package; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import; import; import com.kryptnostic.kodex.v1.constants.Names; import com.kryptnostic.kodex.v1.crypto.ciphers.BlockCiphertext; import com.kryptnostic.kodex.v1.models.blocks.ChunkingStrategy; /** * Stores document identifier and document version * * @author sinaiman, rbuckheit */ @Immutable public class ObjectMetadata { @JsonIgnore public static final String DEFAULT_TYPE = "object"; protected final String id; protected final int version; protected final int numBlocks; protected final int childObjectCount; protected final BlockCiphertext encryptedClassName; protected final ChunkingStrategy chunkingStrategy; protected final UUID creator; protected final ImmutableSet<UUID> owners; protected final ImmutableSet<UUID> readers; protected final ImmutableSet<UUID> writers; protected final DateTime createdTime; protected final String type; protected final int size; /** * constructs metadata with default values * * @param id */ @JsonIgnore public ObjectMetadata( String id, UUID creator ) { this( id, 0, null, null, creator ); } /** * @param id Document identifier * @param version 0-based version index */ @JsonIgnore public ObjectMetadata( String id, int version, BlockCiphertext encryptedClassName, ChunkingStrategy chunkingStrategy, UUID creator ) { this( id, version, 0, encryptedClassName, chunkingStrategy, creator ); } @JsonIgnore public ObjectMetadata( String id, int version, int numBlocks, BlockCiphertext encryptedClassName, ChunkingStrategy chunkingStrategy, UUID creator ) { this( id, version, numBlocks, 0, 0, encryptedClassName, chunkingStrategy, creator, Sets.<UUID> newHashSet(), Sets.<UUID> newHashSet(), Sets.<UUID> newHashSet(), DEFAULT_TYPE ); } @JsonIgnore public ObjectMetadata( String id, int version, int numBlocks, int size, int childObjectCount, BlockCiphertext encryptedClassName, ChunkingStrategy chunkingStrategy, UUID creator, Set<UUID> owners, Set<UUID> readers, Set<UUID> writers, String type ) { this( id, version, numBlocks, size, childObjectCount, encryptedClassName, chunkingStrategy, creator, owners, readers, writers, type, ); } public static ObjectMetadata copyIncrementingChildCount( ObjectMetadata meta ) { return new ObjectMetadata( meta.getId(), meta.getVersion(), meta.getNumBlocks(), meta.getSize(), meta.getChildObjectCount() + 1, meta.getEncryptedClassName(), meta.getChunkingStrategy(), meta.getCreator(), meta.getOwners(), meta.getReaders(), meta.getWriters(), meta.getType(), meta.getCreatedTime() ); } @JsonCreator public ObjectMetadata( @JsonProperty( Names.ID_FIELD ) String id, @JsonProperty( Names.VERSION_FIELD ) int version, @JsonProperty( Names.TOTAL_FIELD ) int numBlocks, @JsonProperty( Names.SIZE_FIELD ) int size, @JsonProperty( Names.CHILD_OBJECT_COUNT_FIELD ) int childObjectCount, @JsonProperty( Names.USERNAME_FIELD ) BlockCiphertext encryptedClassName, @JsonProperty( Names.STRATEGY_FIELD ) ChunkingStrategy chunkingStrategy, @JsonProperty( Names.CREATOR_FIELD ) UUID creator, @JsonProperty( Names.OWNERS_FIELD ) Set<UUID> owners, @JsonProperty( Names.READERS_FIELD ) Set<UUID> readers, @JsonProperty( Names.WRITERS_FIELD ) Set<UUID> writers, @JsonProperty( Names.TYPE_FIELD ) String type, @JsonProperty( Names.CREATED_TIME ) DateTime createdTime ) { = id; this.version = version; this.numBlocks = numBlocks; this.childObjectCount = childObjectCount; this.encryptedClassName = encryptedClassName; this.chunkingStrategy = chunkingStrategy; this.creator = creator; this.owners = ImmutableSet.copyOf( owners ); this.readers = ImmutableSet.copyOf( readers ); this.writers = ImmutableSet.copyOf( writers ); this.type = type.toLowerCase(); this.createdTime = createdTime; this.size = size; } /** * @return Document identifier */ @JsonProperty( Names.ID_FIELD ) public String getId() { return id; } /** * @return Version of document */ @JsonProperty( Names.VERSION_FIELD ) public int getVersion() { return version; } /** * @return Number of blocks associated with the document */ @JsonProperty( Names.TOTAL_FIELD ) public int getNumBlocks() { return numBlocks; } @Override public boolean equals( Object obj ) { ObjectMetadata other = (ObjectMetadata) obj; return id.equals( ) && version == other.version && numBlocks == other.numBlocks && owners.equals( other.owners ) && writers.equals( other.writers ) && readers.equals( other.readers ); } @JsonProperty( Names.USERNAME_FIELD ) public BlockCiphertext getEncryptedClassName() { return encryptedClassName; } @JsonProperty( Names.STRATEGY_FIELD ) public ChunkingStrategy getChunkingStrategy() { return chunkingStrategy; } @JsonProperty( Names.CREATOR_FIELD ) public UUID getCreator() { return creator; } @JsonProperty( Names.OWNERS_FIELD ) public Set<UUID> getOwners() { return owners; } @JsonProperty( Names.READERS_FIELD ) public Set<UUID> getReaders() { return readers; } @JsonProperty( Names.WRITERS_FIELD ) public Set<UUID> getWriters() { return writers; } @JsonProperty( Names.CREATED_TIME ) public DateTime getCreatedTime() { return createdTime; } @JsonProperty( Names.TYPE_FIELD ) public String getType() { return type; } @JsonProperty( Names.CHILD_OBJECT_COUNT_FIELD ) public int getChildObjectCount() { return childObjectCount; } @JsonProperty( Names.SIZE_FIELD ) public int getSize() { return size; } }