/* * The Kuali Financial System, a comprehensive financial management system for higher education. * * Copyright 2005-2014 The Kuali Foundation * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.kuali.kfs.gl.businessobject; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import org.kuali.kfs.coa.businessobject.Account; import org.kuali.kfs.sys.businessobject.SystemOptions; import org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.type.KualiDecimal; import org.kuali.rice.krad.bo.PersistableBusinessObjectBase; /** * Represents a expenditure transaction for a specific fiscal year, COA code, account number, * sub account number, object code, sub-object code, balance type code, object type code, * fiscal accounting period, project code, organization reference ID */ public class ExpenditureTransaction extends PersistableBusinessObjectBase { static final long serialVersionUID = 5296540728313789670L; private final static String UNIVERISITY_FISCAL_YEAR = "universityFiscalYear"; private final static String CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_CODE = "chartOfAccountsCode"; private final static String ACCOUNT_NUMBER = "accountNumber"; private final static String SUB_ACCOUNT_NUMBER = "subAccountNumber"; private final static String OBJECT_CODE = "objectCode"; private final static String BALANCE_TYPE_CODE = "balanceTypeCode"; private final static String OBJECT_TYPE_CODE = "objectTypeCode"; private final static String UNIVERSITY_FISCAL_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD = "universityFiscalAccountingPeriod"; private final static String SUB_OBJECT_CODE = "subObjectCode"; private final static String PROJECT_CODE = "projectCode"; private final static String ORGANIZATION_REFERENCE_ID = "organizationReferenceId"; private Integer universityFiscalYear; private String chartOfAccountsCode; private String accountNumber; private String subAccountNumber; private String objectCode; private String subObjectCode; private String balanceTypeCode; private String objectTypeCode; private String universityFiscalAccountingPeriod; private String projectCode; private String organizationReferenceId; private KualiDecimal accountObjectDirectCostAmount; private Account account; private SystemOptions option; /** * */ public ExpenditureTransaction() { super(); } public ExpenditureTransaction(Transaction t) { universityFiscalYear = t.getUniversityFiscalYear(); chartOfAccountsCode = t.getChartOfAccountsCode(); accountNumber = t.getAccountNumber(); subAccountNumber = t.getSubAccountNumber(); objectCode = t.getFinancialObjectCode(); subObjectCode = t.getFinancialSubObjectCode(); balanceTypeCode = t.getFinancialBalanceTypeCode(); objectTypeCode = t.getFinancialObjectTypeCode(); universityFiscalAccountingPeriod = t.getUniversityFiscalPeriodCode(); projectCode = t.getProjectCode(); organizationReferenceId = t.getOrganizationReferenceId(); accountObjectDirectCostAmount = new KualiDecimal(KualiDecimal.ZERO.toString()); } protected LinkedHashMap toStringMapper_RICE20_REFACTORME() { LinkedHashMap map = new LinkedHashMap(); map.put(UNIVERISITY_FISCAL_YEAR, getUniversityFiscalYear()); map.put(CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_CODE, getChartOfAccountsCode()); map.put(ACCOUNT_NUMBER, getAccountNumber()); map.put(SUB_ACCOUNT_NUMBER, getSubAccountNumber()); map.put(OBJECT_CODE, getObjectCode()); map.put(SUB_OBJECT_CODE, getSubObjectCode()); map.put(BALANCE_TYPE_CODE, getBalanceTypeCode()); map.put(OBJECT_TYPE_CODE, getObjectTypeCode()); map.put(UNIVERSITY_FISCAL_ACCOUNTING_PERIOD, getUniversityFiscalAccountingPeriod()); map.put(PROJECT_CODE, getProjectCode()); map.put(ORGANIZATION_REFERENCE_ID, getOrganizationReferenceId()); return map; } public SystemOptions getOption() { return option; } public void setOption(SystemOptions option) { this.option = option; } public Account getAccount() { return account; } public void setAccount(Account a) { account = a; } public String getAccountNumber() { return accountNumber; } public void setAccountNumber(String accountNumber) { this.accountNumber = accountNumber; } public KualiDecimal getAccountObjectDirectCostAmount() { return accountObjectDirectCostAmount; } public void setAccountObjectDirectCostAmount(KualiDecimal accountObjectDirectCostAmount) { this.accountObjectDirectCostAmount = accountObjectDirectCostAmount; } public String getBalanceTypeCode() { return balanceTypeCode; } public void setBalanceTypeCode(String balanceTypeCode) { this.balanceTypeCode = balanceTypeCode; } public String getChartOfAccountsCode() { return chartOfAccountsCode; } public void setChartOfAccountsCode(String chartOfAccountsCode) { this.chartOfAccountsCode = chartOfAccountsCode; } public String getObjectCode() { return objectCode; } public void setObjectCode(String objectCode) { this.objectCode = objectCode; } public String getObjectTypeCode() { return objectTypeCode; } public void setObjectTypeCode(String objectTypeCode) { this.objectTypeCode = objectTypeCode; } public String getOrganizationReferenceId() { return organizationReferenceId; } public void setOrganizationReferenceId(String organizationReferenceId) { this.organizationReferenceId = organizationReferenceId; } public String getProjectCode() { return projectCode; } public void setProjectCode(String projectCode) { this.projectCode = projectCode; } public String getSubAccountNumber() { return subAccountNumber; } public void setSubAccountNumber(String subAccountNumber) { this.subAccountNumber = subAccountNumber; } public String getSubObjectCode() { return subObjectCode; } public void setSubObjectCode(String subObjectCode) { this.subObjectCode = subObjectCode; } public String getUniversityFiscalAccountingPeriod() { return universityFiscalAccountingPeriod; } public void setUniversityFiscalAccountingPeriod(String universityFiscalAccountingPeriod) { this.universityFiscalAccountingPeriod = universityFiscalAccountingPeriod; } public Integer getUniversityFiscalYear() { return universityFiscalYear; } public void setUniversityFiscalYear(Integer universityFiscalYear) { this.universityFiscalYear = universityFiscalYear; } }