whitespace language speaker. If a user entered, e.g. "\u5927\u5B66"~3, * and {@link #autoGeneratePhraseQueries} is set to true, then the parser * would treat this recursively and yield [[\u5927\u5B66]]~3 by default. The user * probably meant: find those two characters within three words of each other, * not find those right next to each other and that hit has to be within three * words of nothing. * <p> * If a user entered the same thing and {@link #autoGeneratePhraseQueries} is * set to false, then the parser would treat this as [(\u5927 \u5B66)]~3: find * one character or the other and then that hit has to be within three words * of nothing...not the desired outcome * * @param field field for this query * @param termText term * @param ancestralSlop the slop of the parent clause * @param ancestralInOrder whether the parent clause was inOrder or not * @return Query * @throws ParseException if encountered during parse */ Query specialHandlingForSpanNearWithOneComponent(String field, String termText, int ancestralSlop, Boolean ancestralInOrder) throws ParseException { Query q = newFieldSpanQuery(field, termText, true); if (q instanceof SpanNearQuery) { SpanQuery[] childClauses = ((SpanNearQuery)q).getClauses(); return buildSpanNearQuery(Arrays.asList(childClauses), ancestralSlop, ancestralInOrder); } return q; } SpanQuery buildSpanNotNearQuery(List<SpanQuery> clauses, Integer pre, Integer post) throws ParseException { if (clauses.size() != 2) { throw new ParseException( String.format("SpanNotNear query must have two clauses. I count %d", clauses.size())); } // if include is an empty query, treat this as just an empty query if (isEmptyQuery(clauses.get(0))) { return clauses.get(0); } // if exclude is an empty query, return include alone if (isEmptyQuery(clauses.get(1))) { return clauses.get(0); } pre = (pre == null) ? 0 : pre; post = (post == null) ? pre : post; if (spanNotNearMaxDistance > -1 && pre > spanNotNearMaxDistance) { pre = spanNotNearMaxDistance; } if (spanNotNearMaxDistance > -1 && post > spanNotNearMaxDistance) { post = spanNotNearMaxDistance; } return new SpanNotQuery(clauses.get(0), clauses.get(1), pre, post); } private List<SpanQuery> removeEmpties(List<SpanQuery> queries) throws ParseException { List<SpanQuery> nonEmpties = new ArrayList<>(); for (SpanQuery q : queries) { if (!isEmptyQuery(q)) { nonEmpties.add(q); } } return nonEmpties; } SpanQuery getEmptySpanQuery() { return new SpanOrQuery(new SpanTermQuery[0]); } boolean isEmptyQuery(Query q) { return q == null || q instanceof SpanOrQuery && ((SpanOrQuery) q).getClauses().length == 0; } /** * * @return maximum distance allowed for a SpanNear query. Can return negative values. */ public int getSpanNearMaxDistance() { return spanNearMaxDistance; } /** * * @param spanNearMaxDistance maximum distance for a SpanNear (phrase) query. If < 0, * there is no limitation on distances in SpanNear queries. */ public void setSpanNearMaxDistance(int spanNearMaxDistance) { this.spanNearMaxDistance = spanNearMaxDistance; } /** * * @return maximum distance allowed for a SpanNotNear query. * Can return negative values. */ public int getSpanNotNearMaxDistance() { return spanNotNearMaxDistance; } /** * * @param spanNotNearMaxDistance maximum distance for the previous and post distance for a SpanNotNear query. If < 0, * there is no limitation on distances in SpanNotNear queries. */ public void setSpanNotNearMaxDistance(int spanNotNearMaxDistance) { this.spanNotNearMaxDistance = spanNotNearMaxDistance; } private boolean getAllowLeadingWildcard() { return allowLeadingWildcard; } int getPhraseSlop() { return defaultPhraseSlop; } public void setPhraseSlop(int slop) { defaultPhraseSlop = slop; } private int getMaxExpansions() { return maxExpansions; } public void setMaxExpansions(int maxExpansions) { this.maxExpansions = maxExpansions; } public void setAutoGeneratePhraseQueries(boolean autoGeneratePhraseQueries) { this.autoGeneratePhraseQueries = autoGeneratePhraseQueries; } public boolean getAutoGeneratePhraseQueries() { return autoGeneratePhraseQueries; } public void setAllowLeadingWildcard(boolean allowLeadingWildcard) { this.allowLeadingWildcard = allowLeadingWildcard; } private int getFuzzyPrefixLength() { return fuzzyPrefixLength; } public void setFuzzyPrefixLength(int fuzzyPrefixLength) { this.fuzzyPrefixLength = fuzzyPrefixLength; } public boolean getFuzzyIsTranspositions() { return fuzzyIsTranspositions; } public void setDefaultOperator(QueryParser.Operator defaultOperator) { this.defaultOperator = defaultOperator; this.singleTermBooleanOperator = (defaultOperator == QueryParser.Operator.OR) ? BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD : BooleanClause.Occur.MUST; } private int getFuzzyMaxEdits() { return fuzzyMaxEdits; } public void setFuzzyMaxEdits(int fuzzyMaxEdits) { this.fuzzyMaxEdits = fuzzyMaxEdits; } }