package; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import; import; import com.kryptnostic.kodex.v1.constants.Names; import com.kryptnostic.kodex.v1.crypto.ciphers.BlockCiphertext; import com.kryptnostic.kodex.v1.models.blocks.ChunkingStrategy; public class PendingObjectMetadata extends ObjectMetadata { private int receivedBlocks; @JsonCreator public PendingObjectMetadata( @JsonProperty( Names.ID_FIELD ) String id, @JsonProperty( Names.VERSION_FIELD ) int version, @JsonProperty( Names.TOTAL_FIELD ) int numBlocks, @JsonProperty( Names.SIZE_FIELD ) int size, @JsonProperty( Names.CHILD_OBJECT_COUNT_FIELD ) int childObjectCount, @JsonProperty( Names.USERNAME_FIELD ) BlockCiphertext encryptedClassName, @JsonProperty( Names.STRATEGY_FIELD ) ChunkingStrategy chunkingStrategy, @JsonProperty( Names.CREATOR_FIELD ) UUID creator, @JsonProperty( Names.OWNERS_FIELD ) Set<UUID> owners, @JsonProperty( Names.READERS_FIELD ) Set<UUID> readers, @JsonProperty( Names.WRITERS_FIELD ) Set<UUID> writers, @JsonProperty( Names.TYPE_FIELD ) String type, @JsonProperty( Names.CREATED_TIME ) DateTime createdTime, @JsonProperty( Names.BLOCKS_FIELD ) Optional<Integer> receivedBlocks ) { super( id, version, numBlocks, size, childObjectCount, encryptedClassName, chunkingStrategy, creator, owners, readers, writers, type, createdTime ); this.receivedBlocks = receivedBlocks.or( 0 ); } @JsonIgnore public PendingObjectMetadata( String id, int version, int numBlocks, int size, BlockCiphertext encryptedClassName, ChunkingStrategy chunkingStrategy, UUID creator, Optional<Integer> receivedBlocks, String type, DateTime createdTime ) { this( id, version, numBlocks, size, 0, encryptedClassName, chunkingStrategy, creator, Sets.<UUID> newHashSet(), Sets.<UUID> newHashSet(), Sets.<UUID> newHashSet(), type, createdTime, receivedBlocks ); } public PendingObjectMetadata( String id, int version, int numBlocks, int size, BlockCiphertext encryptedClassName, ChunkingStrategy chunkingStrategy, UUID creator, Set<UUID> owners, Optional<Integer> receivedBlocks, String type, DateTime createdTime ) { this( id, version, numBlocks, size, 0, encryptedClassName, chunkingStrategy, creator, owners, Sets.<UUID> newHashSet(), Sets.<UUID> newHashSet(), type, createdTime, receivedBlocks ); } public PendingObjectMetadata( String newObjectId, String type, UUID creator, Set<UUID> owners, // TODO: figure out a way to fix this useless Optional passthrough. // Doing Optional.absent() in this() doesn't get typed correctly // so the compiler complains that it cant find the correct constructor Optional<Integer> crap ) { this( newObjectId, -1, -1, -1, null, null, creator, owners, crap, type, ); } /** * Converts this PendingObjectMetadata to an ObjectMetadata and increments the document version * @return */ public ObjectMetadata toNewObjectMetadata() { return new ObjectMetadata( id, version + 1, numBlocks, size, childObjectCount, encryptedClassName, chunkingStrategy, creator, owners, readers, writers, type ); } @JsonProperty( Names.BLOCKS_FIELD ) public int getReceivedBlocks() { return receivedBlocks; } @Override public boolean equals( Object obj ) { PendingObjectMetadata other = (PendingObjectMetadata) obj; return super.equals( other ) && receivedBlocks == other.receivedBlocks; } @JsonIgnore public int increment() { return ++receivedBlocks; } }