package org.apache.lucene.queryparser.spans; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.ParseException; import; import; import; import; import; abstract class AbstractSpanQueryParser extends SpanQueryParserBase { private final String defaultField; /** * * @param field default field * @param analyzer full term analyzer * @param multiTermAnalyzer multiterm analyzer */ AbstractSpanQueryParser(String field, Analyzer analyzer, Analyzer multiTermAnalyzer) { super(analyzer, multiTermAnalyzer); this.defaultField = field; } /** * * @param s string to parse * @return query * @throws ParseException if an exception was found during parsing */ abstract public Query parse(String s) throws ParseException; /** * Recursively called to parse a span query * <p> * This assumes that there are no FIELD tokens, no BOOLEAN operators, * no MatchAllDocsQueries and that {@link #getAnalyzer(String)} * will return a non-null value. * @param tokens list of tokens * @param field default field * @param parentClause the parent clause * @return a SpanQuery * @throws ParseException if a problem was found during parsing */ SpanQuery _parsePureSpanClause(final List<SQPToken> tokens, String field, SQPClause parentClause) throws ParseException { int start = parentClause.getTokenOffsetStart(); int end = parentClause.getTokenOffsetEnd(); //test if special handling needed for spannear with one component? if (end-start == 1) { if (parentClause instanceof SQPNearClause) { SQPNearClause nc = (SQPNearClause)parentClause; SQPToken t = tokens.get(start); if (t instanceof SQPTerm) { SpanQuery ret = trySpecialHandlingForSpanNearWithOneComponent(field, (SQPTerm)t, nc); if (ret != null) { ret = addBoostOrPositionRangeIfExists(ret, parentClause); return ret; } } } } List<SpanQuery> queries = new ArrayList<>(); int i = start; while (i < end) { SQPToken t = tokens.get(i); SpanQuery q; if (t instanceof SQPClause) { SQPClause c = (SQPClause)t; q = _parsePureSpanClause(tokens, field, c); i = c.getTokenOffsetEnd(); } else if (t instanceof SQPTerminal) { q = buildSpanTerminal(field, (SQPTerminal)t); i++; } else { throw new ParseException("Can't process field, boolean operators or a match all docs query in a pure span."); } queries.add(q); } SpanQuery ret = buildSpanQueryClause(queries, parentClause); ret = addBoostOrPositionRangeIfExists(ret, parentClause); return ret; } private SpanQuery trySpecialHandlingForSpanNearWithOneComponent(String field, SQPTerm token, SQPNearClause clause) throws ParseException { int slop = (clause.getSlop() == null) ? getPhraseSlop() : clause.getSlop(); boolean order = true; if (clause.getInOrder() != null) { order = clause.getInOrder(); } return (SpanQuery)specialHandlingForSpanNearWithOneComponent(field, token.getString(), slop, order); } private SpanQuery buildSpanQueryClause(List<SpanQuery> queries, SQPClause clause) throws ParseException { //queries can be null //queries can contain null elements if (queries == null) { return getEmptySpanQuery(); } SpanQuery q; if (clause instanceof SQPOrClause) { q = buildSpanOrQuery(queries); } else if (clause instanceof SQPNearClause) { int slop = ((SQPNearClause)clause).getSlop() == null ? getPhraseSlop() : ((SQPNearClause)clause).getSlop(); Boolean inOrder = ((SQPNearClause)clause).getInOrder(); boolean order; if (inOrder == null) { order = slop <= 0; } else { order = inOrder.booleanValue(); } q = buildSpanNearQuery(queries, slop, order); } else if (clause instanceof SQPNotNearClause) { q = buildSpanNotNearQuery(queries, ((SQPNotNearClause)clause).getNotPre(), ((SQPNotNearClause)clause).getNotPost()); } else { //throw early and loudly. This should never happen. throw new IllegalArgumentException("clause not recognized: "+clause.getClass()); } if (clause.getBoost() != null) { q = new SpanBoostQuery(q, clause.getBoost()); } //now update boost if clause only had one child if (clause.getBoost() != null && ( q instanceof SpanTermQuery || q instanceof SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper)) { q = new SpanBoostQuery(q, clause.getBoost()); } return q; } /** * * @return default field */ public String getField() { return defaultField; } }