/* * The Kuali Financial System, a comprehensive financial management system for higher education. * * Copyright 2005-2014 The Kuali Foundation * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.businessobject; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.SequenceGenerator; import javax.persistence.Table; import javax.persistence.Transient; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.TemConstants; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.TemPropertyConstants; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.document.TravelDocument; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.document.service.MileageRateService; import org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.document.web.struts.TravelFormBase; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.context.SpringContext; import org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.type.KualiDecimal; import org.kuali.rice.coreservice.framework.parameter.ParameterService; import org.kuali.rice.kns.util.KNSGlobalVariables; import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.SequenceAccessorService; import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.ObjectUtils; /** * Expense */ @Entity @Table(name="TEM_TRVL_EXP_T") public class ActualExpense extends AbstractExpense implements OtherExpense, ExpenseTypeAware { public static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(AbstractExpense.class); @GeneratedValue(generator="tem_trvl_exp_id_seq") @SequenceGenerator(name="tem_trvl_exp_id_seq",sequenceName="tem_trvl_exp_id_seq", allocationSize=5) private String airfareSourceCode; private String classOfServiceCode; private Integer miles; private BigDecimal mileageOtherRate = BigDecimal.ZERO; private Boolean rentalCarInsurance = Boolean.FALSE; private Boolean airfareIndicator = Boolean.FALSE; private Boolean mileageIndicator = Boolean.FALSE; private Boolean rentalCarIndicator = Boolean.FALSE; private Boolean lodgingIndicator = Boolean.FALSE; private Boolean lodgingAllowanceIndicator = Boolean.FALSE; private String expenseLineTypeCode = TemConstants.EXPENSE_ACTUAL; private ClassOfService classOfService; public ActualExpense() { // details = new ArrayList<OtherExpenseDetail>(); } public boolean getDefaultTabOpen(){ return !getExpenseDetails().isEmpty() || getMileageIndicator() || getAirfareIndicator() || getRentalCarIndicator() || (getExpenseTypeObjectCode() != null && getExpenseTypeObjectCode().getExpenseType().isExpenseDetailRequired()); } /** * Sets the value of airfareSourceCode * * @param airfareSourceCode value to assign to this.airfareSourceCode */ @Override public void setAirfareSourceCode(final String airfareSourceCode){ this.airfareSourceCode = airfareSourceCode; } /** * Get the value of airfareSourceCode * * @return the value of airfareSourceCode */ @Override @Column(name="AIRFARE_SRC_CD",nullable=true) public String getAirfareSourceCode(){ return this.airfareSourceCode; } /** * Sets the value of classOfServiceCode * * @param classOfServiceCode value to assign to this.classOfServiceCode */ @Override public void setClassOfServiceCode(final String classOfServiceCode){ this.classOfServiceCode = classOfServiceCode; } /** * Get the value of classOfServiceCode * * @return the value of classOfServiceCode */ @Override @Column(name="CLASS_SVC_CODE",nullable=true) public String getClassOfServiceCode(){ return this.classOfServiceCode; } /** * Get the value of mileageRate * * @return the value of mileageRate */ public MileageRate getMileageRate(java.sql.Date effectiveDate){ return SpringContext.getBean(MileageRateService.class).findMileageRateByExpenseTypeCodeAndDate(getExpenseTypeCode(), effectiveDate); } /** * It's better to use the mileage rate which passes in the effective date, but when calling from the JSP, that's going to be hard. Let's just grab the document from GlobalVariables for now * @return the MileageRate */ @Deprecated public MileageRate getContextlessMileageRate() { final TravelFormBase travelForm = (TravelFormBase)KNSGlobalVariables.getKualiForm(); if (travelForm == null) { return null; } final TravelDocument travelDocument = travelForm.getTravelDocument(); if (travelDocument == null) { return null; } final java.sql.Date effectiveDate = travelDocument.getEffectiveDateForMileageRate(this); return getMileageRate(effectiveDate); } /** * Get the value of miles * * @return the value of miles */ @Override @Column(name="MILES",length=19,nullable=true) public Integer getMiles(){ return this.miles; } /** * Sets the value of miles * * @param miles value to assign to this.miles */ @Override public void setMiles(Integer miles){ this.miles = miles; } /** * Sets the value of mileageOtherRate * * @param mileageOtherRate value to assign to this.mileageOtherRate */ @Override public void setMileageOtherRate(final BigDecimal mileageOtherRate) { this.mileageOtherRate = mileageOtherRate; } /** * Get the value of mileageOtherRate * * @return the value of mileageOtherRate */ @Override @Column(name="MILEAGE_OTHR_RT",precision=19,scale=2,nullable=true) public BigDecimal getMileageOtherRate() { return this.mileageOtherRate; } /** * Sets the value of rentalCarInsurance * * @param rentalCarInsurance value to assign to this.rentalCarInsurance */ @Override public void setRentalCarInsurance(final Boolean rentalCarInsurance){ this.rentalCarInsurance = rentalCarInsurance; } /** * Get the value of rentalCarInsurance * * @return the value of rentalCarInsurance */ @Override @Column(name="RENTAL_CAR_INSURANCE",nullable=true, length=1) public Boolean getRentalCarInsurance(){ return this.rentalCarInsurance; } public void setAirfareIndicator(Boolean airfareIndicator){ this.airfareIndicator = airfareIndicator; } public Boolean getAirfareIndicator(){ return this.airfareIndicator; } public void setMileageIndicator(Boolean mileageIndicator){ this.mileageIndicator = mileageIndicator; } public Boolean getMileageIndicator(){ return this.mileageIndicator; } public void setRentalCarIndicator(Boolean rentalCarIndicator){ this.rentalCarIndicator = rentalCarIndicator; } public Boolean getRentalCarIndicator(){ return this.rentalCarIndicator; } public void setLodgingIndicator(Boolean lodgingIndicator){ this.lodgingIndicator = lodgingIndicator; } public Boolean getLodgingIndicator(){ return this.lodgingIndicator; } public void setLodgingAllowanceIndicator(Boolean lodgingAllowanceIndicator){ this.lodgingAllowanceIndicator = lodgingAllowanceIndicator; } public Boolean getLodgingAllowanceIndicator(){ return this.lodgingAllowanceIndicator; } public void enableExpenseTypeSpecificFields(){ setAirfareIndicator(isAirfare()); setMileageIndicator(isMileage()); setRentalCarIndicator(isRentalCar()); setLodgingIndicator(isLodging()); setLodgingAllowanceIndicator(isLodgingAllowance()); } public boolean isHostedBreakfast() { return isHostedMeal() && isBreakfast(); } public boolean isHostedLunch() { return isHostedMeal() && isLunch(); } public boolean isHostedDinner() { return isHostedMeal() && isDinner(); } public boolean isBreakfast() { return isInMetaCategory(TemConstants.ExpenseTypeMetaCategory.BREAKFAST); } public boolean isLunch() { return isInMetaCategory(TemConstants.ExpenseTypeMetaCategory.LUNCH); } public boolean isDinner() { return isInMetaCategory(TemConstants.ExpenseTypeMetaCategory.DINNER); } public boolean isAirfare(){ return isInMetaCategory(TemConstants.ExpenseTypeMetaCategory.AIRFARE); } public boolean isMileage(){ return isInMetaCategory(TemConstants.ExpenseTypeMetaCategory.MILEAGE); } @Override public boolean isRentalCar(){ return isInMetaCategory(TemConstants.ExpenseTypeMetaCategory.RENTAL_CAR); } public boolean isLodging(){ return isInMetaCategory(TemConstants.ExpenseTypeMetaCategory.LODGING); } public boolean isLodgingAllowance(){ return isInMetaCategory(TemConstants.ExpenseTypeMetaCategory.LODGING_ALLOWANCE); } public boolean isIncidental(){ return isInMetaCategory(TemConstants.ExpenseTypeMetaCategory.INCIDENTALS); } /** * Determines if this expense is part of the given metacategory * @param category the expense type meta category to test membership in * @return true if the expense is in the expense type meta category, false otherwise */ protected boolean isInMetaCategory(TemConstants.ExpenseTypeMetaCategory category) { if (ObjectUtils.isNull(getExpenseType()) && !StringUtils.isBlank(getExpenseTypeCode())) { refreshReferenceObject(TemPropertyConstants.EXPENSE_TYPE); } return ( !ObjectUtils.isNull(getExpenseType()) && category.getCode().equals(getExpenseType().getExpenseTypeMetaCategoryCode())); } public boolean isHostedMeal(){ if (ObjectUtils.isNull(getExpenseType()) && !StringUtils.isBlank(getExpenseTypeCode())) { refreshReferenceObject(TemPropertyConstants.EXPENSE_TYPE); } return !ObjectUtils.isNull(getExpenseType()) && getExpenseType().isHosted(); } /** * This grabs the document from the KNSGlobalVariables currently; we'd love to avoid that in the future * * @return */ @Transient public KualiDecimal getMileageTotal(){ KualiDecimal total = KualiDecimal.ZERO; if(ObjectUtils.isNotNull(this.miles) && this.miles != 0){ if (ObjectUtils.isNotNull(mileageOtherRate) && mileageOtherRate != BigDecimal.ZERO) { total= new KualiDecimal(new BigDecimal(miles).multiply(this.mileageOtherRate)); // mileageOtherRate takes precedence } else { try{ final TravelFormBase travelForm = (TravelFormBase)KNSGlobalVariables.getKualiForm(); if (travelForm == null) { return KualiDecimal.ZERO; } final TravelDocument travelDocument = travelForm.getTravelDocument(); if (travelDocument == null) { return KualiDecimal.ZERO; } final java.sql.Date effectiveDate = travelDocument.getEffectiveDateForMileageRate(this); final MileageRate mileageRate = getMileageRate(effectiveDate); total = new KualiDecimal(new BigDecimal(miles).multiply(mileageRate.getRate())); } catch(Exception ex){ //This should never happen LOG.error("Mileage Rate not found." + getClass()); LOG.error(ex.getMessage()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } } return total; } protected ParameterService getParameterService() { return SpringContext.getBean(ParameterService.class); } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.businessobject.AbstractExpense#getConvertedAmount() */ @Override public KualiDecimal getExpenseAmount() { return super.getExpenseAmount(); } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.module.tem.businessobject.AbstractExpense#getConvertedAmount() */ @Override public KualiDecimal getConvertedAmount() { return super.getConvertedAmount(); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public String getSequenceName() { Class boClass = getClass(); String retval = ""; try { boolean rethrow = true; Exception e = null; while (rethrow) { LOG.debug("Looking for id in "+ boClass.getName()); try { final Field idField = boClass.getDeclaredField("id"); final SequenceGenerator sequenceInfo = idField.getAnnotation(SequenceGenerator.class); return sequenceInfo.sequenceName(); } catch (Exception ee) { // ignore and try again LOG.debug("Could not find id in "+ boClass.getName()); // At the end. Went all the way up the hierarchy until we got to Object if (Object.class.equals(boClass)) { rethrow = false; } // get the next superclass boClass = boClass.getSuperclass(); e = ee; } } if (e != null) { throw e; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Could not get the sequence name for business object "+ getClass().getSimpleName()); LOG.error(e.getMessage()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return retval; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") protected LinkedHashMap toStringMapper_RICE20_REFACTORME() { LinkedHashMap map = new LinkedHashMap(); map.put("id", getId()); map.put("documentNumber", getDocumentNumber()); map.put("expenseDate", getExpenseDate()); map.put("expenseAmount", getExpenseAmount()); return map; } protected SequenceAccessorService getSequenceAccessorService() { return SpringContext.getBean(SequenceAccessorService.class); } @Override public String getExpenseLineTypeCode(){ return expenseLineTypeCode; } @Override public void setExpenseLineTypeCode(String expenseLineTypeCode) { this.expenseLineTypeCode = expenseLineTypeCode; } public ClassOfService getClassOfService() { return classOfService; } public void setClassOfService(ClassOfService classOfService) { this.classOfService = classOfService; } }