package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import retrofit.http.Body; import retrofit.http.DELETE; import retrofit.http.GET; import retrofit.http.POST; import retrofit.http.PUT; import retrofit.http.Path; import com.kryptnostic.kodex.v1.exceptions.types.BadRequestException; import com.kryptnostic.kodex.v1.exceptions.types.ResourceLockedException; import com.kryptnostic.kodex.v1.exceptions.types.ResourceNotFoundException; import com.kryptnostic.kodex.v1.exceptions.types.ResourceNotLockedException; import com.kryptnostic.kodex.v1.models.response.BasicResponse; import; import; import; import; public interface ObjectStorageApi { final String CONTROLLER = "/object"; final String ID = "id"; final String REALM = "realm"; final String USER = "user"; final String OBJECT_ID_PATH = "/{" + ID + "}"; final String OFFSET = "offset"; final String PAGE_SIZE = "pageSize"; final String OBJECT_LIST_PAGED_PATH = "/{" + OFFSET + "}/{" + PAGE_SIZE + "}"; final String TYPE = "type"; final String TYPE_PATH = "/type/{" + TYPE + "}"; final String OBJECT_APPEND_PATH = "/append"; final String OBJECT_METADATA_PATH = "/metadata"; /** * Request a new object be created in a pending state * * @return The ID of the newly created object * @throws BadRequestException Request was invalid * @throws ResourceNotFoundException */ @PUT( CONTROLLER ) BasicResponse<String> createPendingObject( @Body PendingObjectRequest request ) throws BadRequestException, ResourceNotFoundException; /** * Request an existing object be put into a pending state * * @param id * @return * @throws ResourceLockedException if the object is currently pending * @throws ResourceNotFoundException the object doesnt exist */ @PUT( CONTROLLER + OBJECT_ID_PATH ) BasicResponse<String> createPendingObjectFromExisting( @Path( ID ) String id ) throws ResourceLockedException, ResourceNotFoundException; /** * Update a object using an EncryptableBlock * * Precondition: object is in a pending state * * Postcondition: If this is the last block required to make the object valid, the object will be put into a * non-pending state and be available for reading * * @param id Id of object to update * @param block A single block for the object * @return The progress and verification data for the updated object * @throws ResourceNotFoundException if specified objectId was not found * @throws ResourceNotLockedException if the specified object has not been locked for updating * @throws BadRequestException if the block is invalid */ @POST( CONTROLLER + OBJECT_ID_PATH ) BasicResponse<String> updateObject( @Path( ID ) String id, @Body EncryptableBlock block ) throws ResourceNotFoundException, ResourceNotLockedException, BadRequestException; /** * Retrieve an object's contents * * @param id * @return Contents of object */ @GET( CONTROLLER + OBJECT_ID_PATH ) KryptnosticObject getObject( @Path( ID ) String id ) throws ResourceNotFoundException; @GET( CONTROLLER + OBJECT_ID_PATH + OBJECT_METADATA_PATH ) ObjectMetadata getObjectMetadata( @Path( ID ) String id ) throws ResourceNotFoundException; @POST( CONTROLLER ) BasicResponse<List<KryptnosticObject>> getObjects( @Body List<String> objectIds ) throws ResourceNotFoundException; /** * * @return Collection of object ids */ @GET( CONTROLLER ) BasicResponse<Collection<String>> getObjectIds(); @GET( CONTROLLER + OBJECT_LIST_PAGED_PATH ) BasicResponse<Collection<String>> getObjectIds( @Path( OFFSET ) Integer offset, @Path( PAGE_SIZE ) Integer pageSize ); @GET( CONTROLLER + TYPE_PATH + OBJECT_LIST_PAGED_PATH ) BasicResponse<Collection<String>> getObjectIdsByType( @Path( TYPE ) String type, @Path( OFFSET ) Integer offset, @Path( PAGE_SIZE ) Integer pageSize ); @GET( CONTROLLER + TYPE_PATH ) BasicResponse<Collection<String>> getObjectIdsByType( @Path( TYPE ) String type ); @POST( CONTROLLER + OBJECT_ID_PATH + "/blocks" ) BasicResponse<List<EncryptableBlock>> getObjectBlocks( @Path( ID ) String id, @Body List<Integer> indices ) throws ResourceNotFoundException; @DELETE( CONTROLLER + OBJECT_ID_PATH ) BasicResponse<String> delete( @Path( ID ) String id ); @POST( CONTROLLER + OBJECT_ID_PATH + OBJECT_APPEND_PATH ) BasicResponse<String> appendObject( @Path( ID ) String objectId, @Body EncryptableBlock blockToAppend ) throws ResourceNotFoundException; }