import java.util.TimerTask; import org.jibble.pircbot.*; public class ChainTimerTask extends TimerTask { String fTime; boolean fEndTask; LaikaBot fBot = null; String fChannel; boolean fWarn; ChainTimerTask(String aTimeString, boolean aEndTask, boolean aWarn, LaikaBot aBot, String aChannel) { fTime = aTimeString; fEndTask = aEndTask; fBot = aBot; fChannel = aChannel; fWarn = aWarn; } public void run() { if (!fEndTask) { fBot.sendMessage(fChannel, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + fTime + " remaining until the chain is broken."); if (fWarn && (fBot.getChainDetail().getRotationList().size() != 0)) fBot.sendMessage(fChannel, Colors.BOLD + Colors.PURPLE + "Hey " + fBot.getChainDetail().getCurrentRotationString() + "! Do not forget to make a hit!"); } else { fBot.sendMessage(fChannel, Colors.BOLD + Colors.RED + "The chain is broken!"); fBot.setChaining(false); fBot.sendMessage(fChannel, Colors.BOLD + Colors.BLUE + "Report:"); fBot.sendMessage(fChannel, Colors.BOLD + Colors.BLUE + "Start respect: " + fBot.getChainDetail().getStartRespect()); fBot.sendMessage(fChannel, Colors.BOLD + Colors.BLUE + "Total number of hits: " + fBot.getChainDetail().getChainCount()); fBot.quitChain(); } } }