package org.apache.lucene.queryparser.spans; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EmptyStackException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.ParseException; class SpanQueryLexer { private enum TOKEN_TYPE { UNSPECIFIED, //nothing special, for a token, this is EXACT QUOTED, REGEX, } private static final int DEFAULT_MIN_REQUIRED_IN_OR = 2; private static final String AND = "AND"; private static final String NOT = "NOT"; private static final String OR = "OR"; //silently removed from queries...beware! private static final String ESCAPED_AND = "\\AND"; private static final String ESCAPED_NOT = "\\NOT"; private static final String ESCAPED_OR = "\\OR"; private static final int DQUOTE = (int) '"'; private static final int SQUOTE = (int) '\''; private static final int OPEN_PAREN = (int) '('; private static final int CLOSE_PAREN = (int) ')'; private static final int OPEN_SQUARE = (int) '['; private static final int CLOSE_SQUARE = (int) ']'; private static final int OPEN_CURLY = (int) '{'; private static final int CLOSE_CURLY = (int) '}'; private static final int TILDE = (int) '~'; private static final int U = (int) 'u'; private static final int CARET = (int) '^'; private static final int FORWARD_SLASH = (int) '/'; private static final int BACK_SLASH = (int) '\\'; private static final int COLON = (int) ':'; private static final int PLUS = (int) '+'; private static final int MINUS = (int) '-'; private static final int EXCLAMATION = (int) '!'; private static final int AMPERSAND = '&'; private static final int PIPE = '|'; private static final int COMMA = (int) ','; private static final int GREATER_THAN = (int) '>'; private static final int LESS_THAN = (int) '<'; private static final int DECIMAL_POINT = (int)'.'; private static final int STAR = (int)'*'; private static final int QMARK = (int)'?'; private static final int AT = (int)'@'; private static final int PERIOD = (int)'.'; private static final int CHAR_O = (int)'O'; private static final int CHAR_T = (int)'T'; private static final int CHAR_N = (int)'N'; private static final int CHAR_D = (int)'D'; private static final int CHAR_R = (int)'R'; private static final int CHAR_A = (int)'A'; private boolean inDQuote = false; private int wildcardChars = 0; private int wildcardQuestionMarks = 0; private TOKEN_TYPE type = TOKEN_TYPE.UNSPECIFIED; private int nearDepth = 0; private PushbackReader reader; private final StringBuilder tokenBuffer = new StringBuilder(); private final List<SQPToken> tokens = new ArrayList<>(); private final Stack<SQPOpenClause> stack = new Stack<>(); public List<SQPToken> getTokens(String s) throws ParseException { if (s.trim().length() == 0) { return tokens; } //TODO: no need to init if initialize lexer w string and change to getTokens() tokens.clear(); stack.clear(); resetTokenBuffer(); nearDepth = 0; inDQuote = false; reader = new PushbackReader(new StringReader(s), 11);//need to be able to push back string representation of integer try { while (nextToken()) { //do nothing; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ParseException(e.getMessage()); } if (! stack.isEmpty()) { throw new ParseException("Couldn't find matching end to: "+stack.pop().getType()); } return tokens; } private boolean nextToken() throws IOException, ParseException { int c =; //slurp leading whitespace while (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { c =; } while (true) { if (Character.isWhitespace(c)) { flushBuffer(); return true; } switch (c) { case -1: flushBuffer(); return false; case STAR : wildcardChars++; break; case QMARK : wildcardChars++; wildcardQuestionMarks++; break; case TILDE : if (tokenBuffer.length() > 0) { handleFuzzyTerm(); c =; continue; } break; case AT : if (tokenBuffer.length() > 0) { tryToUnread(AT); //unread so that we can tryToRead... BoostPositionRange boostPositionRange = tryToReadBoostOrPositionRange(false); //if a position was found, great, if not continue on if (boostPositionRange != null && boostPositionRange.hasPosition()) { flushBuffer(boostPositionRange); return true; } } break; case CARET : // hit boost marker if (tokenBuffer.length() > 0) { tryToUnread(CARET); //unread so that we can tryToRead... BoostPositionRange boostPositionRange = tryToReadBoostOrPositionRange(false); if (boostPositionRange != null) { flushBuffer(boostPositionRange); return true; } } break; case SQUOTE : //single quote flushBuffer(); type = TOKEN_TYPE.QUOTED; return readToMatchingEndToken(SQUOTE); case FORWARD_SLASH : //regex flushBuffer(); type = TOKEN_TYPE.REGEX; return readToMatchingEndToken(FORWARD_SLASH); case BACK_SLASH: int next =; if (next == -1) { throw new ParseException("Can't end string with \\"); } else if (next == U) { tryToReadEscapedUnicode(); } else { //need to append it for now tokenBuffer.appendCodePoint(BACK_SLASH); tokenBuffer.appendCodePoint(next); } c =; continue; case COLON: String fieldName = tokenBuffer.toString(); resetTokenBuffer(); tryToAddField(fieldName); return true; case OPEN_PAREN: flushBuffer(); handleOpenClause(SQPClause.TYPE.PAREN); return true; case OPEN_SQUARE: flushBuffer(); handleOpenClause(SQPClause.TYPE.BRACKET); return true; case OPEN_CURLY: flushBuffer(); handleOpenClause(SQPClause.TYPE.CURLY); return true; case DQUOTE: handleDQuote(); return true; case CLOSE_PAREN : handleCloseClause(SQPClause.TYPE.PAREN); return true; case CLOSE_CURLY : handleCloseClause(SQPClause.TYPE.CURLY); return true; case CLOSE_SQUARE : handleCloseClause(SQPClause.TYPE.BRACKET); return true; case PLUS : if (tokenBuffer.length() == 0 && isNotNextWhitespaceOrEnd()) { flushBuffer(); SQPBooleanOpToken plusToken = new SQPBooleanOpToken(SpanQueryParserBase.MOD_REQ); testBooleanTokens(tokens, plusToken); tokens.add(plusToken); return true; } break; case MINUS : if (tokenBuffer.length() == 0 && isNotNextWhitespaceOrEnd()) { flushBuffer(); SQPBooleanOpToken minusToken = new SQPBooleanOpToken(SpanQueryParserBase.MOD_NOT); testBooleanTokens(tokens, minusToken); tokens.add(minusToken); return true; } break; case EXCLAMATION : if (tokenBuffer.length() == 0 && ! isNextBreak() && nearDepth == 0) { flushBuffer(); SQPBooleanOpToken notToken = new SQPBooleanOpToken(SpanQueryParserBase.MOD_NOT); testBooleanTokens(tokens, notToken); tokens.add(notToken); return true; } break; case AMPERSAND : if (tokenBuffer.length() == 0 && nearDepth == 0) { int n =; if (n == AMPERSAND && isNextBreak()) { flushBuffer(); SQPBooleanOpToken andToken = new SQPBooleanOpToken(SpanQueryParserBase.CONJ_AND); testBooleanTokens(tokens, andToken); tokens.add(andToken); return true; } else { tryToUnread(n); } } break; case PIPE : if (tokenBuffer.length() == 0) { int n =; if (n == PIPE && isNextBreak()) { flushBuffer(); SQPBooleanOpToken orToken = new SQPBooleanOpToken(SpanQueryParserBase.CONJ_OR); testBooleanTokens(tokens, orToken); tokens.add(orToken); return true; } else { tryToUnread(n); } } break; } tokenBuffer.appendCodePoint(c); c =; } } private void handleFuzzyTerm() throws ParseException, IOException { SQPFuzzyTerm term = new SQPFuzzyTerm(stripEscapes(tokenBuffer.toString())); if (wildcardChars > 0) { throw new ParseException("Need to escape wildcards in fuzzy terms."); } int c =; if (c == GREATER_THAN) { term.setTranspositions(false); } else { tryToUnread(c); } Float maxEdits = tryToReadUnsignedFloat(); if (maxEdits != null) { float maxEditsFloat = maxEdits.floatValue(); int maxEditsInt = (int)maxEditsFloat; if (maxEditsInt != maxEditsFloat) { throw new ParseException("Can't use a float value on a fuzzy term any more: "+maxEdits); } term.setMaxEdits(maxEditsInt); } c =; if (c == COMMA) { Integer prefixLen = tryToReadInteger(); if (prefixLen == null) { tryToUnread(COMMA); } else { term.setPrefixLength(prefixLen); } } else { tryToUnread(c); } tryToReadBoostOrPositionRange(term); tokens.add(term); resetTokenBuffer(); } private void handleDQuote() throws IOException, ParseException { if (inDQuote) { inDQuote = false; handleCloseClause(SQPClause.TYPE.QUOTE); } else { inDQuote = true; handleOpenClause(SQPClause.TYPE.QUOTE); } } private void handleCloseClause(SQPClause.TYPE closeType) throws IOException, ParseException { //flush the token buffer flushBuffer(); SQPOpenClause open = null; try { open = stack.pop(); } catch (EmptyStackException e) { throw new ParseException("Unable to find starting clause marker for this end: " +; } testMatchingOpenClose(open, closeType); SQPClause newClause = null; if (closeType == SQPClause.TYPE.PAREN) { int next =; Integer minMatch = -1; if (next == TILDE) { if (nearDepth > 0) { throw new ParseException("Can't specify minimumNumberShouldMatch within a \"near\" clause"); } minMatch = tryToReadInteger(); if (minMatch == null) { minMatch = DEFAULT_MIN_REQUIRED_IN_OR; } } else { tryToUnread(next); } newClause = new SQPOrClause(open.getTokenOffsetStart() + 1, tokens.size()); if (minMatch > -1) { ((SQPOrClause) newClause).setMinimumNumberShouldMatch(minMatch); } } else { //has to be a span near or span not nearDepth--; //next0 int n0 =; if (n0 == EXCLAMATION) { //span not int n1 =; if (n1 == TILDE) { Integer notPost = null; Integer notPre = tryToReadInteger(); int n2 =; if (n2 == COMMA) { notPost = tryToReadInteger(); } else { tryToUnread(n2); } if (notPost == null) { notPost = notPre; } newClause = new SQPNotNearClause(open.getTokenOffsetStart()+1, tokens.size(), closeType, notPre, notPost); } else { throw new ParseException("Not near query must be followed by ~"); } } else if (n0 == TILDE) { //span with slop Boolean inOrder = false; int n1 =; if (n1 == GREATER_THAN) { inOrder = true; } else { tryToUnread(n1); } Integer slop = tryToReadInteger(); newClause = new SQPNearClause(open.getTokenOffsetStart() + 1, tokens.size(), open.getType(), inOrder, slop); } else { // no special marker at end of near phrase tryToUnread(n0); /* if (open.getTokenOffsetStart() + 2 == tokens.size()) { testBadRange(open.getType() == SQPClause.TYPE.CURLY || closeType == SQPClause.TYPE.CURLY); System.out.println("SINGLE TERM:"+tokens.get(tokens.size()-1)); //if single child between double quotes or brackets, treat it as a quoted SQPTerm SQPTerm t = new SQPTerm(((SQPTerminal) tokens.get(tokens.size() - 1)).getString(), true); Float boost = tryToReadBoost(); if (boost != null) { t.setBoost(boost); } tokens.remove(tokens.size()-1);//remove original single term tokens.remove(tokens.size()-1);//remove opening clause marker tokens.add(t); return; } else {*/ newClause = new SQPNearClause(open.getTokenOffsetStart() + 1, tokens.size(), open.getType(), null, null); //} } } tryToReadBoostOrPositionRange(newClause); if (newClause instanceof SQPOrClause) { SQPOrClause sprOr = (SQPOrClause)newClause; if (sprOr.getMinimumNumberShouldMatch() != null && (sprOr.getStartPosition() != null || sprOr.getEndPosition() != null)) { throw new ParseException("Can't have both minShouldMatch and positionRange parameters on an 'or' clause"); } } if (testForRangeQuery(open, newClause, closeType)) { return; } tokens.set(open.getTokenOffsetStart(), newClause); } private boolean isNotNextWhitespaceOrEnd() throws IOException { int n1 =; if (n1 == -1) { return false; } reader.unread(n1); return !Character.isWhitespace(n1); } private boolean isNextBreak() throws IOException { int n1 =; if (Character.isWhitespace(n1)){ reader.unread(n1); return true; } boolean response = false; switch (n1) { case -1 : response = true; break; case OPEN_CURLY : response = true; break; case CLOSE_CURLY : response = true; break; case OPEN_PAREN : response = true; break; case CLOSE_PAREN : response = true; break; case OPEN_SQUARE : response = true; break; case CLOSE_SQUARE : response = true; break; case CARET : response = true; break; } tryToUnread(n1); return response; } private SQPBoostableOrPositionRangeToken tryToReadBoostOrPositionRange( SQPBoostableOrPositionRangeToken term) throws ParseException, IOException { BoostPositionRange bpr = tryToReadBoostOrPositionRange(true); if (bpr == null) { return term; } term.setBoost(bpr.boost); term.setStartPosition(bpr.start); term.setEndPosition(bpr.end); return term; } private BoostPositionRange tryToReadBoostOrPositionRange(boolean throwExceptionOnPartialRead) throws ParseException, IOException { //^1.2@10..20 or @..10^1.2 //try to read boost, then position range //if you have a position range, try to read boost after it //if you didn't already find a first boost Float boost = tryToReadBoost(); BoostPositionRange positionRange = tryToReadPositionRange(throwExceptionOnPartialRead); if (positionRange != null && boost == null) { boost = tryToReadBoost(); } if (boost != null) { if (positionRange == null) { positionRange = new BoostPositionRange(boost); } else { positionRange.setBoost(boost); } } return positionRange; } //tries to read a boost if it is there //returns null if no parseable boost private Float tryToReadBoost() throws ParseException, IOException { int c =; if (c == CARET) { Float boost = tryToReadUnsignedFloat(); if (boost == null) { return boost; } int next =; if (next == CARET) { throw new ParseException("Can't end boost with caret"); } tryToUnread(next); return boost; } else { tryToUnread(c); } return null; } /** * tries to read @2..10 or @..10 or @2.. * * returns null if no position range was found */ private BoostPositionRange tryToReadPositionRange(boolean throwExceptionOnPartialRead) throws ParseException, IOException { int chr =; if (chr != AT) { tryToUnread(chr); return null; } //we have @, look for period or integer chr =; Integer start = null; Integer end = null; if (chr != PERIOD) { //maybe it's an integer @20.. ? tryToUnread(chr); start = tryToReadInteger(); if (start != null) { end = tryToReadEndPositionRange(start); } else { return handlePartialRangeRead(throwExceptionOnPartialRead); } } else {//@. now try to read another period and maybe an integer tryToUnread(chr);//put the . back on and try to read endpositionrange end = tryToReadEndPositionRange(start); } //if there wasn't a .. if (end != null && end == -1) { if (start != null) { tryToUnread(Integer.toString(start)); } return handlePartialRangeRead(throwExceptionOnPartialRead); } if ((start != null || end != null) && ! isNextBreak()) { throw new ParseException( "Found the end of an apparent SpanPositionRangeQuery in the middle of a term." + " Need to escape it or add a space."); } if (start == null && end == null) { if (! isNextBreak()) { //couldn't find start or end and there's no break...must be middle of token return handlePartialRangeRead(throwExceptionOnPartialRead); } throw new ParseException("Must specify a start or end value for a position range query:" + "@2.. @..10 @2..10"); } return new BoostPositionRange(start, end); } private BoostPositionRange handlePartialRangeRead(boolean throwExceptionOnPartialRead) throws ParseException{ if (throwExceptionOnPartialRead) { throw new ParseException("Read partial range position after clause; needs to be of format @2..10 or @..10 or @2.."); } return null; } //returns -1 if there wasn't a ".." or if start was null and there was no end //returns null if there was a "..\b" with no value private Integer tryToReadEndPositionRange(Integer start) throws IOException, ParseException { int chr =; if (chr != PERIOD) { tryToUnread(chr); return -1; } int chr2 =; if (chr2 != PERIOD) { //@.x -- not a range tryToUnread(chr2); tryToUnread(chr); return -1; } //so far, we have .. Integer end = tryToReadInteger(); if (start == null && end == null) { tryToUnread(PERIOD); tryToUnread(PERIOD); return -1; } return end; } //After a closeClause is built, this tests to see if it is //actually a range query. If it is, then this replaces the clause //with a SQPRangeTerm and returns true private boolean testForRangeQuery(SQPOpenClause openClause, SQPClause closeClause, SQPClause.TYPE closeType) throws ParseException { //if paren or quote clause, not a range query if (openClause.getType() == SQPClause.TYPE.PAREN || openClause.getType() == SQPClause.TYPE.QUOTE) { return false; } if (closeClause instanceof SQPNotNearClause) { return false; } SQPNearClause clause = (SQPNearClause) closeClause; //test to see if this looks like a range //does it contain three items; are they all terms, is the middle one "TO" //if it is, handle it; if there are problems throw an exception, otherwise return false //if there's a curly bracket to start or end, then it //must be a compliant range query or else throw parse exception boolean hasCurly = (openClause.getType() == SQPClause.TYPE.CURLY || closeType == SQPClause.TYPE.CURLY); //if there are any modifiers on the close bracket if (clause.getInOrder() != null || clause.getSlop() != null) { if (hasCurly) { throw new ParseException("Can't have modifiers on a range query. " + "Or, you can't use curly brackets for a phrase/near query"); } return false; } //now check from the end of the list, and see if this //has <term> TO <term> <start clause> //if there aren't three tokens since the start token offset, return if (openClause.getTokenOffsetStart() != tokens.size() - 4) { return testBadRange(hasCurly); } //check for "TO" SQPToken t = tokens.get(tokens.size() - 2); if (t instanceof SQPTerm && ((SQPTerm) t).getString().equals("TO")) { } else { return testBadRange(hasCurly); } SQPToken candStart = tokens.get(tokens.size()-3); SQPToken candEnd = tokens.get(tokens.size()-1); if (candStart instanceof SQPTerminal && candEnd instanceof SQPTerminal) { //great } else { return testBadRange(hasCurly); } String endString = getCandidateRangeTermString((SQPTerminal)candEnd); String startString = getCandidateRangeTermString((SQPTerminal)candStart); // boolean startInclusive = (openClause.getType() == SQPClause.TYPE.BRACKET); boolean endInclusive = (closeType == SQPClause.TYPE.BRACKET); SQPToken range = new SQPRangeTerm(startString, endString, startInclusive, endInclusive); //remove last term tokens.remove(tokens.size() - 1); //remove TO tokens.remove(tokens.size() - 1); //remove first term tokens.remove(tokens.size() - 1); //remove start clause marker tokens.remove(tokens.size() - 1); tokens.add(range); Float boost = closeClause.getBoost(); if (boost != null) { ((SQPBoostableOrPositionRangeToken)range).setBoost(boost); } return true; } private String getCandidateRangeTermString(SQPTerminal t) throws ParseException { if (t instanceof SQPRangeTerm) { throw new ParseException("Can't include a range term within a range query. Make sure to escape the range characters."); } else if (t instanceof SQPFuzzyTerm) { throw new ParseException("Can't include a fuzzy term within a range query. Make sure to escape the fuzzy term characters."); } else if (t instanceof SQPRegexTerm) { throw new ParseException("Can't include a regex term within a range query. Make sure to escape the regex term characters."); } else if (t instanceof SQPPrefixTerm) { throw new ParseException("Can't include a prefix term within a range query. Make sure to escape the *."); } else if (t instanceof SQPWildcardTerm) { String wc = ((SQPWildcardTerm)t).getString(); if (wc.equals("*")) { return null; } throw new ParseException("Can't include a wildcard term within a range query. Make sure to escape the * and ?."); } else if (t instanceof SQPTerm) { return ((SQPTerm)t).getString(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognizable class in getCandidateRangeTermString: "+t.getClass()); } private boolean testBadRange(boolean hasCurly) throws ParseException { if (hasCurly) { throw new ParseException("Curly brackets should only be used in range queries"); } return false; } //tests that open and closing clause markers match //throws parse exception if not private void testMatchingOpenClose(SQPOpenClause open, SQPClause.TYPE closeType) throws ParseException { SQPClause.TYPE openType = open.getType(); if (openType == closeType) { //no op } else if (openType == SQPClause.TYPE.BRACKET) { if (closeType != SQPClause.TYPE.BRACKET && closeType != SQPClause.TYPE.CURLY) { throw new ParseException("Mismatching phrasal elements:" + + " and " +; } } else if (openType == SQPOpenClause.TYPE.CURLY) { if (closeType != SQPClause.TYPE.BRACKET && closeType != SQPClause.TYPE.CURLY) { throw new ParseException("Mismatching phrasal elements:" + + " and " +; } } } private void handleOpenClause(SQPClause.TYPE type) { SQPOpenClause open = new SQPOpenClause(tokens.size(), type); stack.push(open); tokens.add(open); if (type != SQPClause.TYPE.PAREN) { nearDepth++; } } //this reads everything to a matching end token, e.g. ' or /. //the targChar token is escaped by being doubled. //This unescapes the targChar private boolean readToMatchingEndToken(int targChar) throws ParseException, IOException { int c =; boolean hitEndOfString = false; while (true) { if (c == -1) { //won't work with bmp targChar! throw new ParseException("Didn't find matching: " + (char) targChar); } else if (c == targChar) { int next =; if (next == -1) { hitEndOfString = true; break; } else if (next == targChar) { tokenBuffer.appendCodePoint(targChar); c =; continue; } else { reader.unread(next); break; } } tokenBuffer.appendCodePoint(c); c =; } if (tokenBuffer.length() == 0) { throw new ParseException("must have some content between " + (char) targChar + "s"); } String contents = tokenBuffer.toString(); SQPToken token = null; if (type == TOKEN_TYPE.REGEX) { token = new SQPRegexTerm(contents); } else if (type == TOKEN_TYPE.QUOTED) { token = new SQPTerm(contents, true); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to handle: "+targChar+" while building tokens"); } tryToReadBoostOrPositionRange((SQPBoostableOrPositionRangeToken)token); tokens.add(token); resetTokenBuffer(); return !hitEndOfString; } private void flushBuffer() throws ParseException, IOException { flushBuffer(null); } private void flushBuffer(BoostPositionRange bpr) throws ParseException, IOException { if (tokenBuffer.length() == 0) { return; } String term = tokenBuffer.toString(); //test for AllDocs if (term.length() == 1 && term.codePointAt(0) == STAR) { if (tokens.size() > 0) { SQPToken t = tokens.get(tokens.size()-1); if (t instanceof SQPField && ((SQPField)t).getField().equals("*")){ SQPAllDocsTerm allDocs = new SQPAllDocsTerm(); if (bpr != null) { allDocs.setBoost(bpr.boost); } tokens.set(tokens.size()-1, allDocs); resetTokenBuffer(); return; } } } //The regex over-captures on a term...Term could be: //AND or NOT boolean defaultOperator; and term could have boost boolean checkForEscapedOperators = false; //does the term == AND or NOT or OR if (nearDepth == 0 && type == TOKEN_TYPE.UNSPECIFIED) { SQPToken token = null; if (term.equals(AND)) { token = new SQPBooleanOpToken(SpanQueryParserBase.CONJ_AND); } else if (term.equals(NOT)) { token = new SQPBooleanOpToken(SpanQueryParserBase.MOD_NOT); } else if (term.equals(OR)) { token = new SQPBooleanOpToken(SpanQueryParserBase.CONJ_OR); } if (token != null) { if (bpr != null && bpr.hasAValue()) { throw new ParseException("Can't have boost on a boolean operator (AND|NOT|OR)"); } testBooleanTokens(tokens, (SQPBooleanOpToken)token); tokens.add(token); resetTokenBuffer(); return; } else { //only check for escaped operators if they're where you'd need to escape them checkForEscapedOperators = true; } } //now trim escapes if there are no wildcard characters if (wildcardQuestionMarks == 0) { term = stripEscapes(tokenBuffer.toString()); } SQPToken token = null; if (type == TOKEN_TYPE.REGEX) { token = new SQPRegexTerm(term); } else if (wildcardChars > 0) { token = buildWildcard(term); } else if (type == TOKEN_TYPE.QUOTED) { token = new SQPTerm(term, true); } else if (checkForEscapedOperators) { if (term.equals(ESCAPED_AND)) { token = new SQPTerm(AND, false); } else if (term.equals(ESCAPED_NOT)) { token = new SQPTerm(NOT, false); } else if (term.equals(ESCAPED_OR)) { token = new SQPTerm(OR, false); } else { token = new SQPTerm(term, false); } } else { token = new SQPTerm(term, false); } if (bpr != null) { ((SQPBoostableOrPositionRangeToken)token).setBoost(bpr.boost); ((SQPBoostableOrPositionRangeToken)token).setStartPosition(bpr.start); ((SQPBoostableOrPositionRangeToken)token).setEndPosition(bpr.end); } tokens.add(token); resetTokenBuffer(); } private String stripEscapes(String term) throws IOException { Reader r = new StringReader(term); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int c =; while (c != -1) { if (c == BACK_SLASH) { c =; if (c == -1) { break; } } sb.appendCodePoint(c); c =; } return sb.toString(); } private SQPTerminal buildWildcard(String term) { if (term.equals("*")) { return new SQPWildcardTerm("*"); } if (wildcardChars == 1 && term.endsWith("*")) { String prefix = term.substring(0,term.length()-1); return new SQPPrefixTerm(prefix); } return new SQPWildcardTerm(term); } private void resetTokenBuffer() { tokenBuffer.setLength(0); wildcardChars = 0; wildcardQuestionMarks = 0; type = TOKEN_TYPE.UNSPECIFIED; } private void tryToAddField(String term) throws ParseException, IOException { if (term.length() == 0) { throw new ParseException("Field name must have length > 0"); } if (nearDepth != 0) { throw new ParseException("Can't specify a field within a \"Near\" clause"); } if (tokens.size() > 0 && tokens.get(tokens.size()-1) instanceof SQPField) { throw new ParseException("A field must contain a terminal"); } SQPToken token = new SQPField(stripEscapes(term)); tokens.add(token); } /** * Test whether this token can be added to the list of tokens * based on classic queryparser rules */ private void testBooleanTokens(List<SQPToken> tokens, SQPBooleanOpToken token) throws ParseException { //there are possible exceptions with tokens.size()==0, but they //are the same exceptions as at clause beginning. //Need to test elsewhere for start of clause issues. if (tokens.size() == 0) { return; } SQPToken t = tokens.get(tokens.size()-1); if (t instanceof SQPBooleanOpToken) { int curr = ((SQPBooleanOpToken)t).getType(); int nxt = token.getType(); boolean ex = false; if (SQPBooleanOpToken.isMod(curr)) { ex = true; } else if (curr == SpanQueryParser.CONJ_AND && nxt == SpanQueryParser.CONJ_AND) { ex = true; } else if (curr == SpanQueryParser.CONJ_OR && ! SQPBooleanOpToken.isMod(nxt) ) { ex = true; } else if (curr == SpanQueryParser.MOD_NOT) { ex = true; } if (ex) { throw new ParseException("Illegal combination of boolean conjunctions and modifiers"); } } } private void tryToUnread(String s) throws IOException { final int length = s.length(); List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<>(); for (int offset = 0; offset < length; ) { final int codepoint = s.codePointAt(offset); ints.add(codepoint); offset += Character.charCount(codepoint); } for (int i = ints.size()-1; i > -1; i--) { tryToUnread(ints.get(i)); } } private void tryToUnread(int c) throws IOException { if (c != -1) { reader.unread(c); } } //returns null if reading an integer fails private Integer tryToReadInteger() throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { int c =; int val = c-48; if (val >= 0 && val <= 9) { sb.append(val); } else { tryToUnread(c); break; } } if (sb.length() == 0) { return null; } return Integer.parseInt(sb.toString()); } private Float tryToReadUnsignedFloat() throws ParseException, IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean seenDecimalPoint = false; int c =; if (c == MINUS) { throw new ParseException("Negative values not allowed."); } else if (c == PLUS) { throw new ParseException("Plus sign not allowed."); } else { tryToUnread(c); } while (true) { c =; int val = c-48; if (c == DECIMAL_POINT) { if (seenDecimalPoint) { tryToUnread(c); break; } else { seenDecimalPoint = true; sb.appendCodePoint(DECIMAL_POINT); } } else if (val >= 0 && val <= 9) { sb.append(val); } else { tryToUnread(c); break; } } String tmpFloatString = sb.toString(); if (tmpFloatString.length() == 0) { return null; } else if (tmpFloatString.equals(".")) { //or do we want to unread and move on? //tryToUnread(DECIMAL); //return null; throw new ParseException("Single \".\" appears where there should be a float!"); } return Float.parseFloat(tmpFloatString); } private void tryToReadEscapedUnicode() throws ParseException, IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int c =; if (c == -1) { throw new ParseException("Invalid escaped unicode character. >"+sb.toString()+"< and the end of the query string"); } if (isHex(c)){ sb.appendCodePoint(c); } else { throw new ParseException("Invalid escaped unicode character. >"+sb.toString()+"< and " +new String(Character.toChars(c))); } } tokenBuffer.appendCodePoint(Integer.parseInt(sb.toString(), 16)); } private boolean isHex(int c) { if (c >= 48 && c <= 57) { return true; } else if (c >= 65 && c <= 70) { return true; } else if (c >= 97 && c <= 102) { return true; } return false; } private static class BoostPositionRange { Float boost; Integer start; Integer end; BoostPositionRange(Float boost) { this.boost = boost; } BoostPositionRange(Integer start, Integer end) { setStartEnd(start, end); } void setBoost(Float boost) { this.boost = boost; } void setStartEnd(Integer start, Integer end) { if (start != null && end != null && start > end) { this.start = end; this.end = start; } else { this.start = start; this.end = end; } } boolean hasAValue() { return (boost == null && start == null && end == null); } public boolean hasPosition() { return (start != null || end != null); } } }