/* * The Kuali Financial System, a comprehensive financial management system for higher education. * * Copyright 2005-2014 The Kuali Foundation * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.kuali.kfs.module.bc.document.dataaccess.impl; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.UUID; import org.kuali.kfs.module.bc.BCConstants; import org.kuali.kfs.module.bc.batch.dataaccess.impl.SQLForStep; import org.kuali.kfs.module.bc.document.dataaccess.BudgetConstructionSalarySummaryReportDao; import org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.type.KualiDecimal; /** * builds the underlying data table for the salary summary report in budget construction */ public class BudgetConstructionSalarySummaryReportDaoJdbc extends BudgetConstructionDaoJdbcBase implements BudgetConstructionSalarySummaryReportDao { private static org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(BudgetConstructionSalarySummaryReportDaoJdbc.class); protected static ArrayList<SQLForStep> updateReportsSalarySummaryThreshold = new ArrayList<SQLForStep>(7); protected static ArrayList<SQLForStep> salarySummaryAboveThreshold = new ArrayList<SQLForStep>(1); protected static ArrayList<SQLForStep> salarySummaryBelowThreshold = new ArrayList<SQLForStep>(1); protected static ArrayList<SQLForStep> updateReportsSalarySummaryNoThresholdReason = new ArrayList<SQLForStep>(1); protected static ArrayList<SQLForStep> updateReportsSalarySummaryNoThresholdNoReason = new ArrayList<SQLForStep>(1); protected static ArrayList<SQLForStep> updateReportsSalarySummaryCommon = new ArrayList<SQLForStep>(2); public BudgetConstructionSalarySummaryReportDaoJdbc() { // builds and updates SalarySummaryReports ArrayList<Integer> insertionPoints = new ArrayList<Integer>(10); StringBuilder sqlText = new StringBuilder(1500); /* get no leave bcaf, bcsf and posn info first */ sqlText.append("INSERT INTO LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM01_MT \n"); sqlText.append(" (SESID, EMPLID, POSITION_NBR, SAL_AMT, SAL_PCT, SAL_MTHS, POS_CSF_AMT, POS_CSF_TM_PCT, SAL_PMTHS) \n"); sqlText.append("SELECT ?, bcaf.emplid, bcaf.position_nbr, bcaf.appt_rqst_amt, bcaf.appt_rqst_tm_pct, bcaf.appt_fnd_mo, bcsf.pos_csf_amt, bcsf.pos_csf_tm_pct, posn.iu_pay_months \n"); sqlText.append("FROM (LD_PNDBC_APPTFND_T bcaf LEFT OUTER JOIN LD_BCN_CSF_TRCKR_T bcsf \n"); sqlText.append(" ON ((bcaf.fin_coa_cd = bcsf.fin_coa_cd) AND (bcaf.account_nbr = bcsf.account_nbr) \n"); sqlText.append(" AND(bcaf.sub_acct_nbr = bcsf.sub_acct_nbr) AND (bcaf.fin_object_cd = bcsf.fin_object_cd) \n"); sqlText.append(" AND(bcaf.fin_sub_obj_cd = bcsf.fin_sub_obj_cd) AND (bcaf.position_nbr = bcsf.position_nbr)\n"); sqlText.append(" AND(bcaf.emplid = bcsf.emplid) AND (bcaf.univ_fiscal_yr= bcsf.univ_fiscal_yr))),\n"); sqlText.append(" LD_BCN_POS_T posn, LD_BCN_CTRL_LIST_T ctrl, LD_BCN_OBJ_PICK_T pick\n"); sqlText.append("WHERE ctrl.person_unvl_id = ? \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.univ_fiscal_yr = ctrl.univ_fiscal_yr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.fin_coa_cd = ctrl.fin_coa_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.account_nbr = ctrl.account_nbr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.sub_acct_nbr = ctrl.sub_acct_nbr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.emplid <> '"); // empolyee ID for a vacant line in budget construction CSF and appointment funding insertionPoints.add(sqlText.length()); sqlText.append("' \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.appt_fnd_dur_cd = '"); // default appointment funding duration code insertionPoints.add(sqlText.length()); sqlText.append("' \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.fin_object_cd = pick.fin_object_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND pick.person_unvl_id = ctrl.person_unvl_id \n"); sqlText.append(" AND pick.select_flag > 0 \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.univ_fiscal_yr = posn.univ_fiscal_yr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.position_nbr = posn.position_nbr \n"); updateReportsSalarySummaryThreshold.add(new SQLForStep(sqlText, insertionPoints)); sqlText.delete(0, sqlText.length()); insertionPoints.clear(); /* get leave flagged bcaf, bcsf and posn info first */ /* uses leave related info from bcaf, etc */ sqlText.append("INSERT INTO LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM01_MT \n"); sqlText.append("(SESID, EMPLID, POSITION_NBR, SAL_AMT, SAL_PCT, SAL_MTHS, \n"); sqlText.append(" POS_CSF_AMT, POS_CSF_TM_PCT, SAL_PMTHS) \n"); sqlText.append("SELECT ?, bcaf.emplid, bcaf.position_nbr, bcaf.appt_rqst_csf_amt, bcaf.appt_rqcsf_tm_pct, posn.iu_norm_work_months, \n"); sqlText.append(" bcsf.pos_csf_amt, bcsf.pos_csf_tm_pct, posn.iu_pay_months \n"); sqlText.append("FROM (LD_PNDBC_APPTFND_T bcaf LEFT OUTER JOIN LD_BCN_CSF_TRCKR_T bcsf \n"); sqlText.append(" ON ((bcaf.fin_coa_cd = bcsf.fin_coa_cd) AND (bcaf.account_nbr = bcsf.account_nbr) \n"); sqlText.append("AND (bcaf.sub_acct_nbr = bcsf.sub_acct_nbr) AND (bcaf.fin_object_cd = bcsf.fin_object_cd) \n"); sqlText.append("AND (bcaf.fin_sub_obj_cd = bcsf.fin_sub_obj_cd) AND (bcaf.position_nbr = bcsf.position_nbr) \n"); sqlText.append("AND (bcaf.emplid = bcsf.emplid) AND (bcaf.univ_fiscal_yr= bcsf.univ_fiscal_yr))), LD_BCN_POS_T posn, LD_BCN_CTRL_LIST_T ctrl, LD_BCN_OBJ_PICK_T pick \n"); sqlText.append("WHERE ctrl.person_unvl_id = ? \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.univ_fiscal_yr = ctrl.univ_fiscal_yr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.fin_coa_cd = ctrl.fin_coa_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.account_nbr = ctrl.account_nbr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.sub_acct_nbr = ctrl.sub_acct_nbr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.emplid <> '\n"); // empolyee ID for a vacant line in budget construction CSF and appointment funding insertionPoints.add(sqlText.length()); sqlText.append("' \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.appt_fnd_dur_cd <> '"); // defualt appointment funding duration code insertionPoints.add(sqlText.length()); sqlText.append("' \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.fin_object_cd = pick.fin_object_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND pick.person_unvl_id = ctrl.person_unvl_id \n"); sqlText.append(" AND pick.select_flag > 0 \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.univ_fiscal_yr = posn.univ_fiscal_yr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.position_nbr = posn.position_nbr \n"); updateReportsSalarySummaryThreshold.add(new SQLForStep(sqlText, insertionPoints)); sqlText.delete(0, sqlText.length()); insertionPoints.clear(); /* for each emplid, find the record with the largest salary (break ties by taking the row with the smallest position number and largest funding months) */ sqlText.append("INSERT INTO LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM02_MT \n"); sqlText.append("(SESID, EMPLID, SAL_MTHS, SAL_PMTHS) \n"); sqlText.append("SELECT DISTINCT ?, sd.emplid, sd.sal_mths, sd.sal_pmths \n"); sqlText.append("FROM LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM01_MT sd \n"); sqlText.append("WHERE sesid = ? \n"); sqlText.append("AND sd.sal_amt = (SELECT max(sd2.sal_amt) \n"); sqlText.append(" FROM LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM01_MT sd2\n"); sqlText.append(" WHERE sd2.sesid = sd.sesid AND sd2.emplid = sd.emplid)\n"); sqlText.append("AND sd.sal_mths = (SELECT max(sd4.sal_mths) \n"); sqlText.append(" FROM LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM01_MT sd4\n"); sqlText.append(" WHERE sd4.sesid = sd.sesid AND sd4.emplid = sd.emplid AND sd4.sal_amt = sd.sal_amt)\n"); sqlText.append("AND sd.position_nbr = (SELECT min(sd3.position_nbr) \n"); sqlText.append(" FROM LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM01_MT sd3\n"); sqlText.append(" WHERE sd3.sesid = sd.sesid \n"); sqlText.append(" AND sd3.emplid = sd.emplid AND sd3.sal_amt = sd.sal_amt AND sd3.sal_mths = sd.sal_mths) \n"); updateReportsSalarySummaryThreshold.add(new SQLForStep(sqlText)); sqlText.delete(0, sqlText.length()); /* for each emplid, find the CSF from the previous year with the largest salary (break ties by taking the row with the smallest position number */ sqlText.append("INSERT INTO LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM03_MT\n"); sqlText.append("(SESID, EMPLID, CSF_MTHS, CSF_PMTHS) \n"); sqlText.append("SELECT DISTINCT ?, sd.emplid, p.iu_norm_work_months, p.iu_pay_months \n"); sqlText.append("FROM LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM01_MT sd, LD_BCN_POS_T p \n"); sqlText.append("WHERE sesid = ? \n"); sqlText.append(" AND sd.pos_csf_amt = (SELECT max(sd2.pos_csf_amt) \n"); sqlText.append(" FROM LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM01_MT sd2\n"); sqlText.append(" WHERE sd2.sesid = sd.sesid AND sd2.emplid = sd.emplid) \n"); sqlText.append(" AND sd.position_nbr = (SELECT min(sd3.position_nbr) \n"); sqlText.append(" FROM LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM01_MT sd3\n"); sqlText.append(" WHERE sd3.sesid = sd.sesid AND sd3.emplid = sd.emplid AND sd3.pos_csf_amt = sd.pos_csf_amt) \n"); sqlText.append(" AND p.univ_fiscal_yr = ? AND p.position_nbr = sd.position_nbr \n"); updateReportsSalarySummaryThreshold.add(new SQLForStep(sqlText)); sqlText.delete(0, sqlText.length()); /* merge the sal max,csf max info and sums to one table */ sqlText.append("INSERT INTO LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM04_MT \n"); sqlText.append("(SESID, EMPLID, POS_CSF_AMT, RES_CSF_AMT, POS_CSF_TM_PCT, \n"); sqlText.append(" SAL_AMT, SAL_PCT, SAL_MTHS, SAL_PMTHS, CSF_MTHS, CSF_PMTHS) \n"); sqlText.append("SELECT ?, sm.emplid, SUM(COALESCE(sd.pos_csf_amt,0)), 0, SUM(COALESCE(sd.pos_csf_tm_pct,0)), \n"); sqlText.append(" SUM(COALESCE(sd.sal_amt,0)), SUM(COALESCE(sd.sal_pct,0)), sm.sal_mths, sm.sal_pmths, COALESCE(cm.csf_mths,0), COALESCE(cm.csf_pmths,0) \n"); sqlText.append("FROM (LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM02_MT sm LEFT OUTER JOIN LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM03_MT cm \n"); sqlText.append(" ON ((sm.sesid = cm.sesid) AND (sm.emplid = cm.emplid))),\n"); sqlText.append(" LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM01_MT sd \n"); sqlText.append("WHERE sm.sesid = ? \n"); sqlText.append(" AND sd.sesid = sm.sesid \n"); sqlText.append(" AND sd.emplid = sm.emplid \n"); sqlText.append("GROUP BY sm.emplid, sm.sal_mths, sm.sal_pmths, cm.csf_mths, cm.csf_pmths \n"); updateReportsSalarySummaryThreshold.add(new SQLForStep(sqlText)); sqlText.delete(0, sqlText.length()); /* restate the csf for all records, adjusting it so that it reflects changes in months appointment and percent time. */ /* the adjustment factor is (req pct time/base pct time)(req mnths appt/req position mnths appt)/(base mnths appt)/(base position mnths appt)*/ sqlText.append("UPDATE LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM04_MT \n"); sqlText.append("SET res_csf_amt = ROUND(COALESCE(((pos_csf_amt * sal_pct * sal_mths * csf_pmths) \n"); sqlText.append(" / (pos_csf_tm_pct * csf_mths * sal_pmths)), 0.00),0) \n"); sqlText.append("WHERE sesid = ? AND pos_csf_tm_pct <> 0 AND csf_mths <> 0 AND sal_pmths <> 0 \n"); updateReportsSalarySummaryThreshold.add(new SQLForStep(sqlText)); sqlText.delete(0, sqlText.length()); /* restate the csf amt for change in fte scale */ sqlText.append("UPDATE LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM04_MT \n"); sqlText.append("SET res_csf_amt = ROUND(COALESCE(((res_csf_amt * sal_pmths) / csf_pmths), 0.00),0) \n"); sqlText.append("WHERE sesid = ? AND sal_pmths <> csf_pmths AND csf_pmths <> 0 \n"); updateReportsSalarySummaryThreshold.add(new SQLForStep(sqlText)); sqlText.delete(0, sqlText.length()); /* produce emplid set for recs >= threshold */ sqlText.append("INSERT INTO LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM05_MT \n"); sqlText.append("(SESID, EMPLID) \n"); sqlText.append("SELECT ?, emplid \n"); sqlText.append("FROM LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM04_MT \n"); sqlText.append("WHERE sesid = ? \n"); sqlText.append(" AND ROUND((((sal_amt - res_csf_amt) / res_csf_amt) * 100),1) >= ? \n"); sqlText.append(" AND res_csf_amt <> 0 \n"); sqlText.append(" AND sal_amt <> 0 \n"); salarySummaryAboveThreshold.add(new SQLForStep(sqlText)); sqlText.delete(0, sqlText.length()); /* produce emplid set for recs <= threshold */ sqlText.append("INSERT INTO LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM05_MT \n"); sqlText.append("(SESID, EMPLID) \n"); sqlText.append("SELECT ?, emplid \n"); sqlText.append("FROM LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM04_MT \n"); sqlText.append("WHERE sesid = ? \n"); sqlText.append(" AND ROUND((((sal_amt - res_csf_amt) / res_csf_amt) * 100),1) <= ? \n"); sqlText.append(" AND res_csf_amt <> 0 \n"); sqlText.append(" AND sal_amt <> 0 \n"); salarySummaryBelowThreshold.add(new SQLForStep(sqlText)); sqlText.delete(0, sqlText.length()); /* get EMPLIDs with at least one reason rec from the list of select reasons */ sqlText.append("INSERT INTO LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM05_MT\n"); sqlText.append("(SESID, EMPLID) \n"); sqlText.append("SELECT DISTINCT ?, bcaf.emplid \n"); sqlText.append("FROM LD_BCN_CTRL_LIST_T ctrl, LD_PNDBC_APPTFND_T bcaf, LD_BCN_OBJ_PICK_T pick, LD_BCN_AF_REASON_T reas, LD_BCN_RSN_CD_PK_T rpk \n"); sqlText.append("WHERE ctrl.person_unvl_id = ? \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.univ_fiscal_yr = ctrl.univ_fiscal_yr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.fin_coa_cd = ctrl.fin_coa_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.account_nbr = ctrl.account_nbr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.sub_acct_nbr = ctrl.sub_acct_nbr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.emplid <> '"); // empolyee ID for a vacant line in budget construction CSF and appointment funding insertionPoints.add(sqlText.length()); sqlText.append("' \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.fin_object_cd = pick.fin_object_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND pick.person_unvl_id = ctrl.person_unvl_id \n"); sqlText.append(" AND pick.select_flag > 0 \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.univ_fiscal_yr = reas.univ_fiscal_yr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.fin_coa_cd = reas.fin_coa_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.account_nbr = reas.account_nbr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.sub_acct_nbr = reas.sub_acct_nbr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.fin_object_cd = reas.fin_object_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.fin_sub_obj_cd = reas.fin_sub_obj_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.position_nbr = reas.position_nbr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.emplid = reas.emplid \n"); sqlText.append(" AND reas.appt_fnd_reason_cd = rpk.appt_fnd_reason_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND rpk.person_unvl_id = ctrl.person_unvl_id \n"); sqlText.append(" AND rpk.select_flag <> 0 \n"); updateReportsSalarySummaryNoThresholdReason.add(new SQLForStep(sqlText, insertionPoints)); sqlText.delete(0, sqlText.length()); insertionPoints.clear(); /* get all EMPLIDs for the selection */ sqlText.append("INSERT INTO LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM05_MT \n"); sqlText.append("(SESID, EMPLID) \n"); sqlText.append("SELECT DISTINCT ?, bcaf.emplid \n"); sqlText.append("FROM LD_BCN_CTRL_LIST_T ctrl, LD_PNDBC_APPTFND_T bcaf, LD_BCN_OBJ_PICK_T pick \n"); sqlText.append("WHERE ctrl.person_unvl_id = ? \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.univ_fiscal_yr = ctrl.univ_fiscal_yr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.fin_coa_cd = ctrl.fin_coa_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.account_nbr = ctrl.account_nbr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.sub_acct_nbr = ctrl.sub_acct_nbr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.emplid <> '"); // empolyee ID for a vacant line in budget construction CSF and appointment funding insertionPoints.add(sqlText.length()); sqlText.append("' \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.fin_object_cd = pick.fin_object_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND pick.person_unvl_id = ctrl.person_unvl_id \n"); sqlText.append(" AND pick.select_flag > 0 \n"); updateReportsSalarySummaryNoThresholdNoReason.add(new SQLForStep(sqlText, insertionPoints)); sqlText.delete(0, sqlText.length()); insertionPoints.clear(); /* these are the two common driving SQL statements for all the reports */ /* get the name recs for the set of EMPLIDs */ sqlText.append("INSERT INTO LD_BCN_SAL_SSN_T \n"); sqlText.append("(PERSON_UNVL_ID, ORG_FIN_COA_CD, ORG_CD, PERSON_NM, EMPLID)"); sqlText.append("SELECT DISTINCT ?, ctrl.sel_org_fin_coa, ctrl.sel_org_cd, iinc.person_nm, bcaf.emplid \n"); sqlText.append("FROM LD_BCN_CTRL_LIST_T ctrl, LD_PNDBC_APPTFND_T bcaf, LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM05_MT tssn, LD_BCN_OBJ_PICK_T pick, LD_BCN_INTINCBNT_T iinc \n"); sqlText.append("WHERE ctrl.person_unvl_id = ? \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.fin_coa_cd = ctrl.fin_coa_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.account_nbr = ctrl.account_nbr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.sub_acct_nbr = ctrl.sub_acct_nbr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.emplid = iinc.emplid \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.emplid = tssn.emplid \n"); sqlText.append(" AND tssn.sesid = ? \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.fin_object_cd = pick.fin_object_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND pick.person_unvl_id = ctrl.person_unvl_id \n"); sqlText.append(" AND pick.select_flag > 0 \n"); updateReportsSalarySummaryCommon.add(new SQLForStep(sqlText)); sqlText.delete(0, sqlText.length()); /* get the detail recs for the set of EMPLIDs */ sqlText.append("INSERT INTO LD_BCN_SAL_FND_T \n"); sqlText.append("(PERSON_UNVL_ID, EMPLID, POSITION_NBR, UNIV_FISCAL_YR, FIN_COA_CD, \n"); sqlText.append(" ACCOUNT_NBR, SUB_ACCT_NBR, FIN_OBJECT_CD, FIN_SUB_OBJ_CD) \n"); sqlText.append("SELECT DISTINCT ?, bcaf.emplid, bcaf.position_nbr, bcaf.univ_fiscal_yr, bcaf.fin_coa_cd, \n"); sqlText.append(" bcaf.account_nbr, bcaf.sub_acct_nbr, bcaf.fin_object_cd, bcaf.fin_sub_obj_cd \n"); sqlText.append("FROM LD_BCN_CTRL_LIST_T ctrl, LD_PNDBC_APPTFND_T bcaf, LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM05_MT tssn, LD_BCN_OBJ_PICK_T pick \n"); sqlText.append("WHERE ctrl.person_unvl_id = ? \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.univ_fiscal_yr = ctrl.univ_fiscal_yr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.fin_coa_cd = ctrl.fin_coa_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.account_nbr = ctrl.account_nbr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.sub_acct_nbr = ctrl.sub_acct_nbr \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.emplid = tssn.emplid \n"); sqlText.append(" AND tssn.sesid = ? \n"); sqlText.append(" AND bcaf.fin_object_cd = pick.fin_object_cd \n"); sqlText.append(" AND pick.person_unvl_id = ctrl.person_unvl_id \n"); sqlText.append(" AND pick.select_flag > 0 \n"); updateReportsSalarySummaryCommon.add(new SQLForStep(sqlText)); sqlText.delete(0, sqlText.length()); } /** * clean out all rows in the report tables associated with this user * * @param principalName--the user requesting the report */ protected void clearUserPreviouSalarySummaryReports(String principalName) { this.clearTempTableByUnvlId("LD_BCN_SAL_SSN_T", "PERSON_UNVL_ID", principalName); this.clearTempTableByUnvlId("LD_BCN_SAL_FND_T", "PERSON_UNVL_ID", principalName); } /** * clean out the work table used by all reports * * @param idForSession--the session which requested the report */ protected void clearCommonWorkTable(String idForSession) { this.clearTempTableBySesId("LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM05_MT", "SESID", idForSession); } /** * clean out the work tables for reporting by threshold * * @param idForSession--the session which requested the report */ protected void clearThresholdWorkTables(String idForSession) { this.clearTempTableBySesId("LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM01_MT", "SESID", idForSession); this.clearTempTableBySesId("LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM02_MT", "SESID", idForSession); this.clearTempTableBySesId("LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM03_MT", "SESID", idForSession); this.clearTempTableBySesId("LD_BCN_BUILD_SALSUMM04_MT", "SESID", idForSession); } /** * runs SQL used by every report * * @param principalName--the user requesting the report * @param idForSession--the session of the user */ protected void runCommonSQLForSalaryReports(String principalName, String idForSession) { getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(updateReportsSalarySummaryCommon.get(0).getSQL(), principalName, principalName, idForSession); getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(updateReportsSalarySummaryCommon.get(1).getSQL(), principalName, principalName, idForSession); clearCommonWorkTable(idForSession); } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.module.bc.document.dataaccess.BudgetConstructionSalarySummaryReportDao#salarySummaryReports(java.lang.String, * java.lang.Integer, boolean, org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.type.KualiDecimal) */ @Override public void updateSalaryAndReasonSummaryReportsWithThreshold(String principalName, Integer previousFiscalYear, boolean reportGreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold, KualiDecimal threshold) { // get the session ID String idForSession = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); // clean out anything left from a previous report requested by this user clearUserPreviouSalarySummaryReports(principalName); // default duration code is inserted into a couple of the SQL queries--get it now ArrayList<String> durationCodeDefault = new ArrayList<String>(2); durationCodeDefault.add(BCConstants.VACANT_EMPLID); durationCodeDefault.add(BCConstants.AppointmentFundingDurationCodes.NONE.durationCode); // fetch the base and request salary parameters for people who are marked as not going on leave getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(updateReportsSalarySummaryThreshold.get(0).getSQL(durationCodeDefault), idForSession, principalName); // fetch the base and request salary parameters for people who are marked as going on leave getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(updateReportsSalarySummaryThreshold.get(1).getSQL(durationCodeDefault), idForSession, principalName); // take request percent time, months appointment, and position months from the row with the largest request salary getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(updateReportsSalarySummaryThreshold.get(2).getSQL(), idForSession, idForSession); // take base percent time, months appointment, and position months from the row with the largest base salary getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(updateReportsSalarySummaryThreshold.get(3).getSQL(), idForSession, idForSession, previousFiscalYear); // combine the base and request months/percent time/position months into a single table getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(updateReportsSalarySummaryThreshold.get(4).getSQL(), idForSession, idForSession); // adjust the base salary so that it reflects the same appointment parameters as the request salary (increase it if the // person will work 12 months this year, but worked only 10 last year, for example) getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(updateReportsSalarySummaryThreshold.get(5).getSQL(), idForSession); // adjust the base salary for changes in the position months versus last year getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(updateReportsSalarySummaryThreshold.get(6).getSQL(), idForSession); // the salaries taken will either be above or below the threshold // April 09, 2008: Jdbc (at least Oracle's implementation) chokes on a KualiDecimal, with a message that says // "illegal column type" // a simple cast to Number has the same result // using the code below works BigDecimal thresholdValue = threshold.bigDecimalValue(); if (reportGreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold) { getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(salarySummaryAboveThreshold.get(0).getSQL(), idForSession, idForSession, thresholdValue); } else { getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(salarySummaryBelowThreshold.get(0).getSQL(), idForSession, idForSession, thresholdValue); } // populate the holding table with the rows to be reported // (only request is reported--the base was manipulated above to identify people above and below the threshold) // name records for the rows to be reported getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(updateReportsSalarySummaryCommon.get(0).getSQL(), principalName, principalName, idForSession); // salary data for the rows to be reported getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(updateReportsSalarySummaryCommon.get(1).getSQL(), principalName, principalName, idForSession); // clear out the threshold work tables for this session clearThresholdWorkTables(idForSession); // clear out the common work table for this session clearCommonWorkTable(idForSession); } /** * @see org.kuali.kfs.module.bc.document.dataaccess.BudgetConstructionSalarySummaryReportDao#reasonSummaryReports(java.lang.String, * boolean) */ @Override public void updateSalaryAndReasonSummaryReportsWithoutThreshold(String principalName, boolean listSalariesWithReasonCodes) { // get the session ID String idForSession = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); // get the insertion String for the vacant EMPLID ArrayList<String> vacantEmplid = new ArrayList<String>(1); vacantEmplid.add(BCConstants.VACANT_EMPLID); // clean out anything left from a previous report requested by this user clearUserPreviouSalarySummaryReports(principalName); // the option exists to report only those people with a salary increase reason code, or to report everyone if (listSalariesWithReasonCodes) { getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(updateReportsSalarySummaryNoThresholdReason.get(0).getSQL(vacantEmplid), idForSession, principalName); } else { getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(updateReportsSalarySummaryNoThresholdNoReason.get(0).getSQL(vacantEmplid), idForSession, principalName); } // populate the holding table with the rows to be reported // name records for the rows to be reported getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(updateReportsSalarySummaryCommon.get(0).getSQL(), principalName, principalName, idForSession); // salary data for the rows to be reported getSimpleJdbcTemplate().update(updateReportsSalarySummaryCommon.get(1).getSQL(), principalName, principalName, idForSession); // clear out the common work table for this session clearCommonWorkTable(idForSession); } }