import org.jibble.pircbot.*; public class HelpCommand implements ICommand { public void execute(LaikaBot aRunOn, String aChannel, String aSender, String[] aMessages) { aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + "Laika documentation is available from:"); aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BLUE + ""); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.BLUE + "Help:"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.BROWN + "--- General chain commands ---"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "!chain [ on | off ]"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "Turns chaining status on or off."); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "!w2h | w2h"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "Notifies everybody that you are waiting to hospitalize."); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "!timeleft"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "Shows the time left until the chain is broken."); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "!report"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "Reports the current chain status."); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "!respect [ start respect ] | !Respect [ start respect ]"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "Sets the start respect to the specified value."); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "!reset [ new total number of hits ]"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "Sets the total number of hits made."); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.BROWN + "--- Rotation commands ---"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "!register [ user name (optional) ]"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "Registers the user name to the chain rotation list."); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "!unregister [ user name (optional) ]"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "Unregisters the user name from the chain rotation list."); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "!skip"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "Skips the current member."); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "!rotation"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "Shows the current chain rotation list."); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.BROWN + "--- ID database commands ---"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "!id [ name ]"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "Looks up the ID of the specified user name."); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "!addid [ name ] [ ID ]"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "Adds the specified detail to the ID database"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "!delid [ name ]"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "Deletes the specified user ID detail from the database."); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.BROWN + "--- Other commands ---"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "To report hospitalization:"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "Copy and paste the text reporting the hospitalization."); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "e.g. You continue to beat someone on the ground."); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "To check the respect gain:"); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "Copy and paste the text showing the current respect."); // aRunOn.sendMessage(aSender, "e.g. Respect: 1937."); } }