import org.jibble.pircbot.*; public class UnregisterCommand implements ICommand { public void execute(LaikaBot aRunOn, String aChannel, String aSender, String[] aMessages) { if (aRunOn.isChaining()) { String lTarget = null; if (aMessages.length == 1) lTarget = aSender; else if (aMessages.length == 2) lTarget = aMessages[1]; else { aRunOn.sendMessage(aChannel, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "Syntax: !unregister [ user name (optional) ]"); return; } switch (aRunOn.getChainDetail().unregisterRotation(lTarget)) { case -1: aRunOn.sendMessage(aChannel, Colors.BOLD + Colors.MAGENTA + lTarget + " is not registered!"); break; case 0: aRunOn.sendMessage(aChannel, Colors.BOLD + Colors.GREEN + "Unregistered " + lTarget + " from the rotation."); break; case 1: aRunOn.sendMessage(aChannel, Colors.BOLD + Colors.GREEN + "Unregistered " + lTarget + " from the rotation."); if (aRunOn.getChainDetail().getRotationList().size() != 0) aRunOn.sendMessage(aChannel, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "The next person to hit is now " + aRunOn.getChainDetail().getCurrentRotationString()); else aRunOn.sendMessage(aChannel, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "Nobody is in the rotation list!"); } } else aRunOn.sendMessage(aChannel, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "You can unregister only when chaining."); } }